致词 Open Address 网络编码创新科技研讨会


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Presentation transcript:

网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

致词 Open Address 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

创 新 与 发 展 Innovation & Development 网 络 编 码 研 究 所(深 圳) 创 新 与 发 展 Innovation & Development 网 络 编 码 研 究 所(深 圳) Institute of Network Coding (Shenzhen) 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

蝴蝶网(Butterflyer network)已成为网络编码的符号。 网络编码 (NC) — 信息科技的突破 拓展信息科学、创立全新学科 彻底摆脱“存贮转发”传统网络信息 传递思维 解决网络发展瓶颈的创新理论和关键 技术 蝴蝶网(Butterflyer network)已成为网络编码的符号。 Network Coding is a new paradigm because it fundamentally changes the concept of network communication. With Network Coding, we can build a new information superhighway system. 更有效 更可靠 更健壮 更安全 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013 4

杨伟豪 教授 Prof. Raymond Yeung 网络编码创始人 Founders 李硕彦 教授 Prof. Bob Li 杨伟豪 教授 Prof. Raymond Yeung 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award 李硕彦教授和杨伟豪教授等所 经典论文“Linear Network Coding”在理论和实践上具有 重要意义。它获得了IEEE信息 论协会2005年度论文奖,这是 近三十多年来亚洲学者首次获 此信息科学最高荣誉。 Network Coding is a new paradigm because it fundamentally changes the concept of network communication. With Network Coding, we can build a new information superhighway system. 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013 6

网络编码意味什么? “Network Coding is sparking the next revolution.” “Breaking Network Logjams” “我相信网络编码会是带领我们进入下一个革 命阶段的蒸汽引擎。” —— 杨伟豪教授 Network Coding is a new paradigm because it fundamentally changes the concept of network communication. With Network Coding, we can build a new information superhighway system. “网络编码架起了抽象代数与通讯工程之 间的新桥梁。”—— 李硕彦教授 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013 7

里程碑 Milestones 2007年,Scientific American刊载专文,“Breaking Network Logjams”一文,喻网络编码为“新信息科学技术革命”。 Network coding has appeared in Wikipedia since 2006. There have been special reports on Network Coding in Scientific American and New Scientist. Year 2012 主办SRIF 2012 软件无线电实现研讨会Year 2013主办SRIF 2013国际软件无线电应用技术专题研讨会作为ACM SIGMOBILE的旗舰会议SIGCOMM的Workshop 8 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013 8

交叉学科深刻影响 信息理论 信道编码 细胞信息传递 无线网络 量子信息理论 互联网 图论 优化理论 大数据 It is therefore not surprising that Network Coding has made tremendous impact on many fields in information science. These fields are shown on the right hand side. The impact of Network Coding goes as far as mathematics, physics and biology. In this AOE proposal, we will focus on fields that are related to information science. 搏奕论 计算机科学 拟阵学 信息安全 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

卓越学科领域AoE (Area of Excellence) 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

网络编码研究所(深圳) 网络编码研究所(深圳)于2011年成立,是香港中文大学网络编码研究所的第一个分部。 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

愿景 Vision 建设一流的网络编码研究中心 掌握核心自主关键技术 攻克前沿科学重大难题 推动珠三角信息产业升级 提升信息技术实力 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

目标 Goals 参与国内国际重大科研项目 建设前沿科技与创新技术基地 搭建国际学术交流平台 实现创新技术成果转化 实现信息技术知识经济化 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

目标 Goals The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 14 14 14

目标 Goals 承担国内外重大科研项目 培养高素质人才 网络编码研究所(深圳) 15 The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 15 15 15

目标 Goals 攻克前沿科技问题 取得标志性成果 承担国内外重大科研项目 培养高素质人才 网络编码研究所(深圳) 16 The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 16 16 16

目标 Goals 攻克前沿科技问题 取得标志性成果 承担国内外重大科研项目 培养高素质人才 国际交流合作平台 网络编码研究所(深圳) 17 The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 17 17 17

目标 Goals 建成有影响的NC 关键技术研发基地 攻克前沿科技问题 取得标志性成果 承担国内外重大科研项目 培养高素质人才 国际交流合作平台 The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 18 18 18

目标 Goals 建成有影响的NC 关键技术研发基地 知识经济化 攻克前沿科技问题 取得标志性成果 承担国内外重大科研项目 培养高素质人才 国际交流合作平台 The sustainability of this AOE beyond its supporting period depends on different scenarios. The first scenario is on the right. At the end of this AOE, if it happens that all ideas in Network Coding have been developed and productized, then mission is accomplished and the AOE should not be continued. This is not very likely though. Under the scenario on the left, if the AOE is going strong, then it should be fairly self-sustainable through funding from the private sector and the government, such as the ITF. The last scenario is such that there are new major breakthroughs along the way. In this case, the AOE should evolve into an entity of a larger scope through different sources of funding, including private donations. This would be similar to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, headed by Fields Medalist Prof. Shing-Tung Yau. 网络编码研究所(深圳) 19 19 19

创新科技 Innovative Technology 基础理论与工程技术结合 知识创新与成果转化并重 Bridging Theory and Technology Creating Excellence in Innovation and Engineering 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

创新路线图 Roadmap 知识经济 关键技术 创新发明 原创理论 网络编码研究所(深圳) 网络编码研究所(INC ) 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013 Confidential

关键技术 Key Technologies 基于网络编码的分布式数据存储(NCDS) 物理层网络编码(PNC) 先进交换技术 侧重于突破传统存储系统局限,实现实时数据修复操作并节省存储空间。 物理层网络编码(PNC) 利用无线信道在物理层的广播特性,将网络编码技术应用于直接叠加的电 磁波上。 先进交换技术 借助网络编码和代数交换技术与生俱有的自主路由、无限扩展性、完全分 布控制、多播支持等特质,以及在ASIC上的成功验证和实现,展现了新一 代交换技术的最新实破。 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

代数交换及引擎 Algebraic Switching & Fabric Algebraic Fabric Chip Construction 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

代数交换及引擎 Algebraic Switching & Fabric 1st Algebraic Fabric Chip & Prototype System Prototype switching fabric chip Prototype system without chassis Prototype switching fabric board Prototype system 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

深圳网络编码关键技术及应用重点实验室 深圳网络编码关键技术及应用重点实验 室由深圳市创新环境建设计划资金资助, 于2012年正式成立,是网络编码研究所 (深圳)建立的网络编码技术研发、成 果转化、产业应用实验基地。 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

CU-Xidian SKL-ISN深圳研究中心 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

研究成果 处于国际领先地位,具有明显的持续创新能力和创新成果转化能力, 其成果不仅可用作大型、高端、有线与无线网络关键技术,亦可支撑 云计算及云存贮等核心技术。 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

研究项目 2项国家973项目 2项国家111 计划 3项 NSFC项目 2项深圳科研项目 孔雀计划之创新项目(pending) “高移动性宽带无线通信网络重点理论基础研究” 2011-15 “可重构信息通信基础网络体系研究”, 2011-15 2项国家111 计划 李教授和杨教授分別担任学术大师和核心成员 3项 NSFC项目 2项深圳科研项目 孔雀计划之创新项目(pending) 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013

合作项目(即将开展) 云存贮技术产业合作 大数据交换关键技术 中德DLR-INC科技合作项目 高速安全自主无线网络综合通信网 2018年火星计划之在轨中继卫星通信关键技术 空间站绿色网络关键技术

Thanks 谢谢 网络编码创新科技研讨会 Workshop on Network Coding Innovative Technology 30 August, 2013