国际货运代理专业英语 English for International Freight Forwarding 任课教师:黄国文.


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国际货运代理专业英语 English for International Freight Forwarding 任课教师:黄国文

国际货代专业英语 — 黄国文 Contents Ⅰ. Course Outline Ⅱ. Course Objectives Ⅲ. Requirements Ⅳ. FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding

Course Outline

现状 : 随着我国经济建设的蓬勃发展,对外开放的进一步 扩大,各地区对外经济贸易业务往来日益频繁, 将会有更多的部门与企业直接参与对外贸易,将需 要大量的懂外贸业务的专业人才。 ★福建省 “ 海西经济区建设技能型紧缺人才培养 计划 “ 实施以来,在软件、制造、汽车、电子通 讯、建筑、物流、护理、旅游、商贸、现代农业 等 10 个领域; 东南沿海港口群:海西经济建设的突破口。

国际货代行业从业人员资格培训考试 中国国际货运代理协会 CIFA 组 织全国国际货运代理从业人员资格培训 考试 (CIFA Diploma in Freight Forwarding) 引进国际货运代理协会联合会 (FIATA) 的国际货运代理证书培训考试 (FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding) 将 “ 国际货运代理从业人员资格证 书考试 ” 更名为 “ 国际货运代理从业人员岗 位专业证书考试 ”

国际货运代理协会联合会 ( FIATA ) 国际货运代理协会联合会是世界国际货运 代理的行业组织,其法文名称为 “ Federation Internationale des Associations de transitaires etassimiles ” ,英文名称为 “ International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations ” 。其法文缩 写是 “ FIATA ” ,被称为 “ 菲亚塔 ” ,并被 用作该组织的标识。

国际货代行业从业人员资格培训考试 以最近一次考试为例: 考试科目: (一)培训考试教材依据 中国国际货运代理协会组织编写的由中国商务 出版社出版的 “ 全国国际货代行业从业人员资格 培训考试专用教材 ” ,即: 2007 年 4 月出版的 《国际货运代理理论与实务》、 2009 年 1 月出 版《国际货运代理英语》和 2009 年 3 月出版的 《国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试大 纲》。

国际货代行业从业人员资格培训考试 (二)考试科目和及格分数 考试分两科,即: 1 、国际货运代理理论与实务(包括:国际货运代理概论、 国际贸易实务、报检与报关、班轮货物运输、租船货运 实务、航空货物运输、陆路货物运输、货物多式联运、 仓储与物流管理、危险货物运输、货运代理市场营销、 货运纠纷处理与案例)。 2 、 国际货运代理专业英语 (含英文单证) 各科满分均为 100 分,及格分数为 60 分。两科均及格者 方可获得合格证书。单科及格者成绩可保留至下年度有 效(只允许补考一次)。

【推荐网站】 国际货运代理综合服务网: 中国国际货运代理协会: 福建省国际货运代理协会 厦门市国际货运代理协会 深圳货运信息网: 锦程物流网: 货代考试中心网站 中国考试网 考试大全网

Ability Objectives Cognitive Objectives Master the vocabulary and the terminology of freight forwarding Master the practices of freight documents Master the basic knowledge of international freight forwarding Ability Objectives Get FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding

Course Assessments There will be a final term test which will have a weight of 60%, the homework and a mid-term test 20%, presentation 20%.

Unit 1 Introduction to IT

A. 广州陈先生广百百货 联想手机 B. 广州陈先生广百百货 诺基亚手机 C. 广州陈先生 东京 SOGO 多项选择题:哪几个交易属于国际贸易? ( A )( B )( C ) 联想手机 What’s the difference ?

Let’s overview: Economic activity began with the caveman, who was economically self-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for his own needs. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, and therefore each person concentrated on what he did best. E.G. One hunted, another fished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman.

Today: Neither individuals nor nations are self- sufficient. Example 1 : Britain possesses large reserves of ______ but lacks many minerals such as copper and aluminum. Example 2: The Middle East have vast _____ deposits but little else. coal oil

Example 3: Shouldn’t a strong country such as the United States produce all of the computers, tvs, automobiles and cameras it wants rather than import such products from Japan? Why do the Japanese and other countries buy wheat, corn, chemical products, aircraft, manufactured goods, and informational services from the United States?

U know? Some nations possess little exportable commodities or manufactured goods, but they have a mild and sunny climate. During the winter, the Bahamas attract large numbers of tourists, who spend money for hotel accommodations, meals, taxis, and so on. Company Logo In the modern time, tourism is another form of invisible trade.

Definition of International Trade Definition: (multiple choices) International trade is the exchange of ______ across international borders or territories.-----P1 A. capital B. goods C. services D. money Definition: (multiple choices) International trade is the exchange of ______ across international borders or territories.-----P1 A. capital B. goods C. services D. money

Importance of IT world merchandise exports and gross domestic product,

Importance of IT The ratio of exports and imports of goods and commercial services to GDP is often used to indicate the openness of an economy.

Importance of IT In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP) P1 Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization P1 International Trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power P1 In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP) P1 Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization P1 International Trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power P1

ELEMENTS IMPACT ON IT Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system P1

IMPACT OF FINANCIAL CRISIS The full impact felt across all regions only in the fourth quarter of 2008.

statistics Trade levels deteriorated most in Europe, falling by nearly 16 percent in the fourth quarter compared with the same period of Asia’s exports declined by 5 per cent and North America’s by 7 per cent (year-on-year).


statistics China’s trade balance turned into a surplus in the mid-1990s, reaching 7.8 percent of GDP in Although its trade surplus fell to 6.7 per cent during 2008, and to 4.7 per cent in the first quarter of 2009, the latest monthly figures indicate that China is benefiting noticeably from the initial recovery of world trade. China’s trade balance turned into a surplus in the mid-1990s, reaching 7.8 percent of GDP in Although its trade surplus fell to 6.7 per cent during 2008, and to 4.7 per cent in the first quarter of 2009, the latest monthly figures indicate that China is benefiting noticeably from the initial recovery of world trade.


statistics The United States has recorded an increasing share of trade between multi- nationals and their majority-owned foreign affiliates, growing from 21.5 per cent to more than a quarter of its total trade (27.5 per cent) in 2007 (covering only non-bank affiliates, and excluding transportation services and travel).

Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade 1. IT is typically more costly than domestic trade. 2. Factors of production (capital & labor)

More costly than domestic trade The reason is that crossing a national border typically involves additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays, and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system, or a different culture P1 The reason is that crossing a national border typically involves additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays, and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system, or a different culture P1

Risks in IT Economic Insolvency of the buyerthe failure of the buyer to payExchange rate Political Cancellation/Non-renewalWar risksExpropriation/confiscationImposition of an import banTransfer riskInfluence of political parties

KEY POINTS Economic risks include the risk of insolvency 1 of the buyer; the risk of the failure 2 of the buyer to pay the amount due 3 within six months after the due 3 date; the risk of non-acceptance 4 ; the risk of exchange rate 5, and so on. 1.insolvency: 无力偿还,破产 5. exchange rate: 外汇汇率 2.failure: 失败,无支付能力 3.due: 到期 4.non-acceptance: 不接受,不兑现

KEY POINTS Political risks include the risk of cancellation 1 or non-renewal 2 of export or import licenses 3 ; war risks; risk of expropriation 4 or confiscation 5 of the importer’s company; risk of the imposition of an import ban 6 after the shipment of the goods; 1.cancellation: 注销,作废,取消 5. confiscation: 没收, 充公, 征用 2.non-renewal :不更换 6. import ban: 进口禁令( ban: 禁令) 3.license: 许可(证),执照 4.expropriation: 征用, 收用, 征收

KEY POINTS Transfer risk 1 — imposition 2 of exchange controls 3 by the importer’s country or foreign currency 4 shortages 5 ; and influence of political parties 6 on an importer’s company. 1.transfer risk: 转让风险( transfer: 交付,转让(财产等)) 2.imposition: 强迫接受,征税,负担 3.exchange controls: 外汇管制 4.foreign currency :外币 5.shortage: 缺乏,不足 6. political parties: 政党

Functions of WTO Carry out the WTO agreement Act as a forum for ongoing multilateral negotiations Serve as a tribunal for solving disputes Cooperate with the IMF and the World Bank

Introduction to WTO The World Trade Organization 1 is best described as an umbrella 2 organization under which the agreements 3 that came out of the Uruguay Round 4 of multilateral trade negotiations 5 are gathered 6. 1.WTO=the World Trade Organization 2.umbrella organization: 联盟组织,各种团体联合在一起的组织 ( umbrella: 通常为名词,雨伞;在这里作为形容词理解 “ 包罗万象的 ” 3.agreement: 契约, 协议, 协定 4.the Uruguay Round: 乌拉圭回合 5.multilateral trade negotiations: 多边贸易谈判( multilateral: 多边的,多 国的; negotiation: 谈判,磋商) 6.gather: 聚集,集合,收集

Introduction to WTO Additionally, the WTO is to cooperate with the International Monetary Fund 1 and the World Bank 2 in order to achieve coherence 3 in global economic policy 4 making. 1.the International Monetary Fund: 国际货币基金组织 2.the World Bank: 世界银行 3.achieve coherence: 达成一致( achieve: 完成,达到; coherence: 一致, 一致性) 4.policy: 方针,政策

4 Functions (1) 1 ) to implement, administer, and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes; 执行,管理和实施世贸组织协定及其附件。 (注释: implement: 实现,执行 administer: 管理,实施 carry out: 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 落 实 annex: 附件)

2 ) to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations; 充当现行多边贸易谈判的论坛 (注释: act as: 充当,担当 forum: 论坛, 讨论会 ongoing: 进行的,前进的) 4 Functions (2)

3 ) to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes; 作为解决争端的法庭 (注释: tribunal: 法庭, 法官席, 裁决 resolve dispute: 解决争端 ( resolve: 解 决,消除; dispute: 争端,争议,纠纷) 4 Functions (3)

4 Functions (4) 4 ) to review the trade policies and practices of member states. 评审各成员国的贸易政策和行为 (注释: review: 审查, 评审, 再检查 practice: 行为 member states: 成员国)

Barriers to International Trade Definition: (P2) A trade barrier 1 is a general term that describes any government policy or regulation 2 that restricts 3 international trade. 1.trade barrier: 贸易壁垒 2.regulation: 规则,规章,条例 3.restrict: 限制,约束 是指各国政府用于限制国际贸易的政策或条例的总称。

Forms of the barriers Import duties Import & Export licenses Import quotas Tariffs Subsidies Non-tariff barriers Barriers to IT 进口税 进出口许可证 进口配额 关税 补贴 非关税壁垒 Trade barriers work on the same principle 1 : the imposition of some sort of cost on trade that raises the price of trade products. If two or more nations repeatedly 2 use trade barriers against each other, then a trade war results. (P2) 1.principle: 原理 2.repeatedly: 再三地,重复地

1ST STEP 1. Seeking customs 寻找客户 = 市场调研 发开发信函或目录 / 等广告 / 参加展会或展览 2. Contact each other by sending inquiries 发询盘 3. Status inquiry 资信调查 4. Quotations or offers; acceptance or non-acceptance Steps of IT 报盘或报价;接受或不接受报盘

2 nd STEP 备货 8. Inspection or survey of goods 7. Preparation of goods by the seller 6. Obtaining import/export license Opening L/C Receiving L/C, if any 5. Order/Contract 发送合同 / 签订合同 获得进口 / 出口许可证 ; 开立信用证 / 接收信用证 卖方备货 检查或检验货物

3rd STEP Reserving shipping space either by the seller or buyer, depending on the trade terms Effecting insurance Customs clearance and loading 出口义务 (seller) 9. 依据贸易条款,由卖 方或买方订舱 10. 办 理保 险 11. 报关 装货 Shipping advice 12. 装船(发货)通 知

Delivery of goods 16 Negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary Customs clearance under L/C Redemption of documents under L/C 进口义务 ( BUYER ) 4 TH STEP 17 Lodging and Settling claims(if any) 交货 提出索赔 / 理赔 通过受益人议付信用证项下的出口单证 赎回信用证项下单证 ( 赎单 ) 进口报关



VOCABULARY& PHRASES Ⅰ. Translations International trade:__________ GDP (gross domestic product) :__________ Industrialization:__________ Globalization:__________ Multinational corporation:__________ Labor-intensive goods:__________ Exchange rate :__________

Transfer risk: Exchange controls:__________ WTO (world trade organization) :__________ Uruguay Round:__________ Multilateral trade:__________ The International Monetary Fund The World Bank: __________ Outsourcing: __________ Trade barrier: __________ Import duties: __________ Import/export license: __________

Import quota:__________ Tariff:__________ Non-tariff barrier:__________ Market research: __________ Offer:__________ Shipping space:__________ Customs clearance:__________ Loading:__________ Shipping advice:__________ Redemption of documents:__________ Delivery of goods:__________

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