周朝 Zhou Dynasty.


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Presentation transcript:

周朝 Zhou Dynasty

周朝Zhou Dynasty 周朝(約公元前1046年-公元前256年)共791年。 Zhou Dynasty (about 1046 BC – 256 BC), total of 791 years, is the longest dynasty in Chinese History.

周朝的建立 Establishment of Zhou Dynasty 商紂王政治腐敗,周武王興兵伐紂,滅了商朝, 建立周朝。傳奇小說封神榜即描寫武王伐紂的故事。 Because of political corruption of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty. Novel Legends of the Gods describes this story.

封建制度 Feudalism 周朝行封建制度。周武王封王族和功臣為諸侯,給他們農村和土地,於是周朝有許多諸侯國。 Zhou adopted feudal system. King Wu of Zhou awarded family members and subordinates with farm and land, so there were many vassal states during the Zhou Dynasty.

諸侯Feudatory 周朝諸侯分為公、侯、伯、子、男五等爵位。 Feudatories of Zhou can be classified into 5 titles: Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, and Baron.

社會階級制度 Social Class System 周朝建立了社會階級制度分出天子、 諸侯、 大夫、 士人、 庶人五個社會階級。 Zhou established a social class system including kings, feudatories, doctors, knights, and commoners, five social classes.

引申詞語Extended Terms 王公貴族 : Noble Men 王子 : prince 公子 : Son of noble man, later used to desribe other’s son, for example, 您的公子 士大夫: originally mean government officers, later used to describe scholars who studied only for officer positions.

井田制度 Land Law 周朝實行井田制度,中央為公田,周圍為農民的私田。 Zhou practiced a well shaped land law, the central fields belong to the public, and around them are the private lands for the peasants.

西周的滅亡 Downfall of Western Zhou 到了周幽王時,幽王寵愛妃子褒姒,廢申后和太子,又戲弄諸侯。犬戎舉兵攻周,殺了幽王。諸侯擁立太子為平王並東遷雒邑史稱東周。 To the King You of Zhou, he favored concubine, banished queen and prince, teased feudatories. Quan Rong attacked Zhou and killed King You. Feudatories crowned Prince and moved capital east. In history it is known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

引申詞語Extended Terms 一笑傾國,一笑傾城: A smile can destroy a country 傾國傾城 : 形容女子的美艷 describes a glamorous woman