The special role of NGO in the Tobacco Control 在控烟工作中NGO的特殊作用


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Presentation transcript:

The special role of NGO in the Tobacco Control 在控烟工作中NGO的特殊作用 WU Yiqun 吴宜群 ThinkTank Research Center for Health Development 新探健康发展研究中心

Think Tank Research Center for Health Development

TTH Non-government Non-profit Independent The first private non-profit research establishment in the area of Public Health Completely follows a new concept, a new mechanism and a new model of operation

Aiming at serving health of the public .

Tobacco control Tobacco contains more than 4000 chemicals which are harmful to health Tobacco causes cancer and chronic diseases Tobacco control efforts will contribute to realizing MDGs Health promotion and education for changing behavior (risk factor) and social norm 烟草含有4000余种有害化学物,引起癌症和多种慢性病 控烟直接促进实现千年目标,通过健康促进和健康教育,改变危险行为和陋习, 树立社会规范

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Preamble Emphasize the special contribution of NGO to tobacco control efforts nationally and internationally and the vital importance of their participation in national and international tobacco control efforts 烟草国际控烟公约序言: 强调不隶属于烟草业的非政府组织和民间社会其他成员对国家和国际烟草控制努力的特殊贡献,及其参与国家和国际烟草控制努力的极端重要性

The practice of ThinkTank Research Center for Health Development (TTH) as a NGO showing that NGO can play an important role to improve policy making and advocating of tobacco control in China. 作为NGO,新探中心的控烟实践显示了NGO在促进控烟政策的制定和控烟倡导方面可以发挥重要作用

Practice Advocating of tobacco control 控烟倡导 Promote strong tobacco control policies 推动制定有效的控烟政策 To increase tobacco control related knowledge among the media and raise awareness of tobacco control policy priorities on the government’s agenda 提高媒体控烟相关知识水平,了解政府烟草控制政策的优先领域

Advocate spirit of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control In 2004, organized a workshop on advocating FCTC. Announce "Beijing Declaration" -Taking Concerted Actions to Advocate the Framework Convention and Promote Tobacco Control. 《烟草控制框架公约》在中国生效后,2004年,在北京召开“ 宣传框架公约,促进烟草控制”研讨会。发表“北京宣言”号召 联合起来,宣传框架公约,促进烟草控制.

Lobbing a representative of National committee, Chinese people’s Political Consultative Conference and Director General of State Industry and Commerce Administration to submit a Bill (NO:2347)"Government should make sure there is no cigarettes Ads in Formula One racing of Shanghai". National Administration of Sports formally responded to the Bill positively. 致信国家工商总局,游说政协委员,向政府递交提案(2347号)“督促上海工商局,F1方程式赛车不能有烟草广告”。国家体育总局给予了积极回应

Famous cartoon 著名漫画家丁冲作品 Racetrack Racetrack

Conference of the Parties to the FCTC, Second Session(COP2) 《公约》缔约国第二次会议 Media forum -to support passage and implementation of strong smoke-free legislation in the city of Beijing 举办媒体论坛- 支持北京无烟环境的立法通过和执行 Convening a workshop to propose revisions for the “Several regulations concerning smoking ban in public places in Beijing Municipality” to be published in May of 2008 对《北京市公共场所禁止吸烟的若干规定》(送审稿) 进行了研讨,围绕在公共场所(包括工作场所)尽快实行100%无烟环境的目标提出了修改建议 Survey report for a year implementation in 2009 今年5月将对上述规定实行一周年效果进行调查

Conference of the Parties to the FCTC, Third session (COP3) 《公约》缔约国第三次会议 Attending the Third Session of the Conference of the Parties to FCTC (COP3) in Durban and advocating the spirit of the meeting afterwards 参加德班缔约国第三次会议,会后立即举办研讨会传达会议精神 timely briefed mass media the spirit of COP3 in terms of the guidelines on the articles 11,13 and 5.3 及时举办媒体信息交流会宣传《公约》第5.3、11、13条实施准则 visiting Sohu website ( a special talk about the warning on cigarette package); received interviews with a number of media 多次做客搜狐网,讨论烟草包装警示标识,接待多名媒体咨询

Promote strong tobacco control policies (1) 推动政策制定(1) To provide information to National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference delegates (CPPCC) about tobacco control and mobilize them to promote strong tobacco control policies. 和两会代表/委员座谈交流,向他们提供控烟相关信息, 游说他们向政府提出控烟议案或提案 Related information was collected and sorted and experts concerned were invited to participate in specific seminars or workshops for the purpose of providing necessary data to NPC /CPPCC delegates/members for drafting relevant proposals/suggestions. 收集整理相关信息,邀请专家举行相关内容研讨,确定有意义的控烟意见和建议 ,为两会代表/委员起草建议提供必要的资料

Proposals/suggestions Tobacco–control related proposals/suggestions were put forth, which involved: 相关建议: Institutional separation of the Chinese Tobacco Corporation from the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration; 实行烟草专卖局与烟草公司政企分开的建议 Comprehensive ban of tobacco advertisements; 全面禁止烟草广告 Smoking quit service to be covered by social medical insurance; 戒烟服务纳入社会医疗保险范围的建议 Advocating smoking-free TV dramas and films; 倡导无烟影视的建议

Raising tobacco product taxation; 提高烟草制品税收的建议 Strengthening nationwide tobacco control efforts; 加大控烟力度的建议 Inhibition of consuming tobacco products in public affairs by spending public fund; 制定《禁止公款消费烟草制品的规定》 Developing national tobacco control strategy; 制定国家控制烟草规划和行动计划的建议 Adopt large, clear, visible and legible warning labels on tobacco packaging; 采用大而明确、醒目清晰的烟草包装警示标识的建议 Early promulgation of national legislation on smoking ban in public places; 尽快制定全国公共场所禁烟法的建议

Before , during and after the closing of the past sessions of NPC/CPCC, tobacco issues were reported by a number of mass media 两会前、会期和会后媒体对控烟建议进行报道 Round table discussion; information of feedbacks from departments concerned were reported were exchanged 举办座谈会,交流各部委对议案/提案的反馈意见 Year 2007 6 items submitted Year 2008 11 items submitted Year 2009 6 items submitted

Promote strong tobacco control policies (2) 推动政策制定(2) “Appealing for A Smoking Free Scene in Movies and TV Drams” 消除银屏烟草污染,倡导无烟影视

Organized a seminar “Appealing for A Smoking Free Scene in Movies and TV Drams” In 2007 2007年,举办 “消除荧屏烟草污染”研讨会 A public letter known as “To be Free from Smoking Pollution in Scenes of Movies and TV Drams “was drafted by expert concerned and was submitted to the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (STRFT) 通过剖析电视剧《新上海滩》的烟草镜头,起草了“致广电总局建议书,”呼吁有关部门采取积极态度,制定有效措施,消除荧屏烟草污染。 to develop relevant policies to reduce or ban smoking scenes in movies and TV drams. A positive response was received from STRFT within two weeks 收到广电总局电视剧管理司和电影管理局的回复函。表示:“无烟影视是广电总局的义务和责任。今后将要求各级审查机构对影视作品中滥用吸烟镜头等现象加强审查。”




几乎所有的镜头,都被香烟薰着,镜头里的男人抽,女人抽,个个抽得洋洋得意,有滋有味,有款有型。 四个主角中三个抽烟

主要配角 三任探长中两任抽烟, 80%主要配角抽烟

Promote strong tobacco control policies (3) 推动政策制定(3) Workshop Promotion of effective health warning on cigarettes packaging。Adopt large, clear, visible and legible warning labels on tobacco packaging 推动实行有效的烟包健康警示标识。呼吁采取大而明确,醒目、清晰的警示标识 Calling for an immediate stop to enforce the “Regulation on Cigarette Package Labeling within the Territories of the People’s Republic of China” issued by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration. 与会专家致函工信部和国家质检总局,呼吁,立即停止实施烟草专卖局下发的《中华人民共和国境内卷烟包装标识的规定》

forming a team of experts in medicine, hygiene, behavioral psychology, education to research the formulation of all regulations for warning labels on tobacco products, with the intention of fulfilling the pledge to control tobacco. 建议组织医疗卫生、行为心理、青少年教育等各界专家,按照控烟履约精神,研究制定烟草制品包装警示标识的各项规定。新的规定应能传递吸烟所致健康风险的性质和严重程度;应包括警语和警示图形;应体现大而明确,清晰和醒目的要求

Promote strong tobacco control policies (4) 推动政策制定(4) To delete Tobacco enterprises from the candidate list of the China Charity Prize 将烟草企业从中华慈善将名单中去除 Shortly after the closing of COP3, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced a list of candidates of the China Charity Prize, and 140 domestic enterprises including 6 tobacco enterprises were listed as ones with the greatest love 《公约》第三次缔约国会议后不久,民政部公布中华慈善奖获奖名单,在140家国内企业中有六家烟草公司或最具爱心奖

TTH wrote to the Office of the China Charity Prize under the Ministry of Civil Affairs , indicating that awarding the China Charity Prize to tobacco enterprises would violate Article 5.3 and to persuade the Ministry of Civil Affairs to delete 6 tobacco enterprises from the candidate list of the China Charity Prize; 新探中心向民政部提出,给烟草企业颁发慈善奖是违背《烟草框架公约》第5.3条实施准则,说服他们将烟草企业从获奖名单中除去。

Media training (hot topics) 控烟热点问题-媒体培训

Hot topic(1) - to change the social custom of offering cigarettes as gifts “摒弃敬烟习俗” An one-week long web-survey was conducted in cooperation with Sohu Health Website with an aim of understanding the attitude of the public towards practice of offering cigarettes as gifts. 在搜狐健康网上开展为期一周的网络调查,了解公众对选择卷烟作为礼品的态度 Specific questionnaires were designed by experts to collect related information and investigate current state of the culture of offering cigarettes as gifts. 专家设计调查问卷 ,收集相关信息,了解有关敬烟文化的现状

A round table discussion with media under the theme “Giving up Practice of Offering Cigarettes” was opened on February 2 of 2008 . Findings of the web-survey were disclosed 2008年2月2日召开“摒弃敬烟习俗”的媒体座谈会 ,公布了网络调查的结果 At the discussion a special report entitled “Changing prevailing practice and habits in celebrating festivals – Giving up undesirable customs of offering cigarettes” was presented. Advocated a new practice of not using cigarettes as gifts 会上专家作了提倡移风易俗文明过节 — 摒弃敬烟陋习的报告,剖析“敬烟文化”是一种应该摒弃的习俗,吁呼树立不赠烟不敬烟的新风尚。

Media were communicated to initiate series reports concerning exchanging gifts during the Spring Festival and in people’s daily life. More than 10 newspapers and periodicals made reports on the above round table discussion. 联络媒体,对春节送礼及日常生活中有关香烟的话题开展系列报道。十多家报刊对会议作了报道。 An article known as “Experts’ appeal for giving up the custom of offering cigarettes” published by Xinjing News was transmitted by a number of websites, and was presented on the mobile phones by China Mobile Communication 新京报的文章“专家呼吁摒弃赠烟敬烟习俗”被许多家网络转载,在春节期间被中国移动通讯手机报转载。

Hot topic(2)- elaborate low tar cigarettes do not reduce harms to health “低焦油不等于低危害” Two expert meetings were convened to collect information and analyze the historical and current status of low tar cigarettes 收集资料信息,组织2次专家会议,分析低焦油卷烟的历史和现状,针对“低焦油含量卷烟低危害”宣传对大众的影响。 A web-survey was conducted in cooperation with Sohu Health Website to learn about people’s understanding of low tar cigarettes and analyze misconceptions among the public. 与搜狐网健康频道合作进行了网上调查,了解大众对低焦油卷烟的认识,分析存在的认识误区。

A media forum “Low tar does not mean low harm" the findings of the web-survey were disclosed and the risk of low tar cigarettes was elaborated by experts to eliminate misconceptions existing among the public. 召开了“低焦油不等于低危害”媒体论坛,会上公布了网络调查的结果。请专家科学解读低焦油卷烟的危害,有针对性地纠正人群中实际存在的错误认识。 Approximately 20 journals and newspapers made reports on the media forum. 二十余家报刊对会议作了报道

Hot topic(3)-Who paid for the high price Cigarettes? 谁为高价烟买单? Workshop was held before 2009 Chinese New Year 研讨会 Lectures: Cigarettes price in China 中国的卷烟价格 Who paid for buying expensive cigarettes 谁买单? The importance of health warning on the cigarettes packaging 警示标识的重要性(禁止公务用烟) Policy on Inhibition of consuming tobacco products in public affairs by spending public fund 出台禁止公款消费烟草制品的规定

Newsletter “On the track of Tobacco” 烟草追踪简报 Website (the voice of tobacco control ) 控烟之声网站 A blog “ A veteran smokers talking about smoking” was opened on June 9, 2008 老抽说烟博客 To monitor the Chinese tobacco industry including its sponsorships and promotional events, and publicize activities that run Newsletter “On the track of Tobacco” 烟草追踪简报

Media training (hot topics) 控烟热点问题-媒体培训 It is helpful to provide necessary training for mass media so that they may be actively involved in reporting tobacco control activities and through them the tobacco control voice may be amplified to influence the government and to educate the public . 给媒体提供必要的培训,使他们能积极报道 控烟的活动,通过他们放大控烟的声音来影 响和推动政府决策和教育公众。

Roles NGO could play a role of supplementary for governmental activities as partnership Bridge of decision makers and public, linkage between public opinions and policy development 非政府组织作为政府的合作伙伴,在政府的有关活动中发挥补充作用 公众和决策者之间的桥梁 公众意见和政策制定之间的纽带

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