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创立者:赵 • 建 • 华

2 Work Study 1 2.1 Introduction
Work study derives from the work of F.W.Taylor.‘Taylorism’has been blamed for much that was wrong in the management of large engineering enterprises:for the way in which it led to a fragmentation of labor,the breakdown of jobs into tasks that were reduced to simple movements at set speeds,

3 depriving the workforce of any need for skill or intelligence.This does not mean that the principles of work study should be rejected. Processes in the best—run factories can still benefit from studying the sequence and timing of operations.and method study can be of great utility in small factories and workshops.especially if it is complemented by team working.

4 Work study can also be a useful tool for teams engaged in some of the newer process
improvement approaches such as Six Sigma teams (see Chapter 4)and Team Oriented Problem Solving (see Appendix 2).

5 This chapter explains the purposes of work study,describing its two parts,method
Study and work measurement.

British Standard 『31] defines work study as‘the systematic examination of activities in order to improve the effective use of human and other resources’.The proper objective of work study is to ensure that the time and talents of every individual and the operational time of every machine are used effectively.Ideally,this should result in improved productivity and profitability,maintaining employment at higher rates of pay and with greater job satisfaction.

7 1 2.3 Method STUDY BS defines method study as 'the systematic recording(sic)and critical examination of ways of doing things in order to make improvements’. Therefore,method study can be applied at all operational levels from the narrowly defined interaction between an operative and a machine to,say,a just—in—time materials supply system.

8 Method study procedures are defined by the steps below:
Select the work to be studied. Record all the relevant facts. Critically examine (analyze) the recorded facts. Develop proposals for improved methods.Choose a solution from a short list of solutions. Implement the solution. REPEAT the procedure as appropriate.

9 12.3.1 Flow process charts and diagrams
A flow process chart shows the sequence of the individual operations that make up the task or process.It should be noted that preparing a flow process chart is a usual first step in any form of process or quality improvement,for all sorts of processes,not just engineering ones.

10 An aluminium alloy window frame consists of three elements.Assume that
the three elements are manufactured in a workshop and that within the same workshop the th ree elements are assembled and then insulated,after which

11 1 2.3.3 Interrogative method
This method will usually be used in conjunction with the analysis described in the preceding subsections.The principle is that questions are asked of each activity or task.The questions are: WHAT is done? HOW is it done? Who carries out the task? WHEN is it done? Why is it done? At that time and so on.

12 1 2.4 WoRK MEASUREMENT Work measurement is concerned with measuring the times needed for specific tasks.This is essential information for planners and for estimators.It will be equally apparent from the foregoing section that measuring the time taken for selected operations will be important in method study.

13 The objectives of work measurement can be summarized as follows: ·To assist in method study. ·To assist in planning and scheduling of labor.plant and materials ·To assist in cost contr01. ·To compare different methods of working. ·To provide a basis for incentive schemes. ·To assist in implementing total quality management.

14 BS 3 1 3 8 defines work measurement as ‘the application of techniques designed to
establish the time for a qualified worker (sic)to carry out a task at a defined rate of working’.

15 12.4.1 Predetermined motion-time systems(PMTS)
PMTS come under the field of work study known internationally as methods— time measurement(MTM).MTM examines the time taken for basic human motions such as to grasp something,or press a key,or bend an elbow.The times taken for these movements are very short and MTM’s time measurement 245

16 1 2.4.2 Time study Time study uses observed times and conveys them into standard times.Observed times reflect how well the individual worker applies himself or herself to the task.Consequently,observed times must be adjusted to represent the time the worker would have taken if he or she had been working at a standard rating.

17 Each measurement of time must be accompanied by an assessment of how much above or below a standard rating the employee is working.Clearly this is a subjective measure and one that is most reliable only where the time study engineers have considerable experience.The principle of assessing a rating for an individuals that if he or she works at half the standard rating.the task will take twice as long.

18 1 2.5 SUMMARY This chapter has provided a brief outline of the principles of work study and described a number of the techniques used in both method study and work measurement.For method study,flow charts and diagrams。multiple activity charts and the interrogative method have been illustrated.For work measurement. PMTS and time study procedures have been described and illustrated.

19 一、英语突击有捷径 英语学习对成年人及部分高年级大学生来讲,十分枯燥,就业后的大学毕业生如果没有涉外职业,外语知识很快遗忘,随着年龄增大,杂事繁多,记忆负担过重,重新捡起英语是很难的,不过,如果要考考博、考托福或职称考试,进行短期内突击还是有效的。以下是本人为自己及考研学生设计的突击模式,供参考。

20 二英腾斯英语学习法: 确立突击目标 测定词汇量 选择阅读材料(1、2、3) 词典的选择 巧记生词学以致用 保持词汇量

21 三、确立突击目标 确定应考者水平是整个突击计划的依据,根据考试要求,选定一本词汇表,对自己进行词汇测试,测定时随机抽检10%的页码进行测试,进行大概测算。如一专科学生考党校系统研究生,就选用上海教育出版社《大学英语教学大纲》通用词汇表(1-4级)测得正确率为30%,则其词汇量约为1200个词,此外,还可以进行定性测试,如对principal、glance、sandwich、suffer、hazard、over take进行测试,加试这些词(或其它)可以很快知道学生的外语背景、知识结构、兴趣爱好、词汇组合等,这对突击外语材料选材上是很有帮助的。词汇量可以分为1000以下, 、 、 ,如果在6000以上,那就无所谓突击,针对性的看点文章,多做些练习就成。

22 四、测定词汇量 确定应考者水平是整个突击计划的依据,根据考试要求,选定一本词汇表,对自己进行词汇测试,测定时随机抽检10%的页码进行测试,进行大概测算。如一专科学生考党校系统研究生,就选用上海教育出版社《大学英语教学大纲》通用词汇表(1-4级)测得正确率为30%,则其词汇量约为1200个词,此外,还可以进行定性测试,如对principal、glance、sandwich、suffer、hazard、over take进行测试,加试这些词(或其它)可以很快知道学生的外语背景、知识结构、兴趣爱好、词汇组合等,这对突击外语材料选材上是很有帮助的。词汇量可以分为1000以下, 、 、 ,如果在6000以上,那就无所谓突击,针对性的看点文章,多做些练习就成。

23 五、选择阅读材料(1)精读 精读与泛读是突击外语的两条腿,缺一不可,精读主要用来学习词汇,解读语法、理会意境,要选自己喜欢的一套书重点读,如《许国璋英语》、《新概念英语》不管哪套书,其中考研用的,一般应重点啃第三册,要从课文句式中解读语法知识。如动词搭配、介词用法、被动语态、时态虚拟等。这种书最好不要选理工科的科普文章、专业文章多的教材,而要选贴近生活,能表达生活多个方面感受的教材。

24 五、选择阅读材料(2)泛读 泛读则是以精读为线进行平面展开,选一些重新改写的小说,如《远大前程》、《莎士比亚故事》、《简爱》等小说,最好是英汉对照的,如大小《书虫》系列读物。报纸杂志的选择尤为重要,《21世纪报》比较通俗,又有较多图片,话题时髦,可作为泛读首选,《英语世界》、《大学英语》的文章偏深偏难,适合5000以上词汇量学生。但是,早期(80年代)的一些文章,可读性很强,可以选一些文章泛读。(旧书摊)

25 五、阅读材料选择(3) 你的材料层次越丰富越好,三峡大学图书馆有不错的阅读材料。 每次读的材料应有一定的生词量,通过上下文或中文对照,猜出汉语意思。读什么样的文章呢?我套用美国教师的一句话:“read what you like.”即“读你喜欢的”,当然我要加上一句:like(enjoy)what you read .你要全身心的投入到情景中。有生词,又猜不透怎么办。请看——

26 六、词典的选择 我突击时美国教师要求no-dictionary(不用字典),我选用词汇量为10000单词的词汇表、100个常用词根,作为“词典”,《常用近义、反义词》小册子便于浏览,遇到一个生词,先用词根进行分析,结合上下文,猜,不能解决的就用10000词汇表查,要是超出的立即放弃。本人考博,选用文曲星作词典,即查即用,效果也不错。但反对在快捷阅读时使用大字典。浪费时间,知识点多,记忆负担加重,反而记不牢,精读时可以用大字典,如《牛津现代英汉双解字典》查语法现象。(别迷信外国人)

27 七、巧记生词(1) 不迷信词根 词根派生出的词,有些很生僻,记忆时根据需要选择 100词根不必背熟再用。
词根有用,但是不可迷信,某《中级英语单词速记法》中,把duck之类的词源词根都搞得清清楚楚,其实只会让大脑增加记忆负担,因为duck一词初中就已学到了。 词根派生出的词,有些很生僻,记忆时根据需要选择 100词根不必背熟再用。

28 七、巧记生词(2) 那么象ebb、sweat之类的词是否有点办法速记呢。这里介绍一点心得:我们注意字母顺序、字母形状、对称关系、正反关系,如“o”、“x”“b、d”“b、q”“p、d”“b、p”是对称关系,利用它进行大胆想象。如ebb退潮。可提示:bb退居e之后;象zigzag,从z形状上提示弯弯曲曲,锯齿状之意,drag——读音与中文拽有点象,而 beard胡子可以想到络腮胡子对称连到耳“ear”之两边。而sweat 与sweet一个词为“出汗”,一个词为“甜”,区别只有a、e两个字母,只要用“先苦后甜”来进行提示,就记住了该词。

29 七、巧记单词(3) mild、wild,只有m、w字母有别,而且正好形状相反,词意正好也相反,mild温柔、wild狂野;stood站(stand的过去式)与stoop弯腰只有d、p字母有别等。(Owl 猫头鹰eel墁鱼cinema电影院chaos,canada,banana,panama)通过联想,从字形、字母组合字音上找到“象形”、“象音”信息而进行记忆,以求过目不忘,尽量减轻记忆负担,而需强记的词则在大量阅读材料中不断反复以达到目的。

30 八、学以致用(1) 你有 口语老师或考友,可以两人合作,每天用口语交流所学文章内容,这是主动复习,此外,与比自己外语好的同学每天同桌吃饭、学习,都用口语交流,其作用不可小视。作者辅导一考研生张翔……

31 八、学以致用(2)“智斗”英语角 我突击时,每天参加英语角,拟好一个TOPIC(话题),然后就跟美国教师交谈,刚开始听力不行,我就准备几个TOPIC,只要听不懂跟不上,就主动切换话题。争取时间及一切可能的机会练习 (别浪费时间)

32 八、学以致用(3)应试 朋友们最关心的就是作不作习题,我的答案是先不作。我考研时,先大量阅读,后在考试前三天看了很多套有标准答案的试题,而我辅导的考生也是在考试前一天看了许多习题。在精、泛读基础上突破的大量词汇是硬功夫,你的基础有了,随便它怎么出,也考不倒你。

33 九、张开想象的翅膀 阅读节奏;觉得不难,马上读完;看不懂的加快速度,看得懂的又感兴趣的要仔细体味,插上想象的翅膀,如我读《少年维特的烦恼》《简爱》我尽情想象,体会初恋的情愫以及简孤苦无助的悲哀。 在看到《英国文学选读》中《Good Man》“棺材”,英文为coffine,我痛心于女主人红颜薄命,于是我的脑海里突然闪现了“coffine”一词的变形,“c”变成“ᄃ”而“o”变成了“ ᄆ”,像少女的尸体,而ff就像两个钉棺材板的钉子,我永远记住了这个词,这个词是主动在我脑海里出现的。在70天苦读后发生。 最后读者最关心的就是作不作习题,我的答案是先不作。我考研时,先大量阅读,后在考试前三天看了很多套有标准答案的试题,而我辅导的考生也是在考试前一天看了许多习题。因为我深信在精、泛读基础上突破的大量词汇是硬功夫,你的基础有了,随便它怎么出,也考不倒你。 33

34 十、这不是疯狂英语 有人认为我的英语像李阳的疯狂英语,我研究过我们之间的区别,其实,我和李阳的方法百分之四十是相同的,但其余的却完全相反。

35 十一、美化你的口语 不学哑吧英语 短期突击长期美化(广播、电视、影碟) 阅读先行,说听相继(一天内同时进行) 和高手过招(战胜自卑)
高中生的困惑(听懂穆沙拉夫才是高手) 有时沉默是金(遭遇美籍以色列专家) 我不是美国人,也不是韩国人


37 十二、你能走多远 我很赞同一句名言:“聪明的人能干好一件事,就能干好其它所有的事。”因此你应暗示自己,跨越年龄和心理障碍。
这全靠你自己,你的个性,你的勤奋,你已拥有的辉煌。 我很赞同一句名言:“聪明的人能干好一件事,就能干好其它所有的事。”因此你应暗示自己,跨越年龄和心理障碍。 在心理上我反对“失败是成功之母”的座右铭,我相信,每一步微小的成功是更大成功的基础。

38 十三、总结: 综上所述,英特斯英语方法要点如下: 强欲望支撑,暴发式突击, 全方位挖潜,螺旋式提升。

39 成功案例 张翔(30天考研) 姜鹏(120天留学加拿大) 谢晶(荷兰) 周梅(博士生,教授) 郭治刚(博士,高工 英语撰写博士论文)
傅学谦(澳大利亚,墨尔本大学) 德裔美国人的博士考题(能否把劣种人杀光,人死光后会怎样,人死了到哪去) 威廉--依瓦斯--约翰--安妮--爱米

40 相关信息 收音机:14.34MHZ TIME 9:40 词典:DICT.CN CNKI辅助再现翻译系统

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