Father in heaven revered King on the throne Verse 1 在天上的父 宝座尊贵君王 zai tian shang de fu bao zuo jun gui jun wang Father in heaven revered King on the throne 公义全能真神 gong yi quan neng zhen shen Righteous almighty God 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 1/10
Your glory descend Lord You reign in all things 你荣耀降临 主你统管万有 yuan ni rong yao jiang lin zhu ni tong guan wan you Your glory descend Lord You reign in all things 你慈爱永流 ni ci ai yong liu Your love never end 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 2/10
Jesus the Lamb of God For us He came to earth Verse 2 耶稣圣洁羔羊 他为我们而来 ye su sheng jie gao yang ta wei wo men er lai Jesus the Lamb of God For us He came to earth 背负世人罪孽 bei fu shi ren zui nie To bear all of our sins 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 3/10
He was despised and died on the cross to save 他深受羞辱 十架舍命救赎 ta shen shou chi ru shi jia she ming jiu shu He was despised and died on the cross to save 何等奇妙大爱 he deng qi miao da ai what an amazing love 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 4/10
同心合意祈求 谦卑俯伏敬拜 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 Chorus 1 同心合意祈求 谦卑俯伏敬拜 tong xin he yi qi qiu qian bei fu fu jing bai We entreat in oneness humbly bow down worship 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 yuan ni guo du jiang lin yuan ni zhi yi cheng quan May Your kingdom come down May Your will be done 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 5/10
我们呼求你名 齐心宣扬你国 愿万民归向 你荣耀国度 Chorus 1 我们呼求你名 齐心宣扬你国 wo men hu qiu ni ming qi xin xuan yang ni guo We call upon Your name declaring Your kingdom 愿万民归向 你荣耀国度 yuan wan ming gui xiang ni rong yao guo du May man return to Your glorious kingdom 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 6/10
求主赐下灵火 来复兴我们 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 Chorus 2 求主赐下灵火 来复兴我们 qiu zhu ci xia ling huo lai fu xing wo men Lord send Your holy fire revive renew us may 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 yuan ni guo du jiang lin yuan ni zhi yi cheng quan Your kingdom come down May Your will be down 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 7/10
我们渴慕你灵 来更新我们 献上一切所有 单单为你而活 我们渴慕你灵 来更新我们 wo men hu qiu ni ling lai geng xin wo men We long for Your Spirit come and renew us 献上一切所有 单单为你而活 xian shang yi qie suo you dan dan lai ni er huo We offer up our all and live for You alone 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 8/10
只要我们同心合意祷告 这是主你的应许无论我们求什么 You will answer when we pray in oneness Bridge 这是主你的应许无论我们求什么 zhe shi zhu ni de ying xu wu lun wo men qiu shen me Lord this is Your assurance no matter what we ask for 只要我们同心合意祷告 zhi yao wo men tong xin he yi dao gao You will answer when we pray in oneness 合一祷告 he yi dao gao 9/10
同心合意祷告 Lord in oneness we pray tong xin he yi dao gao Ending 合一祷告