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The Prize of Mission 宣教的奬賞

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1 The Prize of Mission 宣教的奬賞
Pastor Brad Wos Multicultural Director Brad Wos 牧師-多元文化主管 Revelation啓示録 7:9-17 Vs The Prize of People 得人的獎賞 Vs The Prize of Persecution 受逼迫的獎賞 3. Vs The Prize of Presence 參與的獎賞


3 1. The Prize of People vs 9-12 得人的獎賞 vs 9-12
Vs 9 after this I looked and Behold, a Great Multitude that no one could number from Every Tongue, Tribe, People, and Language… 此後、我觀看、見有許多的人、沒有人能數過來、是從各國各族各民各方來的 Promise in Gen 15:5,6 Abram count the Stars so shall your offspring be…Abram believed God and He was counted as Righteous. 創世記15:5,6的應許 亞伯蘭數算繁星, 他的後裔將是如此... 亞伯蘭信神就算為義。

4 1. The Prize of people vs 9-12 得人的獎賞 vs 9-12
2016 City of St. Louis is fastest growing foreign born city in America…. 聖路易是2016美國外國出生人口增長最快的城市.... St. Louis Mosaic Ambassador for 5 years. 聖路易馬賽克大使5年。 Dr. Sandoval from St Louis University 聖路易大學Dr. Sandoval 的資料 75,000 Bosnians 波士尼亞裔 75,000 Latinos 拉丁裔 60,000 Asians 亞裔 50,000 Middle East Peoples 中東裔 50,000 African Peoples 非裔

5 在聖路易 80% 亞裔為移民 60% 拉丁裔為移民

6 亞裔在聖路易的人口成長趨勢

7 拉丁裔在聖路易的人口成長趨勢

8 1. The Prize of People vs 9-12 in Church Multiplication 教會的增長
Timothy Keller said, “The vigorous, continual planting of new churches is the single most crucial strategy for the numerical growth of the Body of Christ in any city…. Nothing else—will have the consistent impact of dynamic, extensive church planting.”  Timothy Keller說: “在任何一個地方, 滿懷激情並持續不斷地建立新的教會是基督身體數量增長的最關鍵的策略,沒有任何別的措施會有廣泛植堂所產生的持續的影響與活力。”

9 2. The Prize of Persecution v 13-14 受逼迫的獎賞
Vs These are the ones who have come out of the great tributation. They have washed their Robes and made them white in Blood of the Lamb…. 這些是從大災難中出來的,曾用羔羊的血、把衣裳洗白淨了....

10 2. The Promise of Persecution v 7-16

11 3. The Prize of Presence vs 15-17 參與的獎賞
Vs 15 These are before the Throne and they serve him day and night in his temple..he will shelter them with his presence 這是在寶座前, 他們日夜在祂的殿裡服侍祂。祂將 以祂的同在遮護他們 Acts 2:25 For David says of Him I was always beholding the LORD in my presence.. 大衛說他, 我總是仰望主在我面前

12 3. The Prize of Presence vs 15-17 參與的獎賞
Presence of Mission in our City of St. Louis 在我們的城市聖路易參與宣教: Monday Night City wide Prayer at Memorial Presbyterian Church 2. Start Discovery Bible Studies with unreached co-workers and neighbors. 3. Worku Geremu at Rise Together Ministries serving Refugees in South City

13 3. The Prize of Presence vs 15-17
Presence of Mission in our City of St. Louis 4. Teach Science, Math, or English with 200 Children in East St Louis with Jackie Joyner Kersee Center 5. Teach English in Affton with Bosnian Children and Counsel Families with Enisa from Affton 6. Join the Muslim Outreach team to daily build relationships with our Muslim community in West County. (

14 3. The Prize of Presence vs 15-17
Presence of Mission in our City of St. Louis 7. Invite an International University Student over for Dinner or campus ministry. ( John Weir or Brad Wos) 8. Start a Business that will serve alongside Multicultural Church planting in our City of St Louis (Convene Fridays) 9. Disciple maker Coach through Sport teams in the community with our Cup of Nations. (  Brad Wos) 10. Begin Classes at Covenant Seminary and Start planting a Multicultural Church here in St Louis. (  Joel Hathaway)

15 3. The Prize of Presence vs 15-17 參與的獎賞
Steve Moore said “The Great Commission is too big for anyone to accomplish alone, and too important not to try to do together.” Steve Moore 説 “大使命是太大了, 任何人都不能單獨完成, 也太重要了不能不嘗試一起做。” In 2030 China will be the largest Christian Nation in the World…200 Million Christians in China… 2030年中國將成為世界上最大的基督教國家...2億基督徒在中國…

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