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内容 丹尼斯克公司的简介 丹尼斯克菌种业务 发酵剂 菌粉 终端产品 丹尼斯克在中国


丹尼斯克简介 丹尼斯克是食品配料,酶和生物解决方案的世界领导者。 利用天然原材料,科学知识,为健康安全产品开发和提供生物配料。 格林斯德(丹尼斯克前身)成立于1924年 丹尼斯克集团组建于1989年 股票在哥本哈根交易所上市 雇员数:约6,853名 (2009/10) 销售收入:164亿人民币 /137亿丹麦克郎 (2009/10) 18.37亿欧元 全球性公司: 40个国家有80多个分公司 总部:丹麦哥本哈根

丹尼斯克简介 组织架构

丹尼斯克简介 2009/2010销售额 销售总额:164亿人民币 24.6亿人民币 27.9亿人民币

丹尼斯克简介 Vission-Mission-Strategy Vission: To be the First chioce provider of bio-based ingredients to industry globally. 成为世界上生物源配料的第一供应商 Mission: To help our customers increase their competitiveness through innovative, sustainable and bio-based ingredient solutions that meet market demand for healthier and safer products.通过创新,可持续发展和生物源配料的解决方案提高我们客户的竞争力,满足市场对健康安全产品的需求。 Strategy:To create value through:organic and acquisitive growth by leveraging and strengthening our market access, applications and technology platforms ;talented and engaged people.利用和加强市场准入,应用和技术平台来创造有机增长;重视人才

丹尼斯克简介 —Innovation is key to Danisco 年销售额的6.5%投入研发 2009/10年度投入10.6 人民币(销售总额164亿人民币) 1059名全职研发人员 (2009年10月) 拥有9300多份有效专利(2009年12月)


丹尼斯克菌种 : 在菌种方面有着100年的经验 目标 : 成为世界领先的应用于乳制品和健康食品工业的菌种供应商。 1906 Marschall 的创立 (凝乳酶和菌种培养基) 1907 Visby 实验室的建立 1960 Lacto-Labo 的创立 (加速成熟的菌种) 1981 Eurozyme 的创立 (冷冻干燥的乳酸发酵菌种) 1983 罗纳普朗克并购 Lacto-Labo 1988 罗纳普朗克并购 Eurozyme 1990 罗纳普朗克并购 Marschall Texel 的创立 (合并 Lacto-Labo, Eurozyme 和Marschall), 并100%归属罗纳普朗克 1998 Texel 改为罗地亚食品部门 丹尼斯克收购 Visby (冷冻和冻干菌种) 2004 丹尼斯克收购罗地亚食品并建立丹尼斯克菌种部门 目标 : 成为世界领先的应用于乳制品和健康食品工业的菌种供应商。

通过独特的筛选流程和临床试验评估,开发并提供针对特别情况的益生菌菌株或菌株组合配方 丹尼斯克菌种研发优势:三大技术支柱 主要方面 目标 稳定性 满足客户目标产品的保质期要求 功效性 通过独特的筛选流程和临床试验评估,开发并提供针对特别情况的益生菌菌株或菌株组合配方 应用技术 拓宽益生菌的应用领域

丹尼斯克菌种研发优势: 唯一自有营养健康中心的菌种供应商 丹尼斯克营养健康中心-位于芬兰 Developed own technology, human gut model, EnteroMix®, to determine the mode of action and/or to benchmark functional ingredients 丹尼斯克独有的模拟人体胃肠道微生态条件,并可与体外发酵相结合以研究益生菌,益生原等原料的生理功能 . 在以下方面具有丰富经验 Intestinal microbiology 肠内微生态 Physiology 生理学 Immunology 免疫学 Biochemistry 生物化学 Biomathematics 生物数学 Scientists with over 150 publications 富有经验的科学家及150 多篇学术论文


Cultures Probiotics 终端产品 丹尼斯克菌种产品 Dairy Yogurt and fresh fermented milks YO-MIX™ Yogurt Cultures Cheese CHOOZIT™ Cheese cultures FlavoGard® Kefir-D Meat TEXEL® Meat Cultures Protective Cultures HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures Probiotics 终端产品

丹尼斯克的菌种产品 Cultures

丹尼斯克菌种产品——YO-MIX™ Yogurt Cultures 组成 应用 特点 YO-MIXTM Real Mild 温和型 YO-MIXTM 300系列 嗜热链球菌,保加利亚乳杆菌 低到中等粘度 没有很强的产酸的能力 适应温和口味和后酸稳定特性 YO-MIXTM 400系列 高粘度 YO-MIXTM Real Strong 浓郁型 YO-MIXTM 500系列 传统风味 YO-MIXTM 600系列 YO-MIXTM Real Quik 快速发酵型 YO-MIXTM 700系列 嗜热链球菌,保加利亚乳杆菌,对酸奶质构不具影响的乳双歧杆菌或嗜酸乳杆菌 发酵时间短,较好的后酸控制 YO-MIXTM 800系列 YO-MIXTM Multi Mild 多菌温和型 YO-MIXTM 100系列 嗜热链球菌,保加利亚乳杆菌不同的乳酸杆菌 专为发酵奶设计,温和的口味,后酸低。 YO-MIXTM 200系列

丹尼斯克菌种产品—— CHOOZIT™ Cheese cultures 应用 效果 CHOOZITTM DVI lactic cultures CHOOZITTM Mesophilic Acid Cultures Cheddar, cottage, feta and Dutch 质构和风味的形成 CHOOZITTM Thermophilic Acid Cultures Mozzarella, emmenthal and stabilised soft cheeses CHOOZITTM Thermophilic/Mesophilic blends Semi-hard and hard cheeses CHOOZIT™ FLAV Adjunct Cultures 风味的增加,缩短成熟时间 CHOOZIT™ Ripening Cultures CHOOZITTM P.Roqueforti Blue mould cheeses 风味,色泽的形成 CHOOZITTM PC White mould cheeses CHOOZITTM Geotrichum Soft cheeses CHOOZITTM Yeasts Mix and smear cheeses and soft cheeses CHOOZITTM Brevibacteria Red smear cheeses

丹尼斯克菌种产品—— FlavoGard® 成分:High aminopeptidase yielding strain of Lactococcus lactis subsp. Crem 应用: Hard and semi-hard type, in particular low fat cheese and aged Cheddar 功效: Bitterness prevention 抑制苦味 Texture improvement of low fat cheese 低脂奶酪质构改善

丹尼斯克菌种产品——Kefir-D cultures Product Benefit Application Kefir D cultures Fresh flavour Fizzy mouthfeel Kefir drinks HOWARU® Bifido Kefir Probiotic benefits Probiotic kefir drinks

丹尼斯克菌种产品——TEXEL® Meat Cultures 一系列的直投式发酵剂,有助于肉制品色泽,质构和风味的形成和其中的微生物的质量。 产品 应用 功效 TEXEL® maturation starters Dry and semi-dry cured meats, cooked meats, fresh ground meats 控制酸化程度,质地,色泽和风味的形成 TEXEL® surface starters Dry and semi-dry cured meats 适用于各种肠衣的形成 不同厚度和类型的表册南方形成

丹尼斯克菌种产品—— HOLDBAC™ Protective Cultures 成分 应用 效果 HOLDBAC™ YM-C Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii  Lactobacillus paracasei 弗氏丙酸杆菌谢氏亚种, 副干酪乳杆菌 Yoghurt, Fresh Cheese,Sour cream,Cottage Cheese etc. 控制酵母和霉菌的生长,和一些异型乳酸菌的生长。 HOLDBAC™ YM-B Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. Shermanii Lactobacillus rhamnosus 鼠李糖乳杆菌 HOLDBAC™ Listeria Soft and smear cheese, dry and semi-dry cured meats, cooked and fresh ground meats 抑制李斯特菌的生长。 HOLDBAC™ LC Hard and semi-hard cheese 抑制某些不理想的菌种的生长,包括明串珠菌、肠球菌和异型发酵乳杆菌。

丹尼斯克的菌种产品 Probiotics

丹尼斯克菌种产品——FloraFIT® Customizable Probiotics Versatility is the name of the game with FloraFIT probiotics. 多功能性 Our FloraFIT cultures are trusted by many of the world’s leading manufacturers of dietary supplements and nutritionals. 受到许多膳食补充剂和营养品领先生产商的信任 It’s up to you to decide what you want us to provide - whether that’s your own customized formulation or, if you prefer to do your own blending, individual culture concentrates. 选择自己定制配方或是单个菌株 Using FloraFIT, your final products will not only meet the specific needs of your customers, they will quite simply be one of a kind. 不仅满足客户的特定需求,也会将是独一无二的产品

FloraFIT® single strains Taxonomy Strain name Maximum concentration Application Bifidobacterium breve Bb-03 300B CFU/gm Dietary Supplements Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-07 Dietary Supplements, Nutritionals Bl-04 450B CFU/gm Dietary Supplements, Nutritionals, Food Bifidobacterium longum Bl-05 100B CFU/gm Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 200B CFU/gm Lactobacillus brevis Lbr-35 Lactobacillus bulgaricus Lb-64 50B CFU/gm Lactobacillus casei Lc-11 Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 400B CFU/gm Lactococcus lactis Li-23 500B CFU/gm Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115 Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32 Lactobacillus salivarius Ls-33 Streptococcus thermophilus St-21

最新发表的BI07对过敏性皮炎(AD)的抑制 Internatioanal Jounal of Probiotics and Prebotics. Vol.5.No.2.pp.53-60,2010 Probiotics to young children with atopic dermatitis: a randomized placebo-controlled trial R Gobel, N Larsen, C Molgaard, M Jakobsen and KF Michaelsen University of Copenhagen, Denmark 丹麦哥本哈根大学 Purpose: Evaluate the clinical and immunological changes of AD after consumption of Danisco’s probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bi-07™. 目的:评估服用丹尼斯克NCFM和Bi-07后,异位性皮炎(湿疹) 的临床和免疫学上的变化。

最新发表的BI07对过敏性皮炎(AD)的抑制 The study involved a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled intervention in which fifty children with AD, aged 7-24 months, were given supplements containing either Danisco’s L. acidophilus NCFM® (1010 CFU/day), B. lactis Bi-07™ (1010 CFU/day) or a placebo for 8 weeks. 双盲,随机,安慰剂对照。 50个婴儿,7-24个月大。 分别服用丹尼斯NCFM(1010 CFU/day),Bi-07(1010 CFU/day) 8个月   Results showed a significant reduction in severity of AD in the Bi-07™ group, together with an improved ratio of IFN-γ and IL-10. The possibility of beneficial immunological effects of this B. lactis Bi-07™ probiotic strain in young children could be of great interest. 乳双歧杆菌Bi-07能明显缓解婴幼儿异位性皮炎(湿疹)症状,食用后体内免疫相关细胞 因子IL-10(人白细胞介素10)和IFN-γ(干扰素-γ)等的比率也显著增加,并且没有副作用。

FloraFIT® customers' products Metabolic Health Labs Daily PRObiotic Available in North America This product and these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

FloraFIT® customers' products Metabolic Health Labs Daily PRObiotic Available in North America The most important benefits Daily PRObiotic product offers are: Assisting in the critical synthesis of vitamins and the absorption of nutrients from our food intake 有助于维生素的合成,营养的吸收 Protection against infections as it is harder for harmful bacteria and other pathogens to inhabit the host 保护免受感染 The stimulation of the body's own natural immune defense as the gut is the center of the body's immunity 刺激人体先天性免疫系统 By helping to promote regularity, they help the body rid itself of toxins 清理毒素 Prevention of an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vaginal flora, protecting against vaginosis and yeast infections 抑制阴道中有害菌的过度繁殖

FloraFIT® customers' products Healthy Origins® Probiotic 30 Billion CFU's Available in USA & Canada Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Vcap   Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Blend of probiotic strains 30 Billion CFU's † Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 12 Billion CFU's Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 Lactobacillus casei Lc-11 1 Billion CFU's Bifidobacterium breve Bb-03 Lactobacillus salivarius Ls-33 Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115 Bifidobacterium longum Bl-05 Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32 *Daily Value not established. Other Ingredients Vegetable Capsule (Cellulose, water), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, silicon Dioxide. No Sugar, Salt, Yeast, Wheat, Starch, Corn, Fish, Shellfish, Nuts, Tree Nuts, or Egg. Contains minimal residual amounts of dairy, soy, and gluten, peptides which are used in the fermentation process. 

FloraFIT® customers' products Healthy Origins® Probiotic 30 Billion CFU's Available in USA & Canada Description 100% Natural 纯天然 Supports a healthy digestive and immune system 维护肠道健康和免疫能力 8 strains and 30 billion colony forming units 8种菌株,300亿cfu Stomach acid resistant 耐胃酸 A dietary supplement Florafit Suggested Use As a dietary supplement, take one Vcap once or twice daily with or before meals.

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Premium Probiotics Immune modulation Immune modulation Gut health

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Premium Probiotics HOWARU® single strains Taxonomy Strain designation Commercial name Concentration Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® HOWARU Dophilus 200B CFU/gm Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 HOWARU Bifido 300B CFU/gm Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 HOWARU Rhamnosus 450B CFU/gm

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Premium Probiotics HOWARU® proprietary blends HOWARU Restore Composition Required daily dose Concentration Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 B. lactis Bi-07 Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-02 40B CFU/day 200B CFU/gm HOWARU Protect Composition Required daily dose Concentration B. lactis Bi-07 Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM 10B CFU/day 200B CFU/gm HOWARU Balance Composition Required daily dose Concentration B. lactis HN019 Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM 10B CFU/day 200B CFU/gm

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Dophilus 维护健康的有益菌和有益微生态的平衡 增强有益的微生态 对胃肠道的病原菌有抑制作用,减少人体疾病发生的风险因子 支持健康的消化功能 辅助乳制品乳糖的吸收,预防乳糖不耐症

HOWARU® Dophilus HOWARU® 嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM “North Carolina Food Microbiology”, the research laboratory at North Carolina State University (NCSU) where this successful isolation took place. 在北美市场上应用超过30年,国际上使用超过15年 > 80篇文献 唯一全基因序列发表的嗜酸乳杆菌 ATCC:SD5221

Overview of Howaru® Dophilus (NCFM®) studies Howaru® 嗜酸乳杆菌研究综述 (NCFM®) Selection 选择 Safety 安全 Immune modulation Improved immune functions 免疫调节 增进免疫能力 Intestinal health Improved intestinal functionality 肠健康 改善肠功能 In vitro 体外试验 In vivo animal trial 体外和动物试验 Human studies人体临床 Tolerance towards acid and bile 酸和胆汁耐受性 Safely consumed for over 30 years 安全消费超过30年 Reduced colonic hyperplasia in mice 减少小鼠的小肠细菌增生 Reduction lmakers of colorectal cancer 降低大肠癌的发生率 Increases fecal levels of beneficial lactobacilli 增加人粪便中有益乳酸菌数量 Adherence to intestinal epithelium 附着在肠上皮细胞 No translocation 无转移 Enhances immune response in immune-deficient and pathogen-challenged mice 提高具有免疫缺陷和受到病菌感染的小鼠的免疫能力 Antagonises pathogens in mice 抗菌作用 Improves metabolic activity of intestinal microflora 改善肠道菌群的代谢作用 No transferable antibiotic resistance 无可转换的抗生素耐受 Good technological properties 良好的技术属性 Reduces Candida infections 减少念球菌的感染 Reduces lactose intolerance symptoms 减轻乳糖不耐症 Identification (genome sequenced) 鉴定(基因组序) Safe for human consumption 人类消费安全 Reduced risk for non-infectious diseases 减少非感染性疾病的风险 Reduced risk for infections 减少感染的风险 Prevention of intestinal Malfunctions 防止肠功能异常

NCFM - 增加肠道有益菌数量 Ten human subjects participated in the study. There were five males and five females, ages 20–47 years, including two vegetarians. 10人,5男5女,包括2名素食者 年龄:20-47 Three periods: An initial 2-week baseline period; 最初的2周的基线期 (2)The ‘premix’ treatment period during which each subject consumes 1010 cells of L. acidophilus NCFM (a generous gift from Rhodia Inc., Madison, WI, USA) premixed with 240 ml skim milk; 2周的治疗期,服用加入了1010 cfu的L. acidophilus NCFM 240ml的脱脂牛奶。 (3) A 2-week washout period immediately after the premix treatment.2周的洗脱期 During each period, two to four faecal samples were collected and analysed. SuI, et al. 2002. J. Appl. Microbiol. 93: 907-912.

NCFM - 增加肠道有益菌数量 Conclusions: The probiotic L. acidophilus NCFM can survive through the human GI tract, but cannot colonize itself during the two-week consumption. 能够在人体肠道中存活,但是并不能在两周的服用期间繁殖。

NCFM -降低肠道菌源酶的活性 Twenty-one subjects, 16 women and five men. The mean age for the men was 29.2 yr and for the women 27.9 yr with no subject older than 33 yr. 21人,16女(平均年龄27.9),5男(平均年龄29.2),没有一个人超过33岁。 Five experimental periods: 4wk of a control period; 4wk of plain milk feeding; 4 wk of control, without any dietary supplements; 4 wk of milk containing 2 x 106/ml viable L acidophilus NCFM(500ml/day); 4 wk of control, without any supplements. Three bacterial enzymes were assayed: β-glucuronidase, nitroreductase, and azoreductase . β葡糖苷酸酶,硝基还原酶和偶氮还原酶 Goldin et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1984; 39:756-761

NCFM -降低肠道菌源酶的活性 Reductions of 2- to 4-fold in the activities of the three fecal enzymes were observed only during the period of lactobacilli feeding. 只有在服用嗜酸乳杆菌期间,三种酶的活力下降了2-4倍。

NCFM - 改善乳糖吸收 未接种的牛奶 添加NCFM的牛奶 结果 腹痛, 腹胀, 腹气, 痉挛, 肠胃胀气, 腹部发出隆隆声的组合症状 Twenty children (9 boys and 11 girls, ages 5 to 16 yr), who were documented to hve lactose malgigestion 结果 未接种的牛奶 添加NCFM的牛奶 摄入NCFM后,症状改善 Montes, et al. 1995. J Dairy Sci 78:1657-1664 腹痛, 腹胀, 腹气, 痉挛, 肠胃胀气, 腹部发出隆隆声的组合症状

HOWARU® customers' products Poland OSM Piątnica HOWARU® Dophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM)

HOWARU® customers' products USA Yocream High Culture™ Frozen Yogurt with HOWARU® Dophilus Premium Probiotics 1 billion L. acidophilus NCFM™ probiotics bacteria per serving 1×109 L. acidophilus NCFM Supports good digestive health 维持良好的消化 Improves intestinal microbial balance 增进肠道菌群平衡 Aids in the digestion of dairy products 有助于增进日常消化 Inhibits harmful bacteria and promotes improved digestion 抑制有害菌

HOWARU® customers' products USA Attune Attune® wellness bar with HOWARU® probiotics The probiotics in Attune have been clinically tested to support a healthy digestive system and a strong immune system. 肠道健康,增强免疫能力 Attune wellness bars also include prebiotics, which support healthy digestive function and work in harmony with probiotics. 益生元 These include Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus casei Lc-11 and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019.

HOWARU® customers' products BioNeed Nutritionals Corp BIO-260™ Available in Taiwan

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Bifido 促进肠道蠕动,胃肠道的运载功能 改善肠道舒适性(疼痛,胀气,便秘) 帮助/维护/补充肠道微生态 增强有益的,健康的微生态 支持食物消化功能

HOWARU® Bifido HOWARU® 乳双歧HN019 A fruit of a five-year research project conducted by the New Zealand Milk and Health Research Centre, the New Zealand Dairy Research Institute and other internationally renowned health researchers. Bifidobacterium lactis HN019,originating from dairy. 来源于乳制品 The scientific name of the strain is Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis subsp.nov.HN019

Overview of Howaru® Bifido (HN019) studies Howaru® 乳双歧研究综述 (HN019) Selection 选择 Safety 安全 Immune modulation Improved immune functions 免疫调节 增进免疫能力 Intestinal health Improved intestinal functionality 肠健康 改善肠功能 In vitro 体外试验 In vivo animal trial 体外和动物试验 Human studies人体临床 Tolerance towards acid and bile 酸和胆汁耐受性 No acute oral toxicity 无急性口服毒性 Increased resistance to infection 增强感染抵抗力 Improved natural immune response. Natural killer cell activity-phagocytosis 增强先天性免疫能力。NK细胞的杀菌作用 Improved microecology of the gut ,increase in lactobacilli & bifidobacteria levels 改善肠道微生态,提高乳酸菌和双歧杆菌的数量 Adherence to intestinal epithelium 附着在肠上皮细胞 No translocation 无转移 Improved natural immune response 增强先天性免疫能力 No degradation of gastric mucin 对肠粘膜无降解 Improved acquired immunity antibody response 增强获得性免疫能力 Identification 鉴定 No transferable antibiotic resistance 无可转换的抗生素耐受 Reduced risk for non-infectious diseases 减少非感染性疾病的风险 Prevention of intestinal Malfunctions 防止肠功能异常 Safe for human consumption 人类消费安全 Reduced risk for infections 减少感染的风险

Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 提高非特异性免疫能力 设计:三个阶段,前期干预,为期九个星期。 组织者:台北医学院附属医院 对象:50名台湾人(41-81岁,平均年龄60) Interventions: Stage 1 (run-in diet): 25g/200 mL reconstituted LFM powder, twice daily for 3 weeks. Stage 2 (probiotic intervention): LFM(Group A: n=27) or LFM-LH(Group B: n=23), supplemented with 109 CFUs/g L. rhamnosus HN001 in each case, for 3 weeks. Stage 3 (wash-out): LFM for 3 weeks. 检测结果:体外中性粒细胞的吞噬作用;天然杀伤细胞的肿瘤破坏作用。 Chiang et al. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 2000, 54:849-855.

Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 提高非特异性免疫能力 PMN cell phagocytosis NK cell tumour killing activity

Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 改善粪便中双歧杆菌和乳酸杆菌的数量 HOWARU Bifido Gopal,et al 2003. Nutr. Res. 23:1313-1328.

Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 对健康成年人肠道运载时间的影响 地点:美国德克萨斯州 100个位胃肠道症状的受试者(平均44岁,64%的女性,60%的黑人)随机分成三组,一组每天摄入1010CFU的HN019(高剂量;n=34),一组摄入109CFU(低剂量;n=34),和安慰剂组(n=33),为期44天。 肠道运载时间由第0.14天的X射线测得(摄的胶囊中含有放射性标志物) 进食频率和种类由受试者日志进行评估 消化道症状频率(打嗝,恶心,腹泻,胀气,便秘,反胃,腹痛,和不规律排便)在使用补充剂前后记录下来。

在运转周期试验中,健康成年人摄入14天 HN019后的变化 Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 对健康成年人肠道运载时间的影响 在运转周期试验中,健康成年人摄入14天 HN019后的变化 平均肠道运载时间在高剂量(从49±30降低到21±32小时,p<0.001)和低剂量组 (60±33至41±39小时,p=0.01)降低,但是安慰剂组(43±31至44±33小时)不变。

Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 对健康成年人肠道运载时间的影响 在记录下来的9种消化道症状中,高剂量改善了8种症状,低剂量组改善了7种,而安慰剂组仅改善了2种症状。

HOWARU® customers' products Poland Bakoma BACTIV HOWARU Bifido

HOWARU® customers' products Metabolic Maintenance Probiotic Immune with HOWARU® Available in USA Enhancing immune function without an increased risk of an inflammatory response.

HOWARU® customers' products XYMOGEN® ProbioMax DF™ Available in USA & Canada

HOWARU® Rhamnosus HOWARU® 鼠李糖HN001 New Zealand Dairy Research Institute, Originally isolated from a cheddar cheese produced in New Zealand and has been consumed as part of dairy products for more than 20 years. 切达干酪,20多年 The studies revealed that Rhamnosus HN001 satisfies the most stringent requiements for probiotic properties.Great attention was paid to the strain’s immune-enhancing properties, which have been documented in several studies. Australian Government Analytical Laboratories (AGAL) deposit number NM97/09514

Overview of Howaru® Rhamnosus(HN001) studies Howaru® 鼠李糖研究综述 (HN001) Selection 选择 Safety 安全 Immune modulation Improved immune functions 免疫调节 增进免疫能力 Intestinal health Improved intestinal functionality 肠健康 改善肠功能 Safety 安全 In vitro 体外试验 In vivo animal trial 体外和动物试验 Human studies人体临床 Tolerance towards acid and bile 酸和胆汁耐受性 No acute oral toxicity 无急性口服毒性 Increased resistance to infection 增强感染抵抗力 Improved natural immune response. Natural killer cell activity-phagocytosis 增强先天性免疫能力。NK细胞的杀菌作用 Improved microecology of the gut ,increase in lactobacilli & bifidobacteria levels 改善肠道微生态,提高乳酸菌和双歧杆菌的数量 No adverse side effects in numerous human studies, including infants 在许多临床研究中对人体无副作用,包括婴儿。 No translocation 无转移 Adherence to intestinal epithelium 附着在肠上皮细胞 Improved natural immune response 增强先天性免疫能力 No degradation of gastric mucin 对肠粘膜无降解 Reduced incidence & severity of atopic eczema 降低湿疹的发生率和严重度 Improved acquired immunity antibody response 增强获得性免疫能力 No transferable antibiotic resistance 无可转换的抗生素耐受 Good technological properties 良好的技术属性 No risk of auto-immune diseases Identification 鉴定 No risk of platelet aggregation

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 提高人体先天性免疫能力 目的:为了验证口服普通的低脂牛奶和乳糖水解后的低脂牛奶中的HN001对天然免疫细胞的作用。 设计:三个阶段,前期干预,为期九个星期。 组织者:台北医学院附属医院 对象:52名中年到老年的志愿者(17名男性,35名女性,平均年龄63.5,44-80岁) Interventions: Stage 1 (run-in diet): 25g/200 mL reconstituted LFM powder, twice daily for 3 weeks. Stage 2 (probiotic intervention): LFM(Group A: n=25) or LFM-LH(Group B: n=27), supplemented with 109 CFUs/g L. rhamnosus HN001 in each case, for 3 weeks. Stage 3 (wash-out): LFM for 3 weeks. 检测结果:体外中性粒细胞的吞噬作用;天然杀伤细胞的肿瘤破坏作用。

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 提高人体先天性免疫能力 服用HN001后,两组的PMN的吞噬作用增加了19%和15%,天然杀伤白细胞的肿瘤破坏活性提高了71%和147%。

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 对AD的作用 Objective: To determine whether probiotic supplementation in early life could prevent development of eczema and atopy at 2 years. 确定是否在生命早期补充益生菌能够防止两年后的湿疹的发生。 方法:双盲,随机,安慰剂对照。 孕妇随机服用,从怀孕35周到产后六个月。母乳喂养婴儿。她们的婴儿继续服用,从 出生到两岁大。 There were 2 treatment groups who received either L rhamnosus HN001 (6ⅹ109cfu /d; n=157) or B animalis subsp lactis HN019 (9ⅹ109 cfu /d; n=158), placebo (n=159) Eczema prevalence from birth to 2 years was defined using the UK Working Party’s Diagnostic Criteria for atopic dermatitis modified for use in infants. Eczema severity from birth to 2 years was assessed by using SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) in all children regardless of their eczema diagnosis (as defined). SCORAD was analyzed dichotomously using a cutoff≥10 to exclude those with trivial rash. All staff were trained to apply SCORAD in a standardized way.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 对AD的作用

Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 对AD的作用 Results: Infants receiving L rhamnosus HN001 had a significantly reduced risk of developing eczema by 2 years (14.8%) compared with infants in the placebo group (26.8%; Table II; Fig 2). The risk of developing SCORAD≥10 was significantly reduced by 2 years in the L rhamnosus HN001 group (Table II; Fig 3). In contrast, there was no effect of B animalis subsp lactis HN019 on eczema prevalence or SCORAD≥10 by 2 years (Table II; Figs 2 and 3).

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Restore 五株菌的组合配方 含乳酸乳杆菌,双歧杆菌和干酪乳杆菌 Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04(5×109 cfu), B. lactis Bi-07 (5×109 cfu), Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM (5×109 cfu), Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 (5×109 cfu) Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-02 (5×109 cfu)

HOWARU ® Restore 对服用抗生素的成年人肠道菌群的影响 肠道中整体菌群的恢复 数据说明在该益生菌组合能帮助维持或促进抗生素治疗肠道菌群整体的数量

HOWARU ® Restore 对服用抗生素的成年人肠道菌群的影响 肠道中双歧杆菌的恢复 数据说明在该益生菌组合能帮助维持或促进抗生素治疗后肠道中双歧杆菌的数量

HOWARU ® Restore publication Journal of Medical Microbiology Volume 58, Pages 663-670 “Probiotics to minimize the disruption of faecal microbiota in healthy subjects undergoing antibiotic therapy” Pubished May, 2009

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Restore 健康声明 在服用抗生素或治疗期间,帮助维护补充肠道微生态 在服用抗生素或治疗期间,帮助维护补充肠道中双歧杆菌的数量 维护有益的健康的细菌 Target Audience 因为抗生素的使用(全球每年超过9亿),经受肠道菌群紊乱的中年人或是老年。 Dose 40B CFU/day Bulk Culture Capsules: 20B CFU/capsule. Recommended 2 capsules daily 10 Capsule Blister Plates Sachets Vanilla Flavored: 20B CFU/sachet. Recommended 2 sachets daily

HOWARU® customers' products GO Healthy GO Probiotic 40 Billion HOWARU® Restore Available in New Zealand 抗生素,避孕药,酒精和压力会造成肠道有益菌和有害菌的紊乱。 含有HOWARU Restore 5株热稳定,耐胃酸的菌株。 GO Healthy GO Antibiotic Support HOWARU® Restore Available in New Zealand 抗生素治疗后,保持和恢复肠道有益菌群

HOWARU® customers' products MILSING d.o.o. BIORELA® BIORELA® Baby Available in Ex-Yugoslavian Countries: Croatia, Serbia, etc.

HOWARU® customers' products MILSING d.o.o. BIORELA® BIORELA® Baby Available in Ex-Yugoslavian Countries: Croatia, Serbia, etc.

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Protect 嗜酸乳杆菌 NCFM 和双歧杆菌 Bl07组成

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Protect Lead Investigator 组织者: Professor Shuguang Li, Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Medical College of TONGJI University, Shanghai China 上海同济大学医学院预防医学系 The study was conducted at a Kindergarten of Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province in China. 试验在中国浙江金华市幼儿园进行 N=326 enrolled, 248 completed the study (Placebo:92; single strain, 77; and 2 strain, 79).326位注册学员,248位完成了该试验 (92位安慰剂;77位服用单菌株;79位服用双菌株) Guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) for cold/flu symptoms were followed.按照国际卫生组织感冒/流感症状控制

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Protect 26周,双盲、安慰剂对照 255人分三组(85 人服用安慰剂, 85 人单菌株 #1, 85 双菌株 #2)255人分三组 中国浙江金华幼儿园,3-5岁儿童 每天分两次摄入7.5 x 109 益生菌 产品形式: 粉末小包,葡萄糖为稀释剂 时间: November 2005-May 2006 Control, n=85 L. acidophilus NCFM®, n=85 50% B. lactis Bi-07 and 50% L. acidophilus NCFM®, n=85 Week 0 26 调查摄入益生菌与严重疾病的发生率,持续时间及严重程度的关系。包括:耳痛;胃痛、头痛、流鼻涕、喉咙痛、感冒、等等。由于患病而缺席的时间、患病所用的药物、或退烧药都记录在案。

Symptom Incidence Reduction 各种症状的下降比率 Graph displays the relative risk reduction of developing one of the symptoms during the six-month period. 图表显示在六个月其间症状发生下降比率

Symptom Duration 症状持续时间 Cumulative duration of symptoms was modeled using linear regression as a function of study group and age. 1-strain group had a 2 day reduction in duration, and the two-strain group a 3.2 day reduction. 症状的累积持续时间对试验组及年龄用线性模拟。单菌株组持续时间平均减少2天而双菌株组则减少3.2天

结论 与对照组相比: 服用益生菌产品的儿童患流感如伤风、咳嗽、流涕的症状大大降低。 症状的持续天数大大减少 大大减少由于感冒症状而服用抗生素 服用单菌株的儿童数量减少三倍 服用菌株组合组的儿童数量减少五倍 显示出嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM和双歧杆菌Bi-07的优越的组合效应

丹尼斯克菌种产品——HOWARU® Protect Target Audience: Children who are exposed to day care, preschool and school settings where the flu and common cold are prevalent. 幼儿园,学前班和在学校中的儿童,这些地方病毒性感冒和普通感冒流行的地方。 Dose 10B CFU/day Bulk Culture Capsules: 10B CFU/capsule. One capsule per day. Chewable Tablets (Grape Flavored ): 5B CFU/tablet. Two tablets per day. Sticks (Strawberry Flavored): 10B CFU/stick. One stick per day.

HOWARU® customers' products GO Healthy GO Probiotic 10 Billion for kids Available in New Zealand 维护免疫系统天然的免疫防御系统和肠道健康菌群,也可以在抗生素治疗后,维持和肠道健康菌群。 含有HOWARU protect 两株热稳定,耐胃酸的菌株。 1ⅹ109 活菌数 Lactobacillus acidopjilus Bifidobacterium lactis

HOWARU® customers' products Cambert Kordel’s Protect Available in Malaysia Protect Probiotic is an immune booster which is scientifically formulated with patented. It contains 10 billion CFU of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07. Protect Probiotics supports immune health among children. 维护儿童免疫系统的健康 It helps to build a stronger immune defence in your child to fight against cold and flu virus. 有助于建立一个较强的免疫防御系统,抵抗感冒病毒 It can significantly reduce fever, cough, or runny nose incidences. It also reduces the duration of symptoms and number of day's absence from school. 显著降低发热,咳嗽和流鼻涕的发病率,也会降低发病持续时间和旷课数 Dosage: Children below two : 1 sachet per day Adults and children above two : 1-2 sachets per day Pack Size: 30 sachets

NCFM与HN019的组合 Designed for adults ages 18 to 55 18到55岁的成年人 Help older adults and seniors maintain their natural immunity and an efficient digestive system — both of which are necessary for sustaining a healthy, active lifestyle. 帮助老年人和中年人维持先天性免疫功能和一个有效地肠道系统。 Formulated with a higher bifidobacteria to lactobacilli ratio, plus a unique prebiotic fiber, Litesse® polydextrose. 较高的双歧杆菌和嗜酸杆菌的比例,益生元Litesse® 聚葡萄糖

Benefits: Kid and senior friendly format 孩子喜欢的样式 Fun shape, easy to consume 有趣的外型,容易消化 Great tasting vanilla flavor 香草口味 Sugar free 无糖 Room temperature stable 室温下稳定 Unique matrix specially protects the probiotics* 特殊的基质保护益生菌 Each vanilla-flavored bear is made sugar free with XIVIA™, which is clinically proven to improve oral health by reducing dental plaqueXylitol, and fortified with vitamin D3 木糖醇,维他命D

HOWARU® customers' products CVS Pharmacy CVS Digestive Probiotic Capsules Available in USA CVS/Pharmacy Digestive Probiotic helps replenish good bacteria and promote a general feeling of well-being. Our blend of probiotics has been scientifically shown to strengthen and support your body's natural digestive and immune health. (These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.) 增强和维持消化功能和免疫功能 Probiotic Blend (10 Billion CFUs) Lactobacillus Acidophilus NCFM, Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019. Other Ingredients: Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate (Vegetable Source), Silicon Dioxide.

HOWARU® customers' products Ta'am Teva Altman YOMI Probiotic Bears (via Anlit Advanced Nutrition) Available in Israel SUPPLEMENTS FACTS: *Serving Size 1 bear, average weight 2.8gr   OTHER INGREDIENTS: Sugar, Vegetable fat, Nutritional Fibers, Lecithin (E322), Natural flavors. RECOMMENDED DAILY DOSAGE: 2-4 bears a day. When on antibiotics: 1-2 tablets per day after meals for two to three weeks after medication. INGREDIENT Amount per serving* Lactobacillus acidophilus 300,000,000 Bifidobacterium bifidum 100,000,000 Fibers (FOS) 200 mg

HOWARU® customers' products Canada Loblaws Pro Avantage This great - tasting creamy yogurt offer the benefits of PROBIOTICS, with the presence of 1 billion live HOWARU cultures in every 100g serving. 1×109 HOWARU cultures/100g The PC Pro Avantage Stirred Yogurt is available in 8 x 100g cups in the following delicious flavors: Strawberry/ vanilla, Strawberry/Banana, and Raspberry/Blueberry.

HOWARU® customers' products Ghana Fan Milk YOGO WITH HOWARU On February 1, 2005, Fan Milk Limited relaunched YOGO onto the Ghanaian market. The relaunched Yogo is a yoghurt containing the HOWARU probiotic culture, when eaten daily helps your body help itself. The HOWARU culture contains friendly micro organisms which add health benefits to Yogo. Some of these benefits are: • Improving the digestive process. 增进消化 • Lowering of cholesterol in the body. 降低胆固醇 • Enhancing the body’s immune system. 提高免疫能力

HOWARU® customers' products Slovenia Ljubljanske mlekarne Netherland Albert Hejn

HOWARU® customers' products United Kingdom Mark and Spencer A range of probiotic fruit smoothies, all free from artificial flavours, colours, preservatives and sweeteners Probiotic smoothies Probiotic shots A range of one-a-day probiotic shots, in three fruity flavours, raspberry, strawberry and blueberry. They are less than two per cent fat and are naturally sweetened with apple juice. Probiotic yogurts All Marks & Spencer yoghurt ranges contain probiotic cultures from our Extremely Fruity and Count on us ranges to our Organic and Natural plain yoghurts.

HOWARU® customers' products USA Purity's great-tasting 1% Sweet Acidophilus Milk contains natural cultures clinically proven to help strengthen the body's immune system.

代谢综合症 新:益生菌与慢性代谢综合症(2010.11.30乳酸菌大会) 慢性代谢性疾病的定义 5项中有3项异常即可确诊 1.腰围超标 Elevated waist curcumference (population & country specific defination) 2.血脂升高 Elevated blood triglycerides (more than 150 mg/dL) 3.HDL-Cholesterol低(less than 40 mg/dL, in males &50 mg/dL, in females) 4.血压升高Elevated blood pressure (systoilc more than 130 mm Hg and/or diastolic more than 85 mm/Hg) 5.空腹血糖升高Elevated fasting glucose (more than 100 mg/dL)

B.lactis 420—改善慢性代谢性疾病 慢性代谢性疾病与“炎症”有关 我们的假设是“炎症的发生是由于”肠漏“造成 例如脂多糖(LPS)会由肠道中漏到机体 Bifidobacterium lactis 420,从乳制品中分离,长期的安全食用历史。 研究多年,显示出: 改善上皮细胞的完整 抗炎特性 替代病原体在粘膜粘附

B.lactis 420—改善慢性代谢性疾病 Normal diet or High fat diet (HFD) Study set-up, mice model 4wk 8wk 10wk Normal diet or High fat diet (HFD) Wild type mice Randomization B.Lactis 420 at 108, 109, 1010 cfu or vechile Glucose tolerance, body scan, blood markers Insulin action, tissue weight, blood markers

结果总结 B.lactis 420 降低脂肪量 对肠膜脂肪组织有显著效果 主要是减少血浆中脂蛋白的量从而减少组织炎症 效果与剂量有关而且可重复


丹尼斯克在中国的发展 1995 进入中国。 昆山建立工厂和应用中心, 主要生产销售各类食品添加剂与相关产品,并提供技术服务。 1995 进入中国。 昆山建立工厂和应用中心, 主要生产销售各类食品添加剂与相关产品,并提供技术服务。 2002 丹尼斯克(中国)有限公司昆山香精分厂投产。 2003 丹尼斯克与河南天冠合资成立丹尼斯克天冠(南阳)有限公司。 2004 丹尼斯克公司与河南汤阴豫鑫有限责任公司合资成立丹尼斯克公司甜味剂(安阳)有限责任公司 。 生产木糖醇和木糖 2006 丹尼斯克(张家港)亲水胶体有限公司开业 丹尼斯克·杰能科无锡新工厂正式投产,不但为中国市场,还将向整个亚太地区提供酶制品。 丹尼斯克上海中心开幕 丹尼斯克收购北京弗蒙特的菌种业务,成立了丹尼斯克(北京)菌种有限公司,在北京大兴区黄村 镇工业开发区新建菌种工厂。 2010 丹尼斯克菌种工厂是全球益生菌顶级供应商在亚太区唯一具有生产普通食品和保健食品的资质和配 套设施的工厂。 2011 美国化工业巨头杜邦公司宣布,将以63亿美元的价格收购丹麦食品配料商丹尼斯克公司。

丹尼斯克在中国 — 丹尼斯克在中国的分支 大兴菌种工厂 北京销售处 安阳木糖醇厂 张家港CMC厂 昆山总部 上海销售处 广州销售处 北京销售处 华北 North China 华中 Middle China 华南 South China 上海销售处 昆山总部 大兴菌种工厂 安阳木糖醇厂 张家港CMC厂 乳化剂,食品功能性配料 无锡杰能科酶制剂厂 南阳黄原胶厂

丹尼斯克的上海中心 2008年4月正式开幕 面积约5600平方米的五层大楼,约100名员工。 能给中国食品企业客户提供新产品开发、中试、技术讲座 培训等便捷而全面的服务。 乳品与饮料、冰淇淋应用实验室 菌种、焙烤、糖果、果酱、甜点、啤酒、肉制品、 食品安全保鲜、噬菌体检测等实验室 食品配料销售处。 杰能科和动物营养的销售处、感官测试实验室 关于生物技术和酶制剂开发的全新的研发中心

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 丹尼宝贝 产品成分:嗜酸乳杆菌、乳双歧杆菌、鼠李糖乳杆菌、乳铁蛋白、低聚果糖; 使用年龄:1-3岁; 产品介绍:1、丹尼宝贝婴幼儿益生菌选取丹麦百年菌种研发历史的丹尼斯克公司菌种。 2、精选HOWARU特种益生菌。 3、特种益生菌活性、安全性、肠道定植能力、功效和益处更强。 4 、经过层层筛选出三种最适合婴幼儿肠胃的特种益生菌株。 净含量:60克(2克*30袋/盒) 保质期:18个月 出品商:新西兰生命阳光营养品有限公司 总代理:中国区生命阳光(广州)营养品有限公司 条形码:9421021270110 网址:www.sunlife.com.cn

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 HOWARU玛仑菌舍儿童益生菌冲剂 1.5g*12袋 ¥80 主要成分: 嗜酸乳杆菌、乳双歧杆菌、嗜热链球菌、干酪乳杆菌、低聚果糖,麦芽糊精  益生菌平均含量明细: Howaru Dophilus NCFM®;嗜酸杆菌  3.6×109 cfu/袋 Howaru BI-07乳双歧杆菌       3.6×109 cfu/袋 Flora-Fit St-21嗜热链球菌      1.5×109 cfu/袋 Flora-Fit Lc-11干酪乳杆菌      1.3×109 cfu/袋 每袋标准                    100亿活菌/袋 生产厂商:上海培宝康生物科技有限公司

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 乳双歧复合益生菌粉 ¥6.4¥180 配料表:低聚果糖 蓝莓 嗜酸乳杆菌 婴儿双歧杆菌  两歧双歧杆菌 葡萄糖 绿原酸ZZ-1  功效成分及含量(每100g) :  嗜酸乳杆菌--------- 6.4×1011cfu  两歧双歧杆菌------   1×1010cfu  婴儿双歧杆菌------   1×1010cfu  GOS益生元 ---------   10g  绿原酸ZZ-1----------   5 g 食用方法:每日两次,每次一包,用温水或直接加入牛奶等流质食品中调匀饮用 贮存方法: 避光阴凉处(5-25摄氏度)存放 生产日期: 2009年最新 包装规格:1.5克×28袋/盒 保质期:18个月

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 奥贝益生菌冲剂 益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌、乳双歧杆菌、鼠李糖乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、干酪乳杆菌)、益生元(低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖)、脱脂奶粉、砂糖、柠檬酸、草莓粉、麦芽湖精 有5种益生菌优化组合,4代双层包埋技术,4克含活性菌益>120亿,100%来自美国丹尼斯克(DANISCO)公司提供的世界级的高端产品——Howaru ™  优质益生菌系列菌株  功效成分及含量:  嗜酸乳杆菌--------- 1.5×1010cfu  乳双歧杆菌------  4.5×1010cfu 鼠李糖乳杆菌------   2×1010cfu  嗜热链球菌 ---------  2×1010cfu  干酪乳杆菌---------- 2×1010cfu [用量]:每日一次,每次一袋 [食用方法]:每袋用低于40度的温开水冲饮(20-30毫升),饭后食用 [注意事项]:若服用抗生素,请两个小时后服用 [贮藏]:置于避光、阴凉、干燥处 [保质期]:24个月

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 HOWARU怡能300益生菌 一盒:有两包,每包8条,每条2.5克,每条300亿活菌 总益生菌活菌数300亿(每包2.5g)  功效成分及含量,每100g活菌含量  嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM--------- 4×1011cfu  乳双歧杆菌 Bi-07------ 3×1011cfu 鼠李糖乳杆菌HN-001------   3×1011cfu 干酪乳杆菌--------- 2×1011cfu 此外,配方中的功能性专利益生元利体素(Litesse)可以在体内进一步增殖howaru益生菌,以发挥多倍和更强的健康功效。  广州金能生物科技有限公司与全球最大的益生菌生产商丹尼斯克集团合作,在中国推广 howaru 超级益生菌,目前推出怡能300益生菌,以后陆续推出howaru怡能120、howaru怡能180、howaru怡能260、和howaru怡能300E等超级益生菌产品。

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 益家族老人益生菌粉 规格:一周装:小盒 15g(2.5g×6包)   成份:乳清蛋白,帕拉金糖*,低聚果糖,酸奶粉,益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌, 乳双歧杆菌, 鼠李糖乳杆菌,干酪乳杆菌) 总益生菌活菌数200亿(每包2.5g)  功效成分及含量:  嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM--------- 7.5×109cfu  乳双歧杆菌 Bi-07------ 7.5×109cfu 鼠李糖乳杆菌 Lr-11------   2.5×109cfu 干酪乳杆菌 Lc-32---------- 2.5×109cfu

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 益家族成人益生菌粉 规格:一周装:小盒 15g(2.5g×6包) ¥ 50    成份:乳清蛋白,帕拉金糖*,低聚果糖,酸奶粉, 益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌, 乳双歧杆菌, 鼠李糖乳杆菌,干酪乳杆菌)  总益生菌活菌数200亿(每包2.5g)  功效成分及含量:  嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM--------- 7.5×109cfu  乳双歧杆菌 Bi-07------ 7.5×109cfu 鼠李糖乳杆菌 Lr-11------   2.5×109cfu 干酪乳杆菌 Lc-32---------- 2.5×109cfu

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 益家族儿童益生菌粉 总益生菌活菌数150亿(每包1.5g)  功效成分及含量:  嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM--------- 6×109cfu  乳双歧杆菌 Bi-07------ 6×109cfu 鼠李糖乳杆菌HN-001------   3×109cfu   临床试验选登: *鼠李糖乳杆菌HN-001  缓解过敏: 临床试验在150名婴幼儿(0-24个月)和孕妇中测试表明,HN-001能有效降低湿疹的产生,缓解过敏症状。 *嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM®+乳双歧杆菌Bi-07  减少呼吸道疾病传染: 试验在浙江金华以326名幼儿为对象,经测试该菌种的服用显著减少了上呼吸道传染性疾病的影响范围和缩短了患病时间,减少了抗生素的使用。特别是在NCFM:Bi-07=1:1的时候,效果最佳。

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 欢乐蹦蹦跳活性益生元冲剂 (儿童型) 【规 格】 12g/盒 (2g/包 * 6包/盒) 【产品配料】  嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM、乳双歧杆菌Bi07、嗜热链球菌Flora-fit St-21、干酪乳杆菌Flora-fit Lc-11、低聚果糖、麦芽糊精 【主要成分】  每包含 > 120亿株活菌 【适用人群】  0-12岁儿童、成年人 【用法用量】  用温水或直接加入牛奶(37℃以下)等流质食品中调匀饮用,或者直接服用。0-1岁婴幼儿:每次1袋,每天1次 。 2-12岁儿童:每次1袋,每天1-2次。成年人:每次2袋,每天1-2次 【储存方法】  置于常温,避光,干燥处保存   【保 质 期】  两年 【出 品 商】  美国贝斯国际生物科技集团有限公司 【生 产 商】  上海金好尔保健食品有限公司 【产    地】  上海市 【产品标准号】  Q/VCBH76 【卫生许可证】  (沪)食证字[2006]第010019号 【生产许可证】  QS 311406010048  

丹尼斯克菌种产品——益生菌冲剂 金好尔双益康益生菌 产品配料: 嗜酸乳杆菌、双歧杆菌、嗜热链球菌、干酪乳酸杆菌、糖鼠李杆菌、维生素C、低聚果糖、乳清蛋白粉等。 采用丹尼斯克集团优质嗜酸乳杆菌、双歧杆菌、、嗜热链球菌、干酪乳酸杆菌、鼠李糖杆菌、低聚果糖、维生素C、乳清蛋白粉等为主要原料,经科学配伍而制成的健康食品。坚持服用,对改善胃肠微生态环境及通便功能具有较好的作用。 成分含量: 每袋2.0g含:双歧杆菌4×109cfu、嗜酸乳杆菌1×109cfu、干酪乳酸杆菌1×109cfu;嗜热链球菌1×109cfu、鼠李糖杆菌1×109cfu。 服法与用量:送服时流质温度不要高于50摄氏度,     0---1岁的孩子,每天一包;      1---3岁的孩子,每天1---2包;      3岁以上的孩子,每天2---3包;   净含量:2000mg×15包   保质期:18个月   贮藏方法:置于干燥、通风、避光处   执行标准:Q/VCBH1   卫生许可证号:沪食证字[2006]第010002号   生产许可证号:QS 3114 0601 0048   食品标签认证许可号】:31(2008)-2083  

丹尼斯克菌种产品——终端 海斯莱福益生菌冲剂(固体饮料) 【产品名称】 海斯莱福益生菌冲剂(固体饮料) 【配料】嗜酸乳杆菌、乳双歧杆菌、FOS、GOS、脱脂奶粉、白砂糖、麦芽糊精、黑加仑粉;食品添加剂;柠檬酸。 【益生菌平均含量】嗜酸乳杆菌……………………………3×109cfu/包 乳双歧杆菌……………………………9×109cfu/包 【建议食用量】 6个月以下婴儿  每日一次,每次半包 7-36个月婴儿   每日一次,每次一包 36个月以上幼儿 每日1-2次,每次一包 【食用方法】倒入低于37℃温水、牛奶、米糊或果汁中调匀食用。 【注意事项】食用抗生素时,建议2小时后食用本品。 【贮藏方式】置于避光、阴凉、干燥处、冷藏更佳。 【保 质 期】24个月 【产    地】上海市 【产品标准号】Q/VCBH 163 【标签认可号】31(2009)-1721 【卫生许可证】(沪)食证字[2006]第010019号 【生产许可证】QS 3114 0601 0048

丹尼斯克菌种产品——乳酸菌饮料 君乐宝每日活菌 添加了国际知名丹尼斯克公司的优质的益生菌,HOWARU品牌下的双歧乳杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌,具有整肠、降压、改善血脂代谢、抗螺旋杆菌等多种保健功能,并且通过国内外的人体试验得到证实。

丹尼斯克菌种产品——膳食补充剂 雅芳益美高牌乳酸菌颗粒 【批准文号】 国食健字G20060446 【生产企业】 雅芳(中国)有限公司 【保健功能】 调节肠道菌群、促进消化 【主要成分】 每克含:双歧杆菌 2.0×109cfu、嗜酸乳杆菌 5.0×109cfu。 【主要原料】 嗜酸乳杆菌菌粉、长双歧杆菌菌粉、两歧双歧杆菌菌粉、低聚异麦芽糖、淀粉、乳糖、白砂 糖、糊精、橙汁香精、苹果酸。 【适宜人群】 肠道功能紊乱者、消化不良者。 【不适宜人群】 无。 【包装规格】 2g/袋。 【保质期】 24个月 【用法用量】 每日2次,每次1袋。 【贮藏方法】 置阴凉干燥处。 【注意事项】 本品不能代替药物。

与晨冠的合作 丹尼斯克菌种产品——奶粉 菌种生产者全面研究的成果在最终成品上完美的实现 针对6-12个月和1周岁以上的延续奶粉 添加丹尼斯克嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM,双歧杆菌Bi07 添加量2Х107 cfu/g 菌种生产者全面研究的成果在最终成品上完美的实现