周游 2009442654 彭怀军 2009442655 桂蔡明 2009442667 江建源 2009442677.


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Presentation transcript:

周游 彭怀军 桂蔡明 江建源

A brief introduction Chinese name : 阿拉伯埃及共和国 English name : The Arab Republic of Egypt Abbreviation : Egypt Capita l: Cairo The National Day : July 23 National Anthem : Arab republic of Egypt national anthem Official Language : Arabic Currency : Egyptian pounds Main Ethnic : Arab Major Religions : Islamism National Surface Area : About Square Kilometers

In the white part is national emblem. Red symbolizes revolution, white symbolizes purity and bright future, black is the symbol of past years --Dark Egypt The national emblem is a golden eagle, says the Saladin eagle. The golden eagle stand firm with raised head, comfortableness wings, symbolic victory, brave and loyalty, it is the Egyptians defying sun storms, high in the sky fly incarnation. Eagle chest for shield form of red, white, black three color flag design, bottom seat base lace top write "Arab republic of Egypt"

地跨亚、非两大洲,西连利比亚,南接苏 丹,东临红海并与巴勒斯坦、以色列接壤, 北临地中海 ,面积 万平方公里。 Across Asia, Africa and the two continents, the west Libya, Sudan, the south east, the Red Sea, and with the Palestinians, the Israeli border and north to the Mediterranean Sea. An area of million square kilometers 世界最长的河流尼罗河从南到北贯穿埃及, 被称为埃及的 “ 生命之河 ” 。尼罗河两岸形成 的狭长河谷和入海处形成的三角洲,是埃及 最富饶的地区。 The world's longest river Nile through Egypt from south to north, known as Egypt's "river of life." The formation of the narrow Nile Valley and into the sea to form the delta, is Egypt's most fertile regions.

River of life

According to the natural conditions, the differences of general Egypt divided into four regions - the Nile river basin and the Nile delta, the western desert, eastern desert regions, the Sinai peninsula.

About Nile The Nile is Egyptian’s lifeline, is the mother of Egypt.It is not only the longest river in the Egypt, but also the longest in the world. It is about 6670 kilometers long.

Nile is Egypt's lifeline,is "the mother of Egypt." It is the first river in Africa,but also one of the world's longest rivers with a total length of more than 6670 km.North-south from south to north in eastern Egypt,in Egypt in a period of up to 1530 kilometers,is indeed a Zhou Ji,an important benefit irrigation water resources.One of the world's four major ancient civilizations of Egypt,the Nile is nurtured,the development of its splendid ancient culture.Nile is Egypt's lifeline,is "the mother of Egypt." It is the first river in Africa,but also one of the world's longest rivers with a total length of more than 6670 km.North-south from south to north in eastern Egypt,in Egypt in a period of up to 1530 kilometers,is indeed a Zhou Ji,an important benefit irrigation water resources.One of the world's four major ancient civilizations of Egypt,the Nile is nurtured,the development of its splendid ancient culture. 尼罗河是埃及的生命线,是 “ 埃及的母亲 ” 。 它是非洲第一长河,也是世界上最长的河 流之一,全长 6670 余千米。它由发源于乌 干达维多利亚湖的白尼罗河、发源于埃塞 俄比亚高原的青尼罗河,在苏丹首都喀土 穆汇合之后流入埃及。从南到北纵贯埃及 东部,在埃及境内一段长达 1530 千米,确 是具有舟楫、灌溉之利的重要的水利资源。 世界四大文明古国之一的埃及,就是在尼 罗河的哺育下,发展了其光辉灿烂的古文 化。 Nile is Egypt's lifeline, is "the mother of Egypt." It is the first river in Africa, but also one of the world's longest rivers with a total length of more than 6670 km. North-south from south to north in eastern Egypt, in Egypt in a period of up to 1530 kilometers, is indeed a Zhou Ji, an important benefit irrigation water resources. One of the world's four major ancient civilizations of Egypt, the Nile is nurtured, the development of its splendid ancient culture.

Between the Alexander and SaiDeGang the Nile delta, alluvial plain, an area of about 2 million ~ 4 million square kilometers. Here is the birthplace of ancient Egypt, is the most important economic activity areas, Egypt and the vast majority of people concentrate on that, also the world's most densely populated regions. the Nile delta

It consists of originated in Uganda lake Victoria in the white Nile, originating from the Ethiopian plateau the green Nile, in Khartoum merge into Egypt after.

West of the Nile is western desert, also called Libya desert. It is the world's largest desert - part of the Sahara desert, accounting for approximately two-thirds of Egypt area. The Nile Edom eastern desert, is also called the Arabian desert. It matches the shore of the red sea, relief from the east to the west tilt, red sea coast mountainous, altitude 1500 meters

Sinai Peninsula It is located in the southwest of Asia, with an area of about 6.4 million square kilometers, accounting for Egypt area 6.38%.

It was dry all year and have little rain there. The Nile delta and the northern coast is subtropical Mediterranean climate, the average temperature there in January is 12 ℃,in July is 26 ℃ ;the average annual rainfall only 50 to 200 millimeters. The most part of rest place is tropical desert climate, hot arid and the temperature can be reached at 40 ℃. The average annual rainfall is less than 50 millimeter.

埃及有约 2900 公里的海岸线,但却是典型的沙漠之国,全境 95 %为沙漠。全境干燥少雨。 尼罗河三角洲和北部沿海地区属地中海型气侯, 1 月平均气温 12 ℃, 7 月 26 ℃;年平均降水 量 50—200 毫米。其余大部分地区属热带沙漠气侯,炎热干燥,沙漠地区气温可达 40 ℃, 年平均降水量不足 30 毫米。每年 4—5 月间常有 “ 五旬风 ” ,夹带沙石,使农作物受害。 Egypt, about 2900 kilometers of coastline, but it is a typical desert country, 95 percent throughout the desert. The Nile Delta and the northern coastal area is a Mediterranean-type climate, in January the average temperature of 12 ℃, 7 Yue 26 ℃ ; annual average precipitation is mm. Most of the remaining area is a tropical desert climate, hot and dry, desert regions temperatures can reach 40 ℃, annual average precipitation is less than 30 mm.

The Three Largest Pyramids 1. The Three Largest Pyramids stands for the three generations of the Egyptian pharaohs. 2. There are the great pyramid, the second pyramid and the third pyramid.

Great Pyramid 1. Of the 10 pyramids at Giza, the first three are held in the highest regard. The first, and largest, was erected for the Pharaoh Khufu. 2. Known as the Great Pyramid, it rises about 450 feet (having lost about 30 feet off the top over the years) and covers 13 acres.

The second pyramid 1. The son of Khufu, Khafre (or Khephren to the ancient Greeks) is best known as the owner of the second pyramid at Giza 2. The Second Pyramid is attributed to the Pharaoh Khafre of the fourth dynasty and sits southwest of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau. 3. The original limestone casing stone is visible on the capstone.

The third pyramid 1. The son of Khafre, Menkaure is best known as the owner of the second pyramid at Giza. 2. The third pyramid is the smallest is the three big pyramids. The structure measures about meters square.

Egyptian mummy

1. The earliest Egyptian mummies occurred naturally. Bodies were placed in shallow graves in the low desert. 2. The combination of the hot sun, dry climate and the sand-filled graves caused the bodies to dry out..

The Pharaohs’ Mummies 1. The first Pharaohs built simpler tombs, called mastabas. These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterlife. 2. Then the Egyptian pharaohs began to build mounds of earth on top of their mastabas, to make them grander. Ordinary princes and other aristocrats went on being buried in mastabas.