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JOHN KOTTER 8 steps for change

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1 JOHN KOTTER 8 steps for change
人社大三 蔡瑋薇 人社大三 翁冠豪

2 JOHN KOTTER 簡介 哈佛企管學院教授 變革要靠領導,而不是管理 組織變革的困難: 1.克服來自人們抗拒改變的習性 2.克服組織慣性
Kotter延續了組織發展大師 Kurt Lewin變革三部曲(de-freezing、changing、re- freezing)的主張 變革八步驟:不會自動實現,有賴高階主管持續實施。

3 JOHN KOTTER提出: Solutions: Key Errors:
Allow too much complacency Fail to create a powerful guiding coalition Under-estimate the power of ‘vision’ Under-communicate the vision by a factor of 10(or 100, 1000…) Permit obstacles to block the new vision Fail to create enough short-term wins Declare victory too soon Neglect to anchor/ embed changes firmly in the organisational culture Solutions: Establish a sense of urgency (show people the problem) Create a strong guiding coalition Develop a vision and a strategy Communicate the vision Empower broad-based action Generate short-term wins Consolidate gains, then produce more change Anchor/embed new approaches in the culture

4 8 steps for change 再解凍 推動 解凍 使變革後的狀態加以維持 8 逐漸消除抗拒,導入新的想法和作為 5-7
讓員工了解到目前的狀況需要改變,並進行溝通 1-4

5 Transformation Suggestions case (Sanofi)
step Transformation Suggestions case (Sanofi) 1. Increase urgency 建立緊迫感 Examine market and competitive realities Identify and discuss crisis, potential crisis, or major opportunities Provide evidence from outside the organization that change is necessary Leah Goodman發現領導小組缺乏參與度,他們比較重視各自在各部門的表現,而不是關注整體的利益,管理會議多數在討論常規和業務,並非討論戰略計畫。 2. Build the Guiding Team 創建領導聯盟 Assemble a group with enough power to lead the change effort Attract key change leaders by showing enthusiasm and commitment Encourage the group to work together as a team Leah Goodman重組領導小組,留下有潛力的人,建立各主管領域的反饋和問責制度,此外,透過LSI,讓領導們了解自身風格後發展各具特色的計畫,並以身負責。 3. Get the Vision Right 制定願景和戰略 Create a vision to help direct the change effort Develop strategies for achieving that vision Leah Goodman推出ASPIRE視野,包括承諾,戰略支柱和相應的構建模塊。四個戰略支柱 - 領導力,淨度,協作和客戶,讓員工了解管理的定義,擁有明確的方向。 4. Communicate for Buy-in溝通變革願景 Build alignment and engagement through stories Use every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies Keep communication simple and heartfelt Teach new behaviors by the example of the guiding coalition 建立四大群組:rand Team Functionality; Process & Policy Improvement; Stakeholder Management; and Reward & Recognition.透過不同單位的合作,讓員工有更大的自由度去參與品牌計畫。

6 Transformation Suggestions case (Sanofi)
step Transformation Suggestions case (Sanofi) 5.Empowering Action行動、移除變革障礙 Remove obstacles to the change Change systems and / or structures that work against the vision 為了方便適應市場變化,需要對流程和策略(P&P)進行審查和重新定義。在賽諾菲的團隊中,賦予“授權”是一大特色,即使是小決策,也都可以升級到高層。 “P&P這樣進行審查和調整,以遠景和承諾整合,使重複又無效的過程進行了簡化 6. Create short term wins 產生短期盈利 Plan for and achieve visible performance improvements Recognize and reward those involved in bringing the improvements to life 引入了三個獎項:ASPIRE獎,團隊獎和創業獎。 此外,獲得“明星”待遇。這個獎勵方案包括在雙子塔精美的餐廳與利亞的副總裁共進奢華晚餐,創造更大的員工參與度和積極性。 7. Do Not Let Up 鞏固戰果,再接再厲 Plan for and create visible performance improvements Recognize and reward personnel involved in the improvements Reinforce the behaviors shown that led to the improvements 持續注入創新的思路,不讓HI POS在他們的工作超過兩年,透過創建靈活的文化,以新鮮的觀點去挑戰。 8. Make Change Stick 深植企業文化 Articulate the connections between the new behaviors and corporate success 人力資源經理進行了為期兩年的招募活動,招募新的N2。

7 八步驟的優缺 Strengths: Focus on buy-in of employees as the focus for success Clear steps which can give a guidance for the process Easy to understand Can be successful when all steps are well communicated Fits well into the culture of classical hierarchies Weaknesses: The linearity of the model can lead to wrong assumptions. Once the process has started, it is difficult to change the direction. The model is clearly top-down, it gives no room for co-creation or other forms of true participation. Can lead to deep frustrations among employees if the stages of grief and individual needs are not taken into consideration.

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