Different Ways of Talking


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Presentation transcript:

Different Ways of Talking Section B Different Ways of Talking

Background Information Introduction In section A, the views on and the reasons for the different ways of learning between boys and girls are displayed and explored. In this section, two children, a boy named Tommy and a girl, his sister Joy, are assumed to be very different in many aspects since they have been expected to be so by American culture while growing up. For example, they receive different gifts; they engage themselves in different groups and play different games; they use language in different ways, etc. Similar to the previous section, the technique of comparison and contrast is broadly used in order to reveal the real cause: Culture affects the ways in which both genders communicate with one another.

Reading More Questions and Answers: Direction: Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What gifts do you usually receive from your parents, friends or relatives? 2. What gifts are you going to choose for his/ her baby girl or boy when visiting a friend?

Detailed Study of Text A 1.When Joy’s mother was six months pregnant with her, the doctor said. 2. Joy liked helping her mother take care of the new baby. 3.Their sex at birth, female and male, is becoming their gender-a way of thinking, speaking, and acting that is considered to be either feminine or masculine. 4. Gender differences are even reflected, very early in life, in the way that girls and boys use language. 5. Boys compete with one another for leadership and like to get attention by talking about how well they can do things. 6. Most females want other girls to like them, and thus are interested in playing fairly and taking turns. 7. Boys, like Tommy, often use commands when they talk to each other, saying things like “You go first. 8. In junior high school, Joy’s position will depend on her circle of friends. 9. Thus, when Joy has some information to share about a popular person at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. 10. At each of life’s stages, then, it is clear that culture certainly affects how both genders communicate with one another.

pregnant 怀孕的 e.g. Joy’s mother was six months pregnant with her at that time. 当时,乔伊的妈妈怀她六个月。 1. 中心为孕妇提供建议和保健。 The centre gives advice and care to pregnant women. 2. 她已怀孕5个月了。 She has been pregnant for five months.

gift 礼物;赠品;天赋;才能 e.g. Gifts, including dresses and dolls, soon began arriving. 各种礼物接踵而来,包括裙子和洋娃娃。 1. 老师要杰克把这些圣诞礼物发给同学们。 The teacher asked Jack to pass out these Christmas gifts to his classmates. 2. 他从小就表现出数学才能。 He has shown a gift for mathematics since boyhood.

bear 生(孩子);忍受;容忍 e.g. A few years later, Joy’s brother, Tommy was born. 几年后,乔伊的弟弟汤米出生了。 1. 她一生中生了10个孩子,但只有两个长大成人。 She has borne ten children in her life, but only two have grown up. 2. 我真受不了让我等这么长的时间。 I can’t bear being kept waiting for such a long (so long a) time.

take care of 照顾;看护;处理 e. g take care of 照顾;看护;处理 e.g. Joy liked helping her mother take care of the new-born baby. 乔伊喜欢帮妈妈照看新生婴儿。 1. 她的祖父年纪很大了,她一直都在照顾他。 Her grandfather is very old, and she is always taking care of him. 2. 他的秘书经常处理一些细节问题。 His secretary always takes care of the details.

at birth 出生时 (c. f. by birth; from birth; of +adj at birth 出生时 (c.f. by birth; from birth; of +adj. [noble, humble, etc] birth) e.g. Their sex at birth, female and male, is becoming their gender. 他们出生时或男或女,就将成为其性别。 1. 我出生时重3200克。 I weighed 3200 grammes at birth . 2. 亨利生下来就失明了。 Henry has been blind from birth. 3. 她是一位出身高贵的女人。 She is a woman of noble birth.

feminine 有女性气质的;适于女性的 masculine 男性的;男子气概的 e. g feminine 有女性气质的;适于女性的 masculine 男性的;男子气概的 e.g. That is a way of thinking, speaking, and acting which is considered to be either feminine or masculine. 这是一种被认为是女性或男性的思考、说话和行为的方式。 1. 她的舞姿非常优雅、柔美。 Her way of dancing is very graceful and feminine. 2. 汽车维修和整理院子被认为是男人干的活。 Car maintenance and yard work are regarded as masculine tasks.

reflect 反映;反射(热、光、声等) e. g reflect 反映;反射(热、光、声等) e.g. Gender differences are even reflected, very early in life, in the way that girls and boys use language. 在很小的时候,男孩和女孩使用语言的方式上就已经体现出性别差异了。 1. 人名的改变反映了中华民族的历史变迁。 Changes in names reflect history of the Chinese nation. 2. 镜子照出她生气的脸。 The mirror reflected her angry face.

compete with sb. for sth. 为······而······竞争/ 比赛 e. g compete with sb. for sth. 为······而······竞争/ 比赛 e.g. Boys compete with one another for leadership and like getting attention by talking about how well they can do things. 男孩子为了当头相互竞争,喜欢谈论自己做事如何出色,引起别人的注意。 1. 他技术好,足以与专业球员竞争奖牌。 He is good enough to compete with professional players for the medal. 2. 麦克的公司正在和我公司竞争市场份额。 Mike’s company is competing with mine for the market share.

attention 注意;留心 e. g. Give your whole attention to what you are doing 1. 我们应该进一步注意野生动物的保护。 We should pay further attention to the conservation of wildlife. 2. 我想请你们注意这一点。 I should like to draw your attention to this point.

be interested in 对······感兴趣;对······表现出兴趣 e. g be interested in 对······感兴趣;对······表现出兴趣 e.g. Most females want other girls to like them, and thus are interested in playing fairly and taking turns. 多数女孩都想让其他女孩喜欢自己,因此,她们对公平游戏和轮流坐庄感兴趣。 1. 自从退休后,史密斯先生就对园艺产生了兴趣。 Mr. Smith has been interested in gardening since his retirement. 2. 玛丽对绘画很感兴趣。 Mary is interested in drawing pictures very much.

take turns (doing sth. ) 轮流;依次 e. g take turns (doing sth.) 轮流;依次 e.g. Those boys take turns playing table tennis. 那些男孩 轮流打乒乓球。 1. 孩子们轮流骑小马。 The children took turns riding on the little horse. 2. 你们不能全体一齐上,而得轮流做。 You can’t all do it together; you’ll have to take turns.

command n. & vi. &vt. 命令;指挥;掌握 e. g command n. & vi. &vt. 命令;指挥;掌握 e.g. Boys, like Tommy, often use commands when they talk to each other, for instance, they say, “You go first. Don’t wait for me.” 像汤米那样,男孩子和别人说话,经常发号施令,比如会说:“你先走。别等我。” 1. 我一下命令,你们就开火。 (You must) fire on my command. 2. 他在美国学习过,英文非常好。 He’s studied in the US and has a good command of English.

depend on 取决于;视······而定;依靠;依赖 e. g depend on 取决于;视······而定;依靠;依赖 e.g. In junior high school, Joy’s position will depend on her circle of friends. 在初中时,乔伊的地位将取决于其交友圈子。 1. 你能否获得经济资助,取决于我们的申请人数。 Whether you can get the financial aid depends on how many applicants we have got. 2. 这家公司的利润主要依赖其国际贸易。 This company mainly depends on its international business for its profits.

share vt. & vi. & n. 共有;均分;一份, 份额 e. g share vt. & vi. & n. 共有;均分;一份, 份额 e.g. Joy has some information to share about a popular person at school. 关于某个在学校受欢迎的人,乔伊知道一些信息。 1. 应该教育孩子们把自己的玩具分给其他孩子玩。 Children should be taught to share their toys with others. 2. 这个男孩把自己的那份食物省下来留给家里正在挨饿的母亲。 The boy saved his share of food for his mother, who was hungry at home.

prove 证实;证明;显示出是, 表明是, 原来是 e. g prove 证实;证明;显示出是, 表明是, 原来是 e.g. It proves that she has a friendship with that girl. 这就证明她和那个女孩有交情。 1. 你需要有医生证明来证明你病得很严重。 You’ll need a doctor’s certificate to prove that you’ve been seriously ill. 2. 他帮我摆脱困境,证明了他是我最好的朋友。 He helped me out and proved to be my best friend.

earn 获得;挣得 e.g. Tommy, on the other hand, becomes popular through his own ability to play sports or to earn high grades. 然而,汤米却是通过自己擅长体育运动或获得高分的能力来出名。 1. 由于在学校表现很好,麦克赢得了老师和父母的称赞。 Mike has earned a lot of praise from his teachers and parents for his excellent performance at school. 2. 她靠什么谋生? ——教英语。 How does she earn her living? –By teaching English.

adult n. 发育成熟的人或动物 adj. 成人的;成熟的 e. g adult n. 发育成熟的人或动物 adj. 成人的;成熟的 e.g. According to American culture, Joy may continue, as an adult, to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. 依据美国文化,乔伊长大后可能依旧喜欢谈论别人和他们的生活。 1. 政府也支持这个成人教育计划。 The government also supports the adult education programme. 2. 这是一部成人影片,不允许小孩子看。 It is an adult film, and children are not allowed to see it.

be concerned with 关心;关注;关于;涉及 e. g be concerned with 关心;关注;关于;涉及 e.g. Tommy may be more concerned with discussions of sports and news. 汤米可能较热衷于讨论体育和新闻。 1. 他们只关心多赚些钱,而不是想着如何满足消费者的需求。 They are only concerned with making more money, rather than meeting customers’ needs. 2. 这部小说讲述了19世纪一个华人家族的故事。 This novel is concerned with a Chinese family in the 19th century.