英译汉的文体 应用文体 的特点与翻译方法.


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Presentation transcript:

英译汉的文体 应用文体 的特点与翻译方法

应用文体在翻译时应注意的几个方面、 1. 全面了解有关背景 2.留心用词准确清晰,讲究句法结构完整 3.酌情使用英汉语套语,注意保留原文格式.

第一节 信 函 一. 分类: 二. 英语信函的特点与翻译方法 就其内容而言,大致可分为社交信函、事务信函和商业信函三大类。 第一节 信 函 一. 分类: 就其内容而言,大致可分为社交信函、事务信函和商业信函三大类。 二. 英语信函的特点与翻译方法 1.英语信函的组成部分 (1)信端(Heading),即信头。即寄信人的地址和日期,写在信笺的右上角。 (2)信内地址(Inside Address),即收信人的姓名和地址,写在左上角,地右上 角的日期约低两行。 (3)称呼(Salutation),即对收信人的敬称或称谓,其位置在信内地址的下两行 处,并与之平头。 (4)正文(Body),即信函的内容。 (5)结束语( Complimentary Close),即写信人表示自己对收信人的一种谦称。 (6)签名(Signature),即写信人的姓名。 (7)附件( Enclosure),缩写成Encl。 (8)再启或又及(Postscript),编写成 P. S,用于补叙信的正文中遗漏的话。

一. 社交信函(Social Letters)的翻译 社交信函按内容与功能可分为祝贺(letters of congratulation)、慰问(solicitude)、感谢(gratitude)等。 l.邀请信(Invitation letter) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Oldname request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Pauline Marie to Mr. John Frederick Hamilton Saturday the twenty-ninth of April at four o’clock church of the Heavenly Rest New York

社交信函(Social Letters)的翻译 2.祝贺信(letter of congratulation) Dear Mr. Harper I have learned with delight that you and your wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy.My hearty congratulations!You must be overjoyed at having become a father.Kindly let me know when I may come over to see the mother and baby. I wish you both all possible joy and happiness with you son. Yours most sincerely Nellie Martin

社交信函(Social Letters)的翻译 3.慰问信(letter of solicitude)和吊唁信(condolence) Dear Mrs. Cordin: I was sorry to learn of your illness.You must hurry and get well! Everybody in the neighborhood misses you and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speedy recovery. Sincerely yours Barbara Aveling

社交信函(Social Letters)的翻译 4.慰问信(letter of solicitude)和吊唁信(condolence) Dear Gloria, I am most grieved to hear the news of the passing away of your beloved husband.Heartfelt sympathy and much love to you,dear friend,as you go through this time of grief. Stan was one of those extraordinary people who will never be forgotten.His life was like a sunbeam that lit up the world around him. Now we can bask in the rainbow of the memories that we’ll nurture in the years ahead. No,it won’t be the same without him by any means,but we will go on as best as we can and look forward to the day we will meet again in eternity. Love, Bonnie

社交信函(Social Letters)的翻译 6.便条和留言条(notice and message) 留言条 Friday Bruce, I shall be very glad If you can find time to call on me at your convenience.I need your advice and suggestions about my preparation for the lectures to be given next week.· Lucy

事务信函包括私人事务信函和公务信函两种。 二. 事务信函的翻译 事务信函包括私人事务信函和公务信函两种。 翻译时要注意的要点 第一,译文不求虚饰,但求简明、严谨、准确,特别是事实细节(如:日期、数字、代号等等)。 第二,尽量保留英语正式书信程式,不必套用我国传统格式。 第三,掌握分寸,体现原文文体,尽力保持“公事公办”的慎重态度。

二. 事务信函的翻译 1.私人事务信函 推荐信与谋职信(letter for obtaining a job) Dear Mr. Gilbert, I have the honor to recommend to you Mr. North, the bearer of this letter. The other day you spoke of the vacancy in your accounting section,and now he wishes to offer his service. He is trustworthy,industrious and a very enjoyable sort of man.Here I recommend him to you with all my heart. You won’t be so wrong by hiring him.Enclosed is his personal history. Any attention you may extend to him will be gratefully appreciated. Sincerely yours, Walter Hanley

二. 事务信函的翻译 1.私人事务信函 证明信Certification To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr. Charles Dudon has been employed in our office for the past five years.He is well acquainted with bookkeeping.He has faithfully attended to his duties and proved himself thoroughly reliable.Any inquiries regarding him will be answered by Yours sincerely, Edwin Halleck Manager

二. 事务信函的翻译 2.公务信函: Notarization 公务信函可分为普通公函和外交公函。普通公函指机关团体之间的来往信函。而外交公函是国家间涉及外交事务的公文。 公证书 Notarization This is to notarize that the official seal affixed by the South Company to the above document is genuine and that the Chinese Translation of document is in conformity with the original copy. Notary John Forbes Signature________ J&A Notary Public Office 10th Jan., 2006

三、商务信函 1. 商务信函和翻译技巧: Dear Sirs, It is in November, 2001 that we signed our contract. As every businessman knows, in international trade price naturally fluctuates at different time. Under the present circumstances that goods are in short supply while many enquiries keep coming in, we can not accept your request for a reduction of price. We would appreciate it very much if you could immediately establish the covering L/C at the contracted price. Otherwise, we must cancel the contract. Yours sincerely (Signature)

三、商务信函 1. 商务信函和翻译技巧: Dear Sirs. The New York Authority stipulates that barium carbonate should be packed in fibre drums instead of in bags. The leakage was attributed to your failure to effect shipment according to the packing terms as stipulated in the contract. We find difficulty in entertaining your claim. In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration. Yours faithfully (Signature)

三、商务信函 2、程式特点及翻译示例: 商贸信函讲究程式,一般由:信头、日期、信内地址、抬头、正文、结束语和签名七部分组成,有时信中还包括编号、事由、附件或抄送附件说明等。翻译信函全文时,信件中的日期、地址、称呼、抬头、结束语等不必套用汉语的传统程式,可保留原文信函的程式。

三、商务信函 3. 商务信函中的简称: 商贸英语有一套独有的词汇和习语,还有本专业独有的表达方式, 外贸英语中有一些使用十分频繁的词汇很容易被误译,原因是商务英语中相同的单词在不同情况下具有不同的含义。 翻译商贸信函必须具有一定的商贸知识,熟悉商贸用语,需勤查工具书。

四、公 文 (一)通告或公告(notice) Notice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00 am to 1100 pm tomorrow,owing to the repairs of the water pipes. General Affair Service Feb. 2, 2006

四、公 文 (二)启事(classified notice) Lost Mar. 8, 2002 I was careless and lost a copy of Longman Modern English Dictionary when studying in the reading room yesterday. Will the finder please send it to the office of the Foreign Language Department or ring me up to fetch it back. Profound thanks from Loser, Euphemia Address: Room 404, Student Dormitory 3 Tel No: 3275

四、公 文 (二)启事(classified notice) Contributions wanted The magazine is mainly intended for teachers and students of middle schools. It is published on the tenth of every month in Changsha, Human Province. Contributions in all forms or styles are warmly welcome, e.g. A. Revolutionary stories, fables, poems, skits folksongs; B. Technical and scientific writings and essays; C. Translated articles, bilingual readings, theories and techniques of translation; D. Study notes and teaching plans; 3. Contributions are expected to be within a 4000-word limit. They should be written clearly and legibly on one side of the paper, double-spaced, with a wide margin. Manuscripts in English must be tyupewritten or printed in ink. 4. Translated articles should be accompanied with the original. Quotations must be noted with their sources. 5. Manuscripts, if not accepted for publication will be returned to the sender within three months. 6. Contributors will be paid after their manuscripts are published. 7. Manuscripts may be published in the authors; real names or in their pen names as they wish. 8. Contributions should be sent directly to the editorial board, not to individuals. Our address is: Editorial board of the monthly magazine English Teaching and Learning in Middle Schools, the Foreign Languages Department, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan Province. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

四、公 文 文体特点 四、规则、指南、说明(instructions, guide and directions) 从工业装置说明书,到一般机械或家用器具的操作简介,以及规章、守则、旅游指南、交通手册、医药说明和服务须知等均属此范围。 文体特点 简略性 描述性 技术性

A Notice to Consumers (U.S. Postal Service) 四、公 文 四、规则、指南、说明(instructions, guide and directions) A Notice to Consumers (U.S. Postal Service) Failure to pack and mark packages adequately is a major source of parcel damage and loss. You should use a container strong enough to prevent damage from handling, transportation, and compression. Cushion the content to make sure it does not move within the container. Avoid using paper wrappers on fiberboard containers. Be sure the address in clear and shown on one side only. Repeat address information inside the package.

四、公 文 文体特点 (五) 讲演(address or speech) 外事演讲 科坛讲演 政坛讲演 用词精确(precise or accurate) 言简意赅(concise and comprehensive) 深入浅出(explain the profound in simple terms) 通俗易懂(easy to understand) 扣人心弦(exciting and thrilling)