课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 阿里巴巴速卖通买家操作 Aliepress for Buyers 第三方外贸电商平台(速卖通) —— 基本操作.


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Presentation transcript:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 阿里巴巴速卖通买家操作 Aliepress for Buyers 第三方外贸电商平台(速卖通) —— 基本操作

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Aliexpress Homepage for Buyers Register an Aliexpress Account Details Shopping Guides Searching Products Contacting Sellers Placing Orders Payment

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 AliExpress Homepage For Buyers

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

Categories: Searching bar

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Navigation:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Sharing the AliExpress on social networking websites, you can get points, which you can convert to coupons.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Promotion:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库


课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 1. Click "Join Free" in the top-left corner of any AliExpress.com page 1. Click "Join Free" in the top-left corner of any AliExpress.com page. How to Register an AliExpress Account?

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 2. Complete the information: Your Contact Name should be in English

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 How to edit my member profile? 1. Sign in to ‘My AliExpress’

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 2. Click ‘Account’, and then click ‘Edit Member Profile’

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 3. Click ‘Edit’ at the bottom of the page to edit or modify any of your member information

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 4. Edit your member information, check carefully, and click ‘Submit’

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Buyers’ Operation Guide

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Detailed Shopping Guide Buyer searches products. Buyer orders online. Buyer pays Escrow. Supplier ships order. Buyer confirms delivery. Buyer leaves feedback.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

Searching Products

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 1. Using the Search Bar 热门搜索

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 2. Using Related Searches

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 3. Viewing auto-filtered results

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 4. Refining your search You can narrow down your product search by using the Refine Search menu on the left. Simply select the product features you are interested in (material, pattern type, etc.) and your original search results will be updated with your selection.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

Keywords: You can modify them to search within a category instead of the Search Bar. Price: Shows products filtered by the required price range. Quantity: Shows products filtered by the required number of pieces per lot. Ship to: Shows products by country. Free Shipping: Shows products with free shipping. Top-Rated: Shows the most popular items. 1 Piece Only: Shows products that only sell in quantities of 1 piece. Sale Items: Shows discounted products. Seller Online: Shows products from sellers who are currently available to talk online. Best Match: Shows products sorted by price (lowest or highest first), the number of orders, newest products and seller’s ratings. 5. Advanced Search

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Products Detail Page

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

Contacting Sellers

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

TradeManager is Alibaba.com's Instant Messenger tool. 1. By TradeManager:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 What can we do with TradeManager? Chat with buyers and suppliers in real time Get real-time translation Search for buyers and suppliers easily Get the latest Trade Alerts Download the latest TradeManager software

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 2. By Message:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 3. To find out suppliers’ Telephone number and Mobile Phone number in Contact Details page:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 4. By If you have placed an order with one supplier, you can follow the below ways to find out his address: 1. Locate the relevant order number 2. Click the View Details button

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Placing Orders

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 1. Placing your Order by “Buy Now” or “Add to cart” Choosing a shipping method

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 2. Complete the Order Form enter the required information such as Delivery Address, Quantity Type etc. Before clicking "Place Order", please check your Order Details carefully. If you want to add a new Delivery Address, click " Add a new address". If you want to edit a current Delivery Address, click 'Edit this address'.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 3. Payment

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Payment

AliExpress supports Visa, MasterCard, Maestro Debit Card, Western Union, and wire transfer via banks.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

1.On the checkout page, select Bank Transfer as your payment method. 2. In the Bank Transfer Information section, you will see the Escrow account information you need to transfer your payment. 3. Please print out the section containing your Bank Transfer Information. 4. Go to your local bank to transfer your payment. Bring the printed Bank Transfer Information and show it to the bank officer before making your payment. Once complete, your payment will be held securely in an Escrow account. 5. The status of your order would be changed to “buyer has paid the order ” within 7 business days after you’ve paid. 6. When using bank transfers, please transfer enough money to cover all banks` service fee. This will ensure that the supplier receives your full payment and will help you avoid monetary loss caused by refunds or disputes. How to pay with bank transfer (TT payment)?

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Shipping & Delivery

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 All courier services and shipping fees are set up by suppliers. Currently suppliers can choose from the following express shipping options: ​ UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT, EMS, TOLL, e-EMS, ePacket, China Post Registered Air Mail, China Post Air Parcel, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, HongKong Post Air Mail, HongKong Post Air Parcel, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, Sweden Post, Russian Air, Special Line-YW, DHL Global Mail and S.F. Express. Shipping fees are automatically calculated on the basis of weight, size and volume. You can check shipping fee in the product details page to find the shipping cost and shipping time:

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

Before my order has been shipped: 1.How do I extend the processing time? 2.How do I manage my shipping address? 3.Can I change my shipping address after placing an order? 4.How do I combine orders in shipping? After my order has been shipped: 1.How long does it take for my order to be delivered? 2.How do I track my order? 3.How do I confirm delivery? When my order has arrived: I am not satisfied with the product. What can I do?

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Help Center

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Assignment 1. Searching a kind of products in which you are interested in different ways. 2. Choosing some hot-selling product (or from top-rated seller), analyzing product detail page, and finding out the shipping and payment which provided. 3. Trying to write an enquiry message to the supplier. (including product information\ in stock\ qualities which you would order\ discounts which the supplier could offer\ payment\ shipping methods) 4. Answering the enquiry message. 1. Searching a kind of products in which you are interested in different ways. 2. Choosing some hot-selling product (or from top-rated seller), analyzing product detail page, and finding out the shipping and payment which provided. 3. Trying to write an enquiry message to the supplier. (including product information\ in stock\ qualities which you would order\ discounts which the supplier could offer\ payment\ shipping methods) 4. Answering the enquiry message.

课程: 跨境电商 资料源:阿里巴巴教学资源库 Assignment 1. 用不同的方式,在速卖通平台搜索某一商品,比较亚马逊 平台搜索。 2. 选择某一热销商品,分析其产品页面组成和支付物流方式。 3. 给卖家写一封英文询盘信,询问你感兴趣的商品是否现货、 规格等产品信息、及支付物流方式,并告知卖家你将订购 的数量、及询问优惠情况。 4. 给买家回复一封报盘信,对对方的询盘表示感激,告知买 家所有商品都是现货销售、发货日期在 3 天之日、 China Post Air Mail 免邮、购买 10 件以上可以有 5% 的折扣。 1. 用不同的方式,在速卖通平台搜索某一商品,比较亚马逊 平台搜索。 2. 选择某一热销商品,分析其产品页面组成和支付物流方式。 3. 给卖家写一封英文询盘信,询问你感兴趣的商品是否现货、 规格等产品信息、及支付物流方式,并告知卖家你将订购 的数量、及询问优惠情况。 4. 给买家回复一封报盘信,对对方的询盘表示感激,告知买 家所有商品都是现货销售、发货日期在 3 天之日、 China Post Air Mail 免邮、购买 10 件以上可以有 5% 的折扣。