Zhenjiang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province


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Presentation transcript:

Zhenjiang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province “镇江香醋”地理标志保护产品 欧盟地标应用方案 EU Geographical Indication Application Scheme for “Zhenjiang Vinegar”, a Protected Geographical Indication Product 江苏省镇江质量技术监督局 Zhenjiang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province

京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还? ---王安石 ---王安石  Between Jingkou and Guazhou a mere strip of water lies; Only a few hills away lies Zhongshan. Spring breezes have once more greened the land south of the river, When will the bright moon see me home again? --Wang Anshi 1、地理位置:镇江位于我国的东南部,坐落在长江三角洲的顶端,东距长江入海口仅305km,深受海洋性气候的影响,气候终年 温暖湿润,属典型暖温带向亚热带过渡的季风性湿润气候,年平均最高气温20.3℃,平均最低12.3℃,平均相对湿度77%。 高铁 到北京4个多小时。Geographical location: Zhenjiang is located in the south-eastern part of China, at the tip of the Yangtze River Delta. Only 305 km east of the mouth of Yangtze River, the City is deeply influenced by an oceanic climate that is warm and humid all year round. The local climate type belongs to a humid subtropical monsoon climate typically seen in the transitional region from warm temperate to subtropical zones. The average annual temperature in the area ranges between 12.3℃ and 20.3℃. The average relative humidity is 77%. A high-speed train journey from Zhenjiang to Beijing takes about 4 hours. 2、名胜古迹:金山---白娘子水漫金山 Scenic spots and historic sites: Jinshan – the place where the legendary Bainiangzi the White Lady flooded the Jinshan Temple. 北固山--千古江山,英雄无觅,孙仲谋处。舞榭歌台, 风流总被,雨打风吹去。何处望神州?满眼风光北固楼。Beigushan – as Xin Qiji depicted in his famous poem (“Joy of Eternal Union”), “The land is boundless as of yore. But nowhere can be found. A hero like the king defending southern shore. The singing hall, the dancing ground. All gallant deeds now sent away. By driving wind and blinding rain! The slanting sun sheds its departing ray. O’er tree-shaded and grassy lane. Where lived the Cowherd King retaking the lost land.” 焦山—瘗(音yi)鹤铭(大字之祖) Jiaoshan – as described in “Yihe Inscription” (Ancestor of Chinese Calligraphy)

镇江,一座美的让人吃醋的城市 Zhenjiang, a city so beautiful that people become jealous of it.

Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product 镇江香醋国家地理标志保护产品 Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product 1. 镇江香醋简介 Overview of Zhenjiang Vinegar 2. 欧盟批准文件及标志 EU approval documents and marks 3. 镇江香醋-欧盟地理标志的使用 Zhenjiang Vinegar – use of the EU registered GI

Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product 镇江香醋国家地理标志保护产品 Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product 镇江香醋以优质糯米为原料,选择优质大曲为糖化发酵剂,酿造中分酒精发酵、醋醅固体分层发酵、淋醋三大过程,大小四十多道工序,历时七十多天酿制而成。具有“色、香、酸、醇、浓”五大特色。其色泽清亮 、酸味柔和、醋香浓郁、风味纯正、口感绵和、香而微甜、色浓而味鲜,且久存其质不变,并更加香醇。 Zhenjiang Vinegar is made from high-quality glutinous rice, together with high-quality Daqu, a saccharifying ferment, after undergoing three major steps (i.e. alcoholic fermentation, solid-state layered fermentation and vinegar spraying) comprised of over 40 working procedures of various sizes in more than 70 days. It boasts five unique characteristics, i.e. “color, fragrance, acidity, mellowness and thickness” . Zhenjiang Vinegar is famous for its clear lustre, soft flavor, thick aroma, pure relish and lasting taste. With an appealing scent, slightly sweet taste, thick color and agreeable flavor, Zhenjiang Vinegar can be stored for a long period of time while maintaining its superb quality. 据《中国医药大典》记载:“醋产浙江杭绍为最佳,实则以江苏镇江为最”。2006年,镇江香醋酿造技艺入选“首批国家级非物质文化遗产”名录。 According to Chinese Medicine Dictionary, “the vinegar produced in the cities of Hangzhou and Shaoxing in Zhejiang Province taste the best, while that of Zhenjiang tops the list.” In 2006, the Zhenjiang Vinegar brewing technique was included in the list of the first batch of state-level intangible cultural heritages.

Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product 镇江香醋国家地理标志保护产品 Zhenjiang Vinegar, a state protected GI product  2001年,国家质检总局正式批准“镇江香醋”地理标志产品保护,并制定了国家标准《镇江香醋》(GB/T18623-2011)。2012年,镇江香醋作为中欧10+10地理标志互认互保试点产品,成为我国第一个获得欧盟保护的调味品。实施地理标志产品保护后,镇江香醋的产业发展和品牌价值迅速提升,行业年产量由保护前不到10万吨,增加到30多万吨,3000吨以上规模的专业生产厂有原来的3家发展到26家,每年的生产总值近10亿元。2007年成功注册镇江香醋地理标志商标。先后有1个商标被评为中国驰名商标,3个江苏省著名商标,2个“江苏名牌产品”。目前是我国出口量最大的食醋,已远销到海外60多个国家和地区。 In 2001, Zhenjiang Vinegar was officially approved as a protected GI product by AQSIQ, which formulated a national standard (GB/T18623-2011) specifically for it. In 2012, being one of the products under the “EU-China 10+10 GI mutual recognition and protection pilot program”, Zhenjiang Vinegar became the first-ever Chinese condiment that obtained the EU protection. After the implementation of GI product protection, Zhenjiang Vinegar has witnessed rapid growth in terms of both industrial development and brand value. Its annual output has increased from less than 100,000 tons before protection to over 300,000 tons now. The number of specialized producers has risen from 3 to 26 before and after, with an annual total output value of nearly 1 billion yuan. In 2007, Zhenjiang Vinegar was successfully registered as a GI trademark and has ever since been awarded 1 “China Renowned Brand”, 3 “Jiangsu Province Well-known Trademarks” and 2 “Jiangsu Brand Products”. Today, Zhenjiang Vinegar, being the top vinegar product exported by China, is sold to over 60 countries and regions around the world. 

The GI protection system for Zhenjiang Vinegar 镇江香醋地标保护的体系 The GI protection system for Zhenjiang Vinegar 1、产品质量控制体系: 1. Product quality control system: 原料控制—水和米 Control of raw materials – water and rice 工艺控制--固态发酵 Control of processing technique – solid state fermentation 标志使用—使用登记备案 Use of the indication – use registration and record-filing 2、产品质量监管体系: 2. Product quality supervision system: 规范文件--《镇江香醋地标专用标志管理办法》 Normative document – “Measures for the Administration of Special Signs of Zhenjiang Vinegar GI” 把好入门关—27家 Strict control over the entry – 27 producers 加强过程监管—定期检查,年度报告,信息变更 Strengthen process supervision – regular inspection, annual reporting, information update 3、产品质量检验体系: 3. Product quality inspection system: 企业自检+机构抽检 Enterprise self inspection + spot check by an inspection body

Vinegar culture making 制醋醅 Vinegar culture making 炒米色 Rice color frying 灌装 Bottling 晾晒 Drying

EU Geographical Indications 欧盟地理标志 EU Geographical Indications 1、欧盟地理标志的分类: 1. Classification of EU GIs PDO (原产地保护最高级别 The highest level of origin protection) PGI(地理标志保护 GI protection) TSG(传统特色保证 Traditional feature guarantee) 2、欧盟法律文件 2. EU legal documents 2012年11月21日,欧盟发布最新的农产品和食品质量体系法令(Regulation (EU)NO1151/2012),明确镇江香醋等10个中国地理标志产品可以再其产品包装上使用“受保护的原产地名称”,“受保护的地理标志”,及其缩写PDO和PGI。 Regulation (EU) No. 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs clearly states that the indications ‘protected designation of origin’ or ‘protected geographical indication’ or the corresponding abbreviations ‘PDO’ or ‘PGI’ may appear on the labeling of ten Chinese GI products, including Zhenjiang Vinegar. 3、优势:欧盟消费者对欧盟地标具有较高的认知度、认同度,产品价格比同类产品高2倍以上。保护时间从互认注册之日起实施。 3. Advantage: EU consumers have higher awareness and recognition of EU GIs, which are priced twice, or more, as much as similar products. The time of protection starts on the date of mutual registration.

欧盟文件 1151/2012和668/2014 EU document 1151/2012 and 668/2014

EU GI application scheme for Zhenjiang Vinegar 镇江香醋欧盟地标使用方案 EU GI application scheme for Zhenjiang Vinegar 1、使用范围:原则上,我市所有获准使用“镇江香醋”地理标志产品专用标志的企业,均可使用“PDO”或“PGI”标识。根据目前生产实际,欧盟标识主要应用在,江苏恒顺醋业集团有限等4家出口企业,年出口量为3000吨左右,出口金额500万美元。在具体产品上,以国家总局公告核定的产品种类为限。 1. Scope of uses: in principle, all enterprises having obtained approval to use the special “Zhenjiang Vinegar” GI mark in this City may use the “PDO” or “PGI” marks. In light of the current production situation, the EU marks are mainly applied on products of four exporters (e.g. Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar Industry Group), with a total annual export volume of 3,000 tons and an export value of US$5 million. The products (permitted to use the marks) are limited to those falling within the categories verified in the AQSIQ announcement. 2、使用方式:直接印刷在出口产品包装上 2. Use method: directly printed on the packaging of export products. 3、使用管理:企业建立专门档案,登记的内容包括产品种类、印刷数量、生产标准、生产数量和日期、印刷企业等信息,并做好信息的存档备查。质监部门和检疫部门共同制定标志使用备案登记制度,加强对欧盟地理。 3. Use management: An enterprise concerned should set up special records containing such information as product type, printed quantity, production standard, production quantity and date, as well as printing house, and keep them on file for future inquiry. Quality supervision and sanitary authorities shall jointly develop a record-filing and registration system for mark uses to strengthen administration of the EU GIs.

镇江香醋的受理和批准公告 Notice on receipt and approval of Zhenjiang Vinegar GI application

Product packaging of Hengshun Co. 恒顺公司的产品包装 Product packaging of Hengshun Co. Size: 73.5*33.5mm Size: 73.5*33.5mm 2014.12.05 European version, the EU and GI marks affixed Size: 112*102mm Size: 112*102mm 2014.11.03 European version, the EU mark affixed

恒康公司的产品包装 Product packaging of Hengkang Co.

地理标志产品保护思考 Thoughts on GI product protection 1、地理标志产品保护发展进入了新的阶段,目前更多关注的应当是如何保证产品质量和品牌,以及扩大市场和社会的认知度、认可度。这就需要政府、协会、企业等组织共同去努力。 对于基层监管部门而言,做的就是监管,“有依据、有动作、有效果”。 1. Given that protection of GI products has developed into a new stage, our current focus shall be placed more on how to protect product quality and brand, as well as market expansion, social awareness and recognition. This requires that concerted efforts be made by all stakeholders including the government, industrial associations and enterprises, among others. The focus of local supervision departments shall be mainly on supervision, that is, “acting on good grounds, taking concrete actions and achieving good effects”. 2、欧盟地标的使用。有了通行证,如何去通过文化输出等多种软手段,去发现、培育、做大市场,这是一件非常有意义和长期的事情。 2. Use of EU GIs. With this permit, the next step is to discover, nurture and expand the market through various soft means, e.g. cultural output. This will be a meaningful and long-term endeavour, though.

江苏省镇江质量技术监督局标准化处 Division of Standardization, Zhenjiang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province 邵国兴 Shao Guoxing 联系方式 Contact Information 电话 Tel.:(0)13815487317 邮箱 Email:zjzjjbzc@163.com 2014. 12