第七章 國際貿易契約的次要條件.


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Presentation transcript:

第七章 國際貿易契約的次要條件

智慧財產權(intellectual property right) 指著作權、商標、專利、工業設計、積體電路的電路佈局、營業秘密等各種權利。 Seller shall not be held responsible for infringement of the right of trademark, patent, design and label which are caused out of the observance of Buyer’s instructions to Seller and any disputes or claims raised thereon shall be settled by Buyer for his account. Seller shall be responsible for any infringement with regard to patent, trademark in the goods whether in Buyer’s country or any other country. In the event of any dispute with regard to the above rights, Buyer has the right to cancel this contract at Buyer’s discretion and is under no liability arising therefrom. Seller shall be responsible for any and all liability , claims, expenses, losses and/or damages caused thereby.

第二節 不可抗力條件 不可抗力條件(Force Majeure Clause)有時又被稱為 「偶發事故條款」(Contingency Clause)。 美國學者Morris S. Rosenthal曾將兩者加以區分: Force Majeure相當於天災(acts of God),是指人類所無法控制的自然災害而言,如閃電、暴風、水災、雪崩等, Contingency則較為廣泛,除天災外,尚包括人禍,如戰爭、封鎖、革命、動員、暴動、罷工、以及火災、機器毀壞等。 實務上,大多已不加區分, 一般契約中所用的Force Majeure Clause都已包括天災人禍的一切偶發事故在內,

不可抗力的原因,種類 發生後賣方得取消契約或延遲交貨 因不可抗力所致不交貨或延遲交,賣方不負責任 雙方善後處理

Nod-delivery of all or any part of the merchandise caused by war, blockage, revolution, insurrection, civil commotions, riots, mobilization, strikes, lockout, act of God, severe weather, plague or other epidemic, destruction of goods by fire or flood, obstruction of loading by storm or typhoon at the port of delivery or any other cause beyond the Seller’s control before shipment shall operate as a cancellation of the sale to the extent of such non-delivery. However, in case the merchandise has been prepared and ready for shipment before shipment deadline but the shipment could not effected due to any of the abovementioned causes, the Buyer shall extend the shipping deadline by means of amending relevant L/C or otherwise, upon the request of Seller.

第三節 索賠及糾紛處理條件 索賠條款(claim clause) 買方索賠的對象通常有三 在國際貿易上,買方收到的貨物,如發生損害或與契約所定者不符,可向應負責的人要求賠償。 買方索賠的對象通常有三 即運送人。 保險公司。 賣方。

通常在買賣契約內訂定索賠條款,其主要內容: 約定提出索賠的期限。 約定提出索賠的通知方法。 約定提出索賠所需檢附的證明文件。 約定處理索賠方法。

The seller shall not be liable for any claim unless they are made promptly after receipt of the good and due opportunity has been given for investigation by the seller’s own representatives. Goods must not be returned except by Permission of the seller. Claims, if any, shall be submitted by cable within fourteen days after arrival of goods at destination. Reports by recognized surveyors shall be sent by air mail without delay. At lest 10% of the original unopened packages must be available to seller in the event of dispute regarding quality, etc., otherwise claim will not be valid.

仲裁條款(arbitration clause) 當買賣雙方發生糾紛,不能友好解決時,不得不請求第三者介入協助解決。請求第三者解決糾紛的方法,可分為調解(conciliation)、仲裁、及訴訟(litigation)。

Any disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the parties, out of or in relation to or in connection with this contract may be referred to arbitration. Such arbitration shall take place in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, and shall be held and shall proceed in accordance with the Chinese Government arbitration regulations.

檢驗條款(inspection) 檢驗條款在約定該項品質、數量應在何地由何人予以確定,並以該項確定結果作為品質、數量的證明。 Goods will be inspected in accordance with normal practice of manufacturer, but if the Buyer desires special inspections in the presence of the Buyer, his representative or otherwise, all such additional charges shall be borne by the Buyers. Inspection to be made by independent inspection company at the port of discharge, their quality certificate shall be final.

適用法律條(the applicable law of the contract) 國際間的契約,多半依據當事人的意思決定其所適用的法律,即所謂「當事人自治的原則」。因此在實務上,對於買賣契約所依據的法律應在契約上訂明,以免糾紛發生時,因適用法律的爭執而使糾紛更為擴大。 This contract is being executed in the City and State of New York and is being made pursuant to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New York.

(import licence, export licence) 通常規定輸入許可證由買方負責申請獲得,而輸出許可證由賣方負責申請。 輸出入許可證條款 (import licence, export licence) 通常規定輸入許可證由買方負責申請獲得,而輸出許可證由賣方負責申請。 The seller shall be fully responsible for export license from Chinese Government The buyer shall procure and provide at his own risk and expense any Import License or the like which may be required for the importation of the contracted goods at its destination.

稅捐條款(taxes and duties) 進出口稅捐及其他附加稅,通常多以課徵國別為準而劃分負擔責任。如由出口國家課徵,歸賣方負擔。如由進口國家課徵,則歸買方負擔。 Any duties, taxes or levies imposed upon the cargo, or any package, material, or activity involved in the performance of the contract will be for account of seller, if imposed by the country of origin; and for the account of the buyer if imposed by the country of destination.