An extract from The Prince and the Pauper. 1. Do you know Mark Twain’s popular novel The Prince and the Pauper ( 《王子与贫儿》 )? It tells a story of the adventures.


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Presentation transcript:

An extract from The Prince and the Pauper

1. Do you know Mark Twain’s popular novel The Prince and the Pauper ( 《王子与贫儿》 )? It tells a story of the adventures of two young boys, a prince and a pauper. They exchange roles in life. The novel begins with Tom Canty, a boy living with his poor family in London. One day, Tom Canty met Prince Edward, the son of King Henry VIII, and switched clothes with him. Dressing in a pauper’s clothes, the prince left the palace to punish the guard who knocked Tom down. However, as the boys had switched clothes and looked extremely alike, the guards threw the prince out into the street. And the pauper was considered the prince. In the story, each boy had series of educational and entertaining adventures. They grew more in both their real and assumed ( 假定 的 ) roles in life. Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper is a popular story and a classic from American Literature. Pre-reading

2. Do you know other stories written by Mark Twain or other writers? Share your knowledge with your class. Guy de Maupassant—The Necklace ( 《项链》 ) Pre-reading O. Henry—The Gift of the Magi ( 《麦琪的礼物》 ) Beatrix—Potter Peter Rabbit ( 《彼得兔》 )

Fill in the blanks according to the article. 1. One January day, on Tom’s usual begging tour, he _______ heavily up and down the land round about Mincing Lane and Little East Cheap. 2. For Tom, these were dainties for the angels, and he had no _______ to eat one. 3. At night, Tom reached home so wet, tired and hungry that it was not possible for his father and grandmother to ________ his forlorn condition. 4. But at last, his thoughts drifted away to far, romantic lands, and he ______ asleep in the company of jeweled and gilded princelings who lived in large palaces. 5. He moved among great lords and ladies, drinking in delicious music and __________ the greetings from people. While reading walked chance observe fell answering

He moved among great lords and ladies, drinking in delicious music and answering the greetings from people. 他穿梭行走于绅士们和淑女们之中,陶醉在优美的音乐 里,回应着来自人们的问候。 动词的 ing 作方式或伴随状语。它用来说明动作发生的背 景或情况。此时,一般情况下,动词 ing 所表示的动作和谓 语动词所表示的动作同时发生,通常可以用并列句来转换。 e.g. They came into the classroom, singing and laughing. =They sang and laughed and they came into the classroom. * 注意:在动词 ing 表示方式或伴随情况时,动词 ing 表示 的是次要动作,而谓语动词表示的是主要动作。 所以此句不能写成 They sang and laughed, coming into the classroom. (X) Grammar focus

Rewrite the sentences as required. 1. She sat at the desk. She read a newspaper. ( 改成动词 ing 表伴随 ) She sat at the desk, reading a newspaper. 2. All night long he lay awake. He thought of the problem. ( 改成动词 ing 表伴随 ) 3. I came into the room. I saw a girl crying. ( 改成动词 ing 表伴随 ) All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem. Coming into the room, I saw a girl crying. Grammar focus

For a long time, his pain and hunger kept him awake. 很长一段时间,他累得饿得睡不着。 这里的 keep 是系动词, 后面加形容词,如 keep cool ,保持冷 静。类似的词还有: look , feel , smell , sound , taste 等。 Language point

Choose the correct word. 1. I bought a few books on how to keep health/healthy. 2. Please keep quiet/quietly. 3. The fish doesn’t taste deliciously/delicious. 4. Your father looks young/youth. 5. The music sounds beautifully/beautiful. Language point

Retell one of Mark Twain’s stories to your partner. After reading