总第 045 期 2010 年 09 月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅, 请登陆 :uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路 8 号尚都国际 502 室( 100020 ) 联系电话: 010-58700900 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Improving The Odds For.


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Presentation transcript:

总第 045 期 2010 年 09 月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅, 请登陆 :uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路 8 号尚都国际 502 室( ) 联系电话: 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Improving The Odds For Changing Jobs If you've been marking time at work and hoping to get a new job, you've got company. Employment experts caution, though, that moving too quickly could land you in a new job that you dislike even more. Here are some ways to improve the odds of finding the right one. -- Re-evaluate the situation. Think about why you're dissatisfied at your current job. If you aren't challenged enough, there might be a way to make a change without leaving. 'There may be ways that your job can be changed for the better or your role in the company expanded to offer more challenges,' says Tony Mulkern, a management consultant in Los Angeles. Scout job openings in other departments or at higher levels that you may qualify for with some additional extended education or skills and ask your manager to support your effort to get the training you need. -- Reach out. If the opportunities just aren't there or you're simply dissatisfied and aching to move, tap your personal and professional network for information on who is hiring. Many job postings go up with a candidate in mind already, if you know someone at the companies you are targeting -- or someone in your network does -- work to get personal referrals. -- Do your homework. When you land an interview, use the opportunity to learn about the company. You should get as much from them as they will try to get from you, says Sharon Armstrong, a human-resources consultant in Washington. Salary and benefits are important, but so is fit. It's difficult to tell what the workplace culture is like from casual visits. Don't be shy about calling for more information and contact current and former employees, if possible, to get a feel for the company and opportunities. -- Leap carefully. Whatever you do, don't quit your job until you're certain you're hired, says Ms. Armstrong. 'Even if a job offer seems imminent, there are a lot of things that can happen at the last minute.' 谨慎跳槽,找对下家 如果你现在的工作已是原地踏步不会再有起色,那你很可能在盘算要换 一个新的工作,其实有这个想法的也不止你一个人。不过,就业专家提 出警告,操之过急可能会导致你找到一个更不喜欢的工作。以下几点忠 告能帮助你找对下家。 ── 重新审视现状。思考一下自己对现有工作不满的原因何在。如果是因 为不够有挑战,那么也许可以不用换工作便得到改善。洛杉矶管理顾问 托尼 穆尔肯( Tony Mulkern )表示, “ 你也许可以找到办法让自己的工 作往好的方向转变,或者让自己的职责得到扩展,以迎接更多挑战。 ” 可 以去看看其他部门有没有合适的工作机会,或者是更高职位的工作机会 ,也许你再接受一些培训或技能训练就可以胜任这个工作了,请你的上 司支持你去接受必需的培训。 ── 多方打探。如果公司内部没有合适的机会,或者你已经彻底厌烦非走 不可了,那就不妨通过自己的私交和工作上的熟人多方探询哪家公司在 招人。很多公开发布的职位信息其实都是有既定候选人的。如果你 ── 或 者你圈子里有人 ── 认识目标公司的人,想办法让对方帮你推荐一下。 ── 做好功课。利用面试的机会了解公司的状况。华盛顿人力资源顾问莎 伦 阿姆斯特朗( Sharon Armstrong )表示,面试时对方会尽可能多地了 解你的情况,你也应该同样多了解他们的情况。工资和福利是很重要, 但是也别忘了考虑这家公司是否适合自己。随意的参观很难判断一个公 司的企业文化,不要不好意思让对方提供更多的信息,如果可能的话, 联系上现在或过去在这里工作的员工,进一步了解这家公司以及它能提 供的机会。 ── 跳槽需谨慎。阿姆斯特朗表示,无论如何,切记要在找好下家之前才 辞去现在的工作。 “ 就算对方公司似乎是板上钉钉要录用你了,没准最后 一分钟还会有很多变故呢。 ” DOWJONES EDUCATION

总第 045 期 2010 年 09 月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅, 请登陆 :uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路 8 号尚都国际 502 室( ) 联系电话: DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 New Hope In Fatigue Fight Researchers said they had identified a family of retroviruses in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, opening up a potentially promising new avenue of treatment for a debilitating disease that afflicts as many as four million Americans and 17 million people world-wide. The finding will likely spur patients with the condition to seek treatment with drugs used to fight HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Although HIV and the newly identified virus group are different, they are both retroviruses. The report, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was accompanied by a call for new clinical trials to test HIV drugs in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors don't know what causes chronic fatigue syndrome, characterized by debilitating fatigue and chronic pain with symptoms that can wax and wane over time. Some patients say friends, co-workers and even family members don't believe they are really sick. Studies finding a viral connection with the disease would completely transform how the illness is treated and viewed. The findings also offer a potential path for treatment, possibly with drugs that are already FDA-approved for another condition. The group of viruses identified in fatigue patients, called murine leukemia virus- related viruses, or MLV, are known to cause cancer and neurological problems in mice, but whether they cause disease in humans isn't known. XMRV is among several different members of the MLV family, researchers said. In the new study, researchers said they found at least one of four different MLV- like viruses in 32 of 37, or 86.5%, of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, compared with just three of 44, or 6.8%, of apparently healthy blood donors. 抗疲劳领域的新希望 研究人员说,在患有慢性疲劳综合症的病人体内发现了一类逆转录病毒, 从而为治疗这一令人虚弱无力的疾病开辟了极有希望的新途径。美国有高 达 400 万人患有慢性疲劳综合症,全球的患者有 1,700 万。 这一研究结果很可能促使慢性疲劳综合症患者寻求用抗爱滋病病毒 (HIV) 药 物进行治疗。尽管 HIV 和新发现的病毒群不同,却都属于逆转录病毒。 研究报告发表在周一出版的《美国国家科学院院刊》 (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) 上。同时,文章呼吁对慢性疲劳综合症患者 施用抗 HIV 药物的新临床试验。 医生们不知道慢性疲劳综合症的致病原因。该病的特征是使人虚弱无力的 疲倦、慢性疼痛,症状的轻重则可能随时间变化。一些病人说,朋友、同 事、甚至是家人都不相信他们真的生病了。 研究发现慢性疲劳综合症可能与某种病毒有关,这将彻底改变该病的治疗 方法和人们对它的看法。研究结果还提供了一种可能的治疗途径,或许可 以用已经获得美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 批准的用于治疗其他疾病的药物 进行治疗。 最近还有其他一些研究将该病与一种名为 “ 异嗜性小鼠白血病病毒相关病毒 ”(XMRV) 的逆转录病毒联系在一起,据此,一些医生已经开始给慢性疲劳 综合症患者开获得批准的抗 HIV 药物。慢性疲劳综合症尚无有效的治疗方 法。 在慢性疲劳综合症患者体内发现的病毒群名为 “ 小鼠白血病病毒相关病毒 ”(MLV) ,人们已经发现此类病毒可以令老鼠致癌和出现神经问题,不过是 否会令人类致病尚不可知。研究人员说, XMRV 属于多个不同的 MLV 类病 毒。 研究人员说,在新的研究中 37 位慢性疲劳综合症患者体内,发现有 32 位的 体内有四种不同 MLV 样病毒中的至少一种,占了 86.5% ,而在表面上健康 的 44 位献血者体内,只有三位发现了这种病毒,占 6.8% 。

总第 045 期 2010 年 09 月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅, 请登陆 :uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路 8 号尚都国际 502 室( ) 联系电话: DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Decoding Airline Ticket Costs Airline ticket prices often seem like a brain-teaser with little logic. From Chicago, a flight to Miami is more than twice as far as a flight to Memphis, but the shorter Memphis flight costs 25% more on average. Fly to Washington, D.C., from Hartford, Conn., and the average fare is nearly three times as high as if you flew to nearby Baltimore from Hartford, according to government data for the first quarter of this year. The price you pay for a ticket is driven by a number of variables: competition, types of passengers, the route and operating costs. But the biggest factor, by far, is whether discount airlines fly in a market. Low-cost carriers often set the price in markets because competitors feel compelled to match that price or risk losing customers and flying empty seats. And when they aren't there, big airlines behave radically differently when setting prices. The kinds of travelers in a market heavily influence what prices airlines charge as well. If the route has lots of business travelers -- like Hartford to Washington -- then airlines set prices high knowing customers will be less sensitive to higher prices. If the route is populated by price-sensitive travelers -- think Florida cities and Las Vegas -- then airlines set prices low in order to fill up planes. Distance has little to do with pricing. Cincinnati to New York happens to be exactly the same distance by air as Long Beach, Calif., to Salt Lake City, and both routes include a hub for Delta Air Lines at one end. The similarities end there. For Cincinnati-New York, a market rich with business travelers where Delta carries 98% of all passengers, travelers paid an average 42 cents a mile in the first quarter, according to the DOT. For the Long-Beach-Salt Lake route, Delta competes with jetBlue Airways and charged only half as much. Delta says prices on each route are based on 'market dynamics,' including distance, operating costs and competition. US Airways declined to comment on its pricing strategy 'for competitive reasons.'' High prices do catch the attention of low-priced competitors. In the first quarter this year, the most expensive market in the country, per mile, was Boston to Philadelphia, a US Airways-dominated route, where the average fare was a whopping $684. Southwest began serving that route in June. 机票价格全解码 机票的价格就像脑筋急转弯一样没多少逻辑可言。根据今年一季度的政府数据, 芝加哥到迈阿密的航程是到孟菲斯航程的两倍还多,可是机票价格后者平均比前 者高 25% 。从康涅狄格州哈特福德市( Hartford )到华盛顿的平均票价是到华盛 顿近邻巴尔的摩票价的将近三倍。 你为一张机票所支付的费用受诸多因素的影响:市场竞争、乘客类型、路线和运 营费用。不过,到目前为止,最有影响力的因素是同一条航线上是否有廉价航空 介入竞争。市场行情通常都是由廉价航空公司确定的,因为竞争对手会被迫跟他 们比拼价格,否则就有失去客户、空座率过高的风险。如果某条航线没有廉价航 空,大牌航空公司就会有截然不同的定价策略。 乘客类型对航空公司的定价也有举足轻重的影响。如果某条航线有大量的商务乘 客 ── 比如哈特福德至华盛顿 ── 那么航空公司就会把定价抬高,因为他们知道这 些客户对于票价不是那么敏感。如果某条航线的乘客多数对价格很敏感 ── 比如 去佛罗里达众多城市和拉斯维加斯的乘客 ── 那么为了把飞机塞满,航空公司就 会开出比较低的价格。 航程远近对票价是没什么影响的。辛辛那提到纽约的航程同加利福尼亚长滩到盐 湖城的航程完全一致,两条航线上都有达美航空( Delta Air Lines )的枢纽机场 ,不过其相似性也就到此为止了。据交通部数据,辛辛那提 - 纽约航线以商务旅 客为主, 98% 的乘客乘坐的是达美航空的航班,一季度,每英里平均票价为 43 美 分。而在长滩 - 盐湖城航线,达美需要同捷蓝一争高下,其票价便只有辛辛那提 - 纽约航线的一半。 达美航空称,这两条航线的票价都是基于 “ 市场动态 ” 而定,包括航程、运营费用 和竞争的因素。全美航空拒绝针对其定价策略发表评论, “ 因为竞争的原因 ” 。 高票价自然吸引了低价路线竞争者的注意。今年一季度,全美国每英里票价最高 的航线是全美航空占据主导的波士顿至费城航线,平均往返票价高达 684 美元。 6 月份,西南航空( Southwest )也开通了这一航线。 -

总第 045 期 2010 年 09 月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅, 请登陆 :uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路 8 号尚都国际 502 室( ) 联系电话: DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 For Marwaris Of India: Must-Have Chef, Will Travel Sampling foreign foods is a highlight of many tourist itineraries but a particular group of rich Indians take a different approach to eating overseas; they bring along their own chefs. The Marwari people, from the desert state of Rajasthan, are strict vegetarians known in India for their adherence to traditional Hindu customs and for their wealth -- often from trading. Their chefs are known as maharaj, or little kings, because of their importance in the Marwari household, and Marwaris are also gaining renown in India and elsewhere for taking these chefs with them wherever they go. A growing number of Indians are holidaying abroad million of them vacationed overseas last year, up almost 10% from the previous year, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. It's not uncommon for them to prefer to eat home-cooked food when overseas, packing away a paratha, or flat bread, and pickles, or even their own stove on which to cook lentils and rice, while traveling. But for many Marwaris, including those of more modest means than Mr. Jhunjhunwala, nothing less than food prepared by their own chef will do even if they are staying in five-star hotels. Some are known to take an English-speaking cook when traveling to the U.S. or other destinations so that he can do the grocery shopping too. 'We are pretty orthodox when it comes to food,' said Gayatri Ruia, a real-estate executive from Mumbai. 'Our food is a way of life and we are creatures of habit. When cost is no consideration, it makes sense to take your own cook so you can be sure of enjoying the food you love.' Marwaris will not eat food that has been prepared in kitchens where meat, poultry, fish or eggs have also been present. Their maharaj are usually Brahmins, an elite, priestly caste of Indians. They cook food that is fiery and distinctive, and features lots of dried vegetables, beans and hard desert berries, with buttermilk used instead of water. Many wealthy Marwaris guard their maharaj closely, and chefs often pass on their skills to their own children, so that several generations of maharaj can end up working for generations of the same Marwari family. Many Indians, including Marwaris, are also taking their chefs with them when they go overseas to celebrate special family occasions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays -- a trend that has accelerated in recent years. 奢华人生 : 印度马尔瓦尔人:带著厨师走天下 品尝外国美食可是许多旅游行程的亮点,但有一群印度富人到国外就餐时,却 采用了与众不同的方式:带上自己的厨师。 来自沙漠之邦拉贾斯坦( Rajasthan )的马尔瓦尔人是严格的素食主义者,他们 在印度因严守传统印度教习俗和富有而知名 ── 他们的财富通常来自于贸易。在 马尔瓦尔家庭中,厨师占有极其重要的地位,因此他们被称为马拉哈吉,意即 “ 小国王 ” 。在印度和其它地方,马尔瓦尔人也因为走到哪里都带著厨师而出名。 越来越多的印度人开始到国外度假 ── 根据世界旅游业理事会( World Travel and Tourism Council )公布的数字,去年有 1,080 万印度人到海外度假,比前年 几乎增加了 10% 。对他们来说,在国外时爱吃本国做法的食物,旅行时随身带 著印度煎饼、腌菜甚至是做豆羹和米饭的炉子都是很平常的。 对许多马尔瓦尔人、包括那些不如詹占瓦拉有钱的人而言,即使住在五星级酒 店里,也没有什么菜能比自家厨师做的更好吃。有些人到美国等地旅游时会带 著能说英语的厨师,这样厨师也可以去买菜。 孟买的房地产公司高管加亚特里 鲁亚( Gayatri Ruia )说, “ 我们在饮食问题上 严守传统,我们的饮食是一种生活方式,我们都是恪守成规的人。当不用考虑 成本时,带著自己的厨师,确保能享用自己喜爱的美食是完全可以理解的。 ” 烹饪肉类、家禽、鱼和蛋类的厨房做出来的食物,马尔瓦尔人是不会吃的。他 们的马哈拉吉通常都是婆罗门 ── 印度人中的祭司种姓,属于上层阶级。他们做 的食物味道辛辣,风味独特,特点是食物中有许多乾菜、豆类和沙漠硬浆果, 烹饪时使用酪奶而不是水。许多富裕的马尔瓦尔人都严密保护著他们的马哈拉 吉。厨师通常将厨艺传给自己的孩子,这样马哈拉吉就可以世世代代为同一个 马尔瓦尔家族服务。 许多印度人,包括马尔瓦尔人,到国外举办特别的家庭盛会,例如婚礼、周年 纪念日和生日时,也会带著厨师 ── 这是近年来加速发展的一个趋势。