Alberobello 麗樹鎮 Autoplay Italy 意大利 Music:O Sole Mio (我的太陽)


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Presentation transcript:

Alberobello 麗樹鎮 Autoplay Italy 意大利 Music:O Sole Mio (我的太陽) Singer:Pavarotti (帕瓦羅蒂) Autoplay

All pictures and information obtained from internet Mediterranean 地中海 Alberobello 麗樹鎮 Apulia 阿普利亞大區 Italy 意大利 All pictures and information obtained from internet Edited by Kenny

All pictures and information obtained from internet Alberobello 麗樹鎮 巴里省 Apulia 阿普利亞大區 All pictures and information obtained from internet Edited by Kenny


麗樹鎮人口約一萬一千多人,1400多幢無樑無柱的圓錐尖頂石屋,形成麗樹鎮這個可愛的村莊,突突、尖尖又圓圓,活像戴著斗笠的石片屋頂,一般人俗稱「蘑菇屋」或「斗笠屋」,因建築造型奇特,1996年被評為世界文化遺產而備受世人矚目,先前的簡陋民居頓時成了無價之寶。整個小鎮保留區大致分為兩大部份,蒙提(Rione Monti)舊城商業區,主要密集了1000多棟土盧里,已經徹底變成了一處旅遊勝地,大多數石屋被改裝成民宿和紀念品商店,這種圓錐古怪的房舍已成為觀光客參觀探索的景點,家家戶戶門前擺滿各式各樣商品以招徠觀光客,這裡不但有土廬里餐廳和商店,甚至還有土廬里教堂。另一部分為艾亞.比可拉(Rione Aia Piccola)新城住宅區,約有四百棟的斗笠屋散落在住宅區。徜徉在小鎮起伏的街道上,地中海型氣候,天空非常藍,映入眼簾,滿眼可愛灰色小尖頂、圖騰、牆白、天藍的組合,在這種藍白相襯的色調中,呈現出一種迷人的地中海風情,令人留連忘返。

土盧里的石板屋頂看起來活像戴著斗笠似的,突突尖尖又圓圓 The slate roof of Trulli look like the image to wear the bamboo hat, prominent, sharp and round, 土盧里的石板屋頂看起來活像戴著斗笠似的,突突尖尖又圓圓

約有1400多幢無樑無柱的圓錐尖頂石屋,形成麗樹鎮這個可愛的村莊 Approximately more than 1400 stone houses with conical spire to forms this lovely town Alberobello without any beam and column 約有1400多幢無樑無柱的圓錐尖頂石屋,形成麗樹鎮這個可愛的村莊

Trulli were built ,side by side, along the hilly terrain 土盧里沿著丘陵起伏的地形比鄰而建

View of Alberobello 麗樹鎮景色

View of Alberobello 麗樹鎮景色

Trulli vista 遠眺土盧里景緻

層層相疊的土盧里,可以從這屋頂爬到下個屋頂 Layer upon layer folds amongTrulli, you may crawl from this roof to the next roof 層層相疊的土盧里,可以從這屋頂爬到下個屋頂

藍天、灰頂、白牆、花木,將麗樹鎮粧點成童話的國度 Blue sky, gray roof, white walls, flowers, decorating Alberobello into the kingdom of fairy tale 藍天、灰頂、白牆、花木,將麗樹鎮粧點成童話的國度

Three roof house 有三個圓錐頂的房屋

Two roof house 有兩個圓錐頂的房屋

Flowered Trulli 花團錦簇的土盧里

Flowered Trulli 花團錦簇的土盧里

沒有爲了觀光客而過度修飾的土盧里,很樸實又生活化 Not for tourist, but decorates Trulli excessively, very simple adapts 沒有爲了觀光客而過度修飾的土盧里,很樸實又生活化

Every family on the roof are painted with white big totem 家家戶戶屋頂都漆上大大的白色圖騰

不同的圖騰有不同古老的含義,主要用意是祈福和驅魔 Various ancient totems have a different meaning, the main intention is blessing and exorcism 不同的圖騰有不同古老的含義,主要用意是祈福和驅魔

每戶人家都有自己的識別標誌,有些塗漆月亮、太陽、愛心… Every family has its own distinguishing marks, some paint the moon, sun, love… 每戶人家都有自己的識別標誌,有些塗漆月亮、太陽、愛心…

Narrow alleys everywhere 到處都是狹窄的巷弄

Alberobello street 麗樹鎮街景

Alberobello street corner 麗樹鎮街頭一角

Alberobello street corner 麗樹鎮街頭一角

A trulli cul-de-sac 土盧里盡頭小路

A trulli cul-de-sac 土盧里盡頭小路

Alberobello street 麗樹鎮街景

Alberobello street 麗樹鎮街景

Flowers and trees in front of every household 家家戶戶門前花木扶疏

Flowers and trees in front of every household 家家戶戶門前花木扶疏

Goes up steps on the slope road 拾級而上的斜坡道路

Goes up steps on the slope road 拾級而上的斜坡道路

trullo - church 土盧里教堂

trullo – church, Only this one 土盧里教堂,僅此一座

即使教堂的屋頂也是由土盧里作成,裡面由大石頭堆砌的拱門支持 Even the roof of the church is made as a trullo, inside big stone arches support it 即使教堂的屋頂也是由土盧里作成,裡面由大石頭堆砌的拱門支持

Old Town business district 舊城商業區 Music:Prima notte d’amore (意文) First night of love 愛的初夜 Singer:Al Bano & Romina Power

The road is lined with souvenir shops 道路兩旁都是紀念品商店

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

The tourist is continuous 觀光客川流不息

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

Shopping street 商店街

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

pizza shop 比薩店

Shopping street 商店街

Souvenir shops 紀念品商店

Shopping street 商店街

Shopping street 商店街

Souvenir shop 紀念品商店

Shopping street 商店街

Souvenir shop 紀念品商店

Shoppimg street built along the hillside 商店街沿山坡而建

Shopping to be up the stairs 逛街必須拾級而上

Souvenir seller 紀念品銷售店員

The basket shop 籃子專賣店

Souvenir shop 紀念品商店

Liquor stores 酒類專賣店

Souvenir shop interiors 紀念品商店內部陳設

The locality ferments sweet wine and fruit juice 當地釀製的甜酒和果汁

將石灰岩敲打成小塊石料,製成微型土盧里,讓人愛不釋手 Beat Limestone into small pieces of stone, made of micro Trulli, Let people be unable to put it down. 將石灰岩敲打成小塊石料,製成微型土盧里,讓人愛不釋手

Residential houses interior furnishings 住宅區民宅內部陳設

Room facilities of bed & breakfast 民宿內部設備

Alberobello view in Snowy winter 麗樹鎮冬季雪景

Alberobello view in Snowy winter 麗樹鎮冬季雪景

Alberobello Christmas time 麗樹鎮聖誕時節

Alberobello at night 麗樹鎮的夜晚

You Can Keep Listening To The Music Or Press ‘Esc’ To Exit The End Music:1.O Sole Mio (我的太陽) 2. Prima notte d’amore (愛的初夜) Edited by Kenny