《孔子学院发展规划 2012-2020 年》解析 Introduction to the “ Development Plan of Confucius Institute” 曹叠峰 孔子学院二处处长 Diefeng CAO Director of Confucius Institute Affairs.


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Presentation transcript:

《孔子学院发展规划 年》解析 Introduction to the “ Development Plan of Confucius Institute” 曹叠峰 孔子学院二处处长 Diefeng CAO Director of Confucius Institute Affairs Division II(American and Oceania )

一、背景 Background 二、规划的主要内容 Main Content 三、实施好规划 Implementation

洲别 Continent 国家数 Number of countries 孔子学院数 Number of Confucius Institutes 孔子课堂数 Number of Confucius Classrooms 亚洲 Asia 非洲 Africa 欧洲 Europe 美洲 America 大洋洲 Oceania 总计 Total 孔子学院发展历程和现状 Rapid Development and Current situation

2100 人 师资队伍壮大 Expanding Teaching Force

办学条件改善 Operational Conditions Improved 54%

学员和文化活动大幅增加 Expansion in Enrollment and Culture Activities 31%

2. 制定规划的目的 Main considerations when drafting the Plan 进一步加强孔子学院建设,促进中外教育交流与合作。 To further develop the Confucius Institute, promote educational exchange and cooperation between China and the world, 。 充分发挥孔子学院中外综合文化交流平台作用。 utilize CIs as a comprehensive platform for culture exchange between China and the Rest of the World. 中国政府和各界长期、坚定支持各国孔子学院的发展。 Showcase the strong and long-term support from Chinese Government and people.

二、规划的主要内容 Main Content of the Development Plan 孔子学院大会等各种场合意见综合、讨论通过 2013 年 2 月中国政府对外正式发布,中外媒体转载

《孔子学院发展规划》基本框架 The Outline of the “Development Plan of Confucius Institutes” 发展目标 General Goals 主要任务 Major Tasks 重点项目 Key Projects 保障措施 Safeguard Measures

1. 发展目标 Development Objectives 注册学员和中外教师规模 Size of registered students and local and Chinese teachers ——2015 年,学员达到 150 万人,其中孔子学院(课堂)面授学员达到 100 万人,网络孔子学院注册学院 50 万人。 2015 , the number of registered students reaches 1.5 million, which includes 1 million students enrolled in the CIs and CCs and 0.5 million students registered to the Confucius Institute Online ——2015 年专兼职教师和志愿者超过 5 万人,其中中方派出 2 万,各国本土 聘用 3 万。每所孔子学院都配有专职院长。 2015, the number of part-time/full- time teachers and volunteers reaches more than 50,000, among which 20,000 sent by Chinese Universities, 30,000 locals. Each Institute will have a full time Director 孔子学院和课堂的数量 Number of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms 2015 年达到 500 所孔子学院, 1000 个孔子课堂 Establish 500 Confucius Institutes and 1000 Confucius Classrooms by 2015

突出发展重点,提高办学质量和水平 Focus on development priorities and improving the academic quality and level 建立健全教学和管理人力资源体系 Set up teaching and human resources management system 建立健全国际汉语教材和教学资源体系 Set up international Chinese language textbook and teaching resources system 建立健全汉语考试服务体系 Set up a Chinese proficiency testing service system 积极开展中外文化交流活动 Conduct Sino-foreign culture exchanges activities 2. 主要任务 Major Tasks

3. 重点项目 Key Projects 建设教师培养培训基地 Set up bases to cultivate and train teachers 建立志愿者人才库 Set up a talent pool of volunteers 实施 “ 国际汉语教材工程 ” Implement the International Chinese Teaching Materials Project 加强网络孔子学院建设 Further develop Confucius Institute Online 开展 “ 孔子新汉学计划 ” Conduct the Confucius China Study Plan 建设示范孔子学院 Build Model CIs 实施孔子学院品牌工程 Organize CI Brand Projects

 建设教师培养培训基地 Set up bases to cultivate and train teachers 依托国内高校继续加强国际汉语教育与推广基地建设,提升汉语教师培养培训 能力和水平。 Rely on Chinese universities to continue the development of Bases for International Chinese Education and Promotion, in order to improve the capacity for and quality of Chinese language teacher training. 与外国高校合作设立汉语师范专业,建设一批教师培训基地,重点培养培训各 国本土汉语教师。 Collaborate with foreign universities to set up university Major in Teaching Chinese, establish a series of teacher training bases, with particular emphasis on the training of local Chinese teachers

 建立志愿者人才库 扩大对外汉语专业和非英语语种专业招生规模,丰富对外汉语专业学生知识 面,适当增加文史哲课程 ; Universities should recruit more students majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) and foreign languages other than English; 鼓励人文和社会科学专业的在校学生选修对外汉语教学课程,拓展志愿者选 拔范围 ; Expand the scope of knowledge of TCFL students; add more courses in humanities, history, and philosophy; and encourage students majoring in humanities and social sciences to take courses on TCFL. 建立国际汉语教育专业硕士海外实习制度 We should recruit volunteers from more channels and develop a program of overseas internship for M.A. students majoring in International Chinese Education Set up a talent pool of volunteers

成立国际汉语教材指导委员会和中外专家组成的工作组 I 。依托国内外基础 较好、积极性较高的高校,开展区域性多语种汉语教材研发; Establish a Steering Committee and an International Expert Panel for International Chinese Teaching Materials. We should approach Chinese and foreign universities with a sound basis and high enthusiasm, and entrust them to develop regionally based Chinese Teaching Materials in multiple languages. 与国内外出版社密切合作,打造编写、出版和发行一体化的教材供应体 系。建立国际汉语教材资源库,为教学法研究和教材编写提供信息服务。 By working closely with Chinese and international publishing houses, create a vertical textbook supply chain from compilation to publishing and to distribution. We should set up a resource bank for International Chinese Teaching Materials so as to provide information service for pedagogy research and textbook compilation.  实施国际汉语教材工程 Implement the International Chinese Language Teaching Material Project

增加多语种频道和栏目,建立中国语言文化国际传播数字平台,帮助世界 各国汉语学习者用母语上网学习 ; Exploit more language versions and programs, and build an international digital platform for Chinese language and culture promotion, which enables Chinese language learners from around the world to log on the website using their mother tongues. 鼓励和支持各国孔子学院开展远程教学。 Encourage and support CIs worldwide to conduct distance teaching and learning.  加强网络孔子学院建设 Further Develop Confucius Institute Online

通过资助课题研究、攻读学位等方式,吸引各国优秀青年来华考察访学 ; Sponsor outstanding young scholars from all over the world to visit China, to conduct research or pursue academic degrees 推动在世界著名高校设立中国学教席 ; Endeavor to set up Teaching Chair Positions for China Studies in internationally renowned universities 资助国外介绍中国的优秀著作和译著出版; Subsidize the publication and translation of valuable foreign works that introduce China 支持各国孔子学院举办中华文化研究学术会议等活动 Support CIs to host symposiums on Chinese culture research  开展 “ 孔子新汉学计划 ” Conduct “Confucius China Study Plan”

重点建设一批示范孔子学院,在扩大学员规模、提高办学质量、增强社会影 响力等方面发挥带动辐射作用。 Build a number of Model CIs to play an exemplary role in terms of expanding the number of students, improving the academic quality and enhancing the social impact of CIs  建设示范孔子学院 Build Model CIs

 实施孔子学院品牌工程 Organize CI Brand Projects 积极开展专家学者巡讲、大学生小分队巡演、汉语教材巡展。办 好 “ 汉语桥 ” 世界大、中学生中文比赛。扩大各国中小学校长访华 和学生来华夏(冬)令营规模。 Arrange lecture tours of experts, performance tours of college students, and Chinese Teaching Materials exhibitions. We should continue to hold “Chinese Bridge” Competitions for Foreign College Students and Secondary School Students. We should invite more foreign school principals to visit China and more foreign students to participate in summer (winter) camps in China.

加大经费保障力度 Providing more funding support 加强统筹协作 Enhancing coordination 充分发挥各方作用 Mobilize and involve all relevant stakeholders 4. 保障措施 Measures

 加大经费保障力度 Providing more funding support 建立健全多渠道筹集资金的孔子学院经费投入机制 Identify multiple sources of fund raising and set up a sound mechanism for funding CIs. 积极拓宽资金渠道,鼓励和吸引海内外企业、个人和其他社会力量对孔子学 院给予资金支持 ; Seek to diversify the sources of fundraising, encourage and attract support from Chinese and international enterprises, individuals and other sectors. 完善孔子学院资金管理制度,加强对孔子学院项目中方资金的检查、审计与 绩效评估。 Optimize the financial administration of CIs, step up our efforts for inspecting, auditing and assessing the performance of CI funding allocated by the Chinese side.

孔子学院总部(国家汉办)作为总部理事会的日常办事机构,要加强对孔子学 院的服务和管理 ; The Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban), as the administrative body in charge of the daily affairs of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, should provide better service for and further enhance the administration of CIs. 加强孔子学院可持续发展研究。制定国际汉语师资、教材、课程、考试等各项 质量标准。加强对孔子学院的巡视和督查 ; Step up study on the sustainable development of CIs. We should draft quality standards for international Chinese language teacher, teaching materials, courses, and tests. We should enhance the inspection and supervision of CIs. 试点建立孔子学院总部区域服务中心,实现靠前提供信息咨询和服务,促进区 域内孔子学院的教学资源共享。 Set up pilot Confucius Institute Headquarters Regional Service Centers, in order to provide more immediate information consulting and services, and promote the sharing of teaching resources among CIs within the region.  加强筹协作 Enhance coordination

 充分发挥各方作用 Mobilize and involve all relevant stakeholders 各有关地方要充分利用中外经贸合作、友好城市、友好学校等机制,支持高校 和中小学积极参与孔子学院(课堂)建设。要根据本规划提出的目标任务,制 定切实可行、操作性强的配套措施,分解落实任务。 All local governments concerned should support primary, secondary schools and universities to take an active part in the development of CIs/CCs, by utilizing such mechanisms as Sino-foreign business cooperation, sister cities, and sister schools. The governments should, pursuant to the objectives and tasks set forth in this plan, draft feasible and practical supporting measures, and allocate and implement tasks accordingly. 各有关高等学校要充分发挥孔子学院建设主力军作用,将孔子学院建设纳入学 校总体发展规划和重点工作,精心组织,周密安排,专人负责。 “ 走出去 ” 企业 要积极支持孔子学院建设。 All universities concerned should play a leading role in the building and operation of CIs. They should incorporate the CI program into their own overall plan for development and core undertakings. Furthermore, the Universities should carefully plan and organize their respective CIs, and have dedicated personnel to oversee their operation.

鼓励有条件的企业设立奖学金奖励孔子学院学员,优先聘用具有孔子学院学 习经历的当地人员。对于聘用当地员工较多、具备办学条件的大型企业,支 持其开办孔子学院。 Chinese enterprises seeking to develop themselves in the international market should actively support CIs. We should encourage qualified enterprises to set up scholarships for CI students, and to give preferential recruitment to local candidates who have studied in CIs. We should encourage large-scale enterprises, which retain a large number of local employees and meet the necessary conditions, to establish CIs. 充分发挥社会力量办学积极性,通过依法实施税收优惠、提供引导资金等政 策,吸引国内外社会各界广泛参与和支持孔子学院建设。 Fully mobilize stakeholders from society. Through such policies as offering tax incentives according to the law, and providing guide fund, we should attract all interested parties at home and abroad to take part in and support CI programs.  充分发挥各方作用 Mobilize and involve all relevant stakeholders

三、实施好规划 Implementation 美国孔子学院制定各自规划情况:截止 2012 年 12 月孔 子学院大会,已有 70 所孔子学院提交了发展规划文本 CIs in the United States were required to draft their own development plan: up to December 2012, there were 69 CIs submitted their Development Plan. 绝大部分孔子学院发展规划目标明确、项目和活动具 体,亮点和创新点比较突出。 Most of the development plans have clear objectives, specific programs and activities, highlighted innovations.

另有 22 所新成立的孔院尚未提交发展规划, 请尽快提交。 There are 22 newly opened CIs have not submitted their Development Plan yet. Please draft and submit it as soon as possible.

规划是达成共识、指引方向、凝聚力量,争取大学和所在 社区、汉办、中方合作学校和当地社会支持的极其重要的 手段。 Development Plan is the main approach of reaching agreements, guiding directions, gathering power, and earning the support from universities, Hanban, Chinese Universities and local communities. 希望未制定规划的孔子学院结合本校本地本院实际及《孔 子学院发展规划( )》,学习其他孔子学院经 验,制定好规划,提交理事会讨论通过实施。 We hope that the CIs without their development plan could draft and submit it to the board according to the real circumstances and the “Development Plan of Confucius Institutes”, then implement into the work of CI.

新设孔子学院尤其应重视制定规划,建议首届理事会重点 讨论孔子学院 5 年规划。 The newly founded CIs should pay special attention to the development plan. We suggest that the discussion of the development plan to be the priority at the first board meeting. 制定好规划的孔子学院,希望结合 2013 年 2 月中国正式发 布《孔子学院发展规划( )》进行完善 The CIs with a development plan are expected to complete their draft based-on the “Development Plan of Confucius Institutes” 。

特别提醒 规划提出, 2015 年孔子学院中外专兼职教师达到 5 万人, 其中中方派出 2 万人。 China-sent teachers will account for 20,000 by 细化中方派出的教师志愿者需求等,请在总部项目官员的 指导下,填写《汉语教师需求申请表》、《志愿者需求申 请表》(至 2014 年底,需求数量、岗位要求等)。 Application of Chinese Teachers and Volunteer Chinese Teachers.

谢 谢! Thank you !