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Telling dates/birthday

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1 Telling dates/birthday
TIME and DATE Chapter Main Concepts Telling dates/birthday Write the year, month, day, and weekday for today, tomorrow, yesterday, and your birthday and age. II. Indicating times Indicate the following times: current, four blocks beginning and ending times, your dinner time, and times with AM or PM. III. Expressing the 3 meals of a day and the preference of food Breakfast, lunch, dinner, Chinese/American food III. Giving invitation Invite someone to dinner and set the meeting time.

2 Date and Time Dialogue I & II
Review Number and others Learn 36 characters: Date and Time Dialogue I & II  Vocabulary in 28 different categories:

3 我的生日 現在 上午八點零五分 Telling dates/birthday/age 是九月二十三號星期五 你多大? 我今年十四歲
TIME and DATE Chapter Main Concepts Telling dates/birthday/age 是九月二十三號星期五 你多大? 我今年十四歲 II. Indicating times 是星期四 III. Giving invitation 我請你吃晚飯,怎麼樣? IV. Expressing personal preference 你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜? V. Giving invitation and setting the time 今天晚上我請你吃晚飯,怎麼樣? 我們幾點見? 我們晚上六點三十分見. 我的生日 現在 上午八點零五分

4 Making Connection Sound with Symbol
jīn nián tài duō chī fàn zĕn me fēn yàng xiàn zài diăn líng suì Shàng míng huān wăn qĭng jiàn hào xiè bàn xià zài cài shēng

5 Making Connection Sound with Symbol
jīn nián míng wăn shàng qĭng chī fàn xiàn zài diăn fēn líng suì tài duō zĕn yàng jiàn zài xià cài hào xiè huān men

6 Time and Food Chapter vocabulary
Listening/Speaking/ Writing Time and Food Chapter vocabulary Click for answers Birthday: Food: This year: Chinese food: Next year: Or: Many: But: Too many: We: Wonderful: They: 14 years old: You all: 15 years old: 10 o’clock: To eat: 9:30: To eat meal: Night: How is that? 7:30pm: Thanks: Good-bye: To like: How old? 生日 今年 中國菜 明年 還是 可是 我們 太多了 太好了 他們 十四歲 你們 十五歲 十點 九點半 吃飯 晚上 怎麼樣 晚上七點半 謝謝 再見 多大 喜歡

7 Time and Food Chapter Vocabulary (24) 號 年多歲吃飯怎樣太了謝還喜歡可們點分刻晚半再見菜
Writing Time and Food Chapter Vocabulary (24) 號 年多歲吃飯怎樣太了謝還喜歡可們點分刻晚半再見菜 Birthday: Chinese food: This year: Or: Next year: But: Britain: We: Too many: They: Wonderful: You all: 14 years old: 10 o’clock: 16 years old: 9:30: To eat: Night: To eat meal: 7:30pm: How is that? Good-bye: Thanks: How old: To like: Write the 12 months, 7 days a week: Food:

8 Date and Time Dialogue I & II
Review Number and others Learn 36 characters: Date and Time Dialogue I & II  Vocabulary in 28 different categories:

9 Ask the date/birthday /今天是幾月幾號星期幾? II. Ask the time 是幾點?
TIME and DATE Objective 1/3 Ask the date/birthday /今天是幾月幾號星期幾? II. Ask the time 是幾點? III. Ask each other ages 你多大? 我今年十四歲 你的生日 現在 現在 是上午八點零五分

10 Vocabulary (1/3) For telling time, date, and birthday
Say it in Chinese: Can you recognize them? DATE: 今天,明天, 昨天,今年, 明年,月, 日, 號,星期…, TIME: 現在,早上,上午,中午,下午, 晚上, 點, 分, 半,刻,零,… BIRTHDAY: 生日, 歲, 多大, …

11 Telling the Time, Date, Birthday Vocabulary (1/3) New characters: 號 年 多 歲 們 點 分 刻 半 早 上 晚 下見 現 在,零,午
Day/number: Night: This year: Minute: Next year: Quarter of an hour: Year (of age): O’clock: How old: 10 o’clock: 14 years old: 7:15am: 15 years old: 4:30pm: We: 7:30pm: They: 12:45pm: Morning: 6:58pm: Now: Noon: Meet/see: Afternoon: Write the 12 months, 7 days a week: (On the back)

12 afternoon TELLING TIME 現在 EX. 現在是(早)上午 morning night noon 半 晚上 OR
早上/上午 zăo shàng shàng wŭ 中午or下午 zhōng wŭ xià wŭ 晚上 wăn shàng ~ 12:00 中午12:00 ~ 1:00 6:00 ~ 下午 1:00 ~ 6:00 現在 Xiàn zài EX. 現在是(早)上午 Now 中午zhōng wŭ =Noon is between 12 and 1:00 晚上wăn shàng= evening is usually after 6 o’clock. bàn half

13 10:25am I. TELLING TIME 8:09pm 5:15pm 7:45AM 6:30PM 早上十點二十五分 早上七點三刻 整
zhĕng sharp líng zero diăn o’clock fēn minute 一刻 yí kè minutes (one quarter) 10:25am 早上十點二十五分 晚上八點零九分 wăn shàng bā diăn líng jiŭ fēn 12:00PM 中午十二點整 zhōng wŭ shí èr diăn zhĕng 8:09pm 下午五點十五分/五點一刻 xià wŭ wŭ diăn shí wŭ fēn wŭ diăn yí kè 5:15pm 7:45AM 6:30PM 晚上六點三十分/六點半 wăn shàng liù diăn sān shí fēn liù diăn bàn 早上七點三刻

14 五點整 十二點半 九點十分 八點二十四分 一點三十七分 七點零五分 十點五十五分 十一點零八分 四點二十分 六點零九分 9:10 7:05
Read the time and Click the digital clock that matches the time 五點整 十二點半  九點十分 八點二十四分   一點三十七分 七點零五分   十點五十五分 十一點零八分 四點二十分 六點零九分 9:10 7:05 5:00 10:55 6:09 12:30 4:20 8:24 1:37 11:08

15 下午五點半 中午十二點整 晚上九點一刻 早上八點三十分 下午一點三刻 早上七點零五分 上午十點五十五分 晚上十一點整 下午四點二十分
Click the digital clock that matches the time 下午五點半 中午十二點整  晚上九點一刻 早上八點三十分   下午一點三刻 早上七點零五分   上午十點五十五分 晚上十一點整 下午四點二十分 晚上六點零二分 9:15pm 7:05am 5:30pm 10:55am 6:02pm 12:00pm 4:20pm 8:30am 1:45pm 11:00pm

16 五點整 Ex. 十二點半 九點十分 八點二十四分 一點三十七分 七點零五分 十點五十五分 十一點零八分 四點二十分 六點零九分 5:00 :
Read the time and fill in the number in the digital clock 五點整 Ex. 十二點半  九點十分 八點二十四分   一點三十七分 七點零五分   十點五十五分 十一點零八分 四點二十分 六點零九分 5:00 : : : : : : : : :

17 下午五點半 中午十二點整 晚上九點一刻 早上八點三十分 下午一點三刻 早上七點零五分 上午十點五十五分 晚上十一點整 下午四點二十分
Read the time and fill in the number in the digital clock : 下午五點半 中午十二點整  晚上九點一刻 早上八點三十分   下午一點三刻 早上七點零五分   上午十點五十五分 晚上十一點整 下午四點二十分 晚上六點零二分 : : : : : : : : :

18 Translate the time into Chinese.
9:10 7:05 5:00 10:55 6:09 12:30 4:20 8:24 1:37 11:08

19 9:15pm 7:05am 5:30pm 10:55am 6:02pm 12:00pm 4:20pm 8:30am 1:45pm
Translate the time into Chinese: 9:15pm 7:05am 5:30pm 10:55am 6:02pm 12:00pm 4:20pm 8:30am 1:45pm 11:00pm

20 號 hào 今天是幾月幾號? 今天是四月十六號. number/day of the month
What is today’s month and day?

21 點 diăn O’clock 我們九點吃飯. 你們幾點吃飯? 星期天我們七點半吃飯.
EX. 星期天我們七點半吃飯. Sunday what time do you eat?

22 晚上 wăn shàng night 我晚上七點半吃飯. 我們晚上六點半吃飯. 你們今天晚上吃什麼?
EX. 你們今天晚上吃什麼? Do you eat Chinese food tonight?

23 生日 Shēng rì birthday 今天是我的生日. 你的生日是幾月幾日? EX. 我的生日是星期天.

24 歲 sui Year of age 我十七歲, 你呢? 她幾歲? 我大哥的兒子五歲.
EX. 我大哥的兒子五歲. How old is your sister’s daughter?

25 今年 Jīn niín 今年是一九九八年. 你今年幾歲? 你的弟弟今年幾歲? This year
EX. 你的弟弟今年幾歲? How old is your younger sister this year?

26 多大 Duō dà to feel/ to think 你今年多大? 姐姐的孩子多大? 弟弟今年多大?
EX. 弟弟今年多大? How old is your son this year?

27 How do you say the following situation?
TIME and DATE (1/3) How do you say the following situation? Write in Chinese: Ask someone today’s date. (month/day/weekday) Tell someone tomorrow is Thursday, Dec. 20th. Ask someone “what time is it now?” “It is 7:45 pm now.” Ask someone’s age. Tell someone you are 14 years old.

28 I treat you to dinner, how does that sound?
Speaking/ Writing I treat you to dinner, how does that sound? Vocabulary (2/3) 吃飯怎樣再見謝太 Write in Chinese Eat dinner: Treat/invite: Eat breakfast: Cooked rice: Tonight: Breakfast: Tomorrow morning: Lunch: Yesterday noon: Dinner: Saturday afternoon: How is it? This morning: Too…: Sunday morning: Wonderful: Tomorrow noon: Eat: This afternoon: Thanks: See you tonight: Eat meal: See you tomorrow: Eat lunch: Good-bye:

29 I treat you to dinner, how does that sound?
Speaking I treat you to dinner, how does that sound? Section Objective (2/3) III. Giving invitation 1. Invite a friend to dinner. 我請你吃晚飯 2. Invite a friend to dinner tomorrow night. 明天晚上我請你吃晚飯 3. Ask a friend out on Friday night: “I treat you to dinner on Friday night, how is that?” 星期五晚上我請你吃晚飯, 怎麼樣? 4. Accept the invitation. “It’s wonderful, thanks.” OR .”See you tonight.” 太好了, 謝謝. 今天晚上見. 5. Set the meeting time. “7:30 pm on Friday night, how is that?” 星期五晚上七點半,怎麼樣?

30 I treat you to dinner, how does that sound?
Speaking/ Reading I treat you to dinner, how does that sound? Vocabulary (2/3) 吃飯怎樣再見謝太 Write in Chinese 吃早飯 今天晚上 明天上午/早上 早飯 昨天中午 午飯/中飯˙ 星期六下午 晚飯 今天上午/早上 怎麼樣 星期天早上/星期日上午 太好了 明天中午 今天下午 謝謝 今天晚上見 吃飯 明天見 吃午飯/吃中飯 再見 吃晚飯 Chi zao fan qing Jintian wanshang fan Mingtian shangwu Jzuotian zhongtwu Zao fan Wufan/zhongfan Xing qi liu xia wu Wan fan Jin tian shangwu Zen me yang Xingqi tian zao shang /xing qi ri shang wu tai Tai hao le Ming tian zhong wu Jin tian xia wu chi Xie xie Jin tian wan shang jian Chi fan Ming tian jian Chi wufan Zai jian Chi wan fan

31 I treat you to dinner, how does that sound?
Speaking/ Writing I treat you to dinner, how does that sound? Match English with Chinese 中飯 晚飯 早飯 謝謝 吃飯 今天晚上 今天早上 星期天上午 晚上見 明天見 再見 怎麼樣 吃中飯 太好了 Write the following words in Chinese on another piece of paper Treat/invite: Cooked rice: Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: How is it? Too…: Wonderful: Eat: Thanks: Eat meal: Eat lunch: Tonight: This morning: Sunday morning: See you tonight: See you tomorrow: Good-bye:

32 How do you say it in the following situation?
Writing I treat you to dinner, how does that sound? How do you say it in the following situation? 1. Invite a friend to dinner. 2. Invite a friend to dinner tomorrow night. 3. Treat a friend to dinner on Friday night: (How does that sound?) 4. Accept the invitation. “It’s wonderful, thanks.” OR .”See you tonight.” 5. Ask if it’s OK to meet on Friday at 7:30pm?

33 Select the one that matches the English the best.
Multiple Choice Select the one that matches the English the best.

34 It is 5:45am now. 現在是五點三刻上午. 早上五點四十五分現在 現在是上午五點三刻. 是五點三刻上午現在 :05

35 I treat you to dinner. 我請你吃晚飯 我請你晚飯 我請他吃飯 你請我吃飯 :05

36 Tonight I treat you to dinner.
我請你吃晚飯,晚上 今天晚上我請你晚飯 我今天晚上請你吃晚飯 今天晚上你請我吃晚飯 :05

37 I treat her to breakfast.
我請他吃午飯 我請你吃中飯 他請我吃早飯 我請她吃早飯 :05

38 I treat you to eat tomorrow.
我請你吃飯明天 明天我請你晚飯 我請你明天吃飯 明天我請你吃飯 :05

39 I treat you to lunch, how does it sound?
我請你吃早飯,怎樣麼? 我請她吃中飯,怎麼樣? 我請你吃中飯,怎麼樣? 我請她吃午飯,怎麼樣? :05

40 I like to eat Chinese food.
我歡喜吃菜中國. 中國菜喜歡吃我 中國飯我喜歡吃. 我喜歡吃中國菜 :05

41 Do you like to eat Chinese food?
你喜歡不喜歡吃中國菜嗎? 你喜歡不喜歡吃中國菜? 喜歡你不喜歡吃中國菜? 你歡喜不歡喜吃中國菜? :05

42 Do you like to eat Chinese food or American food?
是你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜? 你喜歡吃中國飯還是美國飯? 你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜嗎? 你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜? :05

43 I am British but I like to eat American food.
我是英國人可是我喜歡吃美國菜. 我是英國人可是我喜歡美國吃飯. 我是英國人還是我喜歡吃美國菜. 我是英國人還是美國菜我喜歡. :05

44 qĭng To Invite/treat 我請你 你請誰? EX. 明天你請誰? Tomorrow I treat you.


46 chī /fàn Eat /cooked rice meal 明天我 請你吃飯. ? 你愛吃飯,我也愛吃飯.

47 III. Invite someone out for dinner
我請你 I treat you/invite you 我請你吃飯 我請你吃早飯 我請你吃中/午飯 我請你吃晚飯 我晚上請你吃晚飯 我今天晚上請你吃晚飯 Cooked rice/meals 吃飯 Chī fàn

48 怎麼樣 Zĕn me yàng How is it/how does it sound? 我請你吃飯怎麼樣? 明天我請你吃飯,怎麼樣?
EX. 我們今天吃飯,怎麼樣? You treat us, how is it?

49 太…了 Tài le too…. 太好了,老師請我們吃飯! 太貴了,我們不去吃飯了! 我吃太多了,我吃太多飯了
EX. 我吃太多了,我吃太多飯了 Your house has too many people.

50 謝謝 xìe xie Thanks 謝謝你, 也謝謝她. 謝謝你請我們. 謝謝你請我吃飯. 謝謝你昨天請我吃飯.
Thank you for treating me to eat yesterday. 謝謝你昨天請我吃飯.

51 再見 見 Zài jiàn Good-bye Meet/see 再見, 明天見. 我們明天幾點見? 老師再見,老師明天見.
EX. 老師再見,老師明天見. Sunday what time do you meet?

52 Do you like Chinese food or American food?
Speaking Section Objective (3/3) Do you like Chinese food or American food? IV. Expressing personal preference 1. Indicate your favorite food “I like Chinese food.” 我喜歡中國菜 我喜歡吃中國菜 2. Ask about someone’s favorite food/things. “Do you like Chinese food or American food?” 你喜歡中國菜還是美國菜?

53 Time and Food Chapter vocabulary
Speaking/ Writing Time and Food Chapter vocabulary Click for answers Birthday: Food: This year: Chinese food: Next year: Or: Many: But: Too many: We: Wonderful: They: 14 years old: You all: 15 years old: 10 o’clock: To eat: 9:30: To eat meal: Night: How is that? 7:30pm: Thanks Good-bye: To like: How old? 生日 今年 中國菜 明年 還是 可是 我們 太多了 太好了 他們 十四歲 你們 十五歲 十點 九點半 吃飯 晚上 怎麼樣 晚上七點半 謝謝 再見 多大 喜歡

54 Chapter Vocabulary (3/3)
Speaking/ Writing TIME and DATE Chapter Vocabulary (3/3) 還喜歡 菜可 Write in Chinese Date & weekday But: Number/hào: We: Birthday: O’clock: This year: Half: How old: Night: Big: Tonight: Year of age: Morning: Eat: Tomorrow morning: Cooked rice: Afternoon: How is it? Yesterday afternoon: Too…: Noon: Thanks: Good-bye: To like: Britain: Food/dishes: Or:

55 喜歡 xĭ huān like 我喜歡爸爸,也喜歡媽媽. 我喜歡吃飯. 我喜歡中國孩子也喜歡美國孩子.
EX. 我喜歡吃飯. l like girls and boys.

56 菜 cài 中國菜 美國菜 food 我喜歡吃中國菜, 你呢? 我們今天吃中國菜怎麼樣? 美國菜我吃太多了
EX. 美國菜我吃太多了 American and Chinese food both are good.

57 我們 Wŏ men we 太好了,老師請我們吃飯! 太貴了,我們不去吃飯了! 我們是美國人吃中國菜.
EX. 我們是美國人吃中國菜. We are American but we like Chinese food.

58 還是 hái shì ...or…. 你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜? 林老師有兒子還是女兒? 他是男孩子還是女孩子?
Noon OR hái shì ...or…. 你喜歡吃中國菜還是美國菜? 林老師有兒子還是女兒? 他是男孩子還是女孩子? Is today Saturday or Sunday?

59 可是 kĕ shì but…. 老師請吃飯,可是沒有請我. 我喜歡吃,可是吃不多. 我喜歡吃菜,可是不喜歡吃飯
EX. 我喜歡吃菜,可是不喜歡吃飯 I like doctor but don’t like lawyer.

60 Read and translate Read and translate the word in each box.
Reading Listening 1 2 3 4 5 再見 可是 我們 生日 還是 喜歡 吃飯 四點 星期 謝謝 晚上 今年 麼樣 好了 多大 今天 晚上 晚飯 明年 昨天

61 Speaking Exercise Read the word in each box and say it in Chinese
1 2 3 4 5 Good-bye but We Birthday Or 再見 可是 我們 生日 還是 Like Food 5:25pm Eat Eat meal 喜歡 下午五點二十五分 吃飯 This year Thanks Night/evening 4:30 四點 Sunday 星期 謝謝 晚上 今年 How old? Year of age How is it? 麼樣 Wonderful 好了 Number 多大 今天 晚上 Dinner Next year Yesterday Tonight Please 晚飯 明年 昨天

62 3 – I “Invitation” Translate the following into Chinese:
還是or Are you 14 or 15 years old? Do you treat him or her to eat (cooked rice)? Do you like Chinese food or American food? Is today Sunday or Saturday? Was yesterday your birthday or hers? 怎麼樣 How does it sound? I treat you to eat (cooked rice), how does that sound? We meet on Friday, is it OK? We eat Chinese food tonight, how does it sound? 可是 but 1. I like miss Wang, but I don’t like Mr. Lee. 2. Dr. Lin have daughter but doesn’t have son. 3. America is morning but China is night now. 4. I have your picture but I don’t have her picture.

63 Time and Food Chapter vocabulary
Reading/ Speaking Say it in Chinese & English Time and Food Chapter vocabulary 吃飯 生日 中國菜 明年 還是 太多了 我們 怎麼樣 可是 十點 太好了 十四歲 你們 喜歡 十五歲 晚上 九點半 再見 謝謝 晚上七點半 多大 今年 他們

64 Time and Food Rearrange the sentences
九點 十點 還是 現在 老師 律師 還是 王小姐 七歲 還是 今年 你弟弟 六歲 喜歡 還是 中國菜 美國菜 醫生 爸爸 你的哥哥 還是

65 Time and Food Rearrange the sentences
十點半 星期四 晚上 多大 今年 怎麼樣 吃飯 你的姐姐 早上 八點三刻 星期天 現在 六月 二十日 我的生日 一九九五年

66 Do the sentences in red first.
3 – I “Invitation” Translate the following into Chinese: Do the sentences in red first. Today is April 15. I am American but I like Chinese food. Tomorrow is what weekday? My birthday is 8/17, Saturday. Good-bye teacher, see you tomorrow. My little brother is 9 years old this year. Tonight or tomorrow night we eat Chinese food? How old is your younger sister? I treat you to eat (meal). I like him but he doesn’t like me. Who treated you yesterday? I eat too much cooked rice. I treat you, how does it sound? Sunday is my birthday. Wonderful, teacher treats us to eat Chinese food. Is she teacher Wang or teacher lee? What time do we meet? Thank you for treating me to eat Chinese food. We meet at 2:30. English teacher likes us. I like both Chinese food and American food. What do you like to eat? I eat too much Chinese food Tomorrow 5 o’clock or 5:30 meet? Sunday night I treat you to eat.

67 Cup out the pictures and write your storybook

68 I like to eat , but my like to eat
3 – I “Invitation” I. Fill in the blanks and say it in Chinese: My surname is My name is My birthday is I am year old this year. I am American, also am I like to eat , but my like to eat II. How do you invite someone to have dinner with you, and set up the time? What response you expect to get?

69 Quiz Invitation I Good-bye: Sunday: We: Next year: Or: How old:
Write in Chinese Good-bye: Sunday: We: Next year: Or: How old: To like: 14 years old: Birthday: How is it? But: Wonderful: Chinese food: Number 17: To eat: Dinner: Cooked rice: Yesterday: This year: Tonight: Thanks: To treat: Night: To eat (meal): 4:30: 12:45Pm:( extra)

70 II. Translate the following into Chinese:5@
TEST Time and food - 1 I. Write in Chinese: July: Friday: Tonight This year: Sunday: Goodbye: August 14: Thanks: Birthday: Wonderful: II. Translate the following into See you tomorrow night. Do you like Chinese food or American food? I am American but I eat Chinese food. What time do you eat dinner? I invite her to eat meal (cooked rice). What time (on) Thursday? I treat you to eat, how does that sound? I am 15 years old. How old are you this year? What week day is 6/17? III. Write a self-introduction using at least 10 sentences. (Including like & dislike) write on the back

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