生命科学资源运用与探讨 BIOSIS Previews 美国 BIOSIS 公司东南亚地区代表 飞资得信息有限公司 梁铭心


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Presentation transcript:

生命科学资源运用与探讨 BIOSIS Previews 美国 BIOSIS 公司东南亚地区代表 飞资得信息有限公司 梁铭心 Welcome to the BIOSIS Previews training course. This presentation can be used as a self instruction package or to instruct others. This presentation should be viewed as a PowerPoint Slideshow to enable the hyperlinks in the file. Other materials are available from the Training & Support section of the BIOSIS website (http://www.biosis.org) and should be used to accompany this course: Workshop Questions – sample search questions and answers customized for each major search system Workbook – providing a hard copy companion to this course with details of the database for each major search system Quick Reference Cards – handy desktop references which can be used as a reminder of database fields and functions All these materials can be downloaded from the BIOSIS web site 美国 BIOSIS 公司东南亚地区代表 飞资得信息有限公司 梁铭心

主要内容 BIOSIS Previews简介 OVID版 BIOSIS Previews 检索模式 常用检索方法与技巧 检索策略的保存、运行与删除 检索结果显示设计、输出

第一部分 BIOSIS Previews 简介

Medicine Biology Life Science Chemistry Technology

Life Science Research 研究主题 研究型式 出版类型 Biology, Medicine, Chemistry Journals, Books, Gray Literature (Reviews, Reports, Meetings), Patents 出版类型 Digit, Print

About BIOSIS BIOSIS成立于公元1926年,总部设在美国费城 2004 年正式与加入 Thomson 集团公司 BIOSIS was founded in 1926 and is based in Philadelphia. It is a not-for-profit company which works closely with the scientific community and a number of bodies within the information industry. The UK office produces Zoological Record, first published in 1864, and operates the European help desk serving Europe and the Middle East.

Life Science Solutions of BIOSIS 电子版 BIOSIS Previews Biological Abstracts Biological Abstracts/RRM Basic BIOSIS Zoological Record 纸本刊 Biological Abstracts Biological Abstracts/RRM Zoological Record Abstracts of Entomology Abstracts of Mycology

BIOSIS Previews 简介

Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews & Meetings) BIOSIS Previews Biological Abstracts (生物学文摘) Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews & Meetings) BIOSIS Previews BIOSIS Previews,结合 Biological Abstracts 和 Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings) 这两个数据库的内容,而成为一个单一的数据库,因此BIOSIS Previews 为兼具深度和广度的生命科学暨生物医学数据库。

BIOSIS Previews BIOSIS数据库内容,不但广泛收录来自全世界上千万笔的文献数据,并且以有系统,方便使用的方式呈现给使用者。使用者只需要具备基本的专业知识和简单的查询技巧,就可以在复杂而大量的数据库中,迅速确实的找到完整的相关信息。 BIOSIS Previews, which combines the well established printed references Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews and Meetings) into a single electronic database, is renowned for its quality, and in depth coverage of the world’s b???The strengths and benefits to the user come from unparalleled indexing, which will be explained in this course.

Literature Sources Journals Books Patents Review Articles BIOSIS Previews的独特之处在于,其整合会议记录文献和专利内容,以及学术期刊论文于单一的数据库。也就是说,当使用者在做检索时,可以同时在这许多不同的文献型态中找到相关数据。 Journals Books Patents Review Articles BIOSIS Previews is unique in integrating conference and meeting literature with patents and journals into a single database. This means that searches will automatically retrieve valuable information from these harder to find items. Later in the course we will show that it is also possible to restrict your search to a particular literature type (review, patent, meeting journal ar??? Conferences and meetings

BIOSIS Previews Coverage Journals- 期刊收录的学术性研究论文等。 Books- 针对主题的深度讨论和完整研究结果可在 book literature 中找到 Patents- BIOSIS Previews 收录的专利法案,多与药物,基因工程技术,食品技术等生化科技产品有关,使研究者了解如何让生命科学研究发挥具体的经济效益。 In order to be included in BIOSIS Previews, the item must be published, research and deal with life science topics. This provides for a wide range of literature types and broad subject coverage. Journals provide research articles, reviews etc. while more in-depth discussions can often be found in the book literature. Meetings are a vital and often difficult to locate source of up to date information, with many new findings being first presented at conferences. Coverage of meetings in experimental medicine & clinical research is largely absent from Medline and Embase. T???Patents are becoming increasingly important as all aspects of life sciences become available for patent. This is a vital area as most products here are high value, costly to develop and potentially easy to imitate.

BIOSIS Previews Coverage Reports- 与生命科学研究相关之报导 Review Articles- 专题评论性论文 Meetings- BIOSIS Previews收录了在meetings, conferences and symposia中所发表的会议论文,使研究人员能得到最新生命科学发展的第一手资料。并收录会议的相关信息, 包含会议赞助者, 会议议程, 会议相关网站

BIOSIS资料统计 BIOSIS Previews 的更新频率 专线版 (online):周更新 CD/Local server:月更新 As well as items from international journals, BIOSIS Previews includes a range of literature types: 360,000 references to scientific journal literature 160,000 references to international meetings 20,000 references to review articles 17,000 references to books, book chapters, and software reviews 21,000 references to US patents BIOSIS Previews is updated on a weekly basis.

BIOSIS Previews 数据量 …… 文献型态 1969~2002 Article 9,836,991 Meeting 3,497,192 Book 611,865 Patent 194,104 Letter 51,238 Technical report 831 Software 50 Company profile 47 …… Approximately 1,800 serials are indexed cover-to-cover Over 90% of current records from journal articles include abstracts Patents are covered for 1999-, and also from 1986-1989

BIOSIS Previews 数据量 文献型态 1969~2002 1969~2003 1969~present Article 文献型态  1969~2002 1969~2003 1969~present Article 9,836,991 10,194,397 10,481,227 Meeting 3,497,192 3,661,390 3,681,717 Book 611,865 612,372 622,150 Patent 194,104 214,682 220,915 Letter 51,238 56,507 57,562

Geographical Coverage BIOSIS涵盖的内容具高度国际性。从地理分布来看,BIOSIS收录了超过100个国家的出版品。完整清单详列在BIOSIS Serial Sources。 BIOSIS收录的文献来自全球各大洲,其中 北美洲占 31% 欧洲及中东地区占 52% 亚洲及澳洲占 14% 中美洲及南美洲 2% 非洲地区 1%

Geographical Coverage North America (31%) Asia, Australasia (14%) Europe & Middle East (52%) Central & S. America (2%) Coverage is highly international, including journals and other material published in over 90 countries A full list of contributing countries is given in BIOSIS Serial Sources UK 10% Japan 7% France 3% Italy 2% Spain 1% Australia 1.5% Netherlands 7.5% Denmark 1.5% Sweden <1% Finland <1% Norway 1% Note: these figures relate to the country of publication, not the country where the study was carried out or where the author works/resides (from 1999 BIOSIS Serial Sources) Africa (1%)

Subject Coverage 什么样的文章才能被BIOSIS收录? 已出版之论文或书籍 与生命科学主题相关 具研究性或学术性

Subject Coverage Traditional topics Interdisciplinary areas Related areas In order to be included in the database, items must be published, life science and deal with research. Traditional areas include: Molecular biology, Botany, Zoology, Ecology and the Environment, Microbiology Interdisciplinary area such as Experimental, Clinical and Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Genetics, Agriculture and Nutrition, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Public Health And related area Methods, Instrumentation

Subject Coverage Traditional areas Molecular Biology (分子生物学) Botany (植物学) Zoology (动物学) Ecology and the Environment (生态学和环境学) Microbiology (微生物学)

Subject Coverage Interdisciplinary areas (跨学科) 包括 Experimental, Clinical and Veterinary Medicine (实验医学,临床医学,和兽医学) Biotechnology and Genetics (生物科技和遗传学) Agriculture and Nutrition (农业学和营养学) Biochemistry (生物化学) Pharmacology (药物学) Public Health (公共卫生学)

Subject Coverage Related areas 包括 Methods (研究方法) Instrument (实验仪器)

BIOSIS Previews BIOSIS Previews Medicine Molecular Applied Biology Zoology BIOSIS Previews Microbiology Behavior & Ecology Physiology Agricultural & Plant Sciences Biotechnology

BIOSIS与其它数据库之特色比较 BIOSIS and MEDLINE are NOT the same BIOSIS Previews / AGRICOLA Compare BIOSIS and EMBASE BIOSIS vs MEDLINE vs EMBASE Three-way search comparisons

BIOSIS/MedLine Primary Emphasis All life science areas, including: Agriculture Biochemistry Biomedicine Biotechnology Botany Ecology Environmental Sciences Genetics Microbiology Pharmacology Experimental Medicine MedLine Biomedicine, including: Clinical Medicine Nursing Dentistry Public Health Genetics Toxicology Pharmacology Allied Health Sciences

BIOSIS与其它数据库之特色比较 BIOSIS and MEDLINE are NOT the same BIOSIS Previews / AGRICOLA Compare BIOSIS and EMBASE BIOSIS vs MEDLINE vs EMBASE Three-way search comparisons

BIOSIS与其它数据库之特色比较 BIOSIS and MEDLINE are NOT the same BIOSIS Previews / AGRICOLA Compare BIOSIS and EMBASE BIOSIS vs MEDLINE vs EMBASE Three-way search comparisons

BIOSIS与其它数据库之特色比较 BIOSIS and MEDLINE are NOT the same BIOSIS Previews / AGRICOLA Compare BIOSIS and EMBASE BIOSIS vs MEDLINE vs EMBASE Three-way search comparisons

Medical Genetics genetics and apoptosis and gene therapy 1,672 768 293 SEARCH CRITERIA COMBINED TOTAL BIOSIS UNIQUE MEDLINE UNIQUE EMBASE UNIQUE BIOSIS, MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND MEDLINE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND EMBASE OVERLAP MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP genetics and apoptosis and gene therapy 1,672 768 293 196 94 154 65 102

Proteomics proteomics and methods see illustration 2,635 1,797 93 153 SEARCH CRITERIA COMBINED TOTAL BIOSIS UNIQUE MEDLINE UNIQUE EMBASE UNIQUE BIOSIS, MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND MEDLINE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND EMBASE OVERLAP MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP proteomics and methods see illustration 2,635 1,797 93 153 320 94 85

Pharmacognosy pharmacognosy flavonoid and fruit see illustration 1,138 SEARCH CRITERIA COMBINED TOTAL BIOSIS UNIQUE MEDLINE UNIQUE EMBASE UNIQUE BIOSIS, MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND MEDLINE OVERLAP BIOSIS AND EMBASE OVERLAP MEDLINE AND EMBASE OVERLAP pharmacognosy flavonoid and fruit see illustration 1,138 513 81 179 114 91 82 78


BIOSIS Specialized Indexing BIOSIS Previews的主要宗旨是让研究者取得与生命科学相关的信息。如果您想在某一本书里找寻与特定主题有关的部份,您会翻到这本书最末几页的 “索引”(Index)部份,以得知在书本的第几页可以找到这个特定主题。然而,学术期刊论文和其它文献数据并没有提供像书本一样的 “索引” 部份以供读者查阅,因此BIOSIS根据生命科学领域的内容,建立了一套独特的indexing system。

BIOSIS Specialized Indexing . 系统化字段 BIOSIS DB 检索数量的扩增 检索质量的提升

BIOSIS Specialized Indexing BIOSIS 发展出全新的独有标引方法 (indexing methodology),称为关连性标引 (relational indexing) 其特色在于能够处理每一个检索字词和控制字汇之间的关连性。这个加值化的索引系统使研究者能快速而正确的找到数据,同时也为信息科技专业人员提供进一步的检索设计。

Specialized Indexing for better retrieval BIOSIS 所独有的编制索引方式, 提供从 事生命科学研究专业人员一个极佳的数 据库检索途径 BIOSIS Specialized indexing 提供不同研究 主题一个统一的检索架构, 使用者可以透 过这个架构获取兼具质与量的资料 BIOSIS employs a team of trained graduate life scientists to index the literature, ensuring accurate representation of the biological content The value added indexing ensures that information can be located quickly and accurately by novices as well as providing advanced search features for the information professional Cross file searching is facilitated by adding additional terms common to other databases: CAS Registry Numbers can be used to locate chemical substances and compounds in a number of databases, including the CAS Chemical Registry database. MeSH disease terms can be searched in MedLine

BIOSIS Searching Fields example 在 BIOSIS Previews 中, 提供多种不同检索字段, 以方便使用者利用 Author .AU. Major Concept .MC. Chemical/ Biochemical .CB. Methods & Equipment .ME. Disease .DS. Organisms .OR. Geopolitical Locations .GE. Meeting Information .MF. CAS Registry Number .RN. Patent Number .PN.

Sample Limit searches to specific fields Turkey (不限制字段) 759 hits Turkey (Geopolitical Location) 399 hits Turkey (Organism) 245 hits

BIOSIS Specialized indexing CA Registry Numbers and MEDLINE MeSH disease terms make searches more effective 为了能达到跨数据库字段检索,BIOSIS也采纳了其它数据库的标引方式,使之具有和其它数据库共有的检索字段。

BIOSIS Value added indexing Controlled & Natural language keywords 控制词汇与自然语言 BIOSIS 在Authority File中加入大量的自然语言 (natural language) 做为控制字汇(controlled vocabulary),而不再只以编码(codes) 做为专有名词的控制查询。并且研究人员不需记忆大量专有名词,即可做检索的动作 BIOSIS: Indexing is based on natural language/free text with the ability to focus searches using broader controlled terminology and searching terms in context As well as controlled lists of terms in the Authority file, there are broad subject codes and organism group codes MedLine: The extensive hierarchical Thesaurus of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms covers the entire subject scope of the database and can be modified to focus the search using subheadings and check tags EMBASE: EMBASE utilizes and extensive hierarchical subject thesaurus and has additional specialist indexing for drug related material

BIOSIS Value added indexing Authority File Major Concepts Organisms New Taxon modifiers Fossil modifiers Super Taxa Taxa Notes Diseases Disease modifiers Parts, Structures, & Systems Organ System modifiers Chemicals & Biochemicals Drug modifiers Sequence Data Sequence type modifiers Geopolitical Locations Institutions and Organizations Institution type modifiers

Searching for Subject Information Indexing syntax example Modifier Key Term Variant Classifier

Searching for Subject Information Indexing syntax example Drosophila melanogaster (Key Term) fruit fly (Variant) pest (Modefier) Diptera (Classifier)

Zoological Record 动物学刊

Zoological Record 公元1865年, 一群动物学家与大不列颠博物馆开始建立 ZR 数据库 自公元1980起, 与美国BIOSIS公司及伦敦动物协会合作 透过不同媒体管道, 皆可使用Zoological Record in print on compact disc (银盘) on the Web (CSA, OVID, 银盘, WoK)

Zoological Record Electronic media (电子数据库): Print (印刷版): 更新频率 : 月更新 ZR complete Print (印刷版): ZR 完整版 29 种个别专业学科, 例如: Insecta Mammalia Aves Reptilia 更新频率 : 月更新

Zoological Record Authoritative record of taxonomic nomenclature 二大功能: Authoritative record of taxonomic nomenclature 极具权威与可信度之动物学命名数据库 records discovery of new organisms documents changes in nomenclature Index to the literature of zoological research “exotic” species

Zoological Record North America (20%) Asia, Australasia (19%) Africa (2%) Europe & Middle East (55%)

Zoological Record Zoological Record Ecology & Environment Physiology & Morphology Behavior Evolution Systematic Diseases & Disorders Zoogeography Techniques& Methods

Zoological Record Coverage Behaviour 行为学 Biochemistry 生物化学 Evolution进化学 Ecology 生态学 Genetics 遗传学 Development Feeding Morphology 形态学 Parasitology 寄生生物学 Physiology 生理学 Reproduction 遗传学 Zoogeography 动物地理学 Systematics 系统分类学 Techniques

Zoological Record Statistics & Sources 每年增加 72,000 笔数据 自1978年至今, 已收录超过 1.3 million 笔资料 资料来源 4,500 scientific serials 1,200 - 1,500 Books Meetings & conferences Reviews

In Database:?Zoo Record v.137 2001 TITLE: Culture of microalgae using interstitial water extracted from shrimp pond bottom sediments. AUTHOR: Yusoff,-Fatimah-M.-{a}; Matias,-Hazel-B.; Khalid,-Zarina-A.; Phang,-Siew-Moi CORPORATE SOURCE : {a} Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor D.E., Malaysia (Federation of) SOURCE: AQUACULTURE 201(3-4), 1 October, 2001: 263-270. ISSN: 0044-8486 PUBLICATION YEAR: 2001 LANGUAGE: English LANGUAGE OF SUMMARY: English Abstract: Interstitial water, extracted from the bottom sediment of a shrimp culture pond, was rich in nutrients containing total phosphorus with concentration of 25.98 mg/l and total nitrogen of 65.45 mg/l. A diatom, Chaetoceros calcitrans, a green alga, Nannochloropsis oculata, and a cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria sp., were cultured in pure interstitial water (PIW), diluted interstitial water (DIW) and in Conway medium (CM). C. calcitrans showed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) growth rate in DIW compared to CM and PIW. Alternatively, Oscillatoria sp. had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) growth rate when grown in DIW compared to CM. Similar to the other algae, Oscillatoria sp. showed the lowest growth rate in PIW. C. calcitrans and Oscillatoria sp. were also grown in DIW with the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica and the combination of the three nutrients. The addition of nitrogen and silica to the diluted interstitial water significantly improved (P < 0.05) the growth rate of C. calcitrans, but the addition of phosphorus significantly decreased (P < 0.05) its growth. On the other hand, the growth rate of Oscillatoria sp. significantly decreased (P < 0.05) with the addition of nitrogen, but increased (P < 0.05) with the addition of phosphorus. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the growth rate of Oscillatoria sp. cultured in interstitial water and that with added silica or a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica. This study indicates that interstitial water extracted from aquaculture ponds, in sterilized diluted form, has the potential to be used as an effective medium for the culture of microalgae. DESCRIPTORS: Nannochloropsis oculata; LABORATORY-CULTURE; Culture using interstitial water extracted from shrimp pond bottom sediments SYSTEMATICS: * PROTOZOA-; Nannochloropsis oculata SUPER TAXA: Invertebrates; Protozoans DOCUMENT TYPE: Article JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Zoological-Record-Volume-137, Section-2-Protozoa ACCESSION NUMBER: 13712007592 UPDATE CODE: 13712 

第二部分 OVID版Biosis Previews 检索模式 常用检索方法与技巧 检索策略的保存、运行与删除 检索结果显示设计、输出

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Journals 可利用的检索栏位有: jn: Journal Name(期刊名) is: ISSN (国际标准刊号) ip: Issue (期) vo: Volume(卷) jl: Journal URL(期刊URL) pg: Pagination (页码)

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