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光電所博士學位口試演講公告 Announcement of GIPO PhD Oral Defense

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1 光電所博士學位口試演講公告 Announcement of GIPO PhD Oral Defense
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, NTU 光電所博士學位口試演講公告 Announcement of GIPO PhD Oral Defense 論文題目 Thesis Title: 博士候選人 (PhD candidate): 指導教師 (Thesis advisor): 口試日期/時間 (Oral defense date/time): 口試地點 (Location): 本演講公告,係依本所博士班修業規定,論文考試之前半部為公開發表, 需張貼公告。後半部則為不公開,僅由考試委員出席。 The presentation, i.e., the first part of the oral defense, will be open to the public wile the second part will only be limited to the oral defense committee members.

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