Your Expectations, Are Exceeded


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Presentation transcript:

Your Expectations, Are Exceeded Howard Johnson Tropical Garden Plaza Kunming 昆明南亚风情园豪生大酒店 No.888 Chunrong Street, Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650500, P.R.China 云南省昆明市呈贡新区春融街888号

Geography AND Cityscape城市介绍 Situated in a fertile lake basin on the northern shore of the Lake Dian and surrounded by mountains to the north, west, and east, Kunming has always played a pivotal role in the communications of southwestern China. Kunming is known as the "Spring City". The city is covered with blossoms and lush vegetation all-year round, up to 300 days are spring and autumn weather. Maximum temperature and the minimum temperature in one day is 18℃. Seagull from northern Siberia, across Russia and the whole China come to lake Dian in Kunming every winter,. Kunming is world-famous for its flowers and flower- growing exports. More than 400 types of flowers are commonly grown in Kunming. 昆明坐落在滇池北岸,一直是中国西南部的枢纽城市。昆明被称为“春城”。城市 是常年被花所覆盖,植被繁茂,一年四季,有300天是春天和秋天。一天的最高温 度和最低温度是相差不到18℃。每年冬天,西伯利亚海鸥从北部的俄罗斯穿过整个 中国来昆明。超过400种的花在昆明普遍种植,昆明是著名的花卉和花卉出口城市。

Map Location酒店地址 Kunming New Airport Hotel is located in the Chenggong new area of Kunming, Transportation and attractions:酒店地处昆明呈贡新区,交 通优势有: Kunming International Airport(40 minutes by car) 昆明国际机场(四十分钟车程) Spring City Golf(20 minutes by car) 春城湖畔高尔夫球场(二十分钟车程) Kunming International EXPO(40 minutes by car) 昆明世博园(四十分钟车程) Stone Forest(40 minutes by car) 石林(四十分钟车程) Kunming Minority Village(40 minutes by car) 昆明民族村(四十分钟车程) Dianchi Lake(20 minutes by car) 滇池(二十分钟车程)

Transportation 酒店交通 Destination 目的地 Minutes by car 用时 Distance Kilometers 距离 Kunming International Airport 昆明国际机场 40 30 Kunming Train station 昆明火车站 25 Kunming south transportation center 昆明南部汽车客运站 10 Kunming City Center 昆明市区 Kunming Exhibition Center 昆明会展中心 Spring City Golf 春城湖畔高尔夫球场 20 Stone Forest 石林 Kunming Minority Village 昆明民族村 Dianchi Lake 滇池

HOTEL Property酒店介绍 309 Guestrooms, including 288 rooms and 21 suites. 309间豪华典雅客房,包括288间普通客房和21间套房。 Riviera Café, Rose Garden offers a great mix of Pan Asian delicacies. 餐饮美食包括:豪生咖啡厅,特色餐厅,艺廊大堂吧 4 function rooms, 2 multifunction rooms and a Grand Ballroom. 全套的会议设施设备:包含4个会议室,2个多功能会议室,1个宴会厅 Club from 16F to 19F features exclusive world-class benefits and services. 16 – 19楼设有豪生俱乐部,并为全球会员提供会员服务 Relaxing leisure facilities 完善的休闲设备

Classic ROOMs酒店房间 Broadband Internet access 宽带上网 Two-line telephone 双线电话 Voicemail System 留言信箱 40“ LCD flat panel TV 40寸液晶平板电视及卫星频道 1 Fully-stocked minibar 客用保险箱,迷你吧 1 Hairdryer, bath robes, iron and ironing board 吹风机、浴袍、熨斗及烫衣板 1

Suite ROOMs套房

ROOMs房间 Room 房间类型 Room number 房间数量 Type 床型 Superior Room 高级间 151 Twin 双人床 Superior Hollywood Room 好莱坞房 72 Disabled Room残疾人房 1 King 单人大床 Executive Room行政大床间 64 Family Suite 家庭套(三张床) 4 Superior Suite 高级套间 Executive Suite行政套间 11 Executive Luxury Suite行政豪华套房 Presidential Suite总统套房

Riviera Café, Rose Garden and LobBy BAR 豪生咖啡厅,特色餐厅,艺廊大堂吧

Dining Features餐饮美食 Dining include餐饮美食包括: Riviera Café豪生咖啡厅 Located on the Lobby level, the Riviera Café provides a sumptuous international buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as an all day dining A la Carte menu. 位于酒店一楼的咖啡厅,环境舒适并荟萃了泛亚大陆风味的菜肴,独特的开 放式厨房设计,为您提供丰盛可口的早餐、午餐和晚餐。容纳人数220人,营 业时间:06:30—23:30。 Rose Garden特色餐厅 Located on the Lobby Level and with a secluded open-air space, the restaurant provides a comprehensive wine list and a special from the Grill menu with focus on seafood and meats. The Chef will be at hand to take special orders and introduce Chef’s specials. 处于一楼大堂,环境清幽,为您提供精选的世界美酒和特色海鲜及肉类烧烤。 厨师长亲自为您推荐餐厅的特点。营业时间:06:30—22:30。 The Pavilion艺廊大堂吧 Our bright and airy lobby lounge is a great place to meet business colleagues or friends over a coffee and cocktail. The Pavilion also offers an extensive range of wines from around the world. 享用下午茶、咖啡或鸡尾酒的理想之所。同时我们也为您提供来自世界各地 的美味葡萄酒。容纳人数60人,营业时间:08:30—22:30。

Meeting Room会议室 625M2 305m2 Grand Ballroom Nanya room Qicai Room 234M2 Huihuang Room Jinbi Room 75M2 Zuoyue room 97.5M2 Chenggong Room 97.5M2 Grand Ballroom 625M2 Nanya room 305m2 Qicai Room 234M2

Meeting Room会议室 Room 会议室 Size 大小 Capacity容量 Classroom课桌 Theatre剧院 U-Shape U型 Grand Ballroom 豪生厅 625 sqm 360 pax 420 pax 200 pax Nanya Room 南亚厅 304 sqm 180 pax 240 pax 80 pax Qicai Room 七彩厅 234 sqm 120 pax 160 pax 70 pax Chenggong Room 成功厅 97.5 sqm 50 pax 24 pax Zhuoyue Room 卓越厅 Jinbi Room 金碧厅 75 sqm 15 pax Huohuang Room 辉煌厅

Grand Ballroom豪生厅

Nan Ya room 南亚厅

Qi Cai Room七彩厅

Chenggong zhuoyue Room 成功和卓越厅 jinbi huihuang Room 金碧厅和辉煌厅

Meeting Room会议室

Recreation康体娱乐 Spa Beauty Saloon KTV Massage Mahjong Room Health Club Spa 美容中心 KTV 桑拿 棋牌室 康体中心

Major reception 重要接待 Politicians 政要 昆明市政协,市人大会议;昆明市国土资源局,昆明市接待办;昆明市委办公厅; 云南省旅游局;昆明市农业局;昆明市财政局等政要机关;泰国前外交部长;马来 西亚驻华大使;泰国企业家代表团;国家教育部副部长以及参加2012汉语桥,来自 45个国家的51支参赛队200多名师生。 Stars 明星 2012年王菲昆明演唱会 周華健群星演唱會 蔡依林演唱會昆明站 Cooperation 名企 亚洲峰会;IBM;强生;诺和诺德;拜耳;罗氏制药;美孚;壳牌;中国石油;中 国平安;中国移动;港龙航空;东方航空;中豪置业集团;云南白药;;云南报业; 云南电网,云南省城投公司;滇红药业等知名企业 College 院校 云南大学;云南师范大学;昆明理工大学;云南广播电视大学等知名院校。


FIVE STAR HOTEL 豪生大酒店被评定为五星级旅游饭店 2013年12月24日,全国旅游星级饭店评定委员会经研究,下发了《关于批准云南昆明新南亚风情园豪生大酒店为五星级旅游饭店的批复》(旅星评发[2013]190号)。2014年3月,豪生大酒店领取了五星级饭店的标牌授牌。

Contact Us联系方式 Howard Johnson Tropical Garden Plaza Kunming 昆明南亚风情园豪生大酒店 No.888 Chunrong Street, Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650500, P.R.China 云南省昆明市呈贡新区春融街888号 邮编: 650500 Email : Website: Contact Person: Sales Manager - Ms.Ida Wang 王悦芳 Tel: +86(0) 871 6591 8888-2815 Tel联系电话: +86(0) 871 6591 8888-2812 /0 13529299203 Email: Director of Sales Marketing – Ms.Coco Gao 高美龄 Tel:+86(0)871 65918888-2800/ 0 13577130001 Email: