Social Web Design & Research 社群網站設計&研究


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Presentation transcript:

Social Web Design & Research 社群網站設計&研究

Social Web Design & Research Business Model Generation + Lean Startup (+ Agile Software Development) Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research They are two books Social Web Design & Research

They are related, but different The order really bothers me Business Model Generation + Lean Startup (+ Agile Software Development) They are related, but different The order really bothers me Social Web Design & Research

Business Model Generation 獲利世代 Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research 獲利世代正席捲世界!全球逾10萬人採用! Social Web Design & Research

The business model canvas (BMC) of Google

Stripclub business models. Plus, taxi cabs. Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research What does Groupon’s BMC look like? Key activities of Groupon vs. most daily email lists Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Business Model Canvas Startup的你需要Business Model Canvas,而不是SWOT 或是 Porter的五力分析! 不是說SWOT或是五力分析沒有用,而是Startup有時連連客戶在哪?產品要做什麼都還不知道 Customer Segments: mass/niche market… Value Propositions: solution, brand, price… Channel Customer Relationship: self-service, automated services, co-creation… Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Revenue stream: usage/subscription/brokerage fee, renting, licensing 賺錢的方式在細節上很多元,透過分類可以幫助思考 Key Resources: intellectual, human, financial… 網路業是首重人才的產業 如果錢是「關鍵」資源,那團隊應該先專心找錢,而非產品/業務開發 Key Activities Key Partners 架構在互利的結盟始終是比較穩固有利的 Cost Structure Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Other resources of BMC 解構商業模式 #1 — 搞清楚「客戶」是誰 【書評】獲利世代讀後感想(上) 【書評】獲利世代讀後感想(下)小眾商品 【書評】怪咖時代,越怪越有商機! 品牌經營、善用說故事的力量為你的企業出一本傳記吧! Social Web Design & Research

so many inner links? 你必須開一個網誌,現在 Why so many inner links? 你必須開一個網誌,現在 Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Some useful concepts Product-Market Fit (PMF) 請問:我的 App 做出來了,接下來要怎麼「行銷」? 你該問:我已經知道誰會買了,現在要怎麼把產品做好? Minimum Viable Product (MVP, from Lean Startup) Dropbox 和 Xobni 在兩年內突破百萬會員的七個關鍵 Segway、Dropbox Pivot (from Lean Startup) Pivot — 創業家最重要的本領 這一切都是瞎貓碰上死耗子,真的! 一個好的 Business Model 是「測」出來、「改」出來的,但幾乎很少是「想」出來的 Social Web Design & Research

about Business Model Generation Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Lean Startup 精實創業 Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Lean Startup Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - Google Tech Talk 從精實軟體開發到精實創業(Lean Startup) 創業是在極高的不確定性的條件下,發行一項新的產品或服務 創業者必須了解「Pivot」;速度是決勝關鍵 成功開發出失敗的產品 敏捷產品開發:產品已知,方法未知;精實創業:產品未知,方法未知 我們怎麼知道何時該修正方向? 請買書… Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research 精實代表要盡可能節省成本? 和成本無關,重點在「速度」 開發人員完全指南 - The Joel on Software Translation Project Herman Miller製作的著名Aeron辦公椅(參考1、2) 我正在做些什麼事? 精實的新創事業都是很小又剛起步? 使用測試評估或使用者回饋的資料當作願景? 精實創業由令人信服的願景驅動 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 看得到遠景的顧客不會在意目前還缺少的功能 Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research about lean startup Social Web Design & Research

Agile Software Development 敏捷軟體開發 Social Web Design & Research

Agile Software Development 是一種應對快速變化需求的軟體開發能力,並非制式的開發方法,而是一種軟體開發的精神,任何開發方法只要符合敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto),都可以算是敏捷開發 Scrum NEW Intro to Agile Scrum in Under 10 Minutes - What is Scrum? Social Web Design & Research

Scrum Life Cycle A sprint every two to four weeks A planning meeting before each sprint decide the sprint backlog, which is frozen in the sprint A daily Scrum meeting what has been done; what will be done; difficulties scrum master A review meeting after each sprint

Social Web Design & Research 有人問我什麼是 Scrum 不能幫助寫出更好的程式碼,也不能保證軟體產品可以在市場上獲得成功,基本上在處理跟人有關的議題時,任何方法都不能保證成效 將整個開發週期切分成許多較小的衝刺期(sprint),在衝刺期內不要再開會、不要再修改規格 Scrum Master (SM) 是整個 Scrum 流程的主導人,負責規劃衝刺期,主持 daily scrum meeting。但 SM 最重要的工作不是這些,而是防止老闆/主管經由會議等方式騷擾工程師。老闆想知道進度/改需求/問問題,問 SM 就好,不要直接找工程師;SM 在了解狀況後,接下來就是對老闆營造幸福的錯覺。當勇者在前方打仗的時候,SM 要負責對後方亂源施展癱瘓魔法 與其當作是一門軟體工程方法,不如想像成是一種調整辦公室文化,阻止管理階層胡亂管理的反管理(Counter Management) Social Web Design & Research

為什麼 Scrum 不適合 Lean Startup 敏捷和精實開發強調開發有效率、不浪費 最大的浪費是做出沒人用的東西 角色定位 決定做什麼是 startup 最關鍵的事情,但是 Scrum 裡都交給書裡篇幅最少的 Project Owner (PO) two teams vs. one team 自找麻煩的固定開發週期 只強調工程品質 Social Web Design & Research

about agile software development Social Web Design & Research

the relation and difference between lean and agile What’s the relation and difference between lean and agile Social Web Design & Research

Social Web Design & Research Reminding Lean and agile are philosophies; Business Model Canvas and Scrum are implementations/tools Lean emphasizes minimizing waste; agile emphasizes responding changes The biggest waste is a useless product. So lean needs pivot. Agile aims to minimize the cost in pivoting. That’s the relation. Note that the product is unknown in (lean) startup, so most agile tools cannot be applied directly there is tool specifically for lean startup Social Web Design & Research

Today’s assignment 今天的任務 Social Web Design & Research

Draw your business model You may have more than one models. Or, you can draw another one after final and compare them. Another option is to release your minimum viable product. Reference Business Model Generation – Book (a 72-page preview) Eric Ries - The Lean Startup - Google Tech Talk how about a reading group? Your web site ( will be checked not before 23:59 6/4 (Tue). You may send a report (such as some important modifications) to me in case I did not notice your features. Social Web Design & Research