Thailand-Burma Border Overseas volunteer and service


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Presentation transcript:

Thailand-Burma Border Overseas volunteer and service 泰緬邊境 國際志工 和 海外援助 Thailand-Burma Border Overseas volunteer and service 賴樹盛 Sam Lai September 2009 攝影:賴燕玫

異鄉 Foreign land 圖:法新社



我 I 小學唸四所、國中唸四年、半工半讀大學畢業、順利就業、以當志工為嗜好休閒…..。但,心裡常納悶:「台灣什麼都有,生活什麼也不缺,但就是不知道人生中自己到底要什麼?!」It seems I can get anything in life, but I just don’t know what I really want? 期待自己擁有什麼樣的生命態度、生活節奏? 我決定活出一個怎樣的人生?Who do I want to be? 出去,看看外面的世界。Departure to see the world. 〈流浪、壯遊、公益旅行、國際志工…〉

他們 Them 圖片來源:網路

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE THAILAND BURMA BORDER In 1984 the Burmese launched a massive offensive, which broke through the Karen National Union (KNU) front lines , sending about 10,000 refugees into Thailand.  The refugees remained in Thailand. 圖片來源:網路

1988 and 1990 Democracy Movements In 1988 the people of Burma rose up against the military regime with millions taking part in mass demonstrations.  Students and monks played prominent roles and Aung San Suu Kyi emerged as their charismatic leader.  The uprising was crushed by the army on September 18th with thousands killed on the streets.  Around 10,000 “student” activists fled to the Thailand Burma border and the first alliances were made between ethnic and pro-democracy movements. 

Refugee flow The number of refugees had increased to around 115,000 in 1997, the Burmese Army launched a huge dry season offensive.  In years the Burmese army had effectively overrun the entire border which, for the first time in history, they now had tenuous access to and control over. 

Forced Village Relocations since 1996 Once the Burmese Army began taking control of former ethnic territory it launched a massive relocation plan aimed at, bringing the population under military control.  It is estimates that in 2005 there were at least 540,000 IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in the Eastern.

Can the refugee camp be the homeland? 難民營可以當家嗎!? Can the refugee camp be the homeland? 攝影:王子培

庇護所 Shelter

食物 Food

水 Water

我們 We 有人願意教,就是老師;有孩子願意學,那就是學生。 Someone teaches is the teacher; 攝影:黃婷鈺 有人願意教,就是老師;有孩子願意學,那就是學生。 Someone teaches is the teacher; Someone learns is the students.


一餐三塊錢的營養午餐 3 Baht for per child per meal 攝影:吳逸驊

Dr. Cynthia Mae Tao Clinic

反思 Rethinking  即便已經在這待了六年時間,仍時刻不禁問起自己,我為什麼會在這出現?我該出現這裡嗎?我的出現真的有意義嗎? Why me? Should I? Is it meaningful of my appearance on the border? 見識了他人的苦難,我們真的從此就會比較珍惜或分享自己的幸福嗎?國際志工、海外服務的神聖光環?Would we like to treasure or share own wellness after we saw the sadness of the others? Who Is the “Hero”? 對於際遇的不同,真的是自己比對方「幸運」就能夠解釋了一切嗎?結構性的不平衡發展;全球資源擷取和使用的不均等、不公平、不正義…。Can the “Luck” explain why we have better life than others do?

「有些事情現在不做, 一輩子都不會做了。」 How:“有些事情並不是今天不做,明天會後悔, 現在不做,以後就來不及了…. I wouldn’t agree that something you don’t do it now you never do it. 而是很單純的就把一些事情撿起來, 好好地做一番,然後繼續做下去。” I believe that just keep going on what you really care about now and forever.

不是他們需要我,而是我更需要他們.. It is NOT they needs me, but I need them MORE.