Object clauses with that after know,think,believe,etc. When do we use “object clause”? To say what we know, think, believe, etc., we can use that followed.


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Presentation transcript:

Object clauses with that after know,think,believe,etc. When do we use “object clause”? To say what we know, think, believe, etc., we can use that followed by an object clause. We often leave out that, especially when we are talking. Most people think(that) the film is very interesting. I believe(that) he can finish the task ahead of time. He know that Jim is a good man.

A 宾语从句 在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句. 在很多动词如 think,believe,say,tell,ask,find,wish,hope,suppose,agree,explain,remember,exp ect,suggest,imagine, suspect 等后面都 可以用宾语从句. I think (that) the movie is very interesting. 主语主语 谓语谓语 宾语从句

Tom Aunt Polly I don’t think (that) this is work. I think that Tom did a good job. 宾语从句的否定通常前置。如: I don’t think (that) this is work.

宾语从句的否定转移 当主句的主语为 I 或 we, 谓语为 think,believe,guess,know 等词时,其后 的宾语从句的否定词应该转移到主句上, 即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓 语动词用肯定式. I think you aren’t right. I don’t think you are right. 我想你是不对的. 注意:若谓语动词为 hope, 宾语从句中的否定词不能转 移. I don’t hope you were ill. I hope you weren’t ill. 我希望你没生病吧.

sugar, salt, butter, oileat least milk, cheese, meat, chicken, fish, eggs eat moderately rice, bread, vegetables, fruit eat most S1 I eat a lot of sweets and only a little fruit. S2 I think (that) you need to eat fewer sweets and more fruit. A Work in pairs. S1 tells S2 what he or she and other people eat. S2 looks at the table below and gives a suitable reply.

S1 I/lot/butter/little bread S2I__________________________________ ___________________________________. S1 My brother/lot/cheese/few vegetables S2I__________________________________ ___________________________________. think (that) you need to eat least butter and most bread. think (that) you need to eat moderately cheese and most vegetables

S1 My parents/lot/eggs/little rice S2 I ___________________________________ S1 I/little fruit/lot/fried food S2 I ____________________________________ S1 I/lot/pork/few vegetables S2 I ____________________________________ think (that) you need to eat moderately eggs and most rice think (that) you need to eat most fruit and least fried food think (that) you need to eat moderately pork and most vegetables

B Please finish the exercise B on page 88 and try to use object clause. 2. twenty-six per cent of teenagers think (that) language is easy. 3.sixteen per cent of teenagers think (that )the programme is interesting and enjoyable. 4.twenty-four per cent of teenagers think (that )the programme is boring. 5.ten per cent of teenagers think (that) the programme is not worth watching. 6.twenty per cent of teenagers think (that) the programme should have more music.

1.I know (that) he ______ (join) the League in I see that they _________ (play) football over there now. 3. Tell me where he ____ (live). 4.I hear that he_________ (come) tomorrow. joined are playing lives will come

He often goes sightseeing on holiday. Jack told me (that) he often went sightseeing on holiday. Jack told me... 改为宾语从句

Will Miss Li be in charge of our class? The students wondered... The students wondered if Miss Li would be in charge of our class.

改为宾语从句 What did Father Christmas put in his stocking? He didn’t say… He didn’t say what Father Christmas had put in his stocking.

改为宾语从句 Did you remember…? Has he entered for the contest? Did you remember whether he had entered for the contest?

改为宾语从句 We soon learned… They are having a picnic at nine o’clock in the morning. We soon learned they were having a picnic at nine o’clock in the morning.

1. 从句表达的是客观真理, 2 . Could(Would) you … The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound. Could you tell me who he is? Light travels faster than sound. ( The teacher told us ….) who is he? (Could you tell me….) 用一般现在时 表示语气婉转

1.The headmaster hopes everything ______ well. (go) 2.Tom says that they ____________ (play) basketball at six o’clock yesterday evening. 3.I hear they __________ (return) it already. 4.He asked what they __________ at eight last night. (do) 5.He said that they _________ members of the Party since (be) have returned goes were playing were doing had been

7. The teacher told his class that light _______ faster than sound. (travel) 8.I think you __________ about the relay race now. (talk) 9.I didn’t know whom the letters _________ from. (be) 10.The radio says it _________ cloudy tomorrow. (be) travels are talking were will be