台南市德光女中英文科 英文法教學補助教材 Tainan Deguang Catholic Girls’ High School


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Presentation transcript:

台南市德光女中英文科 英文法教學補助教材 Tainan Deguang Catholic Girls’ High School English Grammar Teaching Material

完成式(Perfect Tense) 現在完成式 (Present Perfect Tense) 過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)

現在完成式 (Present Perfect Tense) 動詞型態: have / has + p.p. 使用時機: 用來表示(1)完成 (2)經驗 (3)繼續

(1)完成 表示「現在剛完成的動作」 ex: He has already seen that movie. (他己經看過那部電影了) ex: He has written three books so far. (到目前為止,他已寫了三本書) ex: She has just come back. (她剛回來)

(1)完成 表「現在剛完成的動作」,常和下列副詞連用: 1 just(剛剛) 、already(已經) 、yet(還沒) 2 recently(最近) 、lately = of late (最近) 3 so far = up to now = up to present (至今) 4 these + 一段時間 (最近) 5 this week/this month/this year (本週/本月/ 今年)

(2) 經驗 表示「從過去到現在所經驗或沒有經驗到的事情」 ex: He has gone to Japan; he is not here. (他已經去日本了,他現在不在這裡) ex: My father has been to Japan twice. (我父親去過日本兩次) ex: This is one of the best books that I have ever read. (這是我看過最好的書之一)

(2) 經驗 表「經驗」的現在完成式,常和下列副詞連用 never (從未) 、ever (曾經) 、once (一次) 、before (以前) 、twice (兩次) 、 three times (三次) 、How many times…..?(有幾次) *have been to=>表示曾經去過某處 *have gone to=>表示已經去了某處 ex: He has gone to America.(已去美國,不在這裡) ex: He has been to America. (曾去美國,表經驗)

(3) 繼續 表示「從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」 ex: I have studied English for five years. (我已經學英文五年了) ex: She has been ill since Monday. (她從星期一以來就一直生病) ex: They have lived here for ten years. (他們住在這裡已經有十年了)

(3) 繼續 (1) for後面常接一段時間(如two weeks, one month等) 表「過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」常和for, since連用 for與since用法之比較 (1) for後面常接一段時間(如two weeks, one month等) ex: He has been ill for two weeks. (2) since後面可接 (a)過去時間(如 two days ago) (b) S + 過去式動詞 (如I saw him) ex: She has lived in Taipei since 2000. ex: It has been many years since I last saw him.

過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 動詞型態: had + p.p. 使用時機: 用來表示「過去兩個動作的時間先後關係」(Priority in Time) ex: I lost the pen which I had bought the day before.(我遺失了前天所買的筆) ex: I found the watch which I had lost. (我找到了我遺失的錶)

過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 過去的兩個動作,先發生的用過去完成式(had + p.p.) ,後發生的用過去簡單式。 ex: The train had gone before we reached the station, so we missed the train. (火車開走在先,我們到達在後) ex: He had been ill for a week when he went to a doctor. (他去看醫生之前,已經病了一個星期了)

過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 在before 或 after所引導的副詞子句中,因為before 和 after已經表示時間的先後,所以可以用「過去簡單式」來代替「過去完成式」 ex: I played video games after I (had) finished my homework. =Before I played video games, I (had) (做完功課後,我才打電動玩具)

過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 歷史上的事實,雖然先發生,但也不可用過去完成式而要用過去式 ex: The teacher told us that Columbus had discovered America in 1492.(×) discovered America in 1492. (○) (老師告訴我們哥倫布在1492年發現了 美洲)

未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense) 動詞型態: will / shall + have + p.p. 使用時機:未來某點時間或未來某動作之 前已經完成的動作或事情 ex: By next May, he will have lived here for six years. (到明年五月,他住再此地就要滿六年了) ex: When you come next time, I will have finished the book. (下次你來時,我將已把這本書完成了)

未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense) 表「未來完成式」的句型常和(a),(b)句型連用 (a) By + 未來時間 (b) When + 現在式 S + will have p.p. ex: By Jane, we shall have learned English for three years. (到六月,我們已經學英文三年了) ex: I will have finished my work when he comes back tomorrow. (當他明天回來的時候,我將已完成工作)

未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense) 未來有兩個動作先後發生時,其時式關係如下: (A) S + 未來完成式 + 連接詞 S + 現在式 (先發生) (後發生) ex: I shall have finished the work before you come back. (在你回來之前,我將已做完此一工作)

未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense) 未來有兩個動作先後發生時,其時式關係如下: (B) S + 未來式 + 連接詞 S + 現在完成式 (後發生) (先發生) ex: I shall go home when we have finished our work. (當我們做完工作,我們就回家)

練功坊 ( ) 1. She enjoyed reading the book she___. (A) bought (B) has bought (C) had bought ( ) 2. He _____ more than twenty years. (A) has been married (B) was married (C) got married ( ) 3. The earthquake of last night was the severest we ____. (A) had (B) have had (C) had had ( ) 4. Let’s wait till he ______ his job. (A) will finish (B) has finished (C) had finished ( ) 5. Since his arrival in Taiwan, he _____ in Taipei. (A) is living (B) had lived (C) has lived 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C

練功坊 ( ) 6. He ____ the entrance examination three times if he takes it once more. (A) has taken (B) will have taken (C) took ( ) 7. I _____ a diary in my life. (A) never keep (B) have never kept (C) kept never ( ) 8. Until yesterday his grandmother ____ only one movie in her life. (A) saw (B) has seen (C) had seen ( ) 9. When _____ this book I will play baseball with my dad. (A) will finish (B) will have finished (C) have finished ( )10. Have you ______ a saucer flying in the air? (A) ever seen (B) ever been seeing (C) saw 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A