The regent diamond “摄政王”钻石


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Presentation transcript:

The regent diamond “摄政王”钻石

"The regent diamond profile “摄政王”钻石的简介 English name for the Regent, of "the Regent diamond weighing 140.5 carats, colorless, ancient cushion cut carved shape, originating in India, is one of the world's most famous diamond, collection is now in the Louvre in Paris France Apollo gallery. Regent diamond is a beautiful and high quality diamond, hearing the name will know that this is a closely associated with royal family treasures, and it is the same as "hope" has a mysterious bad luck.  “摄政王”钻石的英文名称为Regent,重140.5克拉,无色,古垫形琢刻形状,原产于印度,是世界著名的钻石之一,现收藏于法国巴黎卢浮宫阿波罗艺术馆。 摄政王钻石是一颗美丽、优质的钻石,一听到名字就知道这又是一颗与皇室贵族关系密切的珍宝,而它与“希望”一样有着神秘的噩运之说。

中文名:摄政王钻石 类 别:金刚石 发 现:1701年 发现者:奴隶 发现地:克里斯蒂纳河畔帕特尔钻石矿 现 存:卢浮宫的阿波罗艺术品陈列馆 摄政王”钻石以其罕见的纯净和完美切割闻名 "The regent diamond is known for its rare and pure and perfect cutting   中文名:摄政王钻石 类 别:金刚石 发 现:1701年 发现者:奴隶 发现地:克里斯蒂纳河畔帕特尔钻石矿 现 存:卢浮宫的阿波罗艺术品陈列馆 原 重:410克拉

1772年,在路易斯十五的加冕典礼上,“摄政王”钻石镶嵌在他的王冠上。 In 1772, Louis the coronation of the 15, "the regent diamond inlaid on his crown. 

桑西钻石 霍普钻石

HISTORY 历史 The Regent Diamond is a diamond owned by the French state and on display in the Louvre. In 1698, a slave found the 410 carat (82 g) uncut diamond in Kollur mine (more specifically in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India) and hid it inside a large wound in his leg. An English sea captain stole the diamond from the slave and killed him and sold it to an Indian merchant.[2] Governor Thomas Pitt acquired it from a merchant in Madras in 1701 so it is sometimes also known as the Pitt Diamond. 摄政王钻石是钻石由法国状态和在显示屏拥有卢浮宫 。 1698年,一个奴隶发现Kollur矿410克拉(82 G)未切割钻石(更具体的贡土尔区, 安得拉邦 , 印度 ),并把它藏在一个大的伤口在他的腿里。 一个英国船长偷走了钻石从从,杀了他,并将其出售给印度商人。总督托马斯·皮特从一个商人在收购了它马德拉斯于1701年,因此有时也被称为碧钻石 。 

Pitt bought the diamond for £20,400 (£2,803,320 as of 2014) , and had it cut into a 141 carats (28.2 g) cushion brilliant. After many attempts to sell it to various Members of European royalty, including Louis XIV of France, it was purchased by the French Regent,Philippe II, Duke of Orléans in 1717 for £135,000 (£17,385,050 as of 2014). The stone was set into the crown of Louis XV for his coronation in 1722 and then into a new crown for the coronation of Louis XVI in 1775. It was also used to adorn a hat belonging to Marie Antoinette. In 1791 its appraised value was £480,000 (£48,882,550 as of 2014),] 皮特买了钻石20400英镑(2803320英镑截至2014年),并有它切割成141克拉(28.2 G)垫辉煌。 许多尝试把它卖给欧洲皇室各成员,包括经过路易十四的法国,它是由法国摄政,购买奥尔良菲利普二世公爵在1717年的135000英镑 (17385050英镑截至2014年)  。 石头被设置成冠路易 十五为他加冕于1722年,然后进入一个新皇冠的加冕 路易十六于1775年。  它也被用来装饰属于一顶 帽子绝代艳 。 1791年其评估价值为 480000英镑(48882550英镑截至2014年)  。

In 1792 during the revolutionary furor in Paris, "Le Régent," or the regent diamond, was stolen along with other crown jewels of France, but was later recovered. It was found in some roof timbers in an attic in Paris. The diamond was used as security on several occasions by the Directoire and later the Consulat, before being permanently redeemed by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1801. 1792年在革命期间轰动巴黎,“丽晶”,或摄政王钻石,连同其他被窃取法国王冠上的宝石 ,但后来被收回。它被发现在一些屋顶的木材在巴黎的阁楼。 钻石被用作安全多次受督和后来的使馆 ,由被永久赎回前, 拿破仑·波拿巴在1801年。

Napoleon used it to unleash his sword, designed by the goldsmiths Odiot, Boutet and Marie-Etienne Nitot. In 1812, it appeared on the Emperor's two-edged sword, which was a work of Nitot. Napoleon's second wife, Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, carried the Régent back to Austria upon his death. Later her father returned it to the French Crown Jewels. The diamond was mounted successively on the crowns of Louis XVIII, Charles X and Napoleon III. 拿破仑用它来 ​​释放他的剑,由金匠Odiot,布泰和设计的玛丽-艾蒂安特里斯坦 。 1812年,它出现在皇帝的一柄双刃剑,这是特里斯坦的工作。 拿破仑的第二任妻子, 奥地利的大公妃玛丽·路易丝 ,开展摄政回到奥地利后,他的死亡。 后来她的父亲归还给法国王冠上的宝石。 钻石是在牙冠先后安装路易十八 , 查理十世和拿破仑三世 。

Tremains oday, mounted in a Greek diadem designed for Empress Eugenie, it in the French Royal Treasury at the Louvre. It has been on display there since 1887. In 1945, "the regent diamond to return to the Apollo art galleries of the Louvre. In the Louvre in January 1962, the French jewelry exhibition in one hundred, the prince regent diamond with SangXi diamond, diamond hope, it was from them in 1792 from the Garde Meuble stolen "party" for the first time. 如今,安装在专为希腊王冠欧仁妮皇后,它仍然在法国皇家财政部在卢浮宫 。 自1887年起就已经陈列在那里。 1945年,“摄政王”钻石重返卢浮宫的阿波罗艺术品陈列馆。 1962年1月在卢浮宫举办的法国珠宝百年展览会上,摄政王钻石与桑西钻石、霍普钻石一起展出,这是自它们在1792年从Garde Meuble被盗后的第一次“聚会”。 

组长:樊嘉欣 资料搜集:樊嘉欣、陈嘉仪、 冯洁婷、梁泳仪 PPT制作:叶晓君 谢谢观赏