Ling Yuzhang, Chairman of Fujian Motor Industry Group Co


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Presentation transcript:

Ling Yuzhang, Chairman of Fujian Motor Industry Group Co 合资合作与创新发展 ——福建汽车集团从闽台合资合作 走向国际合资合作的思考 Cooperation and Innovative Development ---FJMG’s step forward from Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to international cooperation 福建省汽车工业集团公司董事长 凌玉章 Ling Yuzhang, Chairman of Fujian Motor Industry Group Co 2006年6月26日 于北京 June 26, 2006 Beijing

一、合资,开创了中国汽车工业辉煌的时代 I. The establishment of joint ventures marked an epoch in Chinese motor industry 二、独特的闽台合资合作模式 II. Unique mode of cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan 三、从闽台合资合作走向国际合资合作 III. From Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to international cooperation 四、自主创新-福建汽车的“第三个馒头” IV. Independent innovation---“the third piece of bread” in the development of Fujian’s motor industry 五、发展愿景 V. Expectation

各位领导、各位专家、各位朋友: Ladies and Gentlemen:  各位领导、各位专家、各位朋友:    感谢国际汽车研讨会主办方给福建省汽车集团公司一个交流的机会,今天我要发言的题目是《合资合作与创新发展-福建汽车集团从闽台合资合作走向国际合资合作的思考》。 Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to thank the organizer of this international conference for giving FJMG this opportunity to exchange ideas. The topic of my speech today is Cooperation and Innovative Development---FJMG’s step forward from Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to international cooperation.

迎着改革开放的春天,中国汽车业打破闭关自守,取得了空前的发展和繁荣。 一、合资,开创了中国汽车工业辉煌的时代 I. The establishment of joint ventures marked an epoch in China’s motor industry   迎着改革开放的春天,中国汽车业打破闭关自守,取得了空前的发展和繁荣。 With the Reform and Opening-up of China, China’s motor industry has ended the history of self-seclusion and achieved unprecedented progress and prosperity.     ●产销量大幅增长 :改革开放初期,全国轿车一年的销售量仅有5000台(1978年约2600台,1980年5418台),还不如国际汽车大企业一天的产量;而2005年中国汽车销量达到576万台,仅次于美国、日本,汽车开始走入千家万户,其中轿车销量达279万台。 ● Big-range increase in production and sales: At the early stage of China’s Reform and Opening-up, annual sales of cars around the country were merely 5,000 units (about 2,600 units in the year 1978 and 5,418 units in 1980), less than the daily output of a single multinational automobile company; whereas by the year 2005 the annual automobile sales in China had reached 5.76 million units (next only to the USA and Japan), among which 2.79 million units were passenger cars. Automobiles have been owned by tens of thousands of households.

   ●老百姓得到实惠。在等待了半个世纪后,中国的老百姓开始享受到了汽车文明带来的快捷与便利。 ● Tangible benefits to the Chinese people: The Chinese people started to enjoy the speed and facility brought about by automobiles after half a century’s development of motor industry in China.    ●对产业发展作出贡献。中国汽车合资时代催生了中国汽车产业成熟,实现了20年的跨越式发展,也为中国汽车的自主创新时代的到来创造了条件。客观地看待中国汽车产业的发展历程,合资合作是中国汽车产业发展阶段的一个必然选择,1994年国家出台的汽车产业政策引导、推动了汽车产业的快速发展,作出了历史性的贡献。 ● Contributions to industrial progress: In the joint-venture epoch of China’s motor industry the maturity of the industry was accelerated, which has brought about a great leap-forward over the past 20 years, and made preparations for the next epoch of independent innovation. From an objective point of view, joint venture/cooperation has been an inevitable choice in the development of China’s motor industry. The Automotive Industry Policy (AIP) issued in 1994 made an historic contribution in guiding and promoting the development of China’s motor industry.

   ●仍需不断创新发展 。随着合资合作的进一步发展,合资企业发展的独立性、产品开发的本土化、销售的国际化、经营管理者的职业化等问题开始显现,若得不到正确解决,会影响到合资企业核心竞争力的持续提高,影响到汽车产业的持续、健康发展。 ●Innovation and development is yet to go on: With the further development of the joint venture, a series of problems---e.g. the independence of development, the localization of R&D, the internationalization of sales and the professionalization of managers ---occurred and needed to be solved, otherwise they might impact the continuous advancement of the core competence of the JV and the sustained and healthy development of motor industry.

二、独特的闽台合资合作模式 II. Unique mode of cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan    ●早期的福建汽车产业。福建汽车的造车历史可以追溯到1958年5月8日,造出的第一辆车名字叫做“东方红”,但直至九十年代初,福建汽车还徘徊在年产二、三千台水平,汽车产业始终处于一种“散、乱、差、小”的格局,产品水平低,而且缺少发展资金。到1993年~1994年,福建汽车工业面临着生死存亡的严峻考验。 ●Fujian motor industry in its early days: The vehicle manufacturing in Fujian dates back to May 8, 1958, when the first vehicle “East Red” went off the line. But the average annual output of vehicles in Fujian had remained 2,000 to 3.000 units until early 1990’s; and motor manufacturers were scattered and small-scaled, with low efficiency and in disorder, and short of expansion fund, turning out low-end products. During 1993~1994 Fujian’s motor industry faced the life-and-death challenge.

    ●闽台汽车合作的开展。直到“八五”末期,福汽集团新的领导班子在全面回顾和总结历史经验与教训的基础上,立足实际,创造条件,抓住历史性机会,通过实施闽台合资合作,走出了一条独具特色的发展汽车工业的路子,创造了“总体规划、分期实施、滚动发展、稳健扩张”的“东南模式”,迎来了福建汽车历史以来发展最快的时期。 ● Fujian-Taiwan Motor Cooperation: It was not until over ten years ago, at the end of “the 8th Five-Year Plan” period of China, that the new management of FJMG made a review of history and learned from past experiences. They based themselves on the situation of Fujian, provided conditions for cooperation with Taiwan and grasped the historic opportunity for development. They established a unique mode of development---the “SEM mode”, with the feature of “making overall planning and implement in phases to ensure sustainable and steady development”. And Fujian’s motor industry has experienced the fastest growth in history over the past ten years.

●闽台汽车合资合作的成效。“九五”以来10年间,福汽集团年销售汽车、改装车从2460辆提升到93252辆,年实现销售收入从2    ●闽台汽车合资合作的成效。“九五”以来10年间,福汽集团年销售汽车、改装车从2460辆提升到93252辆,年实现销售收入从2.3亿元提升到111.1亿元,年上缴税金从620万元提升到7.1亿元,闽台汽车合作取得了极大的成功。 十年来,通过闽台合资合作圆了福建人民的“汽车工业梦”,又圆了福建人民的“轿车梦”。如今,福建汽车集团拥有了汽车产业政策规定的所有汽车种类的生产资格。更重要的是,通过闽台汽车的成功合作,进一步搭建了与国际汽车大企业合作的平台。 ● The fruits of Fujian-Taiwan motor cooperation: The past ten years witnessed a great success in Fujian-Taiwan motor cooperation. FJMG’s annual sales of vehicles (including refitted vehicles) increased from 2,460 units to 93,252 units, annual sales revenues from ¥230 million ($28.75 million) to ¥11.11 billion ($1.39 billion), and annual tax payment from ¥6.2 million ($775,000) to ¥710 million ($88.75 million). Through Fujian-Taiwan cooperation over the past ten years people in Fujian have realized their dream of motor production and sedan production one after another. Now FJMG has the qualification to produce all types of vehicles covered by the national automobile industry policy. What is more important, the successful Fujian-Taiwan cooperation serves as a platform for further cooperation with international motor giants.

三、从闽台合资合作走向国际合资合作 III 三、从闽台合资合作走向国际合资合作 III. From Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to international cooperation     ●走向国际合资合作是发展的需要。闽台合资合作使福建汽车快速成长,并为进一步的发展奠定了良好的产业基础。同时,我们也意识到,台湾汽车产业相比国际先进汽车产业,仍有一定差距。因此,在闽台合作的初期,我们就制定了先构筑闽台合作平台,继而开展国际合作的发展战略。 ● International cooperation is necessary to development: Fujian-Taiwan cooperation has sped up the development of Fujian’s motor industry and laid a solid foundation for its further expansion. In the meantime, however, we recognized that there was still a gap between Taiwan’s motor industry and the advanced international counterparts. So we made the strategy in the very beginning to build the platform of Fujian-Taiwan cooperation initially and to extend it for future international cooperation.

    ●走向国际合资合作是闽台汽车合作双方的合理选择。与国内先进的大汽车集团相比,我们在资金、技术、管理、人才等方面仍有相当差距,实力有待加强。为做强做大福建汽车产业,我们根据福建汽车的实际情况选择了从闽台合资合作走向国际合资合作的发展方向,跟国际资本与技术相结合,整合优质资源,走引进、转化、创新的发展道路。 福建汽车将充分利用与国际汽车合资合作的平台,致力于国际品牌的本土化与自主品牌的特色化。 ● International cooperation---a reasonable choice for the two partners across the Taiwan Straits: Compared with domestic advanced motor manufacturers, we still lag behind in financial power, technology, management, human resources and overall strength. Based on our local situation we chose to start from Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to move towards international cooperation, utilizing international capital and technology, integrating quality resources, in order to make Fujian motor industry bigger and stronger. On this path of development, there are many steps to be taken---technology introduction, adaptation and innovation. We will fully utilize the platform of international cooperation and make efforts to achieve the localization of international brands and create characteristic self-owned brands.

福汽集团现有国际合作项目主要有: FJMG’s international cooperation projects:     ●与德国戴克公司合作项目。该项目投资总额20800万欧元,合资公司注册资本为16000万欧元,产品为20座以下轻型客车,先期导入梅赛德斯-奔驰NCV2和NCV3系列车型,一期形成年产4万辆能力。 ● Cooperation with DaimlerChrysler AG (DCAG) of Germany: The project with a total investment of €208 million and registered capital of €160 million will produce below 20-seater vans. Initially introduced will be Mercedes Benz vans of NCV2 and NCV3 series. The annual capacity for phase I will be 40,000 units.      ●与美国克莱斯勒公司合作项目。该项目拟导入克莱斯勒公司系列产品。克莱斯勒RG合作项目已在东南汽车开始启动。 ● Cooperation with Chrysler Group of USA: Planned to be introduced are serial products of Chrysler Group. The cooperation project of Chrysler RG has already kicked off at SEM.

    ●与日本三菱公司合作项目。2006年4月12日福汽集团、日本三菱汽车、台湾中华汽车共同举行了三菱汽车入股东南汽车的签字仪式,三菱入股东南汽车后,三菱汽车将全力协助东南汽车的发展,将东南汽车建设成为三菱在中国的轿车、MPV和轻型商用车产销基地。 5月29日三菱蓝瑟和菱绅在上海上市,9月份还会有三菱新车型推出,今后每年东南汽车都将推出新款车型。 ● Cooperation with Mitsubishi Motor Corp (MMC) of Japan: On April 12, 2006 FJMG, MMC and China Motor Corp (CMC) from Taiwan jointly held the signing ceremony for MMC’s participation in SEM. Through its participation in SEM, MMC will give full support to SEM’s development and help build up SEM into the production and sales base for Mitsubishi cars, MPVs and light commercial vehicles in China. On May 29 this year, Mitsubishi “Lancer” and “Space Wagon” were launched in Shanghai; and new MMC vehicles are yet to come in September. In the future new vehicles will be launched by SEM every year.

四、自主创新----福建汽车的“第三个馒头” Ⅳ 四、自主创新----福建汽车的“第三个馒头” Ⅳ.Independent Innovation---”the third piece of bread” in the development of Fujian’s motor industry   有一个关于《吃馒头》的故事值得我们思考。有个人吃了一个馒头不饱,吃了两个馒头还是不饱,直到吃了第三个馒头才饱,于是他后悔不该吃前面的两个馒头。   闽台合作的东南汽车实力还不够强,福建汽车仍然处于待发展阶段,还未吃到第三个馒头。但可以说,没有闽台合资合作就没有现在的福建汽车业,没有与国际汽车的合资合作也难以有福建汽车的进一步发展。   在“第三个馒头”关口,福汽集团将致力于逐步缩短与跨国公司的技术差距,在闽台合作、国际合作的基础上,努力深化合资合作,不断推进自主创新,最终取得核心竞争力的提升,立足本土发展壮大。 The story of “eating bread” deserves our consideration. A man, after eating two pieces of bread, was still hungry. Only after eating the third piece did he become full. Therefore, he thought the first two pieces were unnecessary. SEM, a Fujian-Taiwan joint venture, is still not strong enough. Fujian’s motor industry still has a long way to go. It still needs the third piece of bread. However, it is obvious that without the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan,Fujian’s motor industry would not have achieved today’s status. Without the cooperation with international motor industry, it is also hard to imagine the further development of Fujian motor industry. At the turning point of “the third piece of bread”, FJMG will apply itself to narrow the technological gap between multinational companies and itself. On the basis of Fujian-Taiwan cooperation and international cooperation, we will deepen our commitment to reform and promote independent innovation in order to improve our core competence and achieve development based on local conditions.

    ●研发创新——加强研发中心建设。我们加快了东南汽车研发中心建设,初期投资7527万元的东南汽车研发中心已经竣工,车辆试验、技术研发、理化试验三幢大楼已投入使用,其后每年将逐步增加投资份额。 ● R&D innovation---to strengthen the construction of R&D Center: We have accelerated the construction of SEM’s R&D center. The R&D center has been finished with the initial investment of ¥75.27 million ($9.4 million). The three buildings--- for vehicle testing, R&D and physical-chemical experiment respectively, have been put into use, and the investment will be increased year by year.    ●合作模式创新——闽台合资、国际合资及股份化并行发展。福汽集团在闽台合资合作的基础上发展国际合资合作,同时大力推进产权制度改革,对所属的国有企业进行股份化改造,实现投资主体多元化,并使其并行协调发展。 ● The innovation in the mode of cooperation —Fujian-Taiwan cooperation, international cooperation and the transformation of state-owned company into stock company going along in parallel: On the basis of Fujian-Taiwan cooperation, FJMG started international cooperation. In the meantime, it promoted the reform of property right system and conducted the transformation of its subordinate state-owned companies into stock companies to realize multi-investor situation and harmonious development.

 ●品牌发展创新——多品牌战略:以蓝瑟披挂三菱商标上市为始,东南汽车将实行双品牌发展战略,形成三菱品牌和东南品牌的两个体系,打造一个新的品牌发展模式。三菱品牌着力引进、转化三菱汽车最新产品。东南品牌着力立足企业自身并利用社会资源,自主开发市场需要的新产品。两者相辅相成,共同发展。 ● Brand development innovation---multi-brand strategy: With the launch of “Lancer”, which bears Mitsubishi trademark, SEM will carry out the dual-brand strategy, forming a Mitsubishi brand system and a Soueast brand system. The Mitsubishi brand will be used for the introduction and adaptation of the latest Mitsubishi products. While the Soueast brand will be used for the independent development of new products to meet the market demand by utilizing the company resources and social resources. These two brands are expected to supplement each other in their mutual development. 随着与戴克公司、克莱斯勒公司合作的发展,以及原有国有全资企业的股份化改造,我们还将进一步发展与创新新的国际品牌与自主品牌。 With the cooperation with DCAG and Chrysler Group and the transformation of state-owned companies into stock companies, we will further develop new international brands and self-owned brands.

五、发展愿景 V. Expectation 福汽集团计划再经过几年的发展,努力实现体制多元化,品牌多种化,产品系列化,市场国际化。     福汽集团计划再经过几年的发展,努力实现体制多元化,品牌多种化,产品系列化,市场国际化。   ●通过合资合作:兼容并蓄,提高素质,增强实力。   ●通过引进创新:立足本土,形成合力,实现新创。   ●通过自主创新:借鉴经验,培育特色,实现自创。 V. Expectation After a few years of development FJMG will become multi-systems, multi-brand, with series of products and access to internationalized market. ● through joint venture and cooperation, to absorb the advantages from all parties and improve its own quality and strength ● through introduction and innovation, to base on local resources, combine forces and make innovation ● through independent innovation, to take previous experience for reference, develop features and achieve independent innovation.

谢谢! Thank you!