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商务英语沟通技能说案(课程) 主讲:陈思毅 应用外语系.

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Presentation on theme: "商务英语沟通技能说案(课程) 主讲:陈思毅 应用外语系."— Presentation transcript:

1 商务英语沟通技能说案(课程) 主讲:陈思毅 应用外语系

2 学前分析 教学方法 学法指导 教学准备 教学程序

3 学生分析 知识水平 先修课程:《商务礼仪》、《英美文化》 同修课程: 《商务英语写作》、《外贸函电》、《商务英语翻译》 学习能力
理解力强,但动手能力一般,模仿能力有待提高。 心理特点 厌倦枯燥的文字表述,喜欢生动直观的有声有色的影音、图文演示。 学生分析

4 教材及资源分析 自编教材 《Communicating in English》, 韩小兴, 2006年; 参考书
《商务沟通—原则与实践》,Adler & Elmhost,北京大学出版社,ISBN: ; 《跨文化商务沟通案例分析》,庄恩平, 上海外语教育出版社,ISBN: ; 《新视野商务英语视听说(上册)》,马龙海 主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2006 年9月,ISBN: ; 《朗文商务致胜英语会话》,(英)比尔博(Bilbow,G.T.),外语教学与研究出版社,2005 年7月,ISBN: X; 《商务英语阅读》,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年7月,ISBN: 。

5 网络资源 工具资源:

6 多媒体课件辅助教学

7 课程分析 课程名称:商务英语沟通技能 学 分: 4 授课对象:10商务英语(专科)

8 旨在提高学生在实际商务活动情境中与其他人交往和沟通的能力。
教学目标 主要包括交流过程、口头表达、倾听、非语言交流、面谈、求职方法、与上司、下属、同事沟通的方法,以及与顾客沟通的技巧等。 自我管理和发展的能力 与人共事相处的能力 交流沟通能力 完成任务和解决问题的能力 数字技术运用能力 设备软件运用能力 创新和设计能力 旨在提高学生在实际商务活动情境中与其他人交往和沟通的能力。 知识目标 课程目标 职业能力目标

9 Common Skill Outcome Managing and Developing Self
1: Manage own roles and responsibilities 2: Manage own time in achieving objectives 3: Undertakes personal and career development 4: Transfer skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts Working with and Relating to Others 5: Treat others' values, beliefs and opinions with respect 6: Relate to and interact effectively with individuals and groups 7: Work effectively as a member of a team Communicating 8: Receive and respond to a variety of information 9: Present information in a variety of visual forms 10: Communicate in writing 11: Participate in oral and non-verbal communication Managing Tasks and Solving Problems 12: Use information sources 13: Deal with a combination of routine and non-routine problems 14: Identify and solve routine and non-routine problems Applying Numeracy 15: Apply numerical skills and techniques Applying Technology 16: Use a range of technological equipment and systems Applying Design and Creativity 17: Apply a range of skills and techniques to develop a variety of ideas in the creation of new/modified products, services or situations 18: Use a range of thought processes

10 Grade Criteria Distinction Merit Pass Redone
Check validity when collecting, analyzing and processing complex information Evaluate and synthesize relevant theories and techniques to generate and justify valid conclusions. Show an individual approach in presenting and communicating work coherently, using technical language fluently. Merit Use a range of methods and techniques to collect, analyze and produce information/data. Apply and analyze detailed knowledge and skills, using relevant theories and techniques. Coherently present and communicate work using technical language accurately. Pass Collect, analyze and produce information/data, using certain methods and techniques with some assistance. Make brief analysis about relevant theory Express one’s own work with simple terminology. Redone Insufficient information logic reasoning No practical use

11 课程内容 Week Lesson Content 1 Lesson 1 Communication Basics Lesson 2 2
3 Lesson 5 Cross-Cultural Communication Lesson 6 4 Lesson 7 Business Expressions Lesson 8 5 Lesson 9 Preparatory Work for Virtual Companies Lesson 10 Interpersonal Skills 6 Lesson 11 Job Interviews Lesson 12 Jobs & Responsibilities 7 Lesson 13 Telephone Calls Lesson 14 Before we go into this unit, let’s spend a few minute to do a brief review of the previously learnt and practiced units. Purpose: Use familiar content to warm up. Check mastery of lower level language Add repetition, and foster real acquisition Remind students how the language is developed through a spiral sequence through our course, and that the practice at lower level course paves the way to higher level competence. If students cannot do the following activities with easy and reasonable fluency, that means they haven’t really acquire the language of that level yet. They need to be directed to do more review exercises in the previous modules and units. Going backward like this is actually the fastest way to move forward.

12 8 Lesson 15 Business Travel Lesson 16 9 Lesson 17 Business Meetings Lesson 18 10 Lesson 19 Performance Conclusion Lesson 20 11 Lesson 21 Receiving Visitors Lesson 22 12 Lesson 23 Business Dinner Lesson 24 13 Lesson 25 Working in teams Lesson 26 14 Lesson 27 Presentations Lesson 28 15 Lesson 29 Model Trade Fair Lesson 30 16 Lesson 31 Project Closed Lesson 32 Review

13 第一部分 第二部分 商务英语沟通技能 “虚拟公司”操作 商务英语沟通技能 基础认知

14 重点 难点 Lessons 1-4 Communication Basics
Lessons 9-10 Interviewing Lessons Jobs & Responsibilities Lessons Telephone Calls Lessons Business Meetings Lessons Receiving Visitors Lessons Presentations Lessons Model Trade Fair Lesson 5 -6 Cross-Cultural Communication Lessons 7-8 Business Expressions Lessons Business Travel Lessons Lessons Business Dinner Lessons Working in teams

15  虚拟公司操作流程




19 五个虚拟公司可供借鉴 网站操作平台 (输入公司英文名字即可找到公司信息)
枫 贸易公司Maple Trade Cop 专营时装及染料贸易 乐园贸易有限公司Fairyland Trade Co. Ltd. 专营时装及布料贸易 佛山安梦床上用品有限公司Foshan Anmos Bedding Co.,Ltd 专营床上用品贸易 无限企业Unlimited Corporation 专营糖果、时装及铝材贸易 跨海贸易公司 OST 专营水果及相关半成品加工生产和贸易

20 课程面向岗位群 英语导游 外贸采购 销售助理 电子商务 酒店管理 前景无限好

21 教学方法 项目+任务驱动型(Programme & Task- oriented)
--开展3大调研项目,结合多个英语商务情景实践演练,重点演练3大商务情景。运用案例教学法、引导发现法、自学辅导法、情境教学法、调查报告作业法。 小班授课,强调师生互动、班际互动,精讲多练。 课堂教学与课外实践相结合。 多媒体教学手段。充分利用各种有声音像资料, 运用摄像,录音设备及多媒体播放工具。

22 考核内容 百分比 平时 成绩 学期课业 50% 考勤 10% 期末考试 40% 考核评分方法

23 课程考核内容与要求、评分标准及学生反馈综合表(Assignment Guide)
Teacher Mirror if you want to make any progress, what do you have to do first ? look at yourself If you want to look beautiful and dress well everyday, what do you have to do? look at yourself in the mirror first, realizing how you look now and what you need! Teacher is just like a mirror for you!—to show how you look, sound in English. The more active you show, the more progress you will make!

24 学法指导 坚持“以学生为中心,以能力为本位”的教学理念。
以提高学生动手能力和模仿能力为主,使用各种手段提高学生的学习兴趣,改变学生的被动学习状态为主动学习。 深化学法观念。帮助学生从“学会”向“会学”转变。 课内指导和课外支持。

25 课程答疑 教师姓名:陈思毅 答疑时间:星期三5-6节、星期四3-4节 办公地点:外语系办公室 电 话:13415457418
电 话: QQ :

26 教学准备 教具 纸质教案和CAI课件 课程介绍 教材及参考资源 多媒体设备(电脑、投影仪、音响公放、麦克风) 相关影视音像素材

27 (listening& responding,
教学程序(课内) Warm-up Sum-up Ss Activity (listening& responding, listening & group discussion) Ss Elicit information and knowledge Question& Answer

28 Question & discussions
教学程序(课外) Activities & games Role play video & listening Interaction! Question & discussions Seminar Feedback Comments Work Record

29 Thanks ! Have a nice day! 

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