熊淑慧 13764079794. 《英语报刊阅读教程》 新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材 主编:张健 外语教学与研究出版社.


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Presentation transcript:


《英语报刊阅读教程》 新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材 主编:张健 外语教学与研究出版社

Scoring System (40%+60%) 40%  Regular attendance  Class participation  News report (5 minutes) 60%  Final exam

News Report ( 20 类) 一、消息报道: 1 )时政要闻, 2 )财经动态, 3 )科技博览, 4 )艺苑风 景, 5 )体坛略影, 6 )健康人生, 7 )校园生活, 8 ) 全球气候, 9 )天灾人祸, 10 )网络世界 二、特写文章 1 )新闻人物, 2 )天下神游, 3 )太空旅行, 4 )男女心 事, 5 )动物王国, 6 )书香碟影, 7 )趣闻轶事, 8 ) 社会广角, 9 )史料拾珍 三、新闻评论

文体概述 一、标题语言 二、语法特征 三、词汇特色 四、语篇形式

一、标题语言 1 )标题的语法特点 1. 省略现象  冠词基本省略 37 Killed in Italian Plane Crash (37 Killed in an Italian Plane Crash) 意一飞机坠毁三十七人遇难

 逗号代替连词 “and” Laurel, Aquino Cut Ties (Laurel and Aquino Cut Ties) 劳雷尔与阿基诺夫人分道扬镳

 省略人称代词 Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year (A Mother and Her Daughter Share a Fulbright Year) 母女同享富布莱特访学年

 省略系动词 “be” Political Efforts Vital to Reform—Party Leader (Political Efforts Are Vital to Reform—Party Leader) 党的领导人说,改革一定要讲政治 Three Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas (Three Are Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas) 炉灶煤气未关 三人窒息身亡

 省略助动词 “to be” ,省略助动词的各种时态形式 Financier / Killed by Burglars (A Financier Is Killed by Burglars) 窃贼夜行窃,金融家遇害 Moscow’s Food Prices / Soaring (Moscow’s Food Prices Are Soaring) 莫斯科食品价格暴涨

标题中有时也会出现冠词、连词和系动词等虚词和语 法成分,主要是为了顾全某些习语或词组的完整性而 不得不保留这些虚词。 Combat on the Web 网络之战 TB on the Rise Against in London 伦敦地区结核病 “ 卷土重来 ”

1 )标题的语法特点 2. 时态表述 一般不用过去时态,采用现在时,用过去时给人陈旧感, 被认为新闻不 “ 新 ” 。 一般现在时:当前存在的事实,新近发生的事情 Heavy Rain Lashes City (Heavy Rain Lashed City)

一般将来时:未来的动作 will+ 动词原型, be+ 动词不定式 New Century Will Challenge Law of Land 下世纪土地法将面临挑战 Largest Chinese Trade Delegation to Visit US in Nov. 阵容强大,规模空前 中国贸易代表团定于 11 月访美

现在进行时:正在发生的事情 be+ 现在分词 be 通常省略 Deposits, Loans Rising in HK (Deposits and Loans Are Rising in Hong Kong) 香港储蓄与贷款额上升

1 )标题的语法特点 3. 语态形式 被动语态结构 “be+ 过去分词 ” 中的 be 常被省略 by 和它引出来的动词的执行者也常省略 Journalist Fired in Spy Debate (A Journalist Is Fired in a Spy Debate) 涉间谍案纠纷 一记者被炒鱿鱼 主动语态的频率高于被动语态,为突出动作的承受者而 用被动语态。

1 )标题的语法特点 4. 标点符号 逗号:用于取代连词 “and” Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms (Guangzhou Fair Closes and Trade Booms) 广交会落幕 交易量火爆

破折号:交待说话者身份 World Unity Against Terrorism Needed –Brown (Brown says that World Unity Against Terrorism Is Needed ) 布朗:全世界需联手反恐

冒号: 表示 “ 说 ” Putin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia- Hergezervena (Putin Says: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Hergezervena) 普京:穆斯林国家呼吁尽快结束波黑紧张局势 可替代 “be” Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower (Chinese Cooks Are Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower) 中国厨师技艺佳 掌中萝卜雕成花

美国报刊新闻:每个实义词首字母都大写 Burmese Students Hail Noble Winner 英国及英联邦国家和地区:整个标题的第一个词的首字 母大写 Rescue package to save families from eviction Policeman shot in gun battle

Practice: Add the missing word(s) to each of the headlines below and translate the headlines into Chinese 1. Global Poll: Fashion Models “Too Thin” 2. What Declining Registration Rate for Post-Grad Exam Mean ? 3. Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to New Low 4. Great Wall at Top of “World’s New Seven Wonders” 5. Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened 6. Lots of Fruit in Childhood Cuts Adult Cancer Risk 7. US, Russia Warned of Repeat of Cold War 8. Chinese Stocks Sink to Record Low amid Growing Inflation Concerns

1. A Global Poll: Fashion Models Are “Too Thin” 全球调查:时装模特 “ 太瘦 ” 2. What Does the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-Grad Exam Mean ? 考研热为何降温? 3. Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to a New Low 布什支持率跌至历史新低 4. The Great Wall Is at the Top of “World’s New Seven Wonders” 长城跻身 “ 世界新七大奇迹 ” 之首

5. Both Ends of Films Are to Be Shortened 片头片尾将 “ 减肥 ” 6. Lots of Fruit in One’s Childhood Cuts an Adult Cancer Risk 孩提时水果摄入多 成年后癌症风险低 7. The US and Russia Are Warned of a Repeat of the Cold War 俄美受到警告,谨防冷战重现 8. The Chinese Stocks Sink to a Record Low amid the Growing Inflation Concerns 通胀担忧加剧 股市再创新低

2 )标题的措词特点 1. 大量选用简短词 选取字形短小、音节不多而意义又比较广泛的词 Allowance to be cut in 200,000 families 政府消减津贴波及二十万家庭 Reshuffle axes France’s cabinet 法国政府改组 阁员人数锐减

aid = help; assist air = publicize; express alter= change ask = inquire assail = denounce axe = dismiss; reduce back = support balk = impede ban = prohibit; forbid bar = prevent bare = expose; reveal; disclose blast = explode block = obstruct begin = commence bid = attempt bilk = cheat blast = criticize

2 )标题的措词特点 2. 大量使用缩写词 NPC drafts new law to stem corruption ( the National People’s Congress ) 人大草拟新法 遏制腐败现象 PLO Says Big Israeli Drive Ahead ( the Palestine Liberation Organization ) 巴解组织:以色列即将大举进攻

NPC = the National People’s Congress PLO = the Palestine Liberation Organization EU = the European Union UNESCO = the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization CPPCC = the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference IMF = the International Monetary Fund ASEAN = the Association of Southeast Asian Nations OPEC = the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries IOC = the International Olympic Committee WTO = the World Trade Organization

常见事物简称 AIDS = Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome UFO = Unidentified Flying Object DJI = Dow-Jones Index IT = information technology PC = personal computer ABM = anti=ballistic missile NMD = National Missile Defense PR = public relations SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome VCD = video compact disc DVD = digital video disc

MP = member of parliament PM = Prime Minister CEO = chief executive officer DM = defense minister GM = general manager VIP = very important person TP = traffic policeman PA = personal assistant

2 )标题的措词特点 3. 大量使用节缩词 graduate grad hospital hosp High technology hi-tech Advertising statistics advertistics Automobile suicide autocide International int’l Cigarette cig

2 )标题的措词特点 4. 灵活使用 “ 生造词 ” smog = smoke + fog newscast = news + broadcast atobomb = atom bomb blacketeer = black marketeer cinemanufacturer = cinema manufacturer fruice = fruit juice slanguage = slang language teleceiver = televeision receiver Reaganomics = Reagan ecnomics

2 )标题的措词特点 5. 酌情采用外来语 描述在本族语中没有的概念或东西 增加报纸标题的生动感与新奇感

3 )中英文标题比较 1. 提炼程度不同 中文标题是多层次式的,主题一目了然,独立成句,倾向于 “ 全体性 ” 。 英文标题多采用单层次式,采取 “ 重点化 ” 。 “ 哥伦比亚 ” 航天飞机坠毁 美国宇航局证实七名宇航员全部遇难 官方称没有迹象表明与恐怖活动有关 Space Shuttle Colombia Confirmed Destroyed Without Survivors

3 )中英文标题比较 2. 措词手法各异 英文新闻标题为节省版面字数,选用简短动词。 中文新闻标题只需考虑最佳表达效果既可。 英文标题几乎从不以动词开首,中文标题偏爱使用动 词引出一条标题。 总结历史经验 开辟辉煌未来 英文报纸很少在标题中掺用形容词或副词,但在中文标 题中频频出现。 如 “ 隆重开幕 ”“ 圆满结束 ” 等。

3 )中英文标题比较 3. 时态表述有别 英文标题通常用一般现在时,避免使用诸如 “ 昨天 ”“ 昨 晚 ”“ 上周 ” 等表示过去概念的词。 中文报刊由于动词本身没有时态变换形式,往往借助这 些时间概念词以衬托时间关系。

二、语法特征 1 )灵活地采用省略句式  介词 “on” 的省略,星期、日期之前的 “on” 省略。 NABLUS, Israel-occupied West Bank-Backers of the Palestine Liberation Organization defeated Islamic fundamentalists Friday in an election here.  连词 “that” 的省略,引导宾语从句的连词 “that” 。 Butros-Ghali said ** the rich nations were to blame for the rising of the Earth’s temperature—the greenhouse effect while the poor nations were to blame for destruction of the planet’s resources.

2 )酌情镶嵌插入语  提供更多的背景材料,补充说明,反映有关人员在新闻 事件发生后的意见、观点。 Washington Hotel, part of Washington’s exclusive and notorious Watergate complex, has been sold to the investment bank Blackstone Group.  使句子简洁精炼,尽可能多地传递信息,常插入同位语。 Mr. Fernandez, the law professor, cities his hometown, San Fabian, a small community south of Manila, as an example.

3 )句型松散,富有弹性 为了尽可能地在一个句子中写进较多的新闻事实或信息, 采用合并句子的方法。 阅读时抓主干,理枝叶。抓住句子的主体部分,即主、谓、 宾语,分析句子的附加部分。

4 )巧用时态,不拘呼应 报刊英语的时态除遵循传统语法规则外,还经常按新 闻事实发生的时间变化与顺序酌情使用。 在新闻语体语言中,主句的谓语动词与从句的谓语动 词未必自始自终要保持时态一致,而是具有不拘呼应, 灵活多变的特点。

5 )前置定语,种类繁多 酌情灵活使用多重前置定语。  副词 + 过去分词 deeply-carpeted conference room hard-won results well-informed circles  名词 + 过去分词 disaster-hit area hand-made goods knowledge-based economy

名词 + 名词 arms-reduction talks north-south dialog supply-demand imbalance 名词 + 现在分词 cancer-causing drugs energy-saving device peace-keeping force

名词 + 形容词 baby-friendly hospital interest-free loan hand-free phone 名词 +to+ 名词 belly-to-back buses government-to-government effort hand-to-mouth pay

数词 + 名词 100-meter dash two-day summit one-way traffic 形容词 + 过去分词 deep-rooted social and economic problems quick-frozen food 形容词 + 名词 open-door policy red-carpet welcome

形容词 + 现在分词 high-ranking official long-standing issue wide-ranging report 前后由连词 “and” 连接的词组 hit-and-run case up-and-down relation wait-and-see policy

6 )注明出处,形式多样 1. 具体确切地消息来源 常点名道姓地交待有关的机构、组织和个人。

6 )注明出处,形式多样 2. 含蓄不露的消息来源 analysts military sources authorities commercial quarters diplomatic sources experts observers reliable sources well-informed sources witnesses

6 )注明出处,形式多样 3. 似真非真的消息来源 According to a source who asked not to be identified… According to an anonymous source… Foreign radios announced… Foreign services were quoted as saying… It has been illustrated that… It has been proved… It is alleged that… It is announced that… It is asserted that… It is assumed that…

三、词汇特色 1 )用词简洁得体 新闻报道是对已经发生的事实进行客观的陈述,不同于 文学创作,用词应简明扼要、准确清晰,尽可能地少用 形容词或副词。 (brutal) murder (angry) mob (final) outcome as a (general) rule visible (to eye) consensus (of opinion) (totally) destroyed (controversial) issue

2 )借用人、物名 借用各国首都等地名、著名建筑物名称以及政府首脑姓 名,以替代该国或其政府及有关机构。 The Francophone Summit offered Sarkozy government an opportunity to protect French as an international language, a status it is steadily losing to English.

3 )新词语层出不穷 新词语在某种意义上是时代变迁、社会进步的一个缩影。 新词语层出不穷,往往最先在英语新闻报道中创下新例, 如 walkman, discman 等。 xerox wiki WAGS e-commerce online blogger IT podcasting Internet cybercrime

4 )生造词新颖别致 出于表达新闻事物和适应特殊场合的需要,新闻英语还会 出现大量由记者即兴生造的词语。 economic crisis beef crisis development crisis currency crisis existence crisis health crisis moiveholic workholic teloholic

5 )缩略词屡见不新 截短法  截除词尾 improvisation  impro  截除词首 earthquake  quake  首尾截除 convict  vict  截除词腰 Commonwealth  C’wealth

拼缀法 breakfast lunch  brunch 首字母缩略法 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation  APEC 标数式缩略法 G7: Group of Seven

6 )时髦词过目不忘 妻管严 (henpecked) 扒分 (moonlighting) 傍大款 (find a sugar daddy) 煲电话粥 (do marathon talks on the phone)

四、语篇形式 1 )消息报道 1. 基本结构 (标题、导语、正文三大板块) 倒金字塔结构:以重要性递减的顺序来安排新闻中的各 项事实。 Summary Lead (5W’s and 1H) Fact-1 Fact-2 Fact-3 Fact-4 Fact-n

1 )消息报道 1. 基本结构 金字塔结构:将报道的事实按时间顺序排列。 Beginning Body Ending

1 )消息报道 2. 报道形式 political news economic news technological news cultural news violence and crime news disaster news weather news entertainment and miscellanies hard news vs. soft news

2 )特写文章 (feature articles) 1. 特写与消息的区别  范围的不同 消息:全面性与完整性 特写:侧重现实生活的某个典型而精彩的片断  报道的目的不同 消息:提供事实 特写:不仅提供事实,更力求激起读者的好奇心、惊奇、幽 默感  写作结构的不同 消息: “ 倒金字塔结构 ” 或 “ 金字塔结构 ” 特写:概括性的导语开头,点出部分事实要点,逐步展开

2 )特写文章 2. 特写的常见种类 人物特写( personality profile ) 事件特写( WHAT-feature ) 风光特写( locality feature ) 目击记( personal feature )

3 )新闻评论 1. 基本结构 引论:以 “ 开门见山 ” 居多 论证:语言精炼、逻辑严密、层次分明 结论:突出论点、呼应主题、引人深思

3 )新闻评论 2. 写作笔调  文字比较正式,语气较严肃  “ 非个人 ” 言论笔调  “ 复数第一人称言论口吻 ” ( the editorial “we” )笔调