Recognition Criteria and Evidence Requirement of Well-Known Trademark 驰名商标认定标准及证明要求 Shanghai, 7 September 2008 Dr. Huang Hui Research Fellow, IPR Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Recognition Criteria and Evidence Requirement of Well-Known Trademark 驰名商标认定标准及证明要求 Shanghai, 7 September 2008 Dr. Huang Hui Research Fellow, IPR Center of CASS Guest Professor, Robert Schuman University Partner, Wanhuida IP Agency 2008 年 9 月 7 日 上海 黄 晖 中国社会科学院知识产权中心 兼职研究员 法国斯特拉斯堡第三大学 客座教授 万慧达知识产权代理公司 合伙人

Introduction : Legislation of Well-Known Trademark Protection 引言:驰名商标保护的立法背景 Art.6 bis of Paris Convention 保护工业产权巴黎公约第六条之二 Art.16(2),(3) of TRIPS Agreement TRIPS 协定第 16 条第二、三款 Joint Recommendation of Well-known Trademark Protection 驰名商标保护联合建议

Introduction : Legislation of Well-Known Trademark Protection 引言:驰名商标保护的立法背景 First Council Directive to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks and Community Trademark Regulation, EU 欧共体协调成员国商标立法第一号指令 共同体商标条例 Federal Trademark Dilution Act, USA 美国联邦反淡化法

Introduction : Legislation of Well-Known Trademark Protection 引言:驰名商标保护的立法背景 Trademark Law, China Interpretation of Application of Law concerning Trademark Civil Disputes Provision of Well-Known Mark Recognition and Protection 中国商标法 关于审理商标民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释 驰名商标认定和保护规定

1 、 Recognition Criteria 认定标准 ( 1 ) Which Territory? 地域要求 ( 2 ) What Time? 时间要求 ( 3 ) Which Public? 相关公众要求 ( 4 ) Which Person? 主体要求 ( 5 ) Which Mark? 客体要求

( 1 ) Which Territory 地域要求 Well-Known in foreign or domestic country? 外国知名还是本国知名? Throughout the whole country or substantial part? 全国还是大部分地区? Is it necessary to be recognized as known already at least in one region? 是否必须先在局部地区知名? How about spillover effect? 外国知名度是否有溢出效应?

( 2 ) What Time? 时间要求 What time as critical point for well-known mark recognition? 何时作为认定驰名的关键时点? Whether it is possible to become famous overnight today? 现代媒体宣传是否可以一夜成名? Whether foreign fame can accelerate the process of becoming well-known in another country? 外国知名度是否可以加快商标驰名? How long for the next recognition if first one failed? 何时可以再要求认定?

( 3 ) Which Public? 相关公众要求 How far is public concerned? Whether it is necessary to be known at same time in consumer, expert and special channel or one of them? 小众还是大众?相关公众的范围有多大?是否必须同时在 消费者,专业人士以及专业渠道中驰名还是任选其一? While protection concern non-similar product, whether it is necessary to be known in public of defendant’s activity or public at large? 非类似商品上保护时,是否需要被告所在领域的相关公众 或一般大众知晓?

( 4 ) Which Person? 主体要求 Whether the owner must be foreign one? 商标所有人是否必须为外国人或企业? How to recognize the continuity of owner? 如何认定主体的连续性? Whether the use by the related company can be considered? 可否考虑关联单位的使用?

( 5 ) Which Mark? 客体要求 Registered mark or unregistered one? 商标是否必须注册? Coined mark or ordinary one? 商标是否必须独创? Own mark or Nick name? 本名还是外号? Foreign language or Chinese? 外文还是中文? New mark or old one? 新标还是旧标? Well-Known for what? 为何驰名?

2 、 Evidence Requirement 证明要求 ( 1 ) Evidence Scope 证据范围 ( 2 ) How to prove the common knowledge 众所周知的证明 ( 3 ) What is the influence of protection record? 受保护记录的效力

( 1 ) Evidence Scope 证据范围 Direct evidence : the extent of knowledge of public concerned-Survey 直接证据:相关公众对该商标的知晓程度 – 民意测验 Indirect evidence : Turnover / Advertisement or Promotion / Chamber of Commerce Attestation / Use by Star / Trademark valuation / Protection record 间接证据: 使用该商标的商品销量 / 宣传广告投入 / 商会证明 / 名人代言 / 商标价值 / 受保护记录 How to balance them? 如何考量各个因素的权重?

( 2 ) How to prove the common knowledge 众所周知的证明 China statute law: No need to prove the Common knowledge (civil litigation rule) or the judge can recognize it directly (administrative litigation rule). 中国立法例:众所周知的事实无需当事人举证证明(民事 证据规则)或者可以由法庭直接认定(行政证据规则)。 Hong Kong statute law: Mark which is known by everyone need not to be proved. 香港立法例:商标在香港为公众人士所熟知的无需证明。 EU case law: Competent authority may recognize the common knowledge ex officio and not bound by the parties evidence. 欧盟判例:不限于原告的举证,主管部门可以依职权认定。

( 3 ) What is the influence of protection record? 受保护记录的效力 China statute law: when party don’t object the fact that the mark has been recognized as well-known, no need to reconsider. When there is an objection, one should furnish the evidence that the mark is not well-known, or competent authority will review it again. 中国立法例;当事人对曾经被认定的驰名商标不持异议, 不再审查。提出异议的,需提供该商标不驰名的证据材料 或由主管部门重新审查。