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School Website Mandarin

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Color Coded Classes!班级的颜色 Each class has been designated a specific color for easy reference. 每个班级被设计了特别的颜色便于识别 T/TH 9:15 A.M. = Light Green 周二、四上午班 浅绿色 T/TH 1:00 P.M. = Dark Green 周二、 五下午班 深绿色 T/TH 1:00 P.M. = Yellow 周二、四下午班 黄色 M/W/F 9:00 A.M. = Light Pink 周一、三、 五上午班 浅粉色 M/W/F 9:15 A.M. = Blue 周一、三、五上午班 蓝色 M/W/F 12:45 P.M. = Orange 周一、三、四下午班 橙色 M/W/F 1:00 P.M. = Hot Pink 周一、三、五下午班 桃红色 T/TH 9:00 A.M. = Purple 周二、四上午班 紫色

What time should my child arrive for school? 我的孩子在什么时间到学校? • No sooner than five (5) minutes before the scheduled class time, unless you are the parent volunteer for the day. 不要提前多于五分钟到学校, 做义工的家长除外。 • Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled class time on the days that you are the parent volunteer。 当天做义工的家长须提前十五分钟到教室。 IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT CHILDREN ARE DROPPED-OFF AND PICKED-UP PROMPTLY. 请注意, 接送小孩时不要停留太长时间。 Parents picking up children more than five minutes after the end of class will be invoiced $1.00 per minute they are late. 如果家长在超过规定的时间五分钟后接小孩,每晚一分钟收一元的罚款。

What does my child need to do when they arrive for school Outside Classroom:进教室前: Hang coat and backpack on designated hanger. 把书包和外套挂在贴好名字的挂钩上。 Change into indoor shoes.换好室内运动鞋。 Put on nametag.戴好名牌。 Go the Bathroom.去洗手间。 Use Hand Sanitizer. 用洗手液洗手。 Remember to put nametags back in the pocket boards at the end of class. 注意: 放学时请把名牌放回名牌板内。

Is there anything I need to do before leaving my child at school Everyday before leaving the school, you must sign the attendance record located outside the classroom on the podium. 每天在你离开学校前, 你必须在出勤记录上签出你送入及接出的时间 (出勤记录在教室外的签名台上)。 It is very important that you sign in and out daily. 每天的出勤签名记录是非常非常重要。 If your child is to be picked-up by someone other than yourself, you must provide the classroom teacher with written permission. 如果你的小孩不是由你亲自来接, 你必须提供由你亲自书写的许可说明给老师。 Check the pocket board for any notices, newsletters, activity calendars, etc. to be taken home. 请注意检查名牌板内的重要信息如:通知、重要说明以及活动安排等。

How can I make saying good-bye easier for my child? 如何与我的小孩轻松的说再见? Many children entering Preschool are being separated from Mom and Dad for the first time. Saying goodbye can be stressful for both you and your child. Here are some suggestions to ease the transition. 许多小孩子在刚上学时是与妈妈和爸爸第一次分开,会很难与你和孩子告别,以下有一些建议: Set routines - make getting ready a calm experience. 尽快让分别显的轻松 Send a family photo to school.带一张全家照片。 Come to school a few minutes early in order to help your child put his/her belongings away and get settled. 尽可能早到几分钟,帮助你的小孩安放各人物品。 Say your good-byes clearly - making sure your child knows you are leaving builds trust. 明确地与你孩子告别,确保他们知道你已经离开。 Establish good-bye rituals - a kiss, a hug, a wave at the window, etc. 建立固定的告别方式, 如亲吻、拥抱或在窗边挥手告别。 Plan to do something together after school - walk to the mailbox, set the table, feed the dog, etc. 承诺放学后与小孩一起做一些事情,如共同取信、准备餐具、喂小狗等。 Plan to have a special talk, so each of you can share details of activities that occurred while you were apart. 与孩子交流一下当天活动的细节。

Who should I notify if my address changes during the school year Please notify the school secretary (Sherrie Fowler) of any changes to your contact or personal information (i.e. address, phone number, loss of family member, separation, divorce, etc.) 如果你的私人信息有任何变更(如地址、电话、家庭成员变更、分居、离婚等),请立刻通知学校 (联系人:Sherrie Fowler) 。 In case of an emergency, it is very important that we have a current telephone number and address on file. 为以防万一,提供最近的电话号码和地址是非常重要的。

How can I reach the school secretary? 怎么联系学校? School Secretaries can be reached by phone at (403) 547-2193 during office hours, or by email at 学校办公室的联系电话: 403-547-2193 (办公时间) 或 E-mail: Administrative Secretary: Sherrie Fowler 学校办公室秘书: Sherrie Fowler Secretarial Assistant: Nancy Goertzen 学校办公室助理:  Nancy Goertzen Office Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:30 Monday through Friday 办公时间: 9:00―12:00 1:00―3:30 (周一至周五)

What does my child need to bring with them to school? 我的孩子需要带些什么到学校? Every Day:每天 A Backpack clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name. 标有你的小孩姓名的书包。 A nutritious snack. (no nut products) 健康的零食(不可以有花生)。 A full water bottle clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name. 标有你的小孩姓名的水杯。 Inside footwear clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name. 标有你的小孩姓名的室内运动鞋。 First Week : 第一周 A Family picture for our “All About Me” Wall. 全家的合影。 A picture of themselves for their nametag pocket. 做名牌的个人相片。 A clearly labeled extra set of clothes to be kept in the classroom for emergencies. 为紧急状态储备的,额外的标有小孩姓名的衣服留在教室里。

What should my child wear to school? 我的孩子需要穿什么到学校? Be sure to dress your child in weather appropriate comfortable clothing. 你的小孩应该穿天气合适的和舒适的衣服,确保衣服是容易清洗和适宜活动的。 Ensure that all items are washable and suitable for playing. 无痕橡胶、干净的室内运动鞋。

If my child is taking prescription medication, can they attend school Should your child be prescribed medication during the school year they may still come to school as long as the ailment they are being treated for is not contagious. 你的孩子可以在学校服药,只要你的孩子不是传染性疾病。 Teachers will not dispense prescribed medication (except in special circumstances), but must be notified that the child is taking medicine. A form (provided at the sign-in counter) must be completed providing information such as the drug name, dosage and duration of treatment. 老师不负责为你的孩子服药提供帮助(特殊情况例外),你必须通知你的孩子正在服药,请在说明本上提供药品名称、剂量及服药时间。

Can my child’s EpiPen or Ventilator be kept at school If your child requires an EpiPen or Ventilator, one must be kept in the classroom (not in the child’s backpack). 如果你的小孩需要用肾上腺素自动注射针和喷剂,必须保存在教室里,不可以放在小孩的书包内。 Please provide the medication well labeled with the student’s name and class. 必须提供药品名称及学生的姓名和所在教室。 A medical release form must be signed by parents allowing teachers to administer in case of an emergency. 药品必须由家长注明允许老师在紧急情况下使用。

What happens if my child becomes sick at school? 如果我的小孩在学校生病会怎样? Please do not send sick children to school. 如果你的小孩生病,请不要送他们到学校。 Children exhibiting any of the following symptoms of a contagious disease will be sent home. A child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. 孩子在出现以下可能传染的疾病将被要求送回家。他们必须没有这些症状24小时后才可以到学校。 Fever 发烧 Diarrhea 腹泻 Vomiting 呕吐 Influenza - persistent coughing, congestion, chills or muscle aches. 流行性感冒—持续的咳嗽、鼻塞、发冷或肌肉痛 Swollen Throat 喉咙肿痛 Rashes - that spread or get worse over time. 皮疹, 正在高发期并正在加重。

Can I bring a classroom snack on my child’s birthday? 我可以在孩子生日时带食物吗? Yes. All items must be nut free and accompanied by a list of ingredients so children with allergies will be protected. 可以, 所有的食物必须没有花生,你必须提供食物的用料以防其他小孩子有部分食物过敏. Important: If your child has severe allergies, please provide the classroom teacher with alternative treats to serve during birthday party celebrations (e.g. suckers, small candies, etc.). 如果你的小孩有严重的过敏,请提供给老师其他可以替换的(如吸管,小糖果等)。

Why is the monthly school fee the same every month even though the number of school days in each month differs? 为什么每个月收费一样,但是有时候每个月上学的天数是不同的? The fees for each class have been pro-rated over the year. Instead of paying more some months and less others, the total cost of the school year has been divided evenly over the ten months. 所有的费用已经平均比例分摊在每个月里, 一学年的所有总费用按十个月平均分摊. FYI – Cost per hour of instructional time is less than $10.00. 每小时的学费是少于10元.

Is there a Classroom Volunteer program? 学校有义工的安排吗? At Foothills Alliance Preschool we believe the link between home and school is very important and must be fostered. For this reason, volunteering in the classroom is a mandatory activity. If you are unable to volunteer, please talk to Sherrie Fowler regarding additional fees. Foothills Alliance Preschool坚信必须培养学校和家庭之间的联系,基于这个因素,义工在学校是一个强制行为。如果你不能做义工,请与办公室Sherrie Fowler 联系,你需要付额外的费用。 Apart from showing your child that you value them and their school activities, parent volunteers provide necessary support to classroom teachers. Without parent volunteers, we would not be able to run the quality program we pride ourselves on providing. 做义工可以让你的孩子感受到你重视他们在校的活动。同时做义工也是为老师提供帮助。 Volunteer schedules will be provided every month. If you are unable to volunteer on the day you are scheduled, it is your responsibility to contact another parent in the class and switch volunteer dates. 学校每个月会提供义工的时间表,如果你不能在规定的时间做义工,你有义务去联系其他的家长与你互换。 On the day that you volunteer, your child will be the “Student of the Day” and should bring a “Show and Tell” item. 在你做义工的那一天,你的小孩将会是“特别学生”,他们需要带一件特别的物品与其他小朋友分享.

Please see the school secretary to complete the appropriate paperwork. Do I have to do anything before I can volunteer in the classroom? 在我做义工之前,我需要做什么吗? Yes. In order to ensure and maintain a safe and secure learning environment for the students of Foothills Alliance Preschool and Kindergarten, all volunteers are required to complete a Criminal Record Check. 是的, 你需要完成“无犯罪记录”的检查。 All adult volunteers require a valid security clearance before they can be utilized in the classroom. 所有的成年义工必须通过“背景调查”。 Please see the school secretary to complete the appropriate paperwork. 请在办公室填写相关文件。

Who can be a Classroom Volunteer? 谁可以到学校的义工? Anyone involved in your child’s life, who has successfully completed a Police Clearance Check. 所有与你的小孩生活相关的、但必须通过警察局的“背景调查”的人。 Daddy 爸爸 Grandma 奶奶 Nanny 保姆 Mommy 妈妈 Grandpa 爷爷 Auntie 阿姨 Uncle 叔叔

What will I be asked to do as a Classroom Volunteer? 我在做义工时会被要求做些什么? help with set-up 帮助准备 assist children with craft activities 帮助小朋友手工 clean tables between activities 清洁桌子 play with children during center time and in the gym 参与小朋友的游戏 assist with other classroom activities 为其他课堂活动做准备 HAVE FUN!! 一起开心 Please wear a nametag provided by the school while volunteering. 你在学校做义工时, 请佩戴名牌 Remember: Siblings are not to accompany parent volunteers to school. 注意: 你在学校做义工时, 不允许带其他小孩到学校.

Are there additional volunteer positions available? 有额外的义工职位空缺吗? YES! There are many volunteer opportunities available, such as: 是的, 我们有很多义工职位提供, 比如: working on the memory book 帮助制作纪念册 coordinating fundraisers 协助筹款 helping prepare craft materials 帮助整理做手工的材料 providing the classroom with library resources 为教室提供图书馆资源 decorating for special occasions 装饰特别的活动 For a complete list of volunteer positions, please see the information boards located in the hallway. 如果你想知道完整的义工职位, 请关注走廊的海报. Sign up sheets are available in the foyer. 请在大厅索取登记表

Is my child allowed to bring items from home to school (e. g Is my child allowed to bring items from home to school (e.g. toys, blanket, etc.)? 我的小孩可以带玩具或小被子等到学校吗? When your child is the Student of the Day (i.e. the day you volunteer in the classroom), they are encouraged to bring a special item from home to share with the class. Show and Tell items do not necessarily have to be toys. We encourage the children to bring something they have created, something that has special meaning to them or an item that corresponds with our unit of study. 当你的孩子是学生日(即你是义工的那一天),他们被鼓励从家里带来一个特殊物品来分享。被分享的物品不一定是玩具。我们鼓励孩子们带来一些他们自己制作的,或对他们有着特殊的意义的,或是对当天课程有帮助的物品 。 Please do not allow your child to bring items to school on days other than their “Student of the Day” date. 我们不允许小朋友带玩具或是个人物品到学校.学生日除外. Items such as blankets, bottles, and favorite toys should never come to school, in case they are misplaced. 比如小被子、瓶子和喜爱的玩具不允许带到学校, 以防他们放错地方.

Am I required to participate in school fundraisers? 我必须参加学校筹款吗? Participation in school fundraisers is completely voluntary. At no time should you feel obligated to buy products advertised by the school as fundraisers. We do however ask that you assist us by telling those who may be interested about the various opportunities that will be presented. 筹款不是必须的, 任何时候你不必觉得有义务购买产品为学校筹款。不过我们要求你协助我们把这些产品信息告诉那些可能感兴趣的人来购买。 Our first fundraiser is the selling of Student Union coupon books. We ask that each parent pick-up a packet (labeled with your child’s name). These packets contain two coupon books. If you are able, please sell these two books ($20.00 each). All monies and/or un-sold books should be returned to the school by the end of September. 我们的第一次筹款是卖整本的优惠券, 我们要求每个家长带走有小朋友名字的包裹,包裹中有两本优惠券, 每本20元, 所有的款项在9月份交回学校.

If I choose to purchase an item from a Fundraiser, how should I make out my cheque?如果我选择购买筹款项目,我该如何付款? All Fundraiser payments (except for Scholastic Book Orders) should be addressed to Foothills Alliance Preschool. 所有筹款支付(除了教课书), 收款人应该写Foothills Alliance Preschool. When ordering books from Scholastic, payment must be made by cheque (no cash). Cheques should be made payable to Scholastic Canada. All Scholastic orders, must be received by the deadline indicated on the order form. 如果买教课书, 请付给Scholastic Canada,所有付款必须是支票, 所有付款必须在最后期限前支付. Important: Any payments brought to school should be enclosed in an envelope clearly labeled with your name and the fundraiser. (e.g. Jane Smith - Christmas Cookie Dough ) 注意: 所有付款必须放在密封的信封里并签上你的名字和筹款项目.

How do I provide consent for Field Trips? 我如何确认校外活动? You will be notified of upcoming Field Trips on the Classroom Activity Calendar you will receive every other month. 你会被提前告知学校的校外活动, 同时你也会收到每个月的活动安排日历. Prior to each trip, permission letters will be placed in your child’s nametag pocket. 每次校外活动, 许可通知会放在你孩子的名牌袋里. Permission slips must be signed and returned to the classroom teacher at least one class in advance of the field trip date. 许可通知必须签回,在校外活动日之前交给老师.