人教版英语 三年级下册 3/1/2017.


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Presentation transcript:

人教版英语 三年级下册 3/1/2017

Unit 6 How many? B 3/1/2017

Let’s chant. Warm-up Hello,my friend.Please tell me. How many cars do you see? One two three—I see eleven. 3/1/2017

Let’s play a game. (看图猜成语) seven eight four three 颠三倒四 七上八下 3/1/2017

Let’s do. 3/1/2017

Presentation 谁是小小翻译家? sixteen 十六 seventeen十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 单词新朋友 3/1/2017

谁是小小翻译家? 句型新朋友 How many cars do you have? 你们有多少辆小汽车? We have twenty.我们有二十辆。 3/1/2017

sixteen 3/1/2017

seventeen 3/1/2017

eighteen 3/1/2017

nineteen 3/1/2017

twenty 3/1/2017

eighteen nineteen twenty 找规律。 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 3/1/2017

Guess the number. 3/1/2017

I’m hungry.Let’s pick the fruit. OK! 3/1/2017

How many bananas do you have? We have eighteen bananas. 3/1/2017

How many pears do you have? I have twelve pears. 3/1/2017

How many cars do you have? We have twenty. 3/1/2017

Practice I like car… 3/1/2017

How many crayons do you have? I have_______. twelve 3/1/2017

How many rabbits do you have? I have nineteen. 3/1/2017

How many ___s do you have? I / We have _________. Ask and answer. seven kites twenty birds How many ___s do you have? I / We have _________. 3/1/2017

接力问答 3/1/2017

five+fifteen= three×six= Test 直接写正确答案。 five+fifteen= three×six= sixteen -three= nine÷three= twenty eighteen thirteen three 3/1/2017

The orange ____is an orange. A. a B. one C. an B 选择正确答案。 The orange ____is an orange. A. a B. one C. an B 3/1/2017

选择正确答案。 _____ dogs do you have? A. How B B. How many C. How old 3/1/2017

杰克邀请埃米来他家做客,埃米看到了他家的玩具盒子?他们会说些什么呢?编写对话写下来吧。 Homework 走进生活 杰克邀请埃米来他家做客,埃米看到了他家的玩具盒子?他们会说些什么呢?编写对话写下来吧。 3/1/2017

Thank you! 3/1/2017