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陳思先 臺北市立教育大學 社會暨公共事務學系 助理教授

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1 陳思先 臺北市立教育大學 社會暨公共事務學系 助理教授
美國大都會「區域經濟發展組織」之初探 ─檢視其績效評估機制之實際使用情形 The Use of Performance Measurement in Regional Economic Development Partnerships (REDPs) in the U.S. Metropolitan areas 陳思先 臺北市立教育大學 社會暨公共事務學系 助理教授

2 美國的區域經濟發展夥伴關係 regional economic development partnerships (redpS)
半官方或公私協力組織 促進大都會內「跨城市」的經濟發展 提升就業率 推動跨區域/行政管轄權的經濟措施 區域內居民的職業教育 跨區域經濟政策的執行

3 實際例子 Olberding J. C. (2000):191 REDPs / 244 metropolitan areas
i.e. 聖塔瑪莉亞山谷區域經濟發展協會(EDA) i.e. 西南喬治亞區域發展中心 i.e. Peninsula 經濟發展聯盟(PAED) 然這些半官方組織是否能有效地運用資源,仍待探究? 其年度報告書通常呈現了收入、支出概況,但難以說明其運作績效。

4 Research questions Do REDPs work efficiently and effectively to achieve their goals? Do REDPs demonstrate their efficiency and effectiveness through publishing their annual reports? Do REDPs address detailed information of the inputs and outcomes?

5 研究計畫說明(1) 本研究試圖檢視美國區域經濟發展組織的績效評估機制,針對Olberding (2000)所確認的191個組織,建立資料庫並逐項紀錄其年度報告及績效評估項目 投入(input)、產出結果(outcomes) 年度績效報告(Annual Performance Report) 運用內容分析法 與作者歷年來所蒐集的資料庫作整合 Does social fragmentation result in the more need for regional economic development partnerships? Paper presented in the Florida ASPA 2008 conference, Lakeland, FL. Regional partnerships and metropolitan Economic Development. Paper presented in the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) 2008 National Conference, Chicago, IL. 規劃未來的研究計劃

6 研究計畫說明(2) 現階段屬初探性研究,僅先分析30個美國「區域經濟發展組織」的績效評估概況 30個觀察值已盡可能平均分配在不同州
呈現已被採用的績效衡量標準範例(Evaluated Criteria),試圖建構跨都會區經濟發展政策的衡量標準。 三個未來可能具研究潛力的執行計畫 具體研究問題、依變數與自變數 目前已蒐集的變項資料與可用的統計分析模型

7 Why REDPs? Intergovernmental Development Competition
i.e. compete to attract new enterprises and retain existing business A Regional Approach to Development Regional Economic Development Partnerships (REDPs) Participants share the profits or losses Solving common problems that cannot be achieved, or achieved easily, by single local government.

8 Content analysis: Performance measurement in REDPs
REDPs / Areas/ States Annual Report Annual Performance Report Input Outcomes Florida I-4 High Tech Corridor Council/ Orlando/FL X Yes Note: The annual reports show the total allocated funds and investments for individual projects and the percentage of the projects' achievements against their goals. Advantage West/ Asheville/NC No Note: Advantage West Economic Development Group has a five-year vision plan as a response to the North Carolina General Assembly requirement.

9 Findings (1) 12 (40%) REDPs have annual reports
Only half (6) (20%) have mentioned their performance. 4/6 annual performance reports display the input of their performance. The most inputs of REDPs are investment from public or private investors, organizational partners and international partners or donation. Typically, REDPs identify the growth of regional business investment and community development as the results or outcomes of their effort.

10 Findings (2) Most REDPs that have annual reports are mission oriented.
Performance measurement in REDPs evaluates the outcomes of REDPs’ projects either short term or long term. Information activities tend to be short term work projects. Maintaining and expanding regional industrial/commercial site & marketing. Development activities are either short term or long term work plans. Supporting development of the region’s industrial land, participating in business retention activities, maintaining the region’s strong and unique quality of life, developing the region’s public infrastructure to support business development, etc.

11 the best practical piece
Northwest Oregon Regional Partnership’s Regional Economic Development Plan— Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy & NW Oregon Regional Strategy ( ). It tells the specific evaluated criteria of the performance measurement and lists the detailed actions aiming at their strategic plans. (Table 3)

12 Future potential research projects (1/3)
Research questions Does the use of performance measurement in REDPs statistically and significantly promote regional economic development? Dependent variables Model 1: MSA per capita income Model 2: Regional unemployment rate Independent variables The use of performance measurement in REDPs Existing data set The two dependent variables Statistical methods OLS regression (Model 1 & 2) Heckman selection regression (Model 1 & 2)

13 Future potential research projects (2/3)
Research questions Does city policy priority have impact on the empirical operation of REDPs? Dependent variables Model 1: The existence of REDPs Model 2: The use of performance measurement of REDPs Independent variables Policy priority on economic development Policy priority on environmental protection Policy priority on sustainable community Policy priority on green job creation Existing data set The existence of REDPs & the four independent variables Statistical methods Logistic or probit regression (Model 1) Heckman probit regression (Model 2)

14 Future potential research projects (3/3)
Research questions What are factors that affect the use of performance measurement in REDPs? Dependent variables Model 1: The use of performance measurement of REDPs Model 2: Interaction terms of input * outcome Independent variables Partnership numbers Age of REDPs Formalization Participants Board members Information activities Development activities Targeting Resources Meetings Existing data set All the independent variables Statistical methods Logistic or probit regression (Model 1 ) Heckman probit regression (Model 2)

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