The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives


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Presentation transcript:

The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives 扶輪基金會— 建構更美好生活的里程碑 The Rotary Foundation— Milestones in Building Better Lives

扶輪基金會克服了武裝衝突、政治不安、經濟困境以及於幫助人們需求方面的其他障礙,因而促進世界瞭與和平。 The Rotary Foundation has overcome armed conflicts, political instability, economic adversity, and other barriers to help people in need, thereby promoting world understanding and peace.

在 1917年 國際扶輪第六任長 阿奇‧柯藍夫 Arch C. Klumph 成立了一個捐獻基金的扶輪基金會。 Sixth RI President Arch C. Klumph established The Rotary Foundation as an endowment in 1917.

扶輪基金會The Rotary Foundation 在1928年正式命名為扶輪基金會並於1929年頒發第一筆獎助金500元給國際殘障兒童學會。 was formally named in 1928 and awarded its first grant in 1929: US$500 to the International Society for Crippled Children.

Following RI founder Paul Harris’s death in 1947, 1947年國際扶輪創始人保羅.哈里斯去世之後 Following RI founder Paul Harris’s death in 1947, 全世界的扶輪社員捐給扶輪基金會超過1百萬美元,因而允許它從事第一計劃:研究生方面的國際研究獎學金。 Rotarians worldwide gave the Foundation more than US$1 million, enabling it to launch its first program: international scholarships for graduate students.

在1957年, 保羅.哈里斯之友。 In 1957, 扶輪基金會開始對年度計劃或指定基金捐獻1,000美元或更多的個人表彰為 the Foundation began recognition of individuals as Paul Harris Fellows for contributions of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund or restricted fund.

配合獎助金帶給人們一種更好生活的希望,從1965年起開始,幾乎頒授了兩萬個獎助金,總計超過美金一億九千八百多萬元。 Matching Grants projects have brought hope for a better life to people since 1965, with nearly 20,000 grants awarded, totaling more than US$198 million.

團體研究交換計劃,允許實業和專業的男女人士參與其國外的職業活動。 在1965年, 也設立了 團體研究交換計劃,允許實業和專業的男女人士參與其國外的職業活動。 In 1965, the Group Study Exchange program was also established, enabling business and professional men and women to participate in vocational activities in countries other than their own.

保健、防飢及人道(3-H) 成立於1978年, 創造各式各樣可承擔的發展計劃。 例如孟加拉致力於全國的識字活動。 The Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants program, created in 1978, has made possible a wide range of sustainable development projects, such as the nationwide literacy effort in Bangladesh.

根除小兒麻痺等疾病計劃 是於1985年所提出的。 它採用1988年的目標「至2005年小兒麻痺症免疫」。 The PolioPlus program was launched in 1985. It adopted the goal in 1988 of immunizing all the world’s children against polio by 2005 and has raised more than US$537 million for polio eradication.

In 1994, 在1994年, 西半球宣佈無小兒麻痺症,該區域最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是秘魯的Luis Fermín 。 the Western Hemisphere was declared polio-free; the region’s last polio victim was Luis Fermín of Peru.

永久基金行動始於1996年,開始建構基金的能力以滿足扶輪基金計劃日益增加的需求。 ® The Permanent Fund Initiative began in 1996, to build the fund’s capacity to help meet the increasing demand for the Foundation’s programs.

國際研究扶輪中心。 In 1999, 在1999年, 開設了七個 和平與解決衝突的 seven Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution were established.

宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是柬埔塞的Mum Chanty 。 在2000年西太平洋區域 宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是柬埔塞的Mum Chanty 。 The Western Pacific region was declared polio-free in 2000; its last polio victim was Mum Chanty of Cambodia.

在2001年頒發了低收入國家獎學金集用基金的第一個獎學金。 The first awards were made from the Scholarships Fund Pool for Low-Income Countries in 2001.

In 2002, 在2001年歐洲區域 宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是土耳其的Melik Minas 。 the European region was declared polio-free; its last victim was Melik Minas of Turkey.

蓋茲全球保健獎助金 扶輪基金會 接受從畢爾與瑪琳達蓋茲所提供之 美金一百萬元。 The Foundation received the US$1 million Gates Award for Global Health in 2002 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

一年期之基金籌款運動-實現我們的承諾:根除小兒麻痺- 於2003年結束,至2004 年8月共籌募了美金一億三千多萬元。 The one-year fundraising campaign—Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio— concluded in 2003, raising more than US$130 million by August 2004.

地區簡化獎助金及個人獎助金計劃始於2003年,往後將持續提供扶輪義工及其他個人去規劃與執行服務計劃之用。 The District Simplified Grants and Individual Grants programs began in 2003, the latter providing continued support for Rotary Volunteers and other individuals to plan and carry out service projects.

第一屆扶輪世界和平獎學金學生畢於2004年,包括了這個扶輪國際研究中心其中之一的澳洲昆士蘭大學。 The first class of Rotary World Peace Scholars graduated in 2004, including this one from the Rotary Center for International Studies at the University of Queensland in Australia.

根除小兒痲痺等疾病夥伴獎計劃 在2004年重新提出以便支持全球根除小兒麻痺等疾病所延伸的責任。 The PolioPlus Partners program was relaunched in 2004 with expanded responsibilities in support of global polio eradication.

In 2004, 在2004年, 於永久基金內設立了兒童基金, 鼓勵扶輪社員透過基金會的人道計劃增進對兒童們的幫助。 the Children’s Fund was established within the Permanent Fund, to encourage Rotarians to increase help for children through the Foundation’s humanitarian programs.

每位扶輪社員,每年 運動始於2004年7月1日,激勵每位扶輪社員對扶輪基金會之年度計劃基金作美金一百元或更多的捐獻。 The Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative began on 1 July 2004, encouraging every Rotarian to make an annual contribution of US$100 or more to the Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund.

達成每位扶輪社員捐獻美金一百元的年度捐獻目標方能符合經由全世界扶輪社與地區所尋找到的人道與教育計劃的需求。 Achieving the US$100 per capita annual giving goal will enable the Foundation to meet the need for humanitarian and educational programs identified by Rotary clubs and districts worldwide.

一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 欲了解扶輪基金會 如何改善了全世界人們的生活,請訂購 Learn more about how The Rotary Foundation has improved the lives of people worldwide by ordering a copy of A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. Click here to order