世界真光 Here I Am to Worship


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Presentation transcript:

世界真光 Here I Am to Worship 世界真光 祢照亮黑暗世代 開我雙眼 能看見 Light of the world You stepped down in-to dark-ness O-pen my eyes let me- see 1/11 1 詞曲:Tim Hughes

主祢榮美 吸引我 敬拜祢 我願一生跟隨祢 Beau-ty that made this- heart a-dore You Hope of a life spent wi-th You 2/11

*我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down (Chorus-1) 3/11 *我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You’re my God

祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy (Chorus-2) 4/11 祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me

永恆君王 我們高舉祢聖名 滿有尊榮 在天上 King of all days Oh so high-ly ex-al-ted Glo-rious in Hea-ven a-bove 2 5/11

謙卑來到 祢所造 的世界 因愛與我們同行 Hum-bly You came to the earth You cre-ated All for love’s sake be-came poor 6/11

*我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down (Chorus-1) 7/11 *我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You’re my God

祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy (Chorus-2) 8/11 祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me

我永不能 知何代價 祢為我罪 釘在十架 [x2] I'll ne-ver know How much it cost (Bridge) 我永不能 知何代價 祢為我罪 釘在十架 I'll ne-ver know How much it cost To see my sin Upon that cross [x2] 9/11

*我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down (Chorus-1) 10/11 *我要來敬拜祢 屈膝向祢俯伏 我要揚聲說祢 是我神 Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You’re my God

祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy (Chorus-2) 11/11 祢是全然美麗 祢是完全配得 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 You're altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me