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Presentation on theme: "第十五课:我感冒了!."— Presentation transcript:

1 第十五课:我感冒了!

2 我病了! 我感冒了。 你什么地方不舒服? -头很疼 -眼睛很红 -肚子很不舒服

3 生词: 我感冒了 舒服 病 感冒 头 疼 眼睛 肚子 红 shūfu bìng gǎnmào tóu téng yǎnjīng dùzi

4 医院 看病 病人 发烧 躺下 吃坏 药 yīyuàn kàn bìng bìngrén fāshāo tǎng xià chī huài

5 身体功能—shēntǐ gōngnéng 打喷嚏 dǎpēntì 咳嗽 késou 呕吐 ǒutù 流鼻涕 liú bí tì 出汗 chū hàn 发抖 fādǒu

6 血液– xiěyè,blood 拐杖– guǎizhàng 急诊室—jízhěn shì 外科—wàikē 生词!

7 第十五课:语法 死 showing an extreme degree of something
次# of times an action has taken place 起来 indicating the beginning of an action 把 subject + 把 + object + verb + other (complement, 了)

8 死 Comes after adjective
Not used with complimentary adjectives (漂亮,好,意思) 我饿死了。 今天热死了。 因为Saints赢了美式足球比赛,Drew Brees高兴死了。 打针疼死了。 头疼死了。

9 The measure word used to show that an action has occurred a certain number of times. # + 次 + (noun) As with all measure words, it will come right after the verb 昨天吃了三次药。= I took medicine three times yesterday. 我打了两次电话。= I made two phone calls 我去了中国两次。= I have been to China twice. 请再说一次。= Please say it again.

10 Specific 次 Rules If the object is not a person or a place,次 comes between the verb and the object. 我吃了三次药 (Verb +次 + Noun) If the object is a person or a place,次 can come either before or after the object. 去年我去了一次中国。 去年我去了中国两次。 If the object is a personal pronoun (他,她) then the次 must come after the object. 昨天我找了她两次.

11 翻译以下 I ate Chinese food once this week. I’ve been to California twice.
这个星期我吃一次中国菜。 I’ve been to California twice. 我去了两次加州。 我去了加州两次。 I’ve had a cold twice this winter! 今年冬天我感冒了两次! I’ve read “Harry Potter” seven times. 我看七次“合利波特 ”。 I called him three times, but he’s not there. 我给了他打电话两次可是他不在。

12 Subject + 把 + Object + Verb + Etc (Complement/了)
The 把 shows that the subject is acting on the object in the sentence. Subject—“to”—Object—do something. 你把蛋糕放在哪儿? Strange translation: You—to the cake—put where? Correct English: Where did you put the cake?

13 你请把那条裤子给我。 Strange translation: You—to these pants—give me. Correct English: Please give me those pants. 你把这本书看看。 Strange translation: You—to this book—look Correct English: Take a look at this book please. 你把这杯咖啡喝了! Strange translation: You—to this cup of coffee—drink! Correct English: You wrote this word wrong. 你把这个字写错了。 Strange translation: You—to this word—wrote incorrectly. 你把笔放在桌子上。 Strange translation: You—to the pen—put on the table. Correct English: Put the pen on the table.

14 Q: 我把纸和笔放在什么地方? A: 请你把纸盒比方在桌子上。
Moving Day: Your friend is moving into a new apartment and you are helping him. Tell him where everything should go. Q: 我把纸和笔放在什么地方? A: 请你把纸盒比方在桌子上。

15 联系一下:把 Each of you will have your own bag. In the bag are some pictures of objects. I will also hand out a picture of a room. Following directions, take the proper noun out of the bag and put it on the appropriate part of the picture. 把中文书放在桌子上。

16 起来 Indicates the moment when something static becomes dynamic the beginning of an action. Verb + 起来 If there is an object, it is placed between 起 and来. 把手举起来。 Put your hands up 站起来! Stand up! 集中起来!  Concentrate! 他这句话使我们笑起来。 His statement made everyone laugh. 他一回家就看起电视来。As soon as he got home he began watching TV. 下课了以后,学生们打起球来。After class, the students played ball.

17 照片:告诉我们一个故事 For each picture, explain the sickness and give a reason why the person is sick.

18 第二个谈话

19 Culture Highlights Until the 1980’s, employers in all state-owned enterprises and institutions were offered free medical care, which became a huge financial burden for the government. This stopped in the 1990’s. China is currently transitioning towards a more regulated system of medical insurance, but most people, especially in the countryside, do not have insurance coverage for health care.

20 There is no conflict in China between Eastern and Western medicine—people will see specialists in both fields depending on their illness. 阴/阳 the interdependent, opposite forces in our bodies that are in constant fluctuation. All organisms have both yin and yang qualities and a balance of the two is necessary for good health. In general, yin energy is associated with cold, female energy. Yang is associated with hot, male energy. Chronic illness is seen as yin, while acute illness is seen as yang. Acupuncture 针灸(zhēnjiǔ) inserting needles into the surface of the skin to affect the flow of energy (气) in the body Herbal medicine 草药(cǎoyào) frequently used to treat illness and the imbalance of energy in the body. Massage  推拿师/按摩 (tuīná shī/ànmó). By stimulating or subduing the energy in the body, practitioners help bring the patient’s body back into balance.

21 生病 shēngbìng 身体 shēntǐ yǎng 过敏 guòmǐn 健康 jiànkāng 休息 xiūxi 药店 yàodiàn

22 更多词 药方= yàofāng, pharmacy 拿起= ná qǐ, to pick up
中医= zhōngyī, Chinese medicine 吃点中医把,对你的身体很好。 西医= xīyī, Western medicine 花粉 =huāfěn, pollen 花生 =huāshēng, peanuts 灰尘 =huīchén, dust

23 A 对 B Another one of those grammar particles that is flanked by two nouns. 对 introduces the person/thing that receives some effect from A. 这种药对感冒很有用. 你对什么东西过敏了. 每天练习汉字对你的中文水平有很好的影响。 你对猫过敏吗?

24 越来越。。。 今天天气越来越好。 他的中文水平越来越高。

25 再说—In addition Introduces an additional reason for an action.
你为什么不去纽约? 因为我没有时间,再说,也没有钱。 我不喜欢今天晚上的舞会,音乐不怎么样,再说人也太少。 我不要去他的家。我不喜欢她的朋友,再说我不知道去他的家怎么走。

26 要不然—Otherwise 你得多写汉字,要不然你的中文不会好。 如果身体不舒服,你得去看医生,要不然病会越来越重。
你得多睡觉,要不然你的考试成绩会越来越低。 chéngjī

27 要不然 Your parents have definitely told you to do/not do things. If you don’t do what they want, there are certainly negative consequences. Try using 要不然 with these scenarios below: 做你的功课 看电视 去你朋友的家

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