eminent与famous用法区别 生前, 一般用eminent。 He is an eminent scientist.


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Presentation transcript:

eminent与famous用法区别 生前, 一般用eminent。 He is an eminent scientist. 生后, 一般用famous。 He was a famous scientist.

find one’s way to (into) 设法赶到 , 到达

it is a thing ……, that…… “it” 是 formal subject(形式主语)后面that引导的定语从句(thing的定语从句)是real subject。 这种句型用于强调句中的某一成分。

It was your sister that(或whom) Xiao Yang met in the zoo yesterday. 例句: It was Xiao Yang who(或that) met your sister in the zoo yesterday. It was your sister that(或whom) Xiao Yang met in the zoo yesterday.

It was in the zoo that(不用where)Xiao Yang met your sister yesterday. It was yesterday that(不用when) Xiao Yang met your sister in the zoo.

give rise to/touch off /bring about provoke 的 synonym(同义词) trigger(扳机)(off) spawn(鱼等的产卵,酿成) induce(引诱) give rise to/touch off /bring about

2. run full tilt into sb. 与某人撞个满怀。 3. have a tilt at sb. 攻击某人,奚落某人。 1. at full tilt 全速地,用力地。 2. run full tilt into sb. 与某人撞个满怀。 3. have a tilt at sb. 攻击某人,奚落某人。

1. make good its claim 实现(意图,诺言) 2. make good a loss 补偿损失 3. 成功,发达

Amidst(=Amid) 与among的区别: 但是也有amid(st) enemies/dangers。 amid(st)后接单数名词,并带有“被包围”之意,如: stand amid(st) the crowd 但是也有amid(st) enemies/dangers。 among后接三个或三个以上的人或物,即复数名词。如: among one’s friends。

command no pause for…… 没有时间,无暇顾及做某事

1. speculate on/upon/about 思索,沉思 2. speculate in stocks 投机 speculation → speculate的用法 1. speculate on/upon/about 思索,沉思 2. speculate in stocks 投机

portentous ← portent n. 1.预兆,不祥之兆 2. 奇怪的事物 a. 3. 自大的,自命不凡的

studiously ← 1. study 2. studio (艺术家的)工作室,播音室,电影制片厂

to be of great (little) moment 很(不很)重要

supervision ← supervise overseer ← oversee 监工,监督n. superintendence ← superintend vi.vt . supervision ← supervise overseer ← oversee 监工,监督n.

(略作I.Q. 智商) quotient [数] 商 intelligence 智力,理解力,聪明 intelligence quotient (略作I.Q. 智商) quotient [数] 商

aptitude 自然倾向 have an aptitude for… 有…习性

masterful的用法: 1.好支配人的;如:speak in a masterful manner以专横的态度讲话。 2.熟练的;如:write in master English。

prudent, cautious, circumspect (周到,慎重) (circum:绕,周;spect 观点) care 作“谨慎”解,同义词: prudent, cautious, circumspect (周到,慎重) (circum:绕,周;spect 观点)

crooked ← crook n. 钩子,弯曲 crooked stick 弯柄手杖

sinecurist ← sinecure n. 闲职

manifestly ← manifest a. 明白的,明了的; manifesto 宣言,声明; manifest vt. 表明,证明; a. 明白的,明了的; manifesto 宣言,声明; manifestation n. 表明,表示。 ←

be susceptible to cold 容易感冒 (2)[表语] 容许的,可以的 (1)a. 敏感的 be susceptible to cold 容易感冒 (2)[表语] 容许的,可以的 be susceptible of doing sth. 容许,可以做某事。

He and his brother are alike in many ways. ad.同样地 treat all men alike 一视同仁 提示:本句中,副词修饰名词时的alike位置。

2. n. 性格,脾气 She has a good temper. 她脾气好。 1. v. 煅造,回火;锻炼。 在本句中作“经历着”解。 2. n. 性格,脾气 She has a good temper. 她脾气好。 3. vt. 调节,调剂 The sea tempers the climate. 海洋调节气候。

speak with asperity 严厉地说 asperity n. 1. 粗糙 2. (性格,语言)粗暴 speak with asperity 严厉地说

3. [常用复] 气候的严酷,艰苦的条件。 the asperities of northern winter 北方冬季的严寒 an exchange of asperities 对骂

1. so…as to 如此 … 以至于… 例句:He was so angry as to be unable to speak. 2. 本句中, so to do sth as to do sth 是变形,可译为:由于…,以至于… 本段倒数第七行一句,可证明是原句型的变形。

sweeten vt. 使变甜,使温柔,使…清洁, 使新鲜; 改善…的条件。

opportunely ← opportune (opportunity 机会) 1.(时间)适宜的; You have arrived at a most opportune moment. 你来得正是时候。 2.(行动)及时,适时; an opportune rain 及时雨。

undertakings n. 1.企业,事业,任务; 2.承担,许诺,保证; 3.殡仪业。

render vt. 2.使得,使变为 Illness had rendered him rather weak. 1.提出,提供 2.使得,使变为 Illness had rendered him rather weak. 3. render (up)a city 放弃一个城市

Air is indispensable to life. 2.不可推卸,责无旁贷; an indispensable obligation 1. 必不可少; Air is indispensable to life. 2.不可推卸,责无旁贷; an indispensable obligation 本句中,此词组意为“贫困者对勤劳者的依赖性”。

despotic ← despot n. 暴君,专制君主

dispense with dispense 1. 分配(施舍物品) 2. 执行 3. 免除,豁免 to be dispensed with 被免除。 在本句中,引申的意思为:摆脱,不能 被摆脱,增加了民众对政府的依赖性。

remunerative ← remuneration 报酬 remunerate vt. 酬劳,酬谢。

He was absent , as is often the case. as pron. 这一点。 例句: He was absent , as is often the case.

transatlantic a.大西洋彼岸的 n.大西洋彼岸的人 trans:前缀:跨越,横过,从一边 到另一边

= I shall try to make clear the reasons for this. This for reasons which I shall … = I shall try to make clear the reasons for this. 因此文原为威尔逊在大学的一个演讲稿,口语化。

substitute popular control for absolute rulers substitute staple fibre for cotton → A ← B 用人造棉代替棉花 此句,相当于: substitute popular control for absolute rulers

subserve vt. 辅助,促进 subservience n. subservient a.

weal 福利,幸福,好运道 share weal and woe 同甘共苦 哀叹,苦恼

stein 施太(泰)因 普鲁士首相,1807年主持“施太因改革”。内容包括:宣布废除农民对地主的人身依附,给城市一定的自治;改革行政机构;加强中央集权等。

herald n. 传令官;先驱;预言者。 vt. 预示…的来临;通报,宣布,欢呼。

inaugurate a president 3. 为…举行开幕式,落成典礼,通车典礼等。 1. 宣布…开始; 2.为…举行就职典礼; inaugurate a president 3. 为…举行开幕式,落成典礼,通车典礼等。

a.civil: 1.公民的;civil rights 公民权 2.国内的;the Civil War 3.有礼貌的,文明的; civil machinery 文官机构 a.civil: 1.公民的;civil rights 公民权 2.国内的;the Civil War 3.有礼貌的,文明的; civil society 文明社会 4.民事的;a civil code 民法

embark embark on a ship 上船,上飞机。 embark in a new undertaking 开始做。

shrewd a. a shrewd pain 剧痛 a shrewd answer 机敏的回答 精明的,伶俐的,机灵的; a shrewd eye 敏锐的目光 a shrewd answer 机敏的回答 shrewd bargaining 精明的讨价还价 凛冽的,剧烈的; a shrewd wind 凛冽的寒风 a shrewd pain 剧痛

destine 1.命中注定的: The enemy’s attempt is destined to fail(或to failure) 2. 预定,指定: These ships are destined for Shanghai. Xiao Ming was originally destined to the bar. 小明的父母起初想叫小明去学当律师。

sagacity ← saga 中世纪北欧的英雄传奇 sagacious a.

=The can’t agree upon anything simple. They can agree upon nothing simple. =The can’t agree upon anything simple.

It is a part of political life only as the methods … as conj. (1) 后接名词,例: as white as snow ↑ ↑ ad. conj. (2)后接句子,例: Run as fast as you can.

bid sb. good morning 祝某人早安 bid farewell to sb. 向某人告别 2.命令,吩咐(过去式用bade) bid 是不规则动词,过去式两种bade,bid;过去分词两种bidden,bid. 1.祝贺,表示: (过去式用bade) bid sb. good morning 祝某人早安 bid farewell to sb. 向某人告别 2.命令,吩咐(过去式用bade) He bade me (to) come in. 他叫我进去。

3. (拍卖中的)喊/出(价) 过去式,过去分词都用bid. 4. 打桥牌时的叫(牌)

译文: …那些仅仅对可能正在变化的目的作为手段起作用的问题,这种变化便于理智地适应具体情况(已加)。

consist consist in 存在于 consist of 由…组成 consist with 与…相一致

“Liberty no more consists in easy functional movement than…”的译文: “就像智力存在于自在和活力之中,它驱使着一个强健的人的肢体,运动不息,自由存在于顺畅的政府职能的运转之中。”

if only 语气。 2.If引导的虚拟条件句,to be用were, 不管主语什么人称; If引导的真实条件句,to be可用原 1.可用于真实条件句;也可用于虚拟 语气。 2.If引导的虚拟条件句,to be用were, 不管主语什么人称; If引导的真实条件句,to be可用原 形,也可用to be不同形式。

4.以下各句中“if it be …”均为真实条件句,to be用原形。 3.本句中的If only it be not irresponsible,属于由if引导的真实条件句中,to be可用原形。 4.以下各句中“if it be …”均为真实条件句,to be用原形。

be remissness in one’s duties remissness ← remiss a. 1.疏忽,粗心,不负责任,懈怠 be remissness in one’s duties

That was very remiss of you. 你那样做太粗心大意了。 remissness discipline 松懈的纪律 2.无精打采,懒洋洋

选民对文官的行政监督 ——公共行政的难题

sluggish a.懒散,缓慢,萧条 a sluggish market 萧条的市场

Don’t meddle in the internal affairs of other countries. meddlesome ← meddle a.好干涉的,爱管闲事的。 meddle v. 1.干涉,干预 Don’t meddle in the internal affairs of other countries. 2.乱弄 Don’t meddle with the clock.

apt to apt a. 1.恰当,贴切 an apt example 适当的例子 an apt remark 恰当的评语

2.聪明,灵巧 be apt at sth. 善于做某事 3.有…倾向的,容易…的: Iron is apt to rust. 铁容易生锈。

nuisance n. relieve the nuisance of fumes(烟雾)from factories. 2.讨厌的人或事: 1. 损害。 relieve the nuisance of fumes(烟雾)from factories. 2.讨厌的人或事: What a nuisance!真讨厌!

The work is well afoot.工作在顺利进行中。 afoot ad. 1.徒步 2.在进行中 The work is well afoot.工作在顺利进行中。

the respectabilities of social life 社会生活的各种习俗 respectability 1.有社会地位 2.respectabilities 习俗 the respectabilities of social life 社会生活的各种习俗

1.传递,传授:impart knowledge to sb. 2.告示,透露:impart sth. to sb. impart vt. 1.传递,传授:impart knowledge to sb. 2.告示,透露:impart sth. to sb.

be competent for teaching be competent to the task competent a. 1.有能力的,能胜任的 be competent for teaching be competent to the task be competent to do sth.

3.有法定资格的 the competent authorities 主管当局 4.应该做的,被许可的 2.足够的:competent knowledge 3.有法定资格的 the competent authorities 主管当局 4.应该做的,被许可的 It was competent to him to leave. 他当时离开是对的。

foster hopes for success foster vt. 1.养育,抚养: foster a child 2.培养,促进,鼓励: foster the skill for… 3.抱有(希望等)。 foster hopes for success

creak vi. 嘎吱作响 The door opened with a creak.

buzz vi. (蜜蜂)嗡嗡作响,(机器)隆隆作响。

bigoted ← bigot n. 固执的人,抱偏见的人 bigotry n.固执,偏见

domineer vi. domineer over 作威作福,盛气凌人地对待,高耸。 vt. 对…飞扬跋扈

the points of view 几个观点 a point of view 一个观点

from my point of view 按照我的观点,在我看来 from the point of view of… 从…的角度/方面来看

He is apt at languages.他善于学语言。 He is apt to learn.他善于学习。 He is apt at languages.他善于学语言。

2.恰当,贴切:an apt remark 恰当的话。 3.有…倾向的: Iron is apt to rust.铁容易生锈。

adept a. n. 熟练,内行. be adept in (at) sth. (figures) 善于算计

bold a. 1.大胆 2.莽撞,冒失 3.醒目的,粗大的: a bold handwriting 粗体字

apprehension n. 1. 理解,领悟 2. apprehensions(常用复) 恐惧,担心,忧虑,挂念。

2. 设法做到: Can you contrive to be there by six? (contrive=manage) contrivance n.(发明,设计;人为的修饰)← contrive v. 1. 发明,设计; 2. 设法做到: Can you contrive to be there by six? (contrive=manage)

virtue n. 美德,善行; 有点,长处; 效能,效力,功效。 by(或in)virtue of 依靠…的力量;凭借。

prefer sth. to sth. (后接名词) prefer to do sth. rather than to do sth.

vt. be closeted with sb. 与某人密谈。 n.密室;衣柜;盥洗室。 a.私下的;闭门造车的,空谈的。 vt. be closeted with sb. 与某人密谈。

They have not started yet.他们还没有出发。 2.已经(往往用在问句中) yet ad. 1.还是,仍然(多用在否定句中) They have not started yet.他们还没有出发。 2.已经(往往用在问句中) Is everything ready yet? 一切都已经准备好了吗?

3. 但是,然而 This article,which seems too long, is yet quite inspiring. 注: 作“但是,然而”之意时,可作conj.=however

注意相关用法: yet once = once more 再一次 yet again 再一次 4.用在形容词比较级前,表示“更…”,如: a yet easier task 一项更容易的工作 an easier task 一向比较容易的工作 注意相关用法: yet once = once more 再一次 yet again 再一次

5.与形容词的最高级连用,表示“至今最… ”,如:This is the biggest underground lake yet discovered. 6.连…也,如:He did not come, nor yet write. 连信也不写;比仅用nor更强调。

=ingratiate oneself into sb’s favor ingratiating ← ingratiate vt. 使讨好,使巴结,使迎合 ingratiate oneself with sb. =ingratiate oneself into sb’s favor 讨好某人

2.致敬 do (make, pay) obeisance to sb obeisance n. 1.敬礼(用鞠躬,屈膝礼来表示的) 2.致敬 do (make, pay) obeisance to sb

sober a 1.清醒的,未喝醉的,饮食有度的; 2.适度的,有节制的; 3.严肃,庄重的;

4.不夸大,不渲染的; 5.理智的,合理的; 6.(衣着)朴素的。 in sober garments

2.供养,维持,如:sustain a family 3.遭受,如:sustain losses sustenance ← sustain vt. 1.支撑; 2.供养,维持,如:sustain a family 3.遭受,如:sustain losses

4. 经受住,如: He couldn’t sustain such a shock.(shock: 震惊) 5. 证明,如: These facts sustain the theory.

本句中,“confederation”理解为国际间的联盟; “first the confederation of parts…” 本句中,“confederation”理解为国际间的联盟;
