1. 4. 2. 5. 3. watch TV help with housework exercise read (a book)/books go shopping 1aMake a list of the weekend activities. What do you usually do on.


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Presentation transcript:

watch TV help with housework exercise read (a book)/books go shopping 1aMake a list of the weekend activities. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. a b cd e

A: What do you do on weekends? B: I usually watches TV. A: Do you go shopping? B: No, I never goes shopping. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. a b cd e

do housework play tennis watch TV exercise go shopping readuse the Internet go to the movies play the piano

Listen. Number the activities [1-5] in the order you hear them. 2a How often do you watch TV? Twice a week. Activities How often a. ___ go to the movies every day b. ___ watch TV once a week c. ___ shop twice a week d. ___ exercise three times a week e. ___ read once a month twice a month

2b Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them. Activities How often a. ___ go to the movies every day b. ___ watch TV once a week c. ___ shop twice a week d. ___ exercise three times a week e. ___ read once a month twice a month

复习频率副词 How often do you watch TV? always —— 100% usually often sometimes hardly ever never —— 0%

How often How often do you …? does he / she …? every day / night once a week / month twice a week / month three times a week / month once or twice a week / month 每天 / 每夜 一周 / 一个月一次 一周 / 一个月两次 一周 / 一个月三次 一周 / 一个月 一次或两次

“ 次数 ” 的表达方法 一次 once , 两次 twice ,三次或三次 以上用基数词加上 times, three times, five times, one hundred times. 表示 “ …… 几次 ” 的表达方法是: once a day / a week / a month / a year twice a day / a week / a month / a year

always usually sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a week three times a day once a month 表示频度,频率的副词、短语 常用 how often 提问

how often “ 多久一次 ” , 常用来询问某一动作 或事情发生的频率。 -- How often does your mother travel? -- Once a year. 回答: never ( 从不) …… once a day/week( 一天 / 周一次) twice a week/month ( 一周 / 月一次) three/four/five/six … times a month / year 一月 / 年 三 / 四 / 五 / 六 …… 次

How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations. ActivitiesHow often watch TVevery day use the Internet read English books go to the movies exercise 2c

2dListen and answer questions.

1. Is Claire free next week? Why ? No. Because she has dance and piano lessons. 2. How often does Claire have dance lessons? How about her piano lessons? She has dance class once a week and piano lessons twice a week. 3. What kind of dance is Claire learning? Swing dance.

Proverbs about exercise Wealth is nothing without health. 失去健康,钱再多也没用。 There is no medicine against death. 没有长生不老药。 Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。 Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。 Eat a mouthful less. Take a walk after dinner. 吃饭少一口,饭后走一走。