Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown,


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Presentation transcript:

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 先抓 人名 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 先抓 人名 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 看主 題句 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 圈 動詞 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 人與 動詞 連結 公開觀課

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 提取 其他 訊息 公開觀課 以下將出現細節題,請搶 答!

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 預測 答案 位置 公開觀課 Q: Why is Mrs. Brown preparing hamburgers?

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building a new house for Cody. Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 精讀! 尋讀! 公開觀課 Q: Why is Mrs. Brown preparing hamburgers?

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building (a new house for Cody.) Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 公開觀課 Q: How many people are making the new dog house? 預測 答案 位置

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building (a new house for Cody.) Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 提取 其他 訊息 公開觀課 Q: How many people are making the new dog house?

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building (a new house for Cody.) Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 公開觀課 Q: Does Cody like his new house? 預測 答案 位置

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building (a new house for Cody.) Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 公開觀課 Q: Does Cody like his new house? 預測 答案 位置

Today is Cody’s birthday. The Brown family is busy right now. Mrs. Brown is preparing hamburgers, Cody’s favorite food. Peter and his father, Mr. Brown, are building (a new house for Cody.) Amanda is painting it. Cody is very happy. He is running and jumping around. 康軒版第 1 冊第 6 課 公開觀課 Q: Does Cody like his new house? 預測 答案 位置



dog food 狗食

快問快答! hamburger 漢堡


catch 抓住

快問快答! bark 吠叫


fence 柵欄 over

快問快答! hurdle 跳欄 over

快問快答! lake 湖 into