F1 VISA APPLICATION F1学生赴美留学签证申请流程.


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Presentation transcript:

F1 VISA APPLICATION F1学生赴美留学签证申请流程

由于赴美学习热度持续增长,学生签证的审理时间可长达三个月。因此,美国大使馆敦促学生于项目开始前三个月面谈签证。 Keep in Mind: Prepare for your visa interview 3 months ahead! 由于赴美学习热度持续增长,学生签证的审理时间可长达三个月。因此,美国大使馆敦促学生于项目开始前三个月面谈签证。 Because interest in studying in the United States continues to grow, student and exchange visitor visas can take up to three months to process.   The U.S. Embassy in Beijing is urging all students and exchange visitors planning to study or do research in the U.S. to appear for their visa interviews three months before their programs start.  

The most important documentation: I-20 In order to obtain a student visa, you must first apply to and be accepted at a school in the U.S. Once you have been accepted by Northern Arizona University, we will forward you a form called the I-20, which is one of the most important documents that you must present in your interview in order to get a visa. 

New Policy for Applying U.S. Visa

2013年F-1签证新申请步骤概述 于美国大使馆网站上填写DS-160表格 记录下DS-160表格确认码后在美国出入境文案管理网站上填写CGI表格第一部分 前往自选的中信银行网点缴纳签证申请费,并记录下收据编号 将收据编号输入CGI表格,然后填写表格第二部分 网上预约面谈时间以及使领馆位置 携带相关资料面谈,并上交护照予使领馆 7-10个工作日后前往选定的中信银行网点领取护照

新政策特别解释 www.ustraveldocs.com 网站是美国大使馆传送和接收赴美的各种签证申请信息的唯一通道。通过该网站我们可以设置和查询有关预约、缴费及护照领取事宜或查询签证状态及护照状态。申请人必须依次在该网站上完成,信息个人登记、DS-160表格确认码登记、中信银行签证费收据号码登记以及预约面签登记。

Documentation Presented at the Interview 签证面试时需要携带的材料: 1. Valid Passport 有效护照 2. The DS-160 application form confirmation page DS-160表格确认页 3. CGI Confirmed Information CGI表格确认信息 4. One photograph 签证照片 5. Original Bank Receipt for Application Fee 签证申请费收据原件 6. Passports containing all previous U.S. visas, even if expired 含有以前赴美签证的护照, 包括已失效的护照 7. Completed SEVIS Form 填写完整的SEVIS表格 8. SEVIS Fee Receipt SEVIS费收据 9. Proof of Ties to China 在中国有牢固约束力的证明 10. Proof of Finances 资金证明 11. Research/Study Plan 学习/研究计划 12. Resume/CV 个人简历

Valid Passport 有效护照 在签证面试前,请确认你的护照不存在以下三点情况: 护照将在距您预计抵美日期的六个月内过期 (例如您将在2010年8月抵美,您的护照有效期必须至少达到2011年2月) 护照已被损坏 护照上已无空白的签证签发页 Please make sure that before your visa interview, the following three situations don’t apply to your passport. Your passport will expire in less than 6 months from your planned arrival in the United States (For example, if you are planning to arrive in the United States in August, 2010, your passport has to be valid at least through February, 2011) Your passport is damaged You do not have a page for a visa If any of the above situations describes your passport, please get a new one before your visa interview 如果您的护照为以上三种情况的任意一种,请确保在签证面试前办理新的护照。

2. The DS-160 application form confirmation page DS-160表格确认页 以下为在线申请表的连接: http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/ds160instructions.html Starting March 1, 2010, the U.S. Embassy Beijing will require all applicants to use the new DS-160 online application form. If you wish to use the form now, please click the link below. http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/ds160instructions.html Make sure you bring the confirmation page of this form with you to your interview 签证时,请您务必携带此表格的确认页

3.CGI是美国签证缴费确认及资料传递的网站 www.ustraveldocs.com

3. CGI确认信息 当CGI表格第一部分完成后,系统会出现如下图的状况:

4. One photograph 一张照片 请准备于6个月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(51毫米x51毫米)正方形白色背景的彩色正面照一张。 这是标准的签证照。 中国各大城市的一般照相馆会提供签证照服务。 One photograph: Two inches square (51mm x 51mm) color photograph, less than 6 months old, against a white background, full frontal view. This is a standard visa photo. You can go to any photography studio in China and tell them you want a visa photo.

5. Original Bank Receipt for Application Fee 签证申请费收据原件 您可以在中信银行在中国的任何分行支付签证申请费904元人民币(自2008年7月24日起执行)。请将收据用胶水或胶条粘贴在DS-169表格确认页的下半页上。 Original Bank Receipt for Application Fee: The 904 RMB (effective Thursday, July 24, 2008) application fee may be paid at any CITIC Bank branch in China. Please glue or tape the application fee receipt onto the bottom of DS-160 form confirmation page.

6. SEVIS Fee Receipt SEVIS费收据 F1签证的申请人必须缴纳SEVIS的系统维护费用。 请通过下面连接,进行交费 https://www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/ 签证面试时,请携带SEVIS费的收据。 Most J, F, and M applicants must now pay a SEVIS fee. You can pay for the SEVIS fee through this website: https://www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/ Please bring your SEVIS fee receipt to your interview.

10. Proof of Finances 资金证明 在签证面试时,如需要,您必须证明您有能力无需工作即可支付在美停留整个期间的费用。 Proof of Finances: Proof that you can support yourself during your entire stay in the U.S. without working. You will need to prove to the visa officer that the funds you possess are no less that what is shown on your I-20. (The red areas are where the financial requirements are shown)

如果是参加学术交流项目,要向签证官说明项目的内容。 不要编造不真实的信息 不要刻意递交签证官没有要求审核的文件。 证明你的学生身份 签证面试建议: 要清楚明白的和面试官进行交流。 要确保将材料、文件准备齐全。 如果是参加学术交流项目,要向签证官说明项目的内容。 不要编造不真实的信息 不要刻意递交签证官没有要求审核的文件。 证明你的学生身份 Tips for Interview: Speak clearly Have your paperwork ready Provide program information Never lie Do not force documents to visa officers Prove your are a student Keep in mind: Don’t be afraid of the interview. You worked hard to get this opportunity to study in the United States. You deserve a visa! 记住: 不要产生任何畏惧心理。你是通过自己的努力才争取到了来美国留学的机会,所以签证是你应得的!


如需了解更多关于签证的信息,请登陆大使馆官方网站: http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/ For more information, Please visit: http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/