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国际市场营销 International Marketing (双语教学)

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1 国际市场营销 International Marketing (双语教学)
山西财经大学 国际贸易学院 药朝诚

2 第四部分 营销计划与行动 Marketing Plan & Actions
所有企业都需要营销计划 Like all companies need marketing strategy, All Companies Need Marketing Plan. Without a plan, individuals within the company may lack any sense of priorities, and may have no understanding of what needs to be achieved or how it should be achieved.

3 制订营销计划的三要素 Three main elements
The marketing plan will form the action plan, identifying the activities that will be used to carry out the marketing strategy with three main elements: (1) The marketing activities that will be undertaken (2) The timing of actions (3) The reasons behind each action

4 制订营销计划 Drawing up a Marketing Plan
A detailed marketing plan should take into account other factors as well, such as: Historical Data 历史数据; Current Trends 目前的发展趋势 Future Expectations 对未来的期望; Financing 资金

5 考虑六个因素 The six elements of marketing planning
1. Looking at what has happened before; 2. Predicting what is going to happen; 3. Identifying opportunities; 4. Developing winning plans; 5. Allocating resources to their best effect; 6. Putting the plans into action.

6 营销计划必须切实可行 A Useful Marketing Plan
A marketing plan is more likely to be useful if: the underlying data is recently gathered; and is accurate managers interpret the data successfully; the plan is realistic given the company's resources it is updated to meet changing conditions.

7 建立SMART 目标体系 A marketing plan should use targets that meet the SMART criteria. Specific 明确 means that the targets clearly identify what the aim is and what would be classed as success. Measurability 量化 implies that the targets are quantifiable. The targets need to be agreed upon between superiors and subordinates and set to an appropriate level. They should be realistic 切实可行and achievable.

8 什么是SMART目标? True or False
The strategic aim of becoming the market leader in a particular field is not a SMART target. Increasing market share from 12% to 15% could be one of the SMART Targets.

9 营销计划实施评价 How to Assess Marketing Performance
Measure % Examples Financial changes in sales revenue, profit margins Consumer opinion polls, rate of usage Market share sales relative to competitors Campaign effective public recognition, Image Others wholesalers, employee attitudes

10 确定营销预算的方法 The Most Common Methods To Decide Marketing Funds
Historical-Allocating Method 历史测算法 It means that the money for this year is similar to the last year, perhaps with an addition to cover inflation or the growing size of the business. Although this method is easy to use and understand, it does go against the idea that businesses operate in a dynamic, ever changing environment. A Zero-based System Method 零起点法 This involves starting with a blank piece of paper and requires every piece of spending to be justified in terms of its contribution to the business's overall objectives. This is a fair method of allocating the limited resources of a business, but is likely to be very time consuming and can be inflexible: the funding for instant opportunities may be difficult to acquire. Competitor Parity Method 竞争测算法 Here a figure is allocated that is similar to the spending of comparable companies. This method, however, does mean that a company has to have reliable information about its competitors' spending habits and also their plans for the future. A Task-based Allocations Method 任务测算法 Perhaps this method is more realistic.

11 营销计划的内容 Contents of a Marketing Plan
任务报告 Task Report (业务单位的作用与贡献,是该企业的利润部门、服务部门,还是机会发掘部门;该单位的业绩描述与财务分析) 2. 关于目标市场的形势概述 Market Situation Report 回顾过去 Looking at what has happened before; 预测未来 Predicting what is going to happen 市场分析 Market Analysis (1)调查与分析公司以及产品所处的市场地位,以及竞争对手的(上升、下降); (2)目标客户分析:年龄、职业、收入、偏好; (3)产品和市场的SWOT分析 外部对于企业的有利机会 企业在目标市场面临的威胁 相对于竞争对手,企业的优势和劣势。 顾客为什么选择我们,或竞争对手? 4. 确立目标 Setting up Targets 确立切实可行的营销目标和财务目标,两者保持一致

12 营销行动计划 Marketing Action Plan
内容描述 实施时间 所需费用 执行单位 领导签字

13 营销计划实施的风险评估与对策 Risks Analysis and Counter-Methods
Assumed Event 可能发生的事件 Base of Assumption 假想的依据 Risk Rates 风险度 High Middle Low 高 中 低 Negative Impacts 负面影响 Actions To be Taken 计划采取的行动 Action Time 行动时间

14 营销计划与营销战略 Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy
The marketing plan then, is a dynamic document which focuses on bringing marketing strategies to life. The marketing plan is a roadmap for carrying out marketing activities and implementing marketing strategies.

15 思考题 What is the relationship between the Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy? What are the three elements and six factors to be considered about making the Marketing Plan?

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