[教學投影片] 國中英語科教材 Thanksgiving 感恩節.


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Presentation transcript:

[教學投影片] 國中英語科教材 Thanksgiving 感恩節

感恩節的由來 在美國和加拿大都會過感恩節 (Thanksgiving Day) ,但不是同一天,美國的感恩節是每年十一月的第四個星期四。美國的感恩節是怎麼來的呢?在西元 1620 年,一群清教徒 (Pilgrims) 帶著他們的家庭,乘著五月花號船 (The Mayflower) 來到現在麻薩諸塞州 (當時還只是英格蘭移民地)的普利茅斯,尋找宗教自由的新天地。他們約有大人和小孩共一百多人,在十一月份時登上新大陸,旅途的勞頓已經讓他們身心俱疲,而且到了一個和以前生活完全不一樣的新環境,又是冰天雪地的冬天,他們沒有足夠的食物過冬,也沒有合適的避寒處所,種種的不適應讓他們之中不少人失去生命。剩下的人好不容易挨過冬天,到了春天正愁不知該如何在此開始生活時,住在附近的美洲原住民,熱情地教這些新移民種美洲的特產-玉米,這是在歐洲大陸所不曾見的主食,另外也教他們如何狩獵和捕魚。這些新移民在原住民的幫助下,並經過辛勤努力之後,到了秋天時他們獲得大豐收,因此他們歡樂慶祝豐收,除了感謝上天賜給他們一年衣食無虞,也邀請原住民朋友一起來慶祝,這就是第一個感恩節。雖然之後的人都會在秋收後慶祝感恩節,但一直都沒有固定的日子。後來在 1863 年美國總統林肯,宣布每年十一月最後一個星期四為感恩節假期;之後感恩節的日期也經過幾次變動,最後直到 1941 才經過國會通過,每年十一月第四個星期四的為國訂感恩節假日。 傳統的感恩節大餐包括了烤火雞,有些家庭是以烤鵝來替代火雞;還有塞在火雞內部的填充佐料 Stuffing ,是用撕成碎片的玉米麵包 (Corn Bread) 、白麵包和芹菜等等做成的;除此之外還有用火雞肉臟煮成的濃稠淋汁 (Gravy) 。另外還有一樣特別的醬汁-小紅莓調味醬汁 (Cranberry Sauce) ,用的就是每年九月和十月時盛產的小紅莓。其他的配菜還包括烤洋芋泥、烤紅薯泥、青豆和比司吉等等。最後的甜點當然有應景的南瓜派,也可以準備核桃派或蘋果派。 每個家庭都會為了感恩節,之前就開始忙碌採購了,除了要準備豐盛的大餐之外,也要準備一些感恩節的裝飾,像是小型的南瓜和彩色玉米,就是很應景的裝飾物。很多家庭在感恩節當天早上會先上教堂,接著回到家裡從中午或下午就開始享用豐盛的火雞大餐,除了家人團聚話家常之外,還有個重要活動就是-大家一起觀賞美式足球比賽。到了晚餐時分如果肚子餓,就把剩下來的火雞肉做成三明治,或是用火雞肉做成火雞肉派,或是把 Stuffing 和火雞肉做成烤菜,這也是把一隻大火雞吃光的其他方法。火雞是美洲大陸特有的禽類,最早住在美洲大陸的原住民,就一直飼養火雞當成食物。每年到了年底的感恩節和聖誕節,就是採購火雞的旺季,超市冷凍櫃中也擺滿了成堆的冷凍火雞。雖然每到感恩節就是火雞結束一生的時刻,但每年卻有一隻幸運的火雞,可以逃過被人們吃掉的命運,因為每年白宮裡的總統都會赦免一隻火雞,讓牠們可以在農場中終老一生,這是個有趣的傳統。 另外在感恩節當天,還有一個重要的活動就是熱鬧的遊行,其中以紐約市梅西百貨 (Macys) 的大遊行最著名,每年電視台都會轉播,讓沒有機會到現場觀賞的人,也可以在家感受遊行的熱鬧。遊行除了有大型的漂浮造型氣球外,還有裝飾美麗的花車,歌唱和舞蹈,另外遊行儀隊和啦啦隊的表演也很精彩。 到了今天,感恩節成了美國人非常重視的家庭節日,在這個假期幾乎每個人都會回家和家人團聚,就像中國人過春節時,在外遊子都會回家一樣。這是一個很溫馨的節日,讓忙碌的現代美國人,還能維繫著和家庭的感情,大家在這一天想想一年中值得感謝的事和人,享受和家人團聚的時刻,這真是一個幸福的日子呢!

Thanksgiving Quiz 1. What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? □ 1621. □ 1777. □ 1849. 2.2. The first Thanksgiving lasted for three days! What didn’t the Pilgrims eat? □ Clams. □ Venison. □ Pumpkin pie. 3. Were Indians invited to the Pilgrim's first feast? □ Yes. □ No. 4.4. The potato is America's most beloved veggie. Why didn't the Pilgrims whip up some mashed potatoes for their big dinner? □ Many Pilgrims were allergic to spuds. □ Potatoes were thought to be poisonous. □ Potatoes weren’t eaten in the U.S. until the early 1800s. 5.5. Which U.S. president scoffed at the idea of a national holiday in honor of the first Thanksgiving? □ George Washington. □ Thomas Jefferson. □ Abraham Lincoln. 6.6. Which president proclaimed the last Thursday in November as the national holiday of Thanksgiving? □ William McKinley.

Activity --- Thanksgiving Puzzle

Activity --- Thanksgiving Crossword

Activity --- Thanksgiving Cut & Paste

Activity --- Thanksgiving Craft (Hands And Feet Turkey) Hands and Feet Turkey Use cut-outs of a child's hands and feet to make this turkey decoration. Young children may need help tracing their hands and feet. This project is rated EASY to do. ※What You Need  ·         Construction paper in brown, tan, orange, red, yellow and white ·         Scissors ·         Glue ·         Wiggle eyes, optional   ※How To Make It  Before you start 1.      Find a place to work, and protect it with a large sheet of paper. 2.      Gather all your materials. 3.      Read all the directions. Making your Hand and Feet Turkey Step 1 - Trace the child's hands and feet Trace two feet (with shoes on) on brown construction paper. Trace two hands on tan construction paper. Trace two hands on red construction paper. Trace two hands on orange construction paper. Trace one hand on yellow construction paper. Step 2 - Cut out all the pieces Cut out all the hand and feet tracings. Step 3 - Make the Body Put the two feet tracings together to make the turkey body and head, matching the heels together, and spreading the bottoms apart as in the illustration. Glue. Cut two feet out of the orange scraps, and cut a diamond shape for the beak. Draw the eyes on white paper and cut them out, or use wiggle eyes. Make the wattle out of red construction paper. Glue them onto the body as shown. Step 4 - Attach the tail Glue the red, orange, and yellow construction paper hands behind the brown body to make the tail. Step 5 - Wings Position the two tan hands to either side to make the turkey's wings and glue them in place. You're Done! Enjoy your decoration. Be sure to put the date on the back, so that in future years you'll be able to know when it was made. Families can have fun making a whole flock of turkeys - and it can also be fun to make from year to year to show how the child has grown.

Activity --- Thanksgiving Card *Take out a piece of color paper. *Write down some words to your family, teachers or friends that you appreciate most. *Attach the paper to the Hands And Feet Turkey that you have made. *Give the card to your family, teachers or friends.