Introductory Statement at CCICED 2010 Annual Symposium Theme Forum


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Presentation transcript:

Introductory Statement at CCICED 2010 Annual Symposium Theme Forum 循环 经济 Recycling Economy 绿色 经济 Green Economy 低碳 经济 Low-carbon Economy 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会 2010年年会主题论坛 引导发言 Introductory Statement at CCICED 2010 Annual Symposium Theme Forum 全国政协人口资源环境委员会 副主任 中 国 生 态 文 化 协 会 会 长 江泽慧 教授 中 国 林 学 会 理事长 2010 年 11 月 北 京

时代背景 (Background) 当前,全球气候变暖所引发的一系列生态环境和经济社会问题日益引起国际社会的广泛关注,并成为国际政治、经济、外交和国家安全领域的一个热点问题。在应对全球金融危机的艰难进程中,国际社会在应对策略上都更加理性地强调生态经济、绿色发展的理念和选择,通过实施“绿色新政”来谋划后危机时代的发展方向。 Nowadays, a series of ecological environmental, economic and social issues caused by global warming have attracted wide attention from the international community, and become hotspots in international political, economic, diplomatic and national security. In the difficult process of responding to global financial crisis, the international community is focusing more rationally on both the ideas and options of ecological economy and green development, and planning the development direction of post-crisis era through the implementation of the "Green New Policiesl" .

Technical Development 循环经济 Recycling Economy 绿色新政 Green New Policiesl 低碳经济 Low-Carbon Economy 科学发展 Technical Development 绿色经济 Green Economy 人们在思考气候变化、金融危机和可持续发展等重大议题时,一般均会涉及循环经济、低碳经济、绿色经济这“三种经济”的相关理论和政策措施等问题。科学思考和准确理解“三种经济”的内涵和关系,对推动我国经济社会可持续发展,探索中国环保新道路,既非常必要,也十分重要。 Scientific thinking and accurate comprehension of the connotation and relationship of “three economies” are extremely important and necessary to promoting China's sustainable economic and social development, and exploring a new path of environmental protection in China.

undergrowth resources 一、“三种经济”的基本内涵 (Basic connotation of the “Three economies”) Technical Development Forest Resources Recycling Economy undergrowth resources under tree crowns New Biomaterials Forest Eco-tourism 就循环经济而言,“低消耗发展”是其重要内涵。循环经济也称为生态经济,它以尽可能小的资源消耗和环境成本,获得尽可能大的经济效益和社会效益,更有效地利用资源和保护环境。 In terms of recycling economy, the “low consumption development” is its fundamental connotation. Recycling economy, also known as ecological economy, is to obtain as far as possible the greatest economic and social benefits with the smallest resource consumption and environmental costs in order to make use of the resources efficiently and protect the environment.

就低碳经济而言,“低能耗发展”是其主要内涵。低碳经济就是以低能耗、低污染、低排放,为基础的经济模式,其实质是提高能源利用效率、创建清洁能源结构,核心是技术创新、制度创新和发展观的根本性转变。 In the case of low-carbon economy, the "low-energy consumption development" is its main connotation. Low-carbon economy is an economic model based on low- energy consumption, low-pollution, and low-emission. Its essence is to improve energy efficiency and create a clean energy structure; and its core is technological innovation, system innovation and the fundamental shift of development view.

就绿色经济而言,“包容性发展”是其核心内涵。集循环经济的“低消耗”和低碳经济“低能耗”以及社会公平发展等核心理念于一体的绿色经济,一方面希望通过技术手段克服现有种种环境和生态问题,保持经济的优先、持续增长,进而保证人类的幸福生活;另一方面也要求必须从发展机制、文化价值观念等方面进行彻底的改变,创造一个可持续的人类社会。 In reference to green economy, the "inclusive development" is its core connotation. Green economy is an aggregation of core concepts, such as "low consumption" of recycling economy, "low-energy consumption" of low-carbon economy and social equity development. On one hand, it means to overcome existing environmental and ecological problems via all the technical means to keep a prior and continuous growth of the economy, thus ensuring the happiness of the human life; on the other hand, it also requires a radical change of development mechanisms, cultural values and other aspects to create a sustainable human society.

二、“三种经济”的主要关系(The main relationship of the “Three economies” ) 循环经济、低碳经济、绿色经济三者之间存在着主导与随从、依存与独立的复杂关系,绿色经济是在低碳经济、循环经济的基础之上产生的,具有彼此有机结合、包容性增长的发展形式。 “三种经济”的关系形式具体反映在发展目标、实施主体、价值取向等方面。 There exists a complex relationship of dominance and sub-ordinance, dependence and independence, among three economies: low-carbon economy, recycling economy, and green economy. Green economy, which is a development model of inclusive growth and combination of two economies: low-carbon economy and recycling economy, is generated on the basis of the above two economies. Relation form of the "Three economies" is reflected specifically in development goals, subject of implementation, value orientation, etc.

1、“三种经济”的发展目标相同 “Three economies” have the same development goals. 一是生存观。人类首先要保证生存,其次才是发展。发展应当十分注意扩大生存空间,保证生存基础,改善生存条件,提高生存质量。与此同时,人类应支持和促进本国现代经济的发展能力和物质基础免遭破坏。 View of survival. Men’s survival should come first before the development. When men develop, they should pay great attention to expansion of the living space, ensurance of survival foundation, betterment of the living conditions and improvement of the quality of life. At the same time, men should also support and promote their own country’s modern economic development capabilities and material base, protecting them from destruction.

二是协调观。发展的根本点就是经济社会的发展与资源环境保护的相协调,核心就是生态与经济相协调。 三是资源观。发展的核心问题是资源的永续利用,首先必须解决好资源在当代人与后代入之间的合理配置,应重视资源在各地区各部门和每个人之间的合理分配问题。 View of Coordination. The fundamental point of the development is the coordination between economic social development and resources and environment protection. The core is the coordination between ecology and economy. View of resources. The core issue of the development is sustainable use of resources. First, we must resolve the rational allocation of the resources between the contemporary and future generations, and attach importance to a reasonable allocation of resources between the various departments in each region and each person.

2.“三种经济”的实施主体地位不同 “Three economies” have different statuses of subject of implementation 低碳经济更多的是企业与政府间的行为。低碳经济的发展目标通常是以政府行政约束性的方式,确立约束性减排指标和行为规范,企业为完成约束性指标所规定的减排义务而必须以实际的减排行为完成政府所规定的减排义务。低碳经济强调企业等经济实体的执行能力。 Low-carbon economy is more of a behavior between enterprise and government. Its development goals are to establish binding carbon emission reduction targets and norms of behavior in the way of government administrative binding. In order to complete the government's carbon emission reduction obligations, enterprise must take actual action to complete the obligation of carbon emission reduction under the binding targets. Low-carbon economy emphasizes the executive capability of enterprise and other economic entities.

循环经济是国家间的或经济体系之间的行为。循环经济的发展通常是以协同的方式,最终建立起一个循环经济的产业化体系,从而来解决可持续发展的资源、环境与经济难题。循环经济强调体系之间的协同合作; Recycling economy is a behavior between different countries or economy systems. Development of recycling economy is to ultimately build a recycling economy industrial system in a collaborative way to address the problems of sustainable development of resources, environment and economy. Recycling economy emphasizes collaboration between different systems.

绿色经济则是强调人与自然的行为。绿色经济寻求人的发展与自然保护的动态平衡,强调人与自然的共生方式。“绿色经济”既是指具体的一个微观单位经济,又是指一个国家的国民经济,甚至是全球范围的经济。 Green economy is the emphasis on the behavior of man and nature. Green economy pursues the dynamic balance of human development and nature protection, emphasizing the symbiotic form of man and nature. "Green economy" refers to not only a specific micro-unit economy, but also a country's national economy, or even the global economy as well.

低碳经济是以碳减排为目的,以低碳经济、低碳技术、低碳生活为理念, 构建符合基本国情和低碳经济发展理念的低碳经济格局。 3、“三种经济”的价值取向不同 “Three economies” have different value orientations 低碳经济是以碳减排为目的,以低碳经济、低碳技术、低碳生活为理念, 构建符合基本国情和低碳经济发展理念的低碳经济格局。 Low-carbon economy is to build low-carbon economy pattern consistent with basic national conditions and concept of low-carbon economic development. Low-carbon economy aims to reduce the carbon emissions with the concept of low-carbon economy, low carbon technology, low-carbon life.

循环经济是以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则,符合可持续发展理念的资源高效利用和循环利用的经济增长模式,是对“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统增长模式的根本变革。 Recycling economy is an economic growth model of efficient use and recycling of resources in line with the concept of sustainable development, under the principle of “reducing, recycling and reusing”. It is also a fundamental change of traditional growth model of "mass production, mass consumption, and mass supersession“

绿色经济以一种和谐包容的、可持续的方式发展处理人与自然的关系,符合可持续发展的速度、质量、公平三要素的有机结合。绿色经济强调的是可持续发展的方式,强调发展的“公平”和“包容”。 Green economy, being consistent with combination of three elements of sustainable development: speed, quality, and equity, is dealing with the relationship between man and nature in a harmonious and sustainable way. Green Economy emphasizes sustainable development, which emphasizes the "fairness" and "inclusiveness".

结束语 Conclusion remarks 当今世界,绿色发展正在成为人类社会的广泛共识和历史潮流。人类正面临着一次绿色经济时代的巨大变革,绿色经济和绿色发展是未来的发展道路。让我们携手树立低碳循环理念,加快绿色转型发展,弘扬生态文化,建设生态文明,为我们和我们的子孙后代建设一个充满生机活力的和谐绿色家园! Let us join hands to establish the concept of low-carbon and recycling, accelerate the development of green transformation, to promote ecological culture, construct ecological civilization, and to build a harmonious, vivacious, and green home for our current residents and future generations!