Company Introductions 公司介绍


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Presentation transcript:

Company Introductions 公司介绍 Unit 5 Company Introductions 公司介绍 返回

国有企业 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 集体企业 collective-owned (partnership) enterprises 私营企业 private businesses 民营企业 privately-run businesses 中小企业 small-and-medium-sized enterprises

SECTION 2 I. 试把下列词语译成汉语。 公司 (1) corporation (2) stockholder (3) capital (4) the board of the directors (5) location (6) rank (7) enterprise (8) stated-owned (9) individual-owned (10) collective-owned ________________ ________________ 股东 ________________ 资本 ________________ 董事会 ________________ 位置、方位 ________________ 排位、官衔 ________________ 企业 ________________ 国有的 ________________ 个人所有的 ________________ 集体所有的

SECTION 2 ANSWER Ⅱ. 阅读下列公司介绍并完成练习。(4) 1. 本公司介绍传递的信息是: _______________ 公司的名称 A. 公司的宗旨 B. C. D. ____________ 公司的性质 ________________ 公司的经营范围 2. 你认为公司介绍中应该包含哪些内容? (a) 地理位置 (b) 创立时间 (c) 投资方式 (d) 主要产品 (产品名称、规格及适 用范围) (e) 生产规模 (产量、产值、占市场 份额、固定资产占地面积等) (f) 行业排名 (国内、国际权威性 的排名) (g) 公司宗旨 (h) 公司文化 (i) 发展趋势 (j) 公司其他特点 ANSWER (a) (b) (d) (e) (g)

SECTION 2 ANSWER Ⅱ. 阅读下列公司介绍并完成练习。(5) 3. 你认为公司介绍的语言应该有哪些特点? (a)通俗易懂 (b)简洁规范 (c)符合语言习惯 (d)避免死译、硬译 (e)符合时代特点 (f)尽可能使用数字来说明 (g)逻辑性强 (h)紧凑客观 (i)富有吸引力 (j)精炼而生动 ANSWER 全部包括

SECTION 7 Ⅰ. 请找出以下有关公司介绍的正确说法。 ( ) T (1) 企业介绍中应涉及经营性质和目的、股东情况、注册资金、从业人 Ⅰ. 请找出以下有关公司介绍的正确说法。 ( ) T (1) 企业介绍中应涉及经营性质和目的、股东情况、注册资金、从业人 员、厂房占地面积、产品介绍、联系方式等。 (2) 企业在宣传自己的企业前应对当地的城市进行较为详细的描写。 (3) 企业介绍应采用平实和准确的语言。 (4) 在翻译公司介绍时应尽可能详尽地把企业所获得的荣誉和奖项列出 来。 (5) 翻译企业介绍的最好方法就是站在客户的角度,以平实的语言、简 洁的措辞译出企业的核心内容。 (6) 简洁、达意、交代清楚企业的基本内涵是企业介绍的翻译基准。 ( ) ( ) T ( ) ( ) T ( ) T

SECTION 7 Ⅱ.完成下面的公司介绍翻译,并谈谈英文公司介绍的特点。 中国冶金进出口上海公司是国营专业外贸企业,经上海市工商管理部门注册登记,工贸一体、技贸结合,具有法人地位。 Being a legal registered with Shanghai Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, China Metallurgical Import & Export Shanghai Company (CMIESC) is a state-owned specialized foreign trade enterprise. It practices of with trade and of with trade. ______________ entity ____________ integration __________ industry ___________ technology

SECTION 7 Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(1) (1) According to “Financial Times”, this group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally. NISCO is located in the northern suburb of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, covering an area of 3.54 million square meters, with Yangtze River in the south, Ning-Yang . 在金融时报的排名中,该集团名列最具竞争力的钢铁公司第二位。 南京钢铁集团位于江苏省南京市北郊,占地面积354万平方米,南临长 江,(西靠)宁扬(公路)。

SECTION 7 Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(2) (3) Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (Baosteel), the largest steel producer in China, sets foot in diversified industries such as trade, finance, equipment manufacturing, information, chemical industry and etc. The core of Sunshine’s development is study, innovation and pursuit of the first-class of the world. 上海宝钢集团公司(以下简称宝钢)是中国最大的钢铁公司。宝钢发展了多元产业,包括贸易、金融、设备制造、信息和化工等。 阳光集团的发展核心是学习、创新、争创世界一流。

SECTION 7 Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(3) (5) The crankshaft company is the biggest crank shaft manufacturer in the North-East region and the products are marketed in America, Japan and Singapore etc. and more than 30 cities in the country. 曲轴公司为东北地区最大的曲轴生产厂家,其产品远销到美国、日本、新加坡等国家以及国内30多个城市。

SECTION 7 Ⅳ.翻译下列句子。(1) (1)太原钢铁集团有限公司(简称太钢)成立于1943年。 (2)至2001年底,太钢资产总额达23.711 亿元,钢年产能力达400万吨。 (3)四川长虹电器股份有限公司(Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.)总部位于“中国科技城”——四川省绵阳市。 Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. (TISCO) was founded in 1934。 _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ By the end of 2001, the total assets of TISCO (Group) is 23.711 Billion Yuan. TISCO has annual steel output capacity of 4 million tons. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The headquarters of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. are located in Mianyang city, which is known as the “technical city of China” in Sichuan province.

SECTION 7 Ⅳ.翻译下列句子。(2) (4)泰山电器有限公司位列中国企业500强第121位。 (5)王氏集团是由家电、信息、通讯三大领域组成的现代企业集团。 ________________________________________________________ Taishan Electric Co., Ltd. was listed as the 121st of top 500 enterprises in China. _________________________________________________________ Wang Group, as a modernized corporation, is now involved in three fields, household electrical appliances, information and communication.

SECTION 7 Ⅴ. 完成下面一篇公司介绍的翻译。 (2) ABC Corporation Ⅴ. 完成下面一篇公司介绍的翻译。 (2) ABC Corporation ABC Corporation is a comprehensive , in 1981. 22 years has that ABC has become an enterprise with annual sales 30 billion from a small audio cassette-made, local factory, into which without plunging. Now, ABC is well known from home to abroad, and has developed in many areas such as Multimedia Electronics, Telecommunication Equipment, Information Components, and Electronics Components. ____________________________ large-scale state-owned enterprise _________________ established ____________________ witnessed __________________ exceeding ______________ state capital Home Electronics Appliances ________________________

SECTION 7 Ⅴ. 完成下面一篇公司介绍的翻译。 (3) Ⅴ. 完成下面一篇公司介绍的翻译。 (3) Moreover, ABC has undergone a period of substantial progress, and is one of the fastest-growing major industry manufactures, having racked up a compound annual growth rate of 47 percent in the past decade. Today, all the four lead the tide in their fields. As a whole, ABC is ranked four in a rating for the China 100 prestigious Electronics & IT enterprises and ABC in 2002 reached RMB 1.8769 billion. In 2002, the ABC Group had total sales of RMB 3.19 billion and export came to US$0.116 billion. ABC also generated a of RMB0.15 billion in 2002, and paid RMB 0.19 billion in taxes. ________________ key industries _______________ brand value ______________ revenues ______________ profit

SECTION 7 Ⅵ.试用增译法和省译法翻译下列句子。(1) 搞好重点商品、重点市场、重点地区大案要案的清查。(省译重复词语) 今年上半年的进口计划的执行情况,也是好的。(省译表范畴的词语) 打字机物美价廉。(增补动词) We should investigate key commodities, markets and areas to clear up major cases. Our import-export in the first half of this year has gone very well. The typewriter is low in price and fine in quality.

SECTION 7 Ⅵ.试用增译法和省译法翻译下列句子。(1) 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。(增补连词) 5. 只有播种才能有收获。(增补作主语的代词) 6. Inflation was and still is the NO. 1 problem for that country. (省译介词) 7. The purpose of engineering is to create useful goods, to make them better, cheaper and more abundant. (省译物主代词) Where there is life, there is hope. One must sow before one can reap. 通货膨胀过去是,现在仍然是该国的首要问题。 策划的目的是要创造有用的物品,使其质量更好,价格更低,数量更充足。

SECTION 7 Ⅵ.试用增译法和省译法翻译下列句子。(2) We expect that the delivery will be effected at your earliest convenience. (省译并列连词) Please expedite the L/C so that we may execute the order smoothly. (在英语名词前后增译汉语动词) 10. Hiring outstanding people is an acquired skill. (增译语气连贯词) 盼你方早日交货。 请速开信用证,以便我方顺利执行订单。 征聘出类拔萃的人才是一种要经过实践才能获得的技能。

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