Promotion: A Global perspective


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Presentation transcript:

Promotion: A Global perspective Chapter 1 Promotion: A Global perspective

Reasons for Global Perspective 全球的觀點 Economic growth Improved economic status of developing countries 發展中國家 Increased global communication 全球的溝通 Improved transportation systems 運輸系統 Institutional arrangements 制度的安排、協定 by business and government

The top 10 global retailers p.8 Wal-mart Sears Carrefour METRO AG Gruppe Kmart JCPenny Dayton Hudson Tengelmann Tesco Kroger

Marketing p. 10 Exchange兌換、交流 (fundamental concept基礎觀念) Marketing VS. Sales Definition of Marketing: the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives

Merchandising 商品推銷規劃 p.12 Involves forecasting 預測 what customers want to buy, investigating研究調查 where to find that merchandise in the marketplace, determining決定 the price the customer is willing to pay, and making it available 有的,在手邊的 through the retail store or other merchandising outlets where the customer is willing to buy the merchandise.

Product: Fashion and basic merchandise p.13 Fashion merchandise includes aesthetically 審美 appealing products that change frequently 頻繁的and are consider 被認為 non-necessities不需要的. Basic merchandise includes functional 功能、機能性 goods that change infrequently and are necessities.

Merchandising environment Merchandising environment 環境 typically incorporates all of the products and services relating to personal個人的 and home surroundings 家庭四周圍用的. These products are often considered to be the soft good lines, such as apparel for the entire family, home furnishings, cosmetics化妝品, and related merchandise that enhances personal attractiveness 加強個人吸引力.

Communication Process p.14 Noise Source Sender Decoding Encoding Message Receiver Feedback

Communication in the global marketplace p. 15 Need to consider local customs, historical perspective, and language; cultural difference Way to Avoid by : – Conduct research -- Select a good translator -- Solicit feedback through retranslating and local input

Promotion mix in (p. 16) merchandising environment Advertising Personal Selling Promotion Publicity and Public Relations Fashion shows Special Events Direct Marketing Visual Merchandising

Advertising (p. 17, 未來CH. 7) Any non-personal information paid Controlled by sponsoring organization Used public media such as newspaper, magazines, radio, TV, direct mail.

Direct Marketing (直銷 p. 18) Organization communicate directly with target customers to generate a response. Uses a set of direct-response media such as mail, tel, magazines, the Internet, radio Not considered as “traditional promotion mix. Growth in Internet led 造成 to direct market.

Sales Promotion (促銷 p. 18) Activities that provide extra value or incentives (獎勵) to the sales force, distributors, or ultimate consumer. Immediately 直接快速的 stimulate sales. Activities include: contests, coupons, gift-with-purchase, rebates, sampling, point-of-sale displays.

Publicity (宣傳) and Public Relations (公共關係 p. 19) Publicity and PR do not require 不需要payment 付款 for space or time Publicity involves nonpaid, unsponsored information; message normally through “press release” and “press kit” 新聞發佈包、材料 Increased credibility 可信度, the media provide unbiased information 不偏不倚、公正的資訊, however, no control

Publicity and Public Relations (公共關係 p. 20) Interrelationship 相互關係 between service providers 提供服務的 and the public 公眾 to project a positive image 正面的形象 of organization組織 through all levels of communication 溝通方法. Variety of tools 多樣的工具、方法: publicity, creating special publications, participating in community activity, fund raising, sponsoring special events, and public affairs activities.

Personal Selling Direct 直接的 interaction between customer and seller 銷售者 for the purpose 目的、意圖 of make a sale.

Special Events (特別事件 p. 20) Planned activities intended to cause individuals or groups to gather 聚集 at a specific time and place because of a shared interest 共同的興趣. Not view as an element of Promotion mix in most book, used to build interest 興趣 and increase traffic 增加 交通量 in retail stores. Museum 博物館 or store exhibits of historical apparel; fashion show or beauty makeover for an audience in retail store;

Fashion Show (服裝秀 p.21) The presentation 表現、發表 of apparel, accessories, and other products to enhance 加強 personal attractiveness 吸引 on live models 活的模特兒 to an audience (觀眾). Informal show 非正式的秀, formal runway show, production show Target audience 目標觀眾 may be consumers or trade professionals.

Visual Merchandising 視覺商品、商品陳列 The physical presentation 實體的表現 of products in a nonpersonal approach 方式. Included: window displays 櫥窗, store interior merchandise presentations 店內的室內佈置裝潢, or remote displays.

Integrated 結合 marketing communication (IMC p. 23) A concept of marketing communications planning一種行銷溝通規劃的觀念 that recognized the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines (行銷溝通的合作;ex. fashion show, promotion, PR, advertising, personal selling, visual display...) Involves the coordination 合作 of the various promotional techniques 不同促銷方法、技巧 with other marketing activities. (全部行銷組合的合作;4P)

個人作業 : 行銷廣告創意 主題: 自訂 (如 - 二手服飾 (good will in USA);愛心送到鄉下?; X-large size clothing; 寵物服飾; 大自然;.;原住民、客家、環保再生原料 ex: 早期 等等創意提案) 11/12 號期中考週,先交企劃書;草稿圖;內容 (ps. 下次上課我會先上,廣告海報內容) 期末週繳交成品 (輸出大小…請課代去問輸出價格; 期望老師有經費幫忙出,or 學校有大型printer????)

個人作業 : 行銷廣告創意 – 平面媒體 主題: 自訂任何與服飾相關的熱門話題 (如 - 二手服飾 - Goodwill in USA;愛心送到鄉下、孤兒院、喜憨兒; X-large 服飾;特殊需求服飾; 寵物服飾; 大自然;環保再生原料;原住民、客家、等等創意提案) 初賽 - 12/28 號前,繳交企劃書與光碟置服飾科學管理系辦公室,企劃書內容含 (1) 封頁主題,班級、姓名、學號、聯絡方式 (2) 文案內容 : 廣告標語、標題、主文、廣告結尾語等文字 (3) 文案美工: 文案的美工與編輯,包括:字體、字級、顏色、標題與圖片出 現的位置 平面廣告創意設計初賽內容 照片與草圖、色彩、字型、構圖編排 (畫製草圖,素描初稿,半完成稿) 入圍者將幫頒發入圍獎狀,並個別通知 入圍者於下學期4/10春假後繳交光碟 與海報成品輸出 (服飾系有大型printer或校外輸出) 完稿,電腦完稿 前三名將頒發獎金 (第一名2000,第二名1000,第三名500)、獎狀 得獎作品將輔助參加國內外競賽 波蘭華沙國際海報雙年展 捷克布魯諾國際平面設計雙年展 日本富山國際海報三年展 美國環保服裝海報創意

個人作業 : 行銷廣告創意 – 平面媒體 主題: 國際服裝秀 、畢展、 時間 地點 文案內容 : 廣告標語、標題、主文、廣告結尾語等文字 文案美工: 文案的美工與編輯,包括:字體、字級、顏色、標題與圖片出現的位置 時間 地點

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