運動與代謝症候群 台大北護分院 社區及家醫部 張皓翔醫師
什麼是運動? 運動會田徑賽? 球類競賽? 陶侃搬磚? 水泥工搬水泥?
運動(Physical Activity) Exercise: structured, planned and repetitive physical activity with the intent of improving physical fitness Leisure time physical activity:非工作的運動
運動用語(Exercise Terminology) 項目 定義 有氧運動 包含反覆動作,使用大肌肉群,在長時間增加心率, 提高核心體溫(如:走路,跳舞,游泳) 平衡感訓練 在每日活動及其他運動中,幫助保持身穩定性,預防跌倒。 它可以是靜態(如:單腳站立),或是動態(如:走鋼索), 也需用手支撐。 運動 能改善體適能的結構性、計畫性、反覆性健身。 柔軟度或 伸展操運動 關節在正常最大活動範圍內能夠流暢地作全幅度的活動。 伸展操可以是靜態(如:採取持續伸展,然後放鬆的姿勢)、動態(流暢動作【如:太極】) 、主動性(伸展時保持平衡,然後移動【如:瑜珈】) 、或合併(本體感覺神經肌肉誘導術)。 生活型態調整 使用機會在人們的日常生活就能增加消耗熱量(如:手動開門、 提貨物、使用樓梯)及運動取代久坐的閒暇時間。 體適能 包含四大要素:心肺耐力、肌肉力量、柔軟度、身體組成。 肌力 產生最大肌肉收縮速度(如:快速舉起對緩慢提起貨物袋) 漸進性阻力訓練 需要肌肉對抗遭遇的阻力重量,當體適能改善肌耐力就愈佳。 (如:伸展訓練)
代謝症候群(Metabolic Syndrome)
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors The concept of cardiometabolic risk includes a number of classic risk factors/markers that contribute to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, [click once to animate “classic” factors/markers], as well as a number of emerging risk factors/markers [click again to animate “emerging” factors/markers]. Note that the concept of cardiometabolic risk takes a broader approach to multiple cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, as compared with the NCEP/ATP III definition of metabolic syndrome, which identifies five risk factors/markers [click again to animate the “metabolic syndrome” factors/markers].
Disease outcomes inversely related to regular physical activity Cardiovascular disease(心血管病) Thromboembolic stroke(腦中風) Hypertension(高血壓) Diabetes mellitus, type 2(糖尿病) Osteoporosis(骨質疏鬆) Obesity(肥胖) Colon cancer(大腸癌) Breast cancer(乳癌) Anxiety(焦慮) Depression(憂鬱)
Life Style Intervention的實證 Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study(FDPS): reduce 58% DM development Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): life style (58%), metformin(31%) reduce DM development Life style intervention = dietary + exercise intervention
Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study Community setting 可行 Multi-center study Members:physician, study nurse, exercise instructor/PT
Study Design of FDPS(芬蘭) 40~64 year-old BMI>25 Mean of 2 OGTT impaired (140~199) Randomization stratified by sex, center, glucose level
介入 of FDPS(芬蘭) Goal:weight reduction 5%, PA>30/min Exercise: exercise >=30min/day, resistance training (free) Diet: moderate fat(<30E%), low saturated fat(<10E%), fiber >15g/1000kcal
Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study
Study Design of DPP
發生代謝性症候群in DPP
代謝性症候群消失in DPP
Met Syndrome in DPP 50% of DPP participant have MS Both life style intervention and metformin reduces the development of MS
Moderate life style intervention RCT; 335 participants; aged 45~64; metabolic abnormality cohort Intervention: life style intervention by trained professionals VS structured information given by family physician
運動的代謝與內分泌反應 Acute effect:運動時或運動後產生的反應 Training effect:長時間的訓練才產生的效果
Acute effect 1.運動時肌肉能量的來源不是glucose就是free fatty acids配合飲食限制當然對代謝症有幫助 2.High intensity exercise會導致碳水化合物代謝異常加劇(glucagon & catecholamine),因此,血糖很高的患者不宜劇烈運動。
運動與能量來源 Moderate intensity exercise能量的來源是glucose&free fatty acids 當運動強度超過Lactate threshold時,碳水化合物的使用便增加 Maximal exercise則幾乎都是走glycolytic pathway
運動改善胰島素阻抗 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 77S (2007) S87–S91
配合運動比起單獨飲食控制更改善胰島素阻抗 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 77S (2007) S87–S91
運動改善胰島素阻抗的原因 1. Muscular factors: 2. Adipose tissue factors: Glycolytic pathway Increase enzyme activity in TCA cycle Increase in glucose signal transduction 2. Adipose tissue factors: Decrease body fat Decreased plasma TNF-α Increase adiponectin 3. Modify the SNPs in SL2A2(Glut2) and ABCC8(SUR1) ……genes
Increase in glucose signal transduction
Physical inactivity Prevalence of no reported leisure-time physical activity among U.S. men and women, 1990-2005.
運動的好處 降低血壓 減少糖尿病 改善血脂狀況 改善脂肪肝 減重 想當然而運動可以改善代謝症候群?
Exercise Prescription-FITT PRO Frequency: 每天 Intensity: Moderate intensity(中度) Type: aerobic + resistance(有氧、重量) Time: at least 30min/ time(30分鐘) Progression: depends(進度)
Commercial Programs
Integrated commercial program—Golf