合作伙伴大会 Uri Basanov 美国以外市场销售副总裁 为成功做销售准备 2013年5月 中国北京.


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合作伙伴大会 Uri Basanov 美国以外市场销售副总裁 为成功做销售准备 2013年5月 中国北京

Uri Basanov简介 美国朗讯微电子(代表处) – 以色列业务部总经理 Xilinx – 欧洲以外办事处执行董事 电话、无线、网络和光学解决方案 Xilinx – 欧洲以外办事处执行董事 通信、图像&处理、工业和国防解决方案高精密加工的现场可编程门阵列Ics DSP 集团 – “无线智能家庭” 分部主管 把数据、媒体、语音和移动电话通过无线结合在一起的ICs和软件平台 塔迪兰电信 – 美国以外市场,销售副总裁

小测验… 是哪个公司最先推出以太网交换机?

全新的塔迪兰 新方向 新文化 增长业务,无可替代 制胜 我们的目标: 改变客户的购买标准 解决方案 – UC&C,联络中心和调度台 便于安装、维护和管理 从市场获得更多市场份额 新文化 增长业务,无可替代 制胜 我们的目标: 改变客户的购买标准

合作理念 与合作伙伴合作是塔迪兰业务长期发展战略的一部分 我们的目标: 精诚合作,更快制胜 建立长期持久的客户关系 “合作伙伴是塔迪兰延伸的一部分,我们致力于他们长期的经济增长和盈利能力。” –塔迪兰电信CEO, Eldad Barak We can’t do everything ourselves, and this is why we view partners as an extended part of our family. We know they are integral to our near-term success and long-term growth. Alan quote on new hire sales training. We seek out partners around the world with unique telephony and Contact center skillsTadiran and work with them to ensure you have a very positive implementation, integration, advisory and education experience.

价值主张 合作伙伴的福利: 创新产品的强大异化优势 销售阶段的全球支持 我们的业务价值 减少资本支出和运营成本 缩短投资回报的周期 业务发展 提高盈利能力 销售阶段的全球支持 我们的业务价值 减少资本支出和运营成本 缩短投资回报的周期 短时间进入市场,长时间占据市场

渠道优先顺序 号召合作伙伴行动起来 每位合作伙伴:2013年9月30日前销售出3套Aeonix系统 与塔迪兰紧密协作,推广新的解决方案 在塔迪兰产品的专业技术上投资 认准客户机遇—从老的交换机平台演进,或者击败对手,赢得新项目。 开发市场、发展新客户 在新Aeonix系统的部署实施直到竣工,塔迪兰将全程提供支持 每个合作伙伴都会有专业团队提供支持 与塔迪兰紧密协作,推广新的解决方案 开展特价促销活动 Coral 平台转换/演进 每位合作伙伴:2013年9月30日前销售出3套Aeonix系统



全球办事处和分销网络 俄罗斯和独联体 代表处 (新德里) 塔迪兰电信股份有限公司 (100% 控股) 分销: 合作伙伴 政府直销项目 美国 塔迪兰电信股份有限公司 (100% 控股) 分销: 合作伙伴 政府直销项目 以色列 塔迪兰电信通信服务 Afcon 控股下的姊妹公司 系统集成商 – 语音/数据/应用 为80多万线端口和设备提供维护服务 中国 昆明塔迪兰电信(KTT) 塔迪兰电信, TTLP - 51% 红塔集团下属子公司 -16% 中国电信下属子公司 – 33% 分销: 印度 代表处 (新德里) 俄罗斯和独联体 UC&C 解决方案的主要分销 核心代理商(下属60个二级代理商) 本地生产和营销 全球 分布于全球41个国家的200多个代理商和技术合作伙伴

正在成为最受客户欢迎的供应商 塔迪兰可以为合作伙伴带来更高的利润回报和增长 让客户满意 与客户紧密合作 成为客户信赖的良师益友 优化产品技术 为新客户项目提供参考 影响行业分析师 与客户紧密合作 聆听客户心声、支持客户、提供客户需要的技术 成为客户信赖的良师益友 了解客户的业务 与客户合作,将客户的投资回报最大化 It is our intent to provide you with greater margins when you sell Tadiran If we understand our customers business better we can serve you better in finding the right solution to their problems enhancing further your ability to gain their trust. These are the common traits of being a trusted advisor and building to the position of Favorite vendor. If we work on this together the reward for both Tadiran and our partners can better positions us with our end user customers.

保留、转换、增长 挖掘市场 可重复的过程将缩短销售周期 信息透明,保持信息传递和流程的一致性 销售是一个过程(不是一个部门…) 老客户也是盈利点 基于Aeonix挖掘新机遇 从“产品销售”到“解决方案销售”(应用和Eco合作伙伴) 可重复的过程将缩短销售周期 将合作伙伴发展为塔迪兰技术支持的延伸力量 无缝的客户体验将成就塔迪兰成为最受客户欢迎的供货商 为合作伙伴带来利润增长 信息透明,保持信息传递和流程的一致性 大家需要了解我们是谁,我们是如何表现的 企业和技术简报可保持信息传递的清晰度和一致性 销售是一个过程(不是一个部门…) 准确的预测和广泛的过程了解有助于从塔迪兰获得更好的支持 所有部门都应支持销售 I am sharing the Tadiran commitment to you because this philosophy represents the backbone of our sales process strategy. We are looking to our partners to join us in going into the installed base and harvesting new opportunities and expanding our mutual footprint of our product line. We are looking to our partners to bring Tadiran into new opportunities so that we can realize overall new growth for both of us. This extended partnership , if we have agreement, can launch us both into a seamless customer experience that will result in higher sales and better overall customer satisfaction With consistency of messaging we can shorten sales cycles, delver better solutions and again improve our cust sat. And with a proven approach to demonstrate our products and challenge the competition to do the same, we can drive our business from a position of strength . We at Tadiran are committed to giving you the support you need to attain these goals with your customers and having the customer see our relationship as a strong asset for their business.

客户关系是决定因素 塔迪兰帮助您成为最受客户欢迎的供应商 When you look at your own business you have to ask yourself… What has enabled you to continue doing business with your customers for multiple years? You probably get it right when you answer that the relationships are the # 1 reason shy end users customers turn to the Valued added reseller to purchase products that they need. Service is a close second and servicing your customers is something that we can assist you with, in terms of Professional services support, 24/7 support or engineering support for a customer that is having problems. Tadiran can provide you the tools and the expertise to help solve your customers problems and helping you gain a positive position in the eyes of your customers. Just as we want to be your favorite vendor, we want to help you become your customers favorite vendor. By working together and creating a combined team approach to the end user will have good results for both. VAR State of the Market

通过渠道进入市场 合作伙伴是首选的渠道 塔迪兰将合作伙伴视为带动业务发展的驱动器 Tadiran will be looking to its partners to drive our business into each and every market around the world. That definition of teamwork means that we are committing the resources of Tadiran to enable you to be successful. You may represent your own company in your specific market, but to Tadiran you are an extension of our employee base and we commit to give you the same support as if you were. Our models represents the partner as our primary channel, supported by a direct sales team comprised of an RSM, Solutions engineer, and executive sales support. These field teams are tasked to take our business through you. This message has been communicated to all levels of the sales organizations and I hope you have already seen evidence of this approach. We will support you with every department of Tadiran. You have a direct support group in the Channels team, sales Management and Executive support; Engineering support, to name a few but you need to feel empowered to call upon these resources as defined by your sales strategy and bring to bear any resource that you need to win. Your request through your local sales team will get you the same response as if it comes from our direct customer. You are our channel to the market and I would encourage you to expect this type of support so that you can win more deals and grow your companies faster.

我们的业务价值 提高用户体验的质量 减少因停机/故障产生的成本 削减资本支出 降低运营费用 实现快速投资回报 保持IT与业务目标的一致性 优先考虑特殊用户的需求和语音/视频/数据应用 减少因停机/故障产生的成本 确保安全性、可靠性和高性能 削减资本支出 架构和产品—核心理念是要杜绝高成本 降低运营费用 通过简便安装的解决方案,省钱、省时又省人力 实现快速投资回报 在几天和几周内就可以看到切实的改善,而不是几个月或几年后才看到 在解决方案生命周期内将总成本降至最低 保持IT与业务目标的一致性 实施灵活的可延伸解决方案,以满足不断变化的需求 A Tadiran solution helps our customers to: Improve QoS by prioritizing specific users and voice/video/data applications. Reduce cost of downtime by assuring the stability, reliability and performance of your IT infrastructure Reduce CapEX by architecturally software versus hardware rather than taking a bolt-on product-centric approach. Reduce OpEX through our software’s ability to save you money, time and people Deliver a rapid ROI as you can see tangible improvements in your network in days and weeks. We also lower TCO through long technology lifecycles and designing for backwards compatibility. We also help you align IT with business goals by ensuring the network has the security and QoS to empower your users and applications

高回报和高增长 Aeonix 注重“客户的关注点” 语音、多媒体和通信应用的价格具有竞争力 可靠、高信价比的产品和服务 操作简便 对支持的要求最低 减少设备数量 利用原有的基础设施 进入市场所需时间短,占据市场持续时间长 降低资本支出和营运成本 开放式平台,可根据不同的市场区隔提供相应的应用 全球支持 A Tadiran solution helps our customers to: Improve QoS by prioritizing specific users and voice/video/data applications. Reduce cost of downtime by assuring the stability, reliability and performance of your IT infrastructure Reduce CapEX by architecturally software versus hardware rather than taking a bolt-on product-centric approach. Reduce OpEX through our software’s ability to save you money, time and people Deliver a rapid ROI as you can see tangible improvements in your network in days and weeks. We also lower TCO through long technology lifecycles and designing for backwards compatibility. We also help you align IT with business goals by ensuring the network has the security and QoS to empower your users and applications

为何要成为塔迪兰的合作伙伴? 销售主导 营销辅助 兑现我们的承诺 为合作伙伴提供演示设备和培训 创造简单、有利的合作计划 联络中心、UC&C、调度&控制等独特、具有吸引力的解决方案 针对竞争对手提出的差异化解决方案 营销辅助 在整个销售过程中支持合作伙伴 边缘放大程序 兑现我们的承诺 为合作伙伴提供演示设备和培训 创造简单、有利的合作计划 共享产品路线图和愿景

合作伙伴的利益 Aeonix强大的特色优势 通过产品区隔和新业务开发增加利润 能够为市场带来创新性产品 向塔迪兰团队靠拢,获得更多销售支持 塔迪兰的初衷是为积极推广UC&C和联络中心解决方案的合作伙伴创造更多利益,促进合作伙伴的成长。 Aeonix强大的特色优势 通过产品区隔和新业务开发增加利润 能够为市场带来创新性产品 向塔迪兰团队靠拢,获得更多销售支持

合作伙伴的利益 Aeonix强大的异化优势 通过区隔产品和发展新业务,增加利润 带给市场创新性产品 向塔迪兰RSM团队看齐,获得更多销售支持

我们的业务价值 提高用户体验的质量 从产品架构上降低资金支出 降低运营费用 实现快速投资回报 缩短进入市场所需的时间,延长占据市场的持续时间 开放式平台可针对不同的市场区隔提供相应的应用 全球支持 保持IT与业务目标的一致性 A Tadiran solution helps our customers to: Improve QoS by prioritizing specific users and voice/video/data applications. Reduce cost of downtime by assuring the stability, reliability and performance of your IT infrastructure Reduce CapEX by architecturally software versus hardware rather than taking a bolt-on product-centric approach. Reduce OpEX through our software’s ability to save you money, time and people Deliver a rapid ROI as you can see tangible improvements in your network in days and weeks. We also lower TCO through long technology lifecycles and designing for backwards compatibility. We also help you align IT with business goals by ensuring the network has the security and QoS to empower your users and applications