Unit 8 Food and Beverage Service(Ⅱ) Period 5


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8 Food and Beverage Service(Ⅱ) Period 5 Vocational Education Hotel English Unit 8 Food and Beverage Service(Ⅱ) Period 5

Content Self-Check Do you Know Writing Revision

Revision 1.Have a dictation about the words and useful expressions in this unit. 2.Perform the dialogues in Unit 8 Dialogue1---Serving Dishes Dialogue 2---Delivery of Room Order Dialogue 3---Complaining about the Food 3 Read the text loudly---Burj Al Arab Hotel.

Writing Translate the Chinese given in the brackets and practice: (1) A: How about the (蔬菜汤 )? B: It’s delicious. (2) A: Please (慢用). B: Thank you. (3) A: Room service. May I help you? B: This is Miss Linda. I’d like to (在我的房间里吃早餐). (4) A: Could you (在这儿签名), please? B: OK. Here you are. (5) A: The fish is not very fresh. B : (我非常抱歉) , sir.?

Keys vegetable soup enjoy your meal have my breakfast in my room sign here I’m very sorry

Do You Know? 鸡尾酒的由来 鸡尾酒的名称由英文cocktail意译而来,在法国则被称为“美国饮料”。关于鸡尾酒的来历有很多种说法,普遍被人们接受的是:美国纽约州的埃尔姆斯福特(地名)常举行斗鸡比赛,同时还举行酒会。一天当这家酒馆各种酒都快卖完的时候,一些军官走进来要买酒喝。一位叫贝特西弗拉纳根的女侍者,便把所有剩就统统倒在一个大容器里,并随手从一只大公鸡身上拔了一根毛把酒搅匀端出来奉客。军官们看看这酒的成色,品不出是什么酒的味道,就问贝特西,贝特西随口就答:“这是鸡尾酒啊!”一位军官听了这个词,高兴地举杯祝酒,还喊了一声:“鸡尾酒万岁!”从此便有了“鸡尾酒”之名。

Do you know 帆船酒店 阿联酋的帆船酒店是世界上唯一的一座七星级酒店,它建在大海的中央,因为建筑外形就像一块迎风飘扬的风帆而得名。随着它的名气蜚声国际,渐渐的也成为了阿联酋奢侈的一种象征。

Notes 1. Enjoy your meal. 请慢用。是餐厅服务员送餐后说的一句 客套话。 2. List other useful expressions in this unit and try to remember them .

Self-check Ask the students to finish Self-check List. A B C D □ □ □ □1. 能解答客人对所点饭菜提出的各种问题。 □ □ □ □2.能听懂客人的送餐服务要求并做出明确的答复。 □ □ □ □3.能模拟为客人提供迅速而满意的房间送餐服务 的情景。 □ □ □ □4.能读懂介绍阿联酋帆船酒店的短文。 □ □ □ □5.能写出有关餐饮服务的简要信息。 □ □ □ □6.掌握和运用本单元所学的词汇和短语。

Summary & Homework Review the new words and useful expressions in this Unit . Preview the next unit.

Thank you for your cooperation!